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My name is Jörgen Backelin, I am a Swede, and I am editing under the user name JoergenB in a handful of wikipedias and a few other projects.

I'm not very active, though; but among the things I do now and then is to try to fix iw links. If this project gets to work as planned, it seems better to use my efforts here than on the various projects.

A few question marks.


I'm putting up the questions I immediately think of here. I suspect and hope that there already are answers to most or all these concerns available somewhere in these project pages. In such cases, I plan to add links from here to relevant explanations elsewhere.

Feel free to boldly add such links directly here, yourself, if there are some obvious ones; or to give suggestions on my talk page, if they are not that obvious, or you feel more prudent than bold to-day:-).

Iw families.


In general, I think the wikidata idea is great. However, I should mention that I've noted that there often are considerable troubles in fixing adequate iw links, and often it is not possible to do it in the simplistic manner "One article - one set of iw links". The reason is that the distribution of related stuff on different articles sometimes is done in different manners in different wp's. In other words, in one language version, there may be stuff roughtly concerning subtopics A, B, and C, where A and B is collected into one article, while C forms a separate one. In another language wp, instead, A and C are treated in one article, but B in a separate one. A third wp may treat all three together.

I find that in some such cases, overlapping but not coinciding families of iw links should be retained.

Another thing: There are some differences between recommended orders for iw links in different wp's. E. g., in nnwp, iwlinks for other Nordic languages should come before all the others. How does the wd enable such 'locale orders'?

Infoboxes, birth dates, et cetera.


When we come to other items than the iw link families, of course a great care should be taken of using all "locale" facilities that we have. E. g.,, decimal numbers in info boxes, which are to be shared between various wp's, should neither be given nakedly in the English decimal point notation, nor in the international ISO standard decimal comma notation, but always by means of the formatnum locale. However, I do assume that the guys who started this already have such practices in mind.

Other projects


The places I'm least infrequently editing in are the Swedish and the English wikipedias.