Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview

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Open proposals: 101

All open property proposals

Proposal Category Days open Days since last edit
DNCI label ID Creative work 0 0 game ID Creative work 0 0
Albin Michel author ID Authority control 2 2
El Watan tag ID Generic 4 2
Hachette author ID Authority control, Authority control 4 2
taxon known by this common name Natural science 4 4
land acknowledgement Generic 5 3
AniSearch character ID Creative work 5 1
homonym of Natural science 5 5
CUATM statistical code Authority control 6 5
CUATM unique identification code Authority control 6 5 product ID Creative work 6 5
Three Decks class ID Generic, Transportation 7 7
University Bibliography Tübingen ID Authority control 8 5
PUG authority ID Authority control 8 5
ZSL Authority ID Authority control 8 7
Wurfhand Sports 9 5
extension that populates category Generic 10 4
Identifiant sur Mémoire des avocats Person 10 5
BCU Kirundi-English Dictionary ID Lexemes 10 3
OpenSSF Best Practices ID Generic 11 10
Identifiant d'un(e) auteurice dans Vidas Person 11 11
Audio tour Generic 12 2
Augmented reality tour Generic 12 8
Virtual reality tour Generic 12 8
bequest income Organization 12 2 player ID Sports 13 3
role named as Creative work 15 1
Waymark code Place 16 13
SBOID Transportation 16 9
Third-gender population Person 17 6
meeting of Organization 20 4
thesis submitted for Creative work 21 10
Chtyvo author ID Person 21 16
Eyrolles author ID Authority control 23 5
Zvuk album ID Creative work 23 10
Japanese Health Insurance System Facility ID Organization 24 4
Open Library Collection Generic 25 16 railway station identifier Transportation 25 17
OAI formatter Generic 26 7
ISLRN Creative work 26 19
Chinese Basketball Association player ID Authority control 27 27
NBA G League player ID Authority control 27 14
Basketballnavi.DB player ID Authority control 27 27
study or design for this work Creative work 27 1
World Snooker Tour tournament ID Sports 28 28
World Women's Snooker player ID Sports 28 27
Marktstammdatenregisternummer (Einheit) Generic 29 12
Measuring points uuid Generic 31 27 national team ID Sports 31 28
Use data collection instrument Generic 32 32
Data analysis method Generic 33 4
Everand author ID Authority control 33 5
Estonian–Latvian Dictionary ID Lexemes 33 13
CAMRA Experience pub ID 2 Place 34 19
FNAC author ID Authority control 34 5
Railway station linear reference (line & milestone) Transportation 34 25
FVDP Vietnamese dictionary ID Lexemes 34 27
GND-BEACON-URL Authority control 35 3
romantic orientation Person 35 22
Presisov večjezični slovar ID Lexemes 35 35
Usito Lexemes 35 3
Sanzhi Dargwa dictionary ID Lexemes 35 35
identifiant Centre d'études Picasso Creative work 36 1
Indo-European Lexicon ID Lexemes 36 13
Hindi Shabdamitra entry ID Lexemes 36 35
Game Jolt username Creative work 39 32
Toki Pona headnoun Generic 41 36
Provides data for property Generic 41 26
Resistance in Belgium ID Generic 41 23
SNCF station trigram Transportation 41 25
Comprehensive Information System on Korean Historical Figures ID Person 41 35
Thai railway station identifier Transportation 42 25 Person ID Authority control 43 42
operating cost Generic 44 41
effective life of asset Generic 44 25
prototypical syntactic role of argument Lexemes 44 24
Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative Authority control 46 21
Alexander Keiller Museum ID Organization 47 32
rubrique d'une installation classée pour la protection de l'environnement Generic 50 46
Danbooru tag Creative work 51 24
GERS ID Place 52 1
Identifiant Les Inrockuptibles d'un sujet Generic 53 51
NLI Newspaper Collection ID Authority control 61 43
most populous settlement Place 62 46 person ID Person 62 34
has forks Computing 67 44 ID Person 68 43
beer style Generic 69 38
JLPT level Lexemes 69 13
Duocet Wiki of Plants ID Natural science 70 51
WPBSA com player ID Sports 71 33
Identifiant L'Humanité d’un sujet Generic 82 51
health points Creative work 95 15
damage Creative work 95 35
mode of reproduction Natural science 100 18
chemical formula Natural science 102 60
case id (mainland China) Authority control 104 25
ConLang Code Registry code Authority control 114 82
Javanese registers Lexemes 120 58
SIMBAD catalog properties (used more than 1 million times) Natural science 123 82