Fifth International World Wide Web Conference

May 6-10, 1996, Paris, France

Panel Sessions

[Plenary Sessions] [Invited Speakers] [Paper Sessions] [Panel Sessions]
[W3C Sessions] [Industrial Sessions] [Poster Presentations] [BOFs]

Tuesday 7 May

Panel 1: Cooperative Work and the Web (11:30-13:00)
Chair: Richard Bentley - GMD - GERMANY

Panel 2: Distributed Object Technology and the Web (14:30-16:00)
Chair: Mark Madsen - APM Ltd - UK

Panel 3: Multicasting & Real-time Applications and the Future of the Web: A Network-Distributed Panel (16:30-18:00)
Co-Chair: R.P.C. Rodgers - US National Library of Medicine - USA
Jaromir Likavec - Computer Graphics Center - GERMANY

Panel 4: The Future of Java Development (16:30-18:00)
Chair: Vania Joloboff - Open Software Foundation - USA

Wednesday 8 May

Panel 5: Uniform Resource Characteristics: Metadata for the Masses (9:00-10:30)
Chair: Mark Madsen - APM Ltd - UK

Panel 6: Global Cryptography (14:30-16:00)
Chair: Thierry Autret - Sligos - France

Panel 7: Electronic Payment Standards (16:30-18:00)
Chair: Phil Janson - Manager - IT Solutions Dept - IBM Zurich Research Lab.

Thursday 9 May

Panel 8: Data Protection and Respect of Privacy on the Internet (11:30-13:00)
Chair: Louise Cadoux - CNIL - FRANCE

Panel 9: Good and Sensible Design is Crucial to the Success of the Web! (11:30-13:00)
Chair: Nahum Gershon - The MITRE Corporation - USA

Panel 10: Efficiency of Internet Indexing (11:30-13:00)
Chair: Nick Arnett - Verity Inc. - USA

[Plenary Sessions] [Invited Speakers] [Paper Sessions] [Panel Sessions]
[W3C Sessions] [Industrial Sessions] [Poster Presentations] [BOFs]

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Created: 10 April 1996
Last updated: 29 May 1996