Wikidata:WikiProject Mineralogy/Mineral Identification Key II list
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Mineral Identification Key II list
Chapter: non white streak, mainly
[edit]- Table IA: Done
- Minerals with Metallic or Submetallic Luster & Hardness of less than 2½ (will readily leave a mark on paper)
- hematite (Q103223), graphite (Q5309), molybdenite (Q382994), pyrolusite (Q413293), nagyágite (Q213131), tetradymite (Q303181), sylvanite (Q414266), bismuthinite (Q419292), stibnite (Q421831), acanthite (Q413498), stephanite (Q420531), cinnabar (Q104614), pyrargyrite (Q118134)/ proustite (Q411817), bismuth (native) (Q3640449), calaverite (Q414999), galena (Q37559), polybasite (Q415785)
- Table IB: Done
- Minerals with Metallic or Submetallic Luster & Hardness greater than 2½, but less than 5½ (will not easily mark paper, but can be scratched with a pocket knife)
- pyrolusite (Q413293), sylvanite (Q414266), covellite (Q325345), stibnite (Q421831), pyrargyrite (Q118134)/ proustite (Q411817), acanthite (Q413498), galena (Q37559), calaverite (Q414999), jamesonite (Q415818), bournonite (Q413314), chalcocite (Q278106), digenite (Q414848), stromeyerite (Q420910), boulangerite (Q250618), cinnabar (Q104614), native copper (Q583353), native gold (Q898406), native silver (Q1057174), enargite (Q411881), bornite (Q108694), millerite (Q411068), zinkenite (Q204747), antimony (native) (Q1134295), tetrahedrite series (Q424282)/ tennantite (Q284146), arsenic (native) (Q1056657), pentlandite (Q410101), chalcopyrite (Q111044), wurtzite (Q421115), sphalerite (Q105006), cuprite (Q407335), alabandite (Q420563), pyrrhotite (Q421944), stannite (Q419299), manganite (Q401047), platinum (native) (Q1318438), glaucodot (Q604784), monazite (Q422011), ferberite (Q417387)/ hübnerite (Q417421), nickeline (Q419197), goethite (Q189703), chromite (Q107172), hematite (Q103223)
- Table IC: Done
- Metallic or Submetallic Luster and Hardness greater than 5½ (can not be scratched by a knife)
- pyrochlore supergroup (Q3977901), nickeline (Q419197), ferberite (Q417387)/ hübnerite (Q417421), goethite (Q189703), romanèchite (Q409737), ilmenite (Q190729), pyrophanite (Q120581), cobaltite (Q410396)/ gersdorffite (Q415856), skutterudite (Q417274)/ nickelskutterudite (Q410719), uraninite (Q206467), chromite (Q107172), breithauptite (Q429510), arsenopyrite (Q191939), brookite (Q410609), anatase (Q413357), hematite (Q103223), magnetite (Q181395), columbite (Q899841)/ tantalite (Q637080), franklinite (Q418094), pyrite (Q50769), marcasite (Q409087), rutile (Q320603)
- Table IIA: Done
- Minerals with a Nonmetallic Luster, Definitely Colored Streak, and Hardness 1 to 6
- hematite (Q103223), erythrite (Q247914), annabergite (Q414149), litharge (Q2362697), proustite (Q411817)/ pyrargyrite (Q118134), cinnabar (Q104614), crocoite (Q422903), cuprite (Q407335), realgar (Q109746), zincite (Q204851), orpiment (Q419183), sulphur (Q1157552), massicot (Q3297608), autunite (Q407345)/ meta-autunite (Q286457), vanadinite (Q407251), torbernite (Q409918)/ metatorbernite (Q946311), atacamite (Q409775), antlerite (Q417254), brochantite (Q411036), malachite (Q164411), vivianite (Q413386), chrysocolla (Q407485), linarite (Q417269), azurite (Q108212), lazurite (Q10914750), sodalite (Q410759), siderite (Q192669), ferberite (Q417387)/ hübnerite (Q417421), sphalerite (Q105006), goethite (Q189703), rutile (Q320603), cassiterite (Q191222)
[edit]Sulfide class
[edit]- Sulfides, strict sense
- molybdenite, tetradymite, sylvanite, bismuthinite, stibnite, acanthite, cinnabar, calaverite, galena, polybasite, nickeline, cobaltite/ gersdorffite, skutterudite/ nickelskutterudite, breithauptite, arsenopyrite, pyrite, marcasite, realgar, orpiment, sphalerite, covellite, stibnite, chalcocite, digenite, stromeyerite, glaucodot, wurtzite, chalcopyrite, alabandite, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, millerite
- Sulfosalts
- Unclassified sulfide class minerals
Oxide class
[edit]- Oxides, strict sense
- "Arsenites"
- Unclassified oxide class minerals
White streak, mainly
[edit]- Table IIB-1:
- Streak not colored, Cleavage Prominent, Hardness less than 2½ (can be scratched with a fingernail, Streak: white or none) Done
- salammoniac (Q2451851), talc (Q134583), ulexite (Q409611), nitratine (Q2622967), sulphur (Q1157552), clinochlore (Q421357)/ chamosite (Q420478), niter (Q11183742), pyrophyllite (Q409470), gypsum (Q82658), halite (Q5314), sylvite (Q409091), muscovite (Q106532), phlogopite (Q422977), annite (Q3618110), kaolinite (Q223197), villiaumite (Q417455), brucite (Q419250), cookeite (Q1071116)
- Table IIB-2: Done
- Streak Not Colored, Cleavage Not Prominent, Hardness less than 2½ (can be scratched with a fingernail; Streak: white or none; Cleavage absent or not obvious)
- salammoniac (Q2451851), ulexite (Q409611), nitratine (Q2622967), montmorillonite (Q422131), sulphur (Q1157552), niter (Q11183742), kaolinite (Q223197), villiaumite (Q417455), cookeite (Q1071116)
- Table IIC-1: Done
- Streak not colored, Cleavage prominent, Hardness 2½ to 3 (can not be scratched by a fingernail, can be scratched by a copper penny, streak white or none)
- lepidolite (Q429926), margarite (Q2481488), halite (Q5314), sylvite (Q409091), anglesite (Q156526), calcite (Q171917), kernite (Q424502), witherite (Q419260), anhydrite (Q105439), baryte (Q184196), celestine (Q407221)
- Table IIC-2a: Done
- Nonmetallic Luster; Streak Not Colored; Hardness 2½ to 3; Cleavage Not Prominent; Splinter Will Fuse in a Candle Flame
- borax (Q3513011), cryolite (Q193502), cerussite (Q409122)
Chapter: "silicate like", tetrahedral units ("Silikatenartige")
[edit]Silicates and germanates
[edit]- ([SiO4]4-- and [GeO4]4--tetrahedra)
- Nesosilicate subclass (Inselsilikate)
- Sorosilicate subclass (Gruppensilikate)
- Cyclosilicate subclass (Ringsilikate)
- Inosilicate subclass
- Single chain inosilicates (Kettensilikate)
- Multiple chain inosilicates (Bandsilikate)
- Unclassified inosilicate subclass minerals
- Phyllosilicate subclass (Schichtsilikate)
- Micas: lepidolite mineral group, margarite, muscovite, phlogopite, annite
- Chlorites: clinochlore/ chamosite, cookeite
- montmorillonite, kaolinite, talc, pyrophyllite, chrysocolla
- Framework silicates (Gerüstsilikate)
- Tectosilicates (aluminosilicates) and quartz family (oxide minerals)
- Excluding zeolite frameworks, broad sense (zeolites, narrow sense)
Sulfates, chromates, molybdates, tungstates
[edit]Other phosphates, arsenates, vanadates
[edit]Chapter: carbonates and evaporites
[edit]- Carbonates, nitrates, borates and halides