The Social Web WG's third face to face meeting will be held at INRIA in Paris, France on 4 and 5 May 2015. (Per resolution of 24 March 2015 and based on poll)
- Back (L to R): Andreas Kuckartz, Andrei Sambra, Harry Halpin, Sandro Hawke, Ann Bassetti, Henry Story
- Front (L to R): , Guangyuan Piao, Claudio Venezia, Tim Berners-Lee, Arnaud Le Hors, Amy Guy , Melvin Carvalho, Aaron Parecki, Jessica Tallon, elf Pavlik , Nadim Kobeissi, Francesca Musiani
- On the phone (in the middle of the night!): Evan Prodromou, James Snell, Christopher Allan Webber
- Attended but not in the photo: Wendy Seltzer, Olivier Berger
The meeting will be held in Paris, France at a satellite office of INRIA:
23 Avenue d'Italie
75013 Paris
When you get there, you should tell the front desk that you're going to the 5th floor, to Inria. On the 5th floor, ring the bell, and someone will let you in. You can ask for a WIFI code there. The meeting will take place in "Salle bleue" (blue room). The receptionist can tell you how to get there. It's not difficult to find.
A light breakfast will be served at 9am, and coffee/tea breaks will be provided throughout the day. Lunch will take place at a restaurant nearby.
Paris offers numerous hotels for all prices but one possible option is to take advantage of the block of room reserved by W3C for the AC meeting that week in Paris. See AC Accommodation (limited access) or related email (publicly accessible).
Note that this hotel is not exactly close to the meeting but Paris offers fantastic public transportation: 34mn with subway (when not on strike ;-).
Participation is limited to Working Group Members (including invited experts). If you wish to attend please join the Social Web WG (per How to participate), or contact a chair on IRC #social for observer consideration.
- Arnaud Le Hors
- Ann Bassetti
- elf Pavlik
- Amy Guy
- Aaron Parecki
- Andreas Kuckartz (will arrive around 11:00 hours.)
- Jessica Tallon
- Harry Halpin
- Shane Hudson (also at risk due to funding)
- Sandro Hawke
- Henry Story
- Claudio Venezia
- Guangyuan Piao (pending visa)
Invited Observers
- Francesca Musiani
- Nadim Kobeissi
- Olivier Berger
- Melvin Carvalho
- Primavera De Filippi
- Paul Tran-Van (CozyCloud / INRIA)
Remote Participants
People who cannot attend the meeting should be able to participate via phone. It is expected that the meeting room will have a phone and we will be using IRC like on any weekly calls (#social).
D-CENT Project wants to dial in for 5 minutes.
It would be useful to have a list of people who plan to participate in such a way so we can request an appropriate amount of telephone ports. Please, add your name to this list:
- Larry Hawes
- John Breslin
- Daniel Harris
- Eric Stephan
- Evan Prodromou
- Adam Boyet
- Christopher Allan Webber
- Eprodrom
- Benjamin Roberts (talk)
We planned to use:
Because of limited network access in the room, we are using telephone and irc (Zakim SOCL), not talky.
Group members who don't plan to participate may note their regrets here:
- Tantek - apologies I have a conflict though I'll likely be in Paris.
Goals for the meeting
- Day 1: Close as many issues against AS as possible.
- Day 2: TBD
Proposed goals for the meeting
Evaluation of API Candidates
- ActivityPump, presented by Jessica Tallon
- micropub, presented by Aaron Parecki
- SoLiD, presented by Sandro, Andrei Sambra, and or Henry Story
Self-identified "difficulties" with 3 development options
After the presentations of the 3 social API candidates, key people in each API community listed the key problems they perceived in their own technical community. In other words, we had SELF-criticism, which was quite interesting. Here's the list that was captured: Self-identified issues with API candidates
Living Social Vocabulary
- WG ISSUE-15 AS2.0 Vocabulary in many ways duplicates and efforts — Pavlik elf (talk) 09:43, 11 April 2015 (UTC)
- IG ISSUE-4 management of 'living' vocabularies similar to and — Pavlik elf (talk) 12:25, 22 April 2015 (UTC)
Additional Candidates
(if time allows and have demos for existing user stories)
- Hydra, Potential Action & AS2.0 Action Handlers; All three of them try to do pretty much the same so one spec would cover all the needs related to describing affordances and endpoints — Pavlik elf (talk) 12:25, 22 April 2015 (UTC)
- Linked Data Fragments — Pavlik elf (talk) 12:25, 22 April 2015 (UTC)
Please, do not edit the agenda directly. Use the next section for proposals/requests.
Day 1 - Monday 4 May 2015
- 09.00-09.30
- Settling down + breakfast.
- 9.30-09.45
- Welcome & logistics
- Recap of meeting goals
- Agenda (re)prioritization by attendees (items to keep / postpone)
- 9.45-10.45
- ActivityStreams 2.0 and vocabularies (James Snell dialing in)
- 10.45-11.00
- 11.00-12.00
- ActivityStreams 2.0 and vocabularies (continues)
- 12.00-13.00
- 13.00-15.00
- ActivityStreams 2.0 and vocabularies (continues)
- 15.15-15.30
- 15.30-17.30
- ActivityPump, Micropub, SoLID
- 17.30-17.45
- Day 1 recap, adjustments to agenda for day 2, dinner plans
- 19.30
- WG Dinner?
Day 2 - Tuesday 5 May 2015
- 09.00-09.30
- Settling down + breakfast.
- 09.30-10.45
- ActivityPump, Micropub, SoLID (continues)
- 10.45-11.00
- 11.00-12.00
- ActivityPump, Micropub, SoLID (continues)
- 12.00-13.00
- 13.00-15.00
- ActivityPump, Micropub, SoLID (continues)
- 15.15-15.30
- 15.30-16.50
- Demos
- 16.50-17.00
- Wrap-up
Proposed Agenda Items
- API and binary blobs — Pavlik elf (talk) 10:04, 3 May 2015 (UTC)
- Content Negotiation — Pavlik elf (talk) 14:13, 3 May 2015 (UTC)
- ISSUE-24 Do we put requirement on supporting static websites?
- Socialwg/Social_API/More_user_stories#URL_based_API_Entrypoint
- Describing and discovering API endpoints — Pavlik elf (talk) 07:58, 12 April 2015 (UTC)
- type/class: indie:MicropubEndpoint, indie:WebmentionEndpoint, ldp:Resource, ldp:Container, schema:EntryPoint, hydra:Resource
- relation/property: indie:micropub, indie:webmention, schema:target, [ a hydra:Link ]
- ISSUE-36 Role and evolution of recommended JSON-LD contexts — Pavlik elf (talk) 16:55, 28 April 2015 (UTC)
- Demos of Social API Candidates — Pavlik elf (talk) 07:30, 10 April 2015 (UTC)