User:Olaf Kosinsky/Frankreich Nationalversammlung

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Deputierter (in Frankreich)

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P39 wd:Q3044918 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581097 . ?item wdt:P102 wd:Q1904825 }
item label country of citizenship languages spoken, written or signed name in native language work location
Q19344712 Raymond Scholer France French fr:Raymond Scholer Paris
Q19360986 Bernard Tremeau France French fr:Bernard Tremeau Paris
Q19360987 Alain Le Marc'hadour France French fr:Alain Le Marc'hadour Paris
Q19360996 Alban Voisin France French fr:Alban Voisin Paris
Q19361000 Jacques Grondeau France French fr:Jacques Grondeau Paris
Q19361005 Arthur Charles France French fr:Arthur Charles Paris
Q19361007 Benjamin Catry France French fr:Benjamin Catry Paris
Q19361012 Jean Toutain France French fr:Jean Toutain Paris
Q19606554 Eugène Authier France French fr:Eugène Authier Paris
Q19606775 Georges Bolard France French fr:Georges Bolard Paris
Q19607398 Georges Clavel France French Paris
Q19629558 Jean-Claude Dalbos France French fr:Jean-Claude Dalbos Paris
Q19629615 Guy Bégué France French fr:Guy Bégué Paris
Q19629661 Maurice Jarrige France French fr:Maurice Jarrige Paris
Q19629745 Roger Crespin France French fr:Roger Crespin Paris
Q19629746 Robert Valbrun France French fr:Robert Valbrun Paris
Q19629762 Raymond Réjaud France French fr:Raymond Réjaud Paris
Q19629768 Robert Richoux France French fr:Robert Richoux Paris
Q19629769 Pierre Kédinger France French fr:Pierre Kédinger Paris
Q19629775 Henri Lacagne France French fr:Henri Lacagne Paris
Q19630047 Michel Jamot France French fr:Michel Jamot Paris
Q19630052 André Delahaye France French fr:André Delahaye Paris
Q19630053 Gabriel Vancalster France French fr:Gabriel Vancalster Paris
Q19630054 Hubert Rochet France French fr:Hubert Rochet Paris
Q19630059 René Ithurbide France French fr:René Ithurbide Paris
Q19630060 Pierre Litoux France French fr:Pierre Litoux
Q19630061 Émile Luciani France French fr:Émile Luciani Paris
Q3084787 François Grussenmeyer France French fr:François Grussenmeyer Paris
Q3085111 François Le Douarec France French fr:François Le Douarec
Q3088070 Robert Poujade France French fr:Robert Poujade Paris
Q3093805 Gabriel Kaspereit France French fr:Gabriel Kaspereit Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3094024 Gabriel de Poulpiquet France French fr:Gabriel de Poulpiquet Paris
Q3102795 Georges Gorse France French fr:Georges Gorse Paris
Q3103367 Georges Privat France French fr:Georges Privat Paris
Q3103414 Georges Ritter France French fr:Georges Ritter Paris
Q3103459 Georges Santoni France French fr:Georges Santoni Paris
Q3104145 Germain Sprauer France French fr:Germain Sprauer Paris
Q3129275 Hector Riviérez France French fr:Hector Riviérez Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3130637 Henri Baudouin France French fr:Henri Baudouin Paris
Q3130651 Henri Belcour France French fr:Henri Belcour Paris
Q3130693 Henri Blary France French fr:Henri Blary Paris
Q3131034 Henri Duvillard France French fr:Henri Duvillard Paris
Q3131422 Henri Lassourd France French fr:Henri Lassourd Paris
La Guerche-de-Bretagne
Q3131653 Henri Modiano France French fr:Henri Modiano Paris
Q3131902 Henri Rey France French fr:Henri Rey Paris
Q3132080 Henri Torre France French fr:Henri Torre Paris
Q3132271 Henri de Gastines France French fr:Henri de Gastines Paris
Q3133065 Henry Sers France French fr:Henry Sers Paris
Q3134552 Hervé Laudrin France French fr:Hervé Laudrin Paris
Q3141994 Hubert Dupont-Fauville France French fr:Hubert Dupont-Fauville Paris
Q3142009 Hubert Germain France French fr:Hubert Germain Paris
Q3158052 Jacques-Philippe Vendroux France French fr:Jacques-Philippe Vendroux Paris
Q3158067 Jacques-Richard Delong France French fr:Jacques-Richard Delong Paris
Q3158444 Jacques Bérard France French fr:Jacques Bérard Paris
Q3158601 Jacques Cressard France French fr:Jacques Cressard Paris
Q3159004 Jacques Godfrain France French fr:Jacques Godfrain Paris
Q3159132 Jacques Hébert France French fr:Jacques Hébert Paris
Q3159355 Jacques Legendre France French fr:Jacques Legendre Paris
Q3159399 Jacques Limouzy France French fr:Jacques Limouzy Paris
Q3159489 Jacques Marette France French fr:Jacques Marette Paris
Q3159555 Jacques Mercier France French fr:Jacques Mercier Paris
Q3159966 Jacques Sanglier France French fr:Jacques Sanglier Paris
Q3160025 Jacques Sourdille France French fr:Jacques Sourdille Paris
Q3160103 Jacques Trorial France French fr:Jacques Trorial Paris
Q3160121 Jacques Valade France French fr:Jacques Valade Paris
Q3160150 Jacques Vendroux France French fr:Jacques Vendroux Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3160161 Jacques Vernier France French fr:Jacques Vernier Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3164968 Jean-Claude Fortuit France French fr:Jean-Claude Fortuit Paris
Q3165759 Jean-François Mancel France French fr:Jean-François Mancel Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3167778 Jean-Marie Poirier France French fr:Jean-Marie Poirier Paris
Q3168620 Jean-Paul Mourot France French fr:Jean-Paul Mourot Paris
Q3168634 Jean-Paul Palewski France French fr:Jean-Paul Palewski
Q3168726 Jean-Paul de Rocca Serra France French fr:Jean-Paul de Rocca Serra Paris
Q3170502 Jean Bailly France French fr:Jean-Marie Bailly Paris
Q3170718 Jean Bernard France French fr:Jean Bernard Paris
Q3170974 Jean Bozzi France French fr:Jean Bozzi Paris
Q3171228 Jean Charbonnel France French fr:Jean Charbonnel Paris
Q3171617 Jean Degraeve France French fr:Jean Degraeve Paris
Q3171967 Jean Falala France French fr:Jean Falala Paris
Q3172047 Jean Fontaine France French fr:Jean Fontaine Paris
Q3173279 Jean Lovato France French fr:Jean Lovato Paris
Q3173675 Jean Narquin France French fr:Jean Narquin Paris
Q3173856 Jean Pascal France French fr:Jean Pascal Paris
Q3174738 Jean Taittinger France French fr:Jean Taittinger Paris
Q3174872 Jean Turco France French fr:Jean Turco Paris
Q3174934 Jean Valleix France French fr:Jean Valleix Paris
Q3175651 Jean de Préaumont France French fr:Jean de Préaumont Paris
Q3184778 Joseph Comiti France French fr:Joseph Comiti Paris
Q3187428 Joël Le Tac France French fr:Joël Le Tac Paris
Q3257407 Liévin Danel France French fr:Liévin Danel
Q3262301 Louis Jacquinot France French fr:Louis Jacquinot
Q3263250 Louis Vallon France French fr:Louis Vallon Paris
Q3265654 Lucien Neuwirth France French fr:Lucien Neuwirth Paris
Q3270871 Léon Darnis France French fr:Léon Darnis
Q3271797 Léopold Durbet France French fr:Léopold Durbet
Q3271823 Léopold Hélène France French fr:Léopold Hélène
Q3287865 Marc Bécam France French fr:Marc Bécam Paris
Q3288128 Marc Jacquet France French fr:Marc Jacquet Paris
Q3288718 Marcel Bousseau France French fr:Marcel Bousseau
Q3289032 Marcel Hoffer France French fr:Marcel Hoffer
Q3289314 Marcel Prélot France French fr:Marcel Prélot Paris
Q3295275 Martial Taugourdeau France French fr:Martial Taugourdeau Paris
Q3300384 Maurice Bayrou France French fr:Maurice Bayrou Paris
Q3300598 Maurice Cornette France French fr:Maurice Cornette
Q3300794 Maurice Fraudeau France French fr:Maurice Fraudeau
Q3301274 Maurice Plantier France French fr:Maurice Plantier
Q3308849 Michel Alloncle France French fr:Michel Alloncle Paris
Q3309057 Michel Boscher France French fr:Michel Boscher
Q3309173 Michel Caldaguès France French fr:Michel Caldaguès Paris
Q3309301 Michel Cointat France French fr:Michel Cointat
Q329 Nicolas Sarkozy France French fr:Nicolas Sarkozy Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2105 Jacques Chirac France French
City of Brussels
Q2185 Georges Pompidou France French fr:Georges Pompidou Paris
Q12940 Jacques Chaban-Delmas France French fr:Jacques Chaban-Delmas Paris
Q49452 Pierre Clostermann France French fr:Pierre Clostermann Paris
Q160802 Marcel Dassault France French fr:Marcel Dassault Paris
Q182786 Hervé Gaymard France French fr:Hervé Gaymard
Q271822 Pierre Messmer France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q282882 Maurice Schumann France French Paris
Q286495 Émile Tricon France French Paris
Q296386 Michel Debré France French fr:Michel Debré Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q312034 Maurice Couve de Murville France French fr:Maurice Couve de Murville Paris
Q327013 Edgar Faure France French fr:Edgar Faure Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q342878 Yves Guéna France French fr:Yves Guéna Paris
Q345888 Robert Galley France French fr:Robert Galley Paris
Q353164 Jean-Marcel Jeanneney France French fr:Jean-Marcel Jeanneney Paris
Q370803 Olivier Harty de Pierrebourg France French fr:Olivier de Pierrebourg Paris
Q380406 François-Xavier Ortoli France French fr:François-Xavier Ortoli Paris
Q492259 Pierre Mazeaud France French fr:Pierre Mazeaud Paris
Q505819 Maurice Herzog France French fr:Maurice Herzog
Q517196 André Bord France French fr:André Bord Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q543332 Philippe Séguin France French fr:Philippe Séguin Paris
Q555147 David Rousset France French fr:David Rousset Paris
Q714774 Christian Poncelet France French fr:Christian Poncelet Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q725609 Charles Pasqua France French fr:Charles Pasqua Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q728906 Joël Le Theule France French fr:Joël Le Theule Paris
Q764381 Yvon Bourges France French fr:Yvon Bourges Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q817425 Benjamin Brial France French fr:Benjamin Brial Paris
Q822594 Louis Joxe France French fr:Louis Joxe Paris
Embassy of France in Berlin
ambassade de France en Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques
Q871444 Edmond Michelet France French fr:Edmond Michelet Paris
Q919918 Michel Giraud France French fr:Michel Giraud Paris
Q926639 Roger Frey France French fr:Roger Frey Paris
Q929334 Alain Peyrefitte France French fr:Alain Peyrefitte Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q931320 Roland Nungesser France French fr:Roland Nungesser Paris
Q1079532 Christian Fouchet France French Paris
Q1242626 Jacques Baumel France French Paris
Q1278301 Robert Boulin France French Paris
Q1383590 Patrick Devedjian France French
Q1684732 Jean-Claude Abrioux France French Paris
Q1685157 Jean-Philippe Lecat France French fr:Jean-Philippe Lecat Paris
Q1685524 Jean Foyer France French Paris
Q1685859 Jean Tiberi France French Paris
Q1871995 Louis Terrenoire France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q1907548 André Forens France French Paris
Q1922541 François Gerbaud France French Paris
Q1930751 Michel Habib-Deloncle France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2093637 Pierre Lelong France French Paris
Q2400794 Michel Hoguet France French Paris
Q2447029 Maurice Lemaire France French Paris
Q2496489 Pierre Billotte France French fr:Pierre Billotte Paris
Q2571038 Sauveur Gandolfi-Scheit France French Paris
Q2597807 Xavier Deniau France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2695709 Raymond Triboulet France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2747180 Gaston Flosse France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2821393 Moussa Ali Abdoulkader France French Paris
Q2830315 Alain Terrenoire France French
Q2830761 Alban Fagot France French Paris
Q2831380 Albert Marcenet France French Paris
Q2834012 Alexandre Sanguinetti France French Paris
Q2847047 André-Georges Voisin France French Paris
Q2847739 André Fanton France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2847989 André Jarrot France French Paris
Q2848539 André Rives-Henrÿs France French Paris
Q2848624 André Schneider France French Paris
Q2849418 Angelin German France French Paris
Q2854004 Antoine Gissinger France French Paris
Q2865057 Arthur Conte France French Paris
Q2898237 Bernard Lepeu France French Paris
Q2898459 Bernard Pons France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2899529 Bertrand Flornoy France French Paris
Q2934875 Camille Bégué France French Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2935038 Camille Petit France French Paris
Q2958702 Charles Ceyrac France French Paris
Q2960546 Charles de Chambrun France French fr:Charles de Chambrun Paris
Q2965727 Christian de La Malène France French fr:Christian de La Malène
fr:Christian Lunet de La Malène
City of Brussels
Q2977608 Claude Jousseaume France French fr:Claude Jousseaume Paris
Q2977627 Claude Labbé France French fr:Claude Labbé Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q2977782 Claude Martin France French fr:Claude Auguste Louis Martin Paris
Q3014108 Daniel Goulet France French fr:Daniel Goulet Paris
Q3047759 Edmond Borocco France French fr:Edmond Borocco Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3047765 Edmond Bricout France French fr:Edmond Bricout Paris
Q3052549 Emmanuel Aubert France French fr:Emmanuel Aubert Paris
Q3081480 Francis Hardy France French fr:Francis Hardy
Q3083097 Franz Duboscq France French fr:Franz Duboscq Paris
Q3084147 François Bénard France French fr:François Bénard Paris
Q3310322 Michel Maurice-Bokanowski France French fr:Michel Maurice-Bokanowski Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3311175 Michel de Grailly France French fr:Michel de Grailly
Q3343518 Norbert Ségard France French fr:Norbert Ségard
Q3351391 Olivier Stirn France French fr:Olivier Stirn Paris
Q3351472 Olivier de Sarnez France French fr:Olivier de Sarnez
Q3351853 Omar Farah Iltireh France
French fr:Omar Farah Iltireh
Q3371355 Paul Granet France French fr:Paul Granet
Q3371361 Paul Graziani France French fr:Paul Graziani Paris
Q3372300 Paul Tondut France French fr:Paul Tondut
Q3372333 Paul Valentino France French fr:Paul Valentino
Q3379695 Philippe Dechartre France French fr:Philippe Dechartre Paris
Q3382922 Pierre-Charles Krieg France French fr:Pierre-Charles Krieg
Q3383264 Pierre-Louis Bourgoin France French fr:Pierre-Louis Bourgoin
Q3383503 Pierre-Rémy Houssin France French fr:Pierre-Rémy Houssin
Q3383888 Pierre Bas France French fr:Pierre Bas
Q3384005 Pierre Billecocq France French fr:Pierre Billecocq
Q3384232 Pierre Buron France French fr:Pierre Buron
Q3384367 Pierre Charié France French fr:Pierre Charié
Q3384521 Pierre Cornet France French fr:Pierre Cornet
Q3384852 Pierre Dumas France French fr:Pierre Dumas Paris
Q3385254 Pierre Godefroy France French fr:Pierre Godefroy
Q3385449 Pierre Herman France French fr:Pierre Herman
Q3385565 Pierre Jalu France French fr:Pierre Jalu
Q3386223 Pierre Mauger France French fr:Pierre Mauger
Q3386670 Pierre Pouyade France French fr:Pierre Pouyade
Q3386760 Pierre Raynal France French fr:Pierre Raynal
Q3386787 Pierre Ribes France French fr:Pierre Ribes
Q3386802 Pierre Rinaldi France French fr:Pierre Rinaldi
Q3386887 Pierre Ruais France French fr:Pierre Ruais
Q3386937 Pierre Sauvaigo France French fr:Pierre Sauvaigo
Q3387266 Pierre Vertadier France French fr:Pierre Vertadier
Q3387347 Pierre Weisenhorn France French fr:Pierre Weisenhorn
Q3387378 Pierre Ziller France French fr:Pierre Ziller
Q3387480 Pierre de Bénouville France French fr:Pierre de Bénouville
Q3420899 Raymond Guilbert France French fr:Raymond Guilbert
Q3421075 Raymond Offroy France French fr:Raymond Offroy
Q3421131 Raymond Réthoré France French fr:Raymond Réthoré
Q3421177 Raymond Valenet France French fr:Raymond Valenet
Q3425681 René-Georges Laurin France French fr:René-Georges Laurin Paris
Q3426052 René Couveinhes France French fr:René Couveinhes
Q3426450 René la Combe France French fr:René la Combe
Q3426479 René Le Bault de La Morinière France French fr:René Le Bault de La Morinière
Q3426788 René Quentier France French fr:René Quentier
Q3426797 René Radius France French fr:René Radius
Q3426818 René Ribière France French fr:René Ribière
Q3426940 René Tomasini France French fr:René Tomasini Paris
Q3434350 Robert-André Vivien France French fr:Robert-André Vivien
Q3434479 Robert Aymar France French fr:Robert Aymar
Q3434567 Robert Besson France French fr:Robert Besson
Q3434718 Robert Calméjane France French fr:Robert Calméjane Paris
Q3438840 Roger Corrèze France French fr:Roger Corrèze
Q3438925 Roger Dusseaulx France French fr:Roger Dusseaulx
Q3438971 Roger Fossé France French fr:Roger Fossé Paris
Q3479423 Serge Lepeltier France French fr:Serge Lepeltier Paris
Q3557340 Victor Golvan France French fr:Victor Golvan Paris
Q3559456 Vincent Ansquer France French fr:Vincent Ansquer Strasbourg
City of Brussels
Q3588352 Émile Bizet France French fr:Émile Bizet
Q5526730 Gaston Feuillard France French fr:Gaston Feuillard
Q6891128 Mohamed Dahalani France French fr:Mohamed Dahalani
Q8310248 Albert Bignon France French fr:Albert Bignon
Q8317977 Alexandre Bolo France French fr:Alexandre Bolo
Q11984909 René Pailler France French Paris
Q15820625 Jacques Chabrat France French fr:Jacques Chabrat Paris
Q15973689 Charles Bignon France French Paris
Q15973713 Pierre Beylot France French Paris
Q15973787 Jean Bonhomme France French Paris
Q16027288 Adrien Verkindère France French Paris
Q16232083 Maurice Georges France French Paris
Q16252795 Guy Murat France French Paris
Q16259816 Georges Delatre France French Paris
Q16262905 Pierre Janot France French Paris
Q16266012 Louis Donnadieu France French fr:Louis Donnadieu Paris
Q16266968 Aymeric Simon-Lorière France French Paris
Q16663096 Mario Bénard France French Paris
Q16664298 Michel Hamaide France French Paris
Q16664318 Michel Marquet France French fr:Michel Marquet Paris
Q16672270 Raymond Colibeau France French fr:Raymond Colibeau Paris
Q16673114 Roland Vernaudon France French fr:Roland Vernaudon Paris
Q16798569 Edmond Thorailler France French Paris
Q17189959 François Clamens France French fr:François Clamens Paris
Q17350593 Jean Gabriac France French fr:Jean Gabriac Paris
Q17350801 Jacques Moron France French fr:Jacques Moron Paris
Q18578263 Paul Boudon France French fr:Paul Boudon Paris
Q18649368 Henri Vin France French fr:Henri Vin Paris
Q18744704 Louis-Alexis Delmas France French fr:Louis-Alexis Delmas Paris
Q19057863 Pierre Régis France French fr:Pierre Régis Paris
Q19344594 Alphonse Jenn France French fr:Alphonse Jenn Paris
Q19344680 Raymond Zimmermann France French fr:Raymond Zimmermann Paris
End of automatically generated list.