Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/RKD to match/Aelbert Cuyp

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This page gives an overview of Cuyp, Aelbert paintings in RKDimages that are not in use on a painting item (left table) and the painting items by Aelbert Cuyp (Q313194) that do not have a link to RKDimages (right table). You can help by connecting these two lists.

RKDimage id Title Inception Collection(s)
126746 Dubbelportret van een onbekend echtpaar / Double portrait of an unknown couple 2e kwart 17e eeuw Jong Schouwenburg, A.J. de
119347 Terugkeer van herders en hun vee naar de stal bij zonsondergang / Shepherds returning to the stable with their cattle at dusk 1669 gedateerd
119133 De ontmoeting tussen Granida en Daifilo (P.C. Hooft, Granida) / The meeting between Granida and Daifilo (P.C. Hooft, Granida) laatste kwart 17de eeuw
118125 Jonge herderin met bloemen en een lam / Young shepherdess with flowers and a lamb Burg-Berger, Erik

Nasiell, Mr. (None, 1937)
Engleson, Dr. Hugo (None, 1964)

107752 Landschap met vee en herders op een weide aan een rivier / None
107405 Weids heuvellandschap / None
137098 Portret van een onbekend kind / Portrait of an unknown child 1655 gedateerd
185724 Landschap met herders en vee aan de oever van een rivier / None
193357 Herder en vee rustend in een weide / Shepherd and cattle resting in a meadow
205997 Jagers in conversatie in een landschap / Hunters in conversation in a landscape 1655 ca. Private collection (None, 1920)
207777 Portret van een familie wandelend langs een vaart met een bok aan een leiband / Portrait of a couple with two children and a goat, walking naerby a stream late jaren 1630 Private collection
241710 IJsgezicht met figuren; op de achtergrond de ruïne van het Huis te Merwede bij Dordrecht / Winter landscape with figures; in the background the ruins of Huis te Merwede near Dordrecht art dealer (None, 1938)
237385 Italianiserend landschap met herder en koeien / Italianate landscape with a shepherd and two cows
240469 Jongen en meisje, ten voeten uit / Boy and girl, ful-length late 17e, vroege 18e eeuw Aschberg, Ragnar (None, 1941)

Private collection (None, 2013-11)

216225 Landschap met vee rustend langs het water, in de verte Dordrecht / Landscape with cattle grazing on a bank, a view of Dordrecht beyond 1653-1655 ca. Philips, Anton (None, 1919)

Bijl-Van Urk Masterpaintings (None, 2018-03)

225406 Mercurius als de verpersoonlijking van de Handel / Mercury as the personification of Trade and Commerce Linden van Slingelandt, Johan van der
227265 Landschap met twee herders en hun dieren bij een schaapskooi / None 1635-1640 ca.
217447 Portret van een familie in een landschap / Portrait of a family in a landscape 1640 ca. Whereabouts unknown
283843 Italianiserend landschap met ruiters en vissers / Italianate landscape with riders and fishermen 1650-1749 ca. veilinghuis (None, 2006)
287693 Landschap met kaartende soldaten bij een legerkamp / Landscape with soldiers playing cards in a military camp Private collection

Schaeffer Galleries, Inc. (None, 1936-12)

281792 Een dode patrijs, hangen voor een wand / A dead partridge, hanging on a wall 1670-1690 Cate, E. ten (None, 1953)
281854 Ruitergevecht / Cavalry skirmish 1625-1674 ca. Mariska Alberts Van Smirren
280211 Slag van de Amazones / Battle of the Amazons 1625-1674 ca. Mariska Alberts Van Smirren
280213 Ruitergevecht / Cavalry skirmish 1625-1674 ca. Mariska Alberts Van Smirren
280214 Ruiterkamp bij een belegerde stad / Cavalry encampement by a besieged town 1625-1674 ca. Mariska Alberts Van Smirren
285520 Stalinterieur met ram, schapen, geit en aardewerk / Barn interior with a ram, ewes, goat and pottery
255502 Landschap met konijnen / Landscape with rabbits Galleria di Palazzo Bianco (PB 182, 1874)
289510 Meerlandschap met herderin, herders en dieren / Lake landscape with shepherdess, shepherds and animals c. 1640-1691
293335 Vissers op bevroren Maas bij Dordrecht / Fishing at the frozen river Maas near Dordrecht 1635-1749 ca. Private collection (None, 2010)
291430 Landschap met het kasteel Ubbergen / Landscape with Ubbergen Castle 1655 ca. Carlisle, Earl of (84, None)

National Museum of Wales (NMW A 23, 1963)

271209 Herder met vee in een bergachtig landschap / Shepherd with cattle in a mountainous landscape Baer, A. (None, 1964)

Uhlenbroek (None, 1966)

274518 Rivierlandschap met windmolen, huizen en roeiboten / River landscape with a windmill, houses and rowing boats jaren 1630-1640 art dealer
275356 Riviergezicht met schepen, Dordrecht aan de horizon / Rvier view with ships, the town of Dordrecht beyond 1648 gedateerd Hankey, Kolonel W.A. (None, 1885)

Private collection
The Inder Rieden Collection (15, None)

277394 Portret van een jongen met twee schapen, geidentificeerd als prins Willem III van Oranje, de latere stadhouder-koning Willem III / Portrait of a boy, with a sheep and a ram, identified as William III, Prince of Orange, the later King-Stadholder William III
277108 Jongen met een paard en kippen in een stal / Boy with a horse and chickens in a stable Espine, Comte de l’ (None, 1882)

art dealer
Private collection (None, 1950)

262360 Schepen op woelig water; een stad in de achtergrond / Shipping on choppy waters; a town in the distance tweede of derde kwart 17de eeuw Private collection (None, 2005)

art dealer (None, 2020-02-20)

298761 Ruiters bij een herberg / Horsemen at a tavern Private collection (None, 1790)
297089 Twee ruiters bij een herberg / Two horsemen at a tavern Montagu-Dunk, George (2nd Earl of Halifax)

Ireland, Samuel (None, 1785)
Coventry, the Earl of (None, 1938)
Private collection (None, 1992)

297121 Twee ruiters en een knecht bij een stal / Two horsemen and a servant at a stable
297131 Landschap met gotische ruïnes / Landscape with gothic ruins voor 1806 Leveson-Gower, George Granville (1st Duke of Sutherland) (None, 1815)

Egerton, John (6th Duke of Sutherland) (235, 1992)

297152 Rustende koeien op de oever van een rivier / Cows resting on the bank of a river Warrington Museum & Art Gallery (1877.66, 1877)
297153 Landschap bij Rhenen: koeien in de wei / Landscape near Rhenen: Cows at Pasture Private collection
297167 Twee ruiters in een rivier / Two Riders in a River Campbell of Succoth, Archibald (Sir)

Private collection

296674 Kustgezicht met zeilschepen en vee / Coastal Scene with Shipping and Cattle c. 1781-1782 Agnew's

Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation (BF.1985.17, 1985)

296728 Portret van een acht-jarige jongen / Portrait of an 8-year-old boy 1636 gedateerd Private collection
297430 Dordrecht gezien vanuit het noorden / Dordrecht viewed from the north midden jaren 1650 Colebroke, Sir George (Bt.)

Stuart, Lady (None, 1815)
Brown, Thomas B. (None, 1841)
Holford, Sir Robert Stayner
Rothschild, Anthony Gustav de (1887-1961)
Ascott Estate

301230 Kunstenaar schilderend in de natuur / Artist designing after nature Granville Leveson-Gower, George (2nd Duke of Sutherland)

Cope, Charles (Esq.)
Wilson, John Waterloo
Secrétan, Eugène (None, 1881-03-14)
Havemeyer, Mr. & Mrs. Henry Osbourne (None, 1889-07-01)
Havemeyer, Horace (None, 1929)
Brooklyn Museum (56.191, 1956)

235579 Jagers te paard in een heuvellandschap / Hunters on horseback in a hilly landscape
235960 Portret van een meisje / Portrait of a girl ca 1655-1665 Robinson, Charles

Adams, Thatcher M. (None, 1911)

224499 Portret van een jongen met zijn pony / Portrait of a boy with his pony tweede kwart 17de eeuw
201380 Zuidelijk landschap met rustend vee voor een klassieke ruïne, op de achtergrond een schaapherder / None
201382 Rivierlandschap met rustend vee aan de oever, een grote stad aan de einder / River landscape with cattle, across a large town
114163 Dubbelportret van onbekende mannen te paard / Double portrait of unknown men on horseback 1650-1655 ca.
302483 Onweer boven Dordrecht / Thunderstorm over Dordrecht 1645 ca. Broucke, Mattheus Eliasz. van den

Francken, Elisabeth (None, 1729)
Burch, Van der
Montagu-Dunk, George (2nd Earl of Halifax)
Nisbet, William (None, 1782)
Comyns (None, 1802)
Dysart, Lord (None, 1820)
Tollemache, Lionel (4th Earl of Dysert)
Speelman, Edward
Marlborough Gallery (London) (None, 1953)
Bührle, Emil Georg (None, 1954)
Bührle, Emil Georg (None, 1960)

125077 Portret van een onbekend kind / Portrait of an unknown child 1644 gedateerd
296948 Ceremonie op de Waal bij Nijmegen / A cerenomy on the river de Waal at Nijmegen na 1647 Leveson-Gower, George Granville (1st Duke of Sutherland) (None, 1818)

Egerton, Francis (1st Earl of Ellesmere) (None, 1834)
Egerton, Francis (7th Duke of Sutherland) (None, 2001)

297172 Heuvelachtig rivierlandschap met vee, ruiter en herderin / Hilly landscape with horseman talking to a shepherdess jaren 1840
297175 Gezicht op Dordrecht met de Groothoofdspoort / View of Dordrecht with the Groothoofdspoort 1655 ca. Grosvenor, Robert Earl of (1st Marquess of Westminster) (None, 1806)

Westminster, Duke of
Herschhorn, Doris (Mrs.) (None, 1959-10)
Sassoon, Hugh M. (None, 1992)

Painting Inception Collection
Portrait of a man (Q101113181) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/9C52CA5B77F84017A27402D95C382835
Cattle in the pasture (Q104532480) National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
Portrait of a family. (Q106040766) 1650 Museum in Nysa (Q16580260)
Two Travellers halting at an Inn (Q106547709) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/4F0E06D50019A70838E1037956E09F48
A shepherdess and her flock (Q106603963) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/74F4555482D6E4D6C6E2AD72D191F58B
A herdsman with cattle and sheep (Q106604623) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/E706553050DE7FA16892BB48284A470C
A herd of cattle with herdsman by a lake (Q106604706) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/9BF1431C00D868177057FA96E026E512
A horse, and three cows lying down (Q106604720) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C88F46FA70B0283B0FCC7F04A97ECF05
Q107435885 1675 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Q107437101 1665 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Q107439171 1645 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
River Landscape with Cattle herd (Q107439173) 1665 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Q107440602 1665 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
A horse in a stable (Q108566682) 1645
Portrait of a Man (Q108865190) 1650 National Museum in Gdańsk (Q1968661)
Portrait of a Man (Q108865190) 1650 Collection Baron Van Den Bogaerde (Q108865159)
Portrait of a Youth as a Huntsman (Q110495510) 1650 Cook collection (Q74149551)
Landscape (Q111489022) 1640 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
a white horse in a stable (Q111641700) 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
a white horse in a stable (Q111641700) 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
landscape with 2 riders + shepherd (Q111642695) 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
landscape with 2 riders + shepherd (Q111642695) 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Q111644185 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
Q111644185 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
landscape with two shepherds (Q111645434) 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
landscape with two shepherds (Q111645434) 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
landscape with two shepherds (Q111645434) 1645 Pieter Smidt van Gelder (Q2689062)
the watering-place (Q111646410) 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
the watering-place (Q111646410) 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
family in a landscape (9 persons) (Q111647931) 1641 Führermuseum (Q475667)
family in a landscape (9 persons) (Q111647931) 1641 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
landscape with horse - man and cattle (Q111647937) 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
landscape with horse - man and cattle (Q111647937) 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
River slope with shepherd and Cows, Rocks and Ruins ih the distance (Q111648612) 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
River slope with shepherd and Cows, Rocks and Ruins ih the distance (Q111648612) 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
River - landscape with windmills (Q111649646) 1645 Führermuseum (Q475667)
River - landscape with windmills (Q111649646) 1645 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
River - landscape with windmills (Q111649646) 1645 Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Q111635246)
cock on a basket surrounded by hens (Q111651431) 1650 Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
cock on a basket surrounded by hens (Q111651431) 1650 Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
cock on a basket surrounded by hens (Q111651431) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
cock on a basket surrounded by hens (Q111651431) 1650 Musées Nationaux Récupération (Q19013512)
cock on a basket surrounded by hens (Q111651431) 1650 Musée de Soissons (Q63112728)
portrait of a man and his wife (Q112213265) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
portrait of a man and his wife (Q112213265) Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
River Landscape with town in the loening (Q112230590) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
horseman in a landscape with castles (Q112232545) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
horseman in a landscape with castles (Q112232545) Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
portrait of a gentleman (Q112232687) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
portrait of a gentleman (Q112232687) Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
Landscape with mens (Q112232904) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Landscape with mens (Q112232904) Hermann Göring Collection (Q2647884)
shepherds in the mountains (Q112237719) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
mountain landscape lt. Aang. Form.: M. "Flucht n. Ägypten" (Q112237723) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
fisher-people, 5 figures (Q112244708) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
a hunting - company (Q112247951) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
Landscape : View of a town (Q112248144) Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735)
The Fleet at Nijmegen (Q113461117) 1655 National Galleries Scotland (Q2051997)
Q115641323 1646 Dordrechts Museum (Q2874177)
River Scene with Town and Shipping (Q118889704) 1640 Cannon Hall (Q5032765)
Seated Shepherd with Cows and Sheep in a Meadow (Q118891208) 1644 Ashmolean Museum (Q636400)
Two Shepherds with a Mule and a Dog in a Hilly Landscape (Q118892827) 1646 Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery (Q4968867)
Man with a Goose (Q118893790) 1700 Bowes Museum (Q895434)
Woman with a Basket of Eggs and a Cockerel (Q118894079) 1700 Bowes Museum (Q895434)
Landscape with Cattle and Figures (Q118985376) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
Landscape with Ubbergen Castle (Q119686249) National Museum Cardiff (Q1321874)
Church Interior – Abbey (Q119686253) Paisley Museum (Q15123837)
Cattle Drinking at the River Edge (Q119686256) Hackney Museum (Q18748758)
Inquiring the Way (Q119686257) Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council (Q16985873)
Landscape with a Horse and a Figure (Q119686261) Perth Art Gallery (Q7170878)
The Maas in Winter with the Huis Te Merwerde, Dordrecht (Q119686262) Victoria and Albert Museum (Q213322)
A Dapple Grey Horse (Q119686266) Laing Art Gallery (Q1800739)
A Hilly River Landscape with a Horseman talking to a Shepherdess (Q119686268) Southampton City Art Gallery (Q7569107)
A Hilly River Landscape with a Horseman talking to a Shepherdess (Q119686272) Southampton City Art Gallery (Q7569107)
Dutch River Scene with Cattle (Q119686273) Shipley Art Gallery (Q7498014)
Poultry with a Distant View of Dordrecht (Q119686275) Manchester Art Gallery (Q2638817)
Farm Buildings and Figures (Q119686277) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
Milking Time (Q119686279) Maidstone Museum and Bentlif Art Gallery (Q6735528)
Cattle on the Banks of the Maas (Q119686281)
The Head of a Cow (Q119921156) Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (Q41661713)
Cattle on a River Bank (Q119923821) Victoria and Albert Museum (Q213322)
Rural Scene (Q119930441) Temple Newsam (Q2748017)
Cows in a Meadow (Q119933225) Christ Church (Q745967)
Landscape with Cattle (Q119951798) Shipley Art Gallery (Q7498014)
A Ferry Boat (Q119951799) Hill of Tarvit (Q11838965)
Horse and cattle on a pasture. (Q120716112) 1650 Palace Museum in Wilanów (Q277333)
Interior of a Gothic Church (Q122515575) 1660 Charles Sedelmeyer collection (Q117293910)
Herdsman driving cattle over a drawbridge (Q122756155) 1635
Horsemen in front of an Inn (Q123267655) 1660
Landscape with a Horseman and some Herdsmen (Q123268093) 1660
Starting for a Ride (Q123268551) 1660
Two travellers halting at an inn (Q123584929) 1635
Dordrecht: Sunrise (Q19857207) The Frick Collection (Q682827)
River Scene (Q19857209) The Frick Collection (Q682827)
Piping Shepherds (Q19905665) 1643 Metropolitan Museum of Art (Q160236)
Young Herdsmen with Cows (Q19905769) 1657 Metropolitan Museum of Art (Q160236)
Children and a Cow (Q19913226) 1650 Metropolitan Museum of Art (Q160236)
A Pier Overlooking Dordrecht (Q20177181) 1640 National Gallery of Art (Q214867)
River Landscape with Cows (Q20177210) 1650 National Gallery of Art (Q214867)
Fishing Under the Ice on the Maas (Q20202564) 1650 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Q1416890)
A View of Vianen with a Herdsman and Cattle by a River (Q20267559) 1644 Art Institute of Chicago (Q239303)
Landscape with Three Cows and Shepherds (Q20276020) 1663 Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384)
Landscape with Windmills (Q20355682) 1640 Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384)
The Little Girl with the Goat (Q20394600) 1663 Statens Museum for Kunst (Q671384)
Landscape with cattle (Q20421046) 1639 National Gallery of Victoria (Q1464509)
Groom with Three Horses and Two Dogs (Q20808542) 1660 Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Horsemen Watering Their Horses (Q20808543) 1700 Philadelphia Museum of Art (Q510324)
Horsemen Watering Their Horses (Q20808543) 1700 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/40B6283E826D7ACCE9048F7AA342C2E5
Portrait of Anna Blocken (Q20890773) 1649 Minneapolis Institute of Art (Q1700481)
Q21673438 1620 Groeningemuseum (Q1948674)
Domestic Fowl (Q21674392) 1700 Groeningemuseum (Q1948674)
Rooster and Hens (Q21675028) 1650 Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) (Q2365880)
Landscape with a Sunset (Q21713293) Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Q176251)
Sunset over the River (Q21729302) 1655 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Portrait of a young girl (Q22341924) 1653 National Museum in Warsaw (Q153306)
The Maas at Dordrecht in a Storm (Q26706234) 1647 National Gallery (Q180788)
A Landscape with Horseman, Herders and Cattle (Q26713406) 1655 National Gallery (Q180788)
Portrait of a Young Man (Q27022088) 1663 Dordrechts Museum (Q2874177)
Q27032090 Dordrechts Museum (Q2874177)
Q27032846 Dordrechts Museum (Q2874177)
Portrait of a boy with a goat (Q27036689) 1660 Fries Museum (Q848313)
River Scene with a Ferry Boat (Q27876807) Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki (Q4819492)
Landscape with the ruins of Rijnsburg Abbey (Q27950681) 1645 National Museum of Fine Arts (Q1848918)
Landscape with a Town (Q27960843) National Galleries Scotland (Q2051997)
Landscape with a View of the Valkhof, Nijmegen (Q27964758) 1657 National Galleries Scotland (Q2051997)
Sea by Moonlight (Q27967713) 1648 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Cattle in a Dutch Arcadian Landscape (Q28093461) Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Q1565911)
Two Children with a Goat (Q29656472) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Q29656476 1657 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
Ships Tossed in a Gale (Q29656478) 1650 Department of Paintings of the Louvre (Q3044768)
River Valley Landscape (Q29934698) 1640 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
A Young Gentleman on Horseback (Q30093432) 1655 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
Q30098353 1655 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
Officer in feathered hat, with a horse (Q30099728) 1655 Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285)
View of Utrecht (Q38400863) 1650 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg (Q1535963)
Boy Holding a Goose and a Basket (Q38708997) 1650 Worcester Art Museum (Q847508)
The Ferry Boat (Q47486608) 1651 The Wallace Collection (Q1327919)
Horsemen in a Landscape (Q47486872) 1675 The Wallace Collection (Q1327919)
A Shepherd with His Flock (Q47486899) 1675 The Wallace Collection (Q1327919)
Passage Boat on the Maas (Q47486932) 1675 The Wallace Collection (Q1327919)
Shipping on the Maas, Dordrecht (Q47487041) 1675 The Wallace Collection (Q1327919)
Rider and Herdsman in an Imaginary Landscape with a Ruined Castle and Distant Town (Q47491673) 1654 National Trust (Q333515)
Rider and Herdsman in an Imaginary Landscape with a Ruined Castle and Distant Town (Q47491673) 1654 Petworth House (Q2081335)
Three Little Shepherdesses with Sheep (Q47498456) 1650 Tyrolean State Museum (Q2436253)
Portrait of the Sam Family (Q47500593) 1653 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest (Q840886)
Shipping on the Maas with a Party in a Rowing Boat (Q47508078) 1650 National Trust (Q333515)
Shipping on the Maas with a Party in a Rowing Boat (Q47508078) 1650 Waddesdon Manor (Q944225)
View of Dordrecht (from the Maas) (Q47510248) 1650 National Trust (Q333515)
View of Dordrecht (from the Maas) (Q47510248) 1650 Ascott House (Q4804060)
Landscape with a Youth and his Tutor on Horseback (Q47616390) 1651 National Gallery of Ireland (Q2018379)
Landscape with a Youth and his Tutor on Horseback (Q47616390) 1653 National Gallery of Ireland (Q2018379)
Landscape with a Youth and his Tutor on Horseback (Q47616390) 1651 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/6A4B87EC7683B13EC2BE667931AE9475
Landscape with a Youth and his Tutor on Horseback (Q47616390) 1653 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/6A4B87EC7683B13EC2BE667931AE9475
Milking Cows (Q47641585) 1640 National Gallery of Ireland (Q2018379)
Landscape with Milkmaid and Cattle (Q47645977) 1646 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art (Q612530)
Merwede Tower, Artist Sketching (Q47693659) 1650 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg (Q1535963)
Cattle and Herders with a View of the Mariakerk in Utrecht (Q47791272) 1642 Residenzgalerie Salzburg (Q1248553)
Baptism of the Eunuch (Q47798589) 1642 Menil Collection (Q1888308)
A Farm with Cottages and Animals (Q47803574) 1642 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/BF174B56DA6EE8BF4E3EB39D966D59A5
Wooded Landscape with an Artist (Q47806507) 1643 Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art (Q403080)
Thunderstorm over Dordrecht (Q47814910) 1645 Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection (Q666331)
Two Shepherds in a Hilly Landscape (Q47821796) 1646 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/8CD43F725F5950EA74DA55C1197BE7B9
Cows in a River (Q47823902) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/AD64472B78FA9B2A7B88FDC77BD88C5C
Bulls on a Riverbank (Q47824832) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/A5BD97AA507530486457ACFD22B860CC
Ice Scene before the Huis te Merwede near Dordrecht (Q47895287) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/86B3D201BA8DF270E30DF73F38222FE4
The Valkhof at Nijmegen from the East (Q47905136) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/06F16CDCE98858C7C672B2D309E025C7
Landscape with Horse Trainers (Q47908718) 1657 Toledo Museum of Art (Q1743116)
A River Landscape with a Horseman on a Road (Q52145191) 1665 National Trust (Q333515)
Shipping on the Maas at Dordrecht (Q52245587) 1665 National Trust (Q333515)
A Landscape with a Herdsman and Bull (Q52256921) 1654 National Trust (Q333515)
A Landscape with a Herdsman and Bull (Q52256921) 1654 Polesden Lacey (Q2101216)
Beginning the Riding (Horseman) (Q61742506) Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Heeling Sailing Ship in Bad Weather (Q61742846) 1654 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Landscape with a Stone Bridge (Q61743211) Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Portrait of a Sportsman (Q62123929) 1660 Jacques Goudstikker collection (Q2284748)
Portrait of a Gentleman (Q62123962) 1631 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/410880DCAA37D7D3E8DB0846E4D0258E
Portrait of a Man (Q62124072) 1630 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/6C1222A72D1C40B5004D6546BA160425
Cows and Sheep on the Bank of a River (Q62124185) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/AB7170286436F9FB00266E6BBEB84E4C
Cows at Pasture, with a Milkmaid and a Sleeping Herdsman (Q62588992) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/6F9EE21A806B896E1C1EB3522C713EC1
Man Eating Mussels (Q62686531) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C8D7143D566E110F9C886444F41B4741
Cattle in a Meadow (Q62712193) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/A05C4F0DAA4B04EBAF6053772076811A
Travellers Halting at an Inn (Q62712447) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/03C91D96EA2AB257211D898529E6D99C
Cavaliers Halting on a Road (Q62712746) 1660 Charles Sedelmeyer collection (Q117293910)
Cavaliers in a Landscape (Q63151610) 1660 Adolphe Schloss collection (Q82935713)
Landscape with Cattle and Milkmaid (Q63171197) 1650 Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum (Q6129019)
Four Cows by a River with Herdsmen and a Horseman (Q63188826) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/2ED14649B58A3233E928558213B64F6F
Young Milkmaid in a Pasture (Q63190520) 1655 Galerie Weber in Hamburg (Q50250808)
Young Milkmaid in a Pasture (Q63190520) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/6CCF56453B0C8FFF0B91E14CD22B5C6A
An Artist Sketching in the Open (Q63191234) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/504F30F200F4885B80233B8EA274EFEA
Gentlemen watering their Steeds (Q63197228) HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/924C667EB3663319CB87959F029F5445
Herdsmen with Cows on the Road (Q63198189) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C910BE18BA82227044810E6E10F00B9D
Two Travellers halting at an Inn (Q63224998) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/58672F852D277617417E9F47506D3046
Herd of Cows in a River, with a Herdsman (Q63225042) 1660 Adolphe Schloss collection (Q82935713)
Horsemen Watering Their Horses (Q63225832) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/DFDF72A151CD01A761433C9FD81F6DA6
Cows and Figures in a Hilly Landscape (Q63225976) 1660 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/CA41DD322A9B9ED323D4ED78268925C0
Orpheus and the Animals (Q63247314) 1650 Georgium (Q322046)
Two Cows with a Shepherd and Shepherdess (Q63248069) 1650 Wallraf–Richartz Museum (Q700959)
River Landscape with Cattle herd (Q63248567) 1650 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Sunny Dune Landscape with a Well (Q63248734) 1650 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Flat Sandy Landscape with a Well before a Hut (Q63249296) 1650 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Portrait of a Man wearing a Medal (Q63249378) 1650 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Landscape with Cattle and Figures (Q63255365) 1670 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (Q1061094)
Officer with his Horse (Q63362336) 1650 Kunstmuseum Basel (Q194626)
Landscape at the Edge of a Village (Q63810654) 1665 North Carolina Museum of Art (Q1459878)
Landscape with Cattle and Figures (Q64520833) Detroit Institute of Arts (Q1201549)
Landscape with the Ruins of Rijnsburg Abbey (Q64537049) 1645 Detroit Institute of Arts (Q1201549)
Landscape with Maid Milking a Cow (Q64539469) 1655 Detroit Institute of Arts (Q1201549)
Landscape with Cows (Q71869702) 1670 Cook collection (Q74149551)
Landscape with Cows (Q71869702) 1670 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/3E72F1F8E8A6A0D1D4FE9CDA49976696
Landscape with Three Cows and a Herdsman (Q77945811) National Gallery of Ireland (Q2018379)
River Scene at Dordrecht (Q78668587) 1643 Toledo Museum of Art (Q1743116)
Panoramic Landscape with Shepherds (Q78690301) 1642 Saint Louis Art Museum (Q1760539)
A sportsman resting (Q82991790) 1670 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/A7A15B71FE100668BDFDA34FAA65E55F
Seven Cows in a Riverside Pasture (Q84076510) 1640 Demidov collection (Q2982834)
Seven Cows in a Riverside Pasture (Q84076510) 1640 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/A13E90E360A50E2F4024FD3038B4CA4C
Cows on a bank, with a fisherman (Q84078985) 1640 Demidov collection (Q2982834)
Cows on a bank, with a fisherman (Q84078985) 1640 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/D3C4367D40D168E5D604B14E39CAD9E8
River landscape with fishermen in a rowboat (Q84142088) 1645 Kunstmuseum Basel (Q194626)
River Scene with a View of Dordrecht and a Windmill (Q84165423) 1645 Manchester Art Gallery (Q2638817)
Road through the dunes (Q84226912) 1641 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Panoramic Landscape with Shepherds, Sheep and a Town in the Distance (possibly Beverwijk, Holland) (Q84238398) 1644 Guildhall Art Gallery (Q4968030)
Farm cottages with a white horse (Q84239390) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/8FC6CB5D55276B2BD843A9D56EF380F2
View of the Valkhof, Nijmegen (Q84307919) 1655 Woburn Abbey (Q1629626)
An artist sketching, near Elten (Q84308956) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/7A95AA047C3F55C8DA647151EAAA5CC7
River Landscape with Bagpipe Player (Q84315291) 1650 Cincinnati Art Museum (Q2970522)
Meadow beside a river (Q84347498) 1650 Adolphe Schloss collection (Q82935713)
Meadow beside a river (Q84347498) 1770 Adolphe Schloss collection (Q82935713)
A Cock and Two Hens (Q84352003) 1650 Adolphe Schloss collection (Q82935713)
Landscape with rabbits (Q84355071) 1650 Palazzo Rosso (Q2034331)
A musician as Orpheus, possibly a Self-portrait (Q84426479) 1647 Bute Collection at Mount Stuart (Q29509870)
Winter landscape with dead birds and hunters (Q84470748) 1650 Gemäldegalerie (Q165631)
Dordrecht at Dawn (Q84557515) 1655 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/3DE3FCEC479581949206A6F558EF0715
Shepherds in a Landscape (Q84567763) 1640 Musée Ingres Bourdelle (Q2843748)
Conversion of Paul on the Road to Damascus (Q84591752) 1650 Musée de Picardie (Q3107709)
Evening in the Meadows (Q84599763) 1650 Norton Simon Museum (Q1752085)
Boats in Rough Water (Q84603094) 1650 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts (Q4872)
Boats in Rough Water (Q84603094) 1650 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Cattle by a River (Q84606967) 1650 Hermitage Museum (Q132783)
Cattle by a River (Q84606967) 1650 Guildhall Art Gallery (Q4968030)
An Italianate landscape with shepherds by a grotto (Q84611644) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/223A407739B8E95AB33C17B0DA181128
Two Horses on a Ridge (Q84704440) 1645 Landesmuseum Mainz (Q834183)
Two Shepherds with Bucking Goat (Q84707642) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/C6277FC6B3493B42AC414131B42DFBB5
Four children as shepherds, with two sheep (Q84707681) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/F0226B54F2E53DBDF84F90C65F866734
River Scene with Small Tower (Q84709352) 1644 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/EEF71DD51465FA19F05729BCF5C9AE26
Landscape with Cows on a Riverside (Q84727704) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/4A4C60043EB5BC6453BF0C1802504B3B
Five Cows with Herdsmen (Q84728619) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/52EFB1190A005B7370BF7022F9D6CB12
Sheep in a Stable (Q84729370) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/FB8F19D9D4BF2C040025729ECAB98FC3
Prince Frederick Henry at Heusden (Q84766079) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/71F42060E3FA19A42D63822C46C6F6DD
Prince Frederick Henry at Nijmegen (Q84766179) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/757BCD4946EB738DBAEEFA2B7628318E
Interior of a Cowhouse (Q84767062) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/F06B83471DE5C9513B71519CA9047B67
The Musical Herdsmen (Q84768905) 1640 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/DF450305C956622B83AB319AEFFC92D7
View on the Banks of a River by Moonlight (mezzotint) (Q84824206) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/F403FC2433220B81E32ADB2AE14C2B62
Moonlight river scene (destroyed in WWII) (Q84832541) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/FCA16B0DAA4FC831394498D1206D0FC5
Halt at an inn, with two horses tied to a tree (Q84833828) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/82817D0FCE87EE12175E6FEA29979A5A
The Melkpoortje on the Dordrecht harbor (Q84845262) 1639 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/CBF0668CBFE15B35105FE9DE3023FA5F
Milking near a river with an alley of trees (Q84845556) 1645 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/AD16E6131D1ABC19962F50B2EBD92C8B
Piping Shepherds, with a view of Leiden (Q84938923) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/F7CAE802C1EE0403FC22EF2202C34B82
A ferry boat on a river (view of the Waal at Nijmegen?) (Q85106749) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/5205566FF47469758C8B2B56BDCF3290
Six cows on a bank, boats on the river (Q85111751) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/8E1AAB6C1901C71BACC8BA4F5463F175
Sea storm, near a village (Q85120953) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/8D2BF4EDD9394CE3F9132DA9737F5115
Soldiers playing cards in the open (Q85124256) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/8660F0AEF498C6235D207AEA1F91B414
Grooms watering their horses (Q85523218) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/B796B8B4F4C3E7895B1F5EECD3384670
Prince Frederick Henry in Dordrecht (Q85523580) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/7CB32B0CC1C262E5A674827C67D169FA
Leaving the Inn (Q86474279) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/2A759CA29CCAEC6BED4DB3227A6FA4D2
A Grey Horse in a Stable (Q86474436) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/3FAB285C56421CF208DF011903A09F6F
A Black Horse in a Stable (Q86474530) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/A8688623F2589679221AA55760F54304
A Youth holding a Horse in a Stable (Q86987858) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/05B43BFB63B00D051504E06CD414007E
The Halt at the Inn Door (Q86989383) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/B37AE8074A4F78F5BD8D48EA27790DD4
Young lady in a straw hat holding a cockerel and a basket of eggs (Q98148656) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/63E523452D180C3C8D4295E763C5C1AB
A drover and milkmaid standing beside cattle, a view to a town in the distance (Q98215299) 1650 HTTP://WWW.WIKIDATA.ORG/.WELL-KNOWN/GENID/B5DA1A901B5CBEFBC0072CC766A0DB75