Freedom of speech is the principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins….Ben Franklin
The Antisemitism Awareness Act is a wrecking ball designed to pulverize the First Amendment. While the alleged intention of the bill is to make Jewish students feel safer on campus, the real purpose is to put an end to the anti-genocide demonstrations that have broken out across the country and to prevent the criticism of Israel. The proposed bill invokes a dodgy legal mechanism to derail the protests and to silence Israel’s critics. By using a broad and ambiguous definition of antisemitism, the bill compels university administrators to crackdown on free speech invoking sketchy claims of discrimination. Political analyst Paul Craig Roberts summed it up like this: “if universities …don’t suppress student protests against Israel’s massacre of civilians in Gaza and Lebanon they will lose their accreditation and federal financial support.” In short, universities are being encouraged to quash the free expression of political ideas to preserve their federal funding. This helps to illustrate how Zionist lobbyists are now engaged in a full-throated assault on constitutionally protected civil liberties, namely free speech.
The bill—which already passed the House with a sizable majority—shows how the charge of antisemitism can be used as a coercive political tool to silence Israel’s critics. That is why civil liberties organizations—like the ACLU, PEN America, the Alliance Defending Freedom and even Jewish groups like Bend the Arc and T’ruah—strongly oppose the bill based on free speech grounds. Even so, this attack on constitutionally protected rights has a good chance of passing the senate due to the arm twisting of powerful interest groups that have their tentacles wrapped tightly around both houses of congress. Here’s a brief summary from political analyst Guy Christensen:
The House just passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act which will shut down college protests against Israel and silence all future criticism of the state of Israel. The law literally redefines antisemitism as criticizing the state of Israel and makes it a violation of Title 6 to do so. The purpose of this is to allow politicians to pull federal funding from colleges who don’t stop these college protests and let their students continue to criticize Israel.
We must speak out against the Antisemitism Awareness Act. This is insanity. These people are full-on Zionists trying to silence free speech here in America, trying to silence criticism of the oppression of the Palestinians, criticism of the state of Israel that murdered 14,000 children.
Like I said, the guy who wrote the bill, Mike Lawler, is funded by AIPAC $180,000 (he said to NBC News when talking about this bill.) When you hear “River to the sea, Palestine will be free” that is calling for the eradication of the Jews in the state of Israel. (They are) Literally trying to make it illegal to criticize Israel.
If you don’t know how Title 6 works, all federally funded programs and institutions must follow it or they won’t receive any more federal funding. This includes US colleges and K through 12 schools who are very strict about following Title 6 because they need that funding. They can’t go without it. So, if we let this become law, it would force US colleges to shut down all these protests immediately.
This contends for the most outrageous bill for Israel the government has ever tried to pass. I will not vote or say a kind word about any politician who voted in favor of this bill…. (your representative ) care more about Israel than they care about your free speech. What they are doing is incredibly dangerous. Zionists are scared because American public opinion is changing. Students across the country are protesting against Israel. You know they’re scared because this is one of the boldest things they’ve ever tried to do…..AIPAC and the pro-Israel lobby is behind all of this. Ban AIPAC Stop the Antisemitism Awareness Act. We have to protect our free speech and our right to protest against evil. YourFavoriteGuy@guychristensen_
Not surprisingly, President Donald Trump—whose campaign was given $100 million by a strident Zionist donor—confirmed that he will aggressively implement the blatantly unconstitutional law by cancelling the funding of any college that tolerates the anti-genocide protests. He further stated that he will prosecute the universities for, what he calls, “violations of the civil rights law.” In other words, it is not the tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians that have been killed by Israel who are the victims, but the Jewish university students who feel “unsafe.” (Note—Trump refers to the protestors views as “antisemitic propaganda”)
Under the new bill, the U.S. Department of Education will be required to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition and contemporary examples of anti-Semitism when enforcing anti-discrimination laws on college campuses. But, as human rights activist Sofia Lopez points out, “the IHRA definition was never intended to be used for legal purposes, and it covers a broad swath of expression the First Amendment protects. Requiring schools to use it would not help address discrimination at institutions of higher education; it would merely pressure them to punish people who are expressing their own political views.
In order to grasp the absurdity of this bill, we must know how congress defines antisemitism. (because the definition will decide whether there has been a violation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.) This is from an article by Joe Cohn at The definition reads:
The definition targets “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews” — a description so broad that it allows for the investigation and punishment of core political speech, such as criticism of Israeli policy. Anti-Semitism Awareness Act continues to threaten free speech on campus,
Repeat: “A certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews”??
Is that not sufficiently vague?
Yes, it is. And, by the way, isn’t hate speech protected under the first amendment? (Note—We are NOT inferring that the anti-genocide protesters express hatred towards Jews. They most certainly do NOT.)
Indeed, hate speech is protected. This is from the University of Milwaukee:
Hate speech may be offensive and hurtful; however, it is generally protected by the First Amendment. One common definition of hate speech is “any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, religion, skin color, sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability or national origin.” Courts have ruled that restrictions on hate speech would conflict with the First Amendment’s protection of the freedom of expression. Since public universities are bound by the First Amendment, public universities must adhere to these rulings. However, universities also have an obligation to create a safe, inclusive learning environment for all members of the campus community.
With these considerations in mind, courts in the United States have found that expression generally cannot be punished based on its content or viewpoint. Thus, although hate speech, alone, receives constitutional protection, any expression that constitutes a true threat, incitement to imminent lawless action, discriminatory harassment or defamation can be punished by UWM for those reasons. What is hate speech, and is it protected by the First Amendment?, University of Milwaukee
So, our representatives in congress know that hate speech is protected but they pushed through a bill based on the “perception of hatred towards Jews”? Does that make any sense? (Once again, the protestors are not threatening Jews by opposing Israel’s genocide. They are expressing their political views which are protected speech.)
And it gets worse, because they adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism which provides a list of examples to illustrate the kinds of speech it says “may” constitute antisemitism. These include:
Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
Applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
The Wrong Way to Fight Campus Antisemitism, PEN
So, saying that Netanyahu’s policies in Gaza are similar to those of Nazi Germany is the same as denying a black man a job or a house because he is black? (one is a comparison while the other is blatant discrimination.)
Can you see how ridiculous this is?
It’s worth noting, that the author of the IHRA definition, Kenneth Stern, has “stated that using the definition as enforceable policy is “both unconstitutional and unwise” and “the worst way to address” antisemitism on campus.” He even said that “enshrining a particular definition of something that’s inherently involving political speech into law” in this way is “a total travesty.”
It is a travesty, but that hasn’t stopped Trump or our AIPAC-controlled congress from trying to impose it on the American people. No, they are determined to pass this liberty-eviscerating abomination into law. God help us.
Video 1:30 min… Jewish Action explains why Jews should oppose the Antisemitism Awareness Act
Today the House votes on the gag legislation they're calling the "Antisemitism Awareness Act".
Antisemitism is a serious problem, but codifying a legal definition could have dangerous implications for free speech.
— Bend the Arc: Jewish Action (@jewishaction) May 1, 2024
And, yes, there are a large number of Jews who oppose this bill and who understand that—the backlash from Americans who think a foreign government wants to bulldoze the Bill of Rights so they can carve out a special protected status for themselves and their coreligionists—is going to be ferocious. One such opponent is self-professed Zionist Jerry Nadler (D-NY) who recently made this impressive statement on the floor of the House. Here’s what he said:
“Mr. Speaker, I have devoted much of my life to combating antisemitism, and I am as attuned as anyone to threats and bigotry aimed at Jewish people. I will take lectures from no one about the need for vigorous efforts to fight antisemitism on campus or anywhere else. I am also a deeply committed Zionist who firmly believes in Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people.
But, as someone who is also a longtime champion of protecting freedom of speech, I must oppose this misguided bill….
This definition, adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, or IHRA, includes “contemporary examples of antisemitism”. The problem is that these examples may include protected speech, in some contexts, particularly with respect to criticism of the State of Israel.
To be clear, I vehemently disagree with the sentiments towards Israel expressed in those examples—and too often criticism of Israel does, in fact, take the form of virulent antisemitism. Many Jewish students no longer feel safe on campus and some colleges have not done nearly enough to protect them.
But while this definition and its examples may have useful applications in certain contexts, by effectively codifying them into Title VI, this bill threatens to chill constitutionally protected speech. Speech that is critical of Israel—alone—does not constitute unlawful discrimination. By encompassing purely political speech about Israel into Title VI’s ambit, the bill sweeps too broadly.
As the ACLU notes, if this legislation were to become law, colleges and universities that want to avoid Title VI investigations, or the potential loss of federal funding, could end up suppressing protected speech criticizing Israel or supporting Palestinians. Moreover, it could result in students and faculty self-censoring their political speech. Even the IHRA definition’s lead author, Kenneth Stern, opposes codifying this definition for this reason.
Vigorous enforcement of federal civil rights law does not depend on defining terms like “antisemitism” or “racism”. In fact, codifying one definition of antisemitism, to the exclusion of all other possible definitions, could actually undermine federal civil rights law because antisemitism, like other forms of bigotry, evolves over time, and future conduct that comes to be widely understood as antisemitic may no longer meet the statutory definition.
Mr. Speaker, we cannot ignore the context in which this legislation is being rushed to the floor in a cynical attempt to exploit for political gain the deep divisions currently on display at college campuses across the country. Much of this activity—whether you agree with the sentiments expressed at these protests or not—constitutes legally protected speech and expression.
Some participants—shamefully—have exhibited antisemitic conduct, and the Department of Education will rightfully investigate them, consulting the IHRA definition, and other relevant definitions, in the process. They do not need this legislation to help them with their inquiries…
There is no excuse for bigotry, threats, or violence directed at anyone, anywhere, and it is imperative that we confront the scourge of antisemitism. And Congress can help. But this legislation is not the answer….
….this legislation threatens freedom of speech, one of our most cherished values, while doing nothing to combat antisemitism. For these reasons, I urge Members to oppose the bill, and I reserve the balance of my time.”
Ranking Member Nadler Floor Statement on H.R. 6090, the “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023”, US House of Representatives
I’m not crazy about Nadler, but he certainly got this one right. In contrast, Trump sounds like a full-fledged tyrant. Maybe he should take a minute and reflect on the impact his actions will have on our most precious liberty, freedom of speech. He might even want to mull-over the prescient words of Harry Truman who said:
Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.
Video—“Dictating the views Americans can have about a foreign country is madness, it is pure evil…” Matt Walsh says “No” to the Antisemitism Awareness Act. 4-minute video
This is why “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act” is worst ever made unconstitutional law and how it is outlawing the Gospel and Bible literally
Excellent explanation by Matt Walsh don't skip
— Furkan Gözükara (@GozukaraFurkan) May 3, 2024
Trump should just use presidential powers under NDAA and detain indefinitely all anti-semites. Just say that they are all terrorists and a threat to national security,
I don’t know why they bother with all these new laws. They already have all the tools they need. Maybe they want to keep up the “Constitutional Republic” charade for for a bit longer.
If it passes, this will soon go to the SCOTUS. Not a chance it won’t.
And what the SCOTUS holds will either save freedom of expression in America or drive it into the abyss.
When DOGE gets rolling and cuts Federal spending they won’t be able to use the threat of its withdrawal as a club anymore. And past due.
Mr. Whitney shows cowardice when he says, “Zionists” want to kill free speech. It is not “Zionists” but Jews who have always wanted to kill the First Amendment. Yes, the Fake Christian (evangelical) population wants to kill free speech and go to war with Iran for Israel’s sake. And these Fake Christians comprise 23% of the U.S. population. Still, Fake Christians do not have even 10% of the power that the 2% Jew population in America has. Jews own the media and 99,7% of the Congress. Jew billionaires choose who becomes president and who that Jew-owned president chooses for his Cabinet.
The Adelson government will not allow criticism of their atrocities in occupied Palestine.
How about an anti genocide bill? How about an anti zionist bill? How about banning the ADL? Just more embarrassment for the jUSA!
The US govt. has gone halfway around the world replace a democratically govt. in Ukraine with a Jewish govt., and to fight a proxy war on Russia’s border in order to put US/NATO missiles on that 1200 mi. border, and political leaders in the US and throughout Europe are insisting we have to win that war to stop Russian aggression and expansion. The US is supplying the money and bombs to Israel to wipe out the indigenous population of Palestine, and passing laws to threaten anyone who criticizes Israel in the US. And the US govt. is fighting contentious battles across America so the children can get sex change operations and trans mien can use women’s restrooms in schools and other public buildings, turning the US into Weimar on steroids. The Jews have turned the US into a dangerous madhouse.
imagine youre a 20 year old boy, from alabama (assume you caint play ball) and you join the air force hoping to learn hi-tech, fly around and see the world, and they make you a missileer, ship you to the middle of bumfuck kansas, 300 feet underground, for 12 hours a day, running 70’s tech.
Absolutely. I think the Supreme Court will rule this law unconstitutional. The case is so obvious a 10 year old can see it. The Zionist Mafia is desperate, and pushing its luck over the cliff.
It won’t just ban freedom of speech on college campuses. The worst thing is it bans portions of THE BIBLE, the Gospels that say the Pharisees etc. Jews murdered Christ. So you won’t be able to say who actally crucified Christ. (amd will Christian Zionists heed that in their Easter sermons? Or just blame it on the Romans, never mind Pontius Pilate found Christ innocent). Oh, and by the way, Jewish Supremacists that run the US govt., that Jews killed Christ is also IN THE TALMUD! So is the Talmud “antisemitic”? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahah!
Imagine Cops would kill that many innocent people in a hostage situation.
This sums up the total control the barbaric Jews have over America and Americans. In addition to their self-described control of most U.S. politicians (Democrats and Republicans), the media, and the entertainment industries, barbaric Jews have now imposed their wills on Americans’ education. It is outrageous. You are punished for two contrary acts. You are punished if you question a “Jewish holocaust” that allegedly happened eight decades ago or acknowledge (being anti-Genocide) a current livestreamed Palestinian Genocide perpetuated by the barbaric Jews against unarmed Palestinian women and children.
Jews have been spewing hate and encouraging violence against Whites for at least 70 years that has resulted in countless Whites being assaulted, raped, and murdered by non whites. Jews have also used the small and big screen, printed newspapers/books, the music industry to incite anti White hate/violence for decades. How about An Anti White Awareness Act aimed squarely at the biggest perpetrators, the Jews.
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Anti-Zionist Lobby Act is what is DESPERATELY needed in the USA and the West. All zionist activities in the west must be VERBOTEN and made punishable by law!
Before it’s too late let me just say, Nuke Izrael.
The Jewish Z-war criminals & dictators Putin & Netanyahu gotta be executed ASAP!
Isn’t it just making it official what we all know anyway – that criticizing Israel and the Jews publicly is not a wise thing; unless you don’t mind getting de-banked, demoted, fired, smeared, ostracized …. etc. Obviously it all goes much deeper than this “anti-semitism awareness act.” Seeing pro-Palestinian demonstrators get their heads beat in by vicious cops makes one wonder: what would the difference be? Would the cops feel better about it – having a legal cover, so to speak, when they beat the crap out of these people?
It didn’t take long for people fucking around thinking the republicans were at all trustworthy to find out, did it?
The solution is easy. Stop wasting your time, energy, and money in shit institutions, and boycott them.
Don’t be surprised if the SCOTUS ducks out citing a litigant’s “lack of standing” a la the recent 6-3 Murthy decision involving governmental encouragement of Big Tech clampdowns on dissent. It will almost certainly take someone who first suffers sanction and then years of litigation in order to bring a case that forces the issue. And even if successful, the “holding” likely will be limited, leaving this tyranny in place.
Anyone should be able to seek injunctive relief from governmental suppression of free speech as soon as the Antisemitism Awareness Act becomes law. But your natural rights to read & write, speak & hear, and think for yourself are in$ufficient to be vindicated.
Remember when some reporters including Chris Hedges challenged a law (PATRIOT Act, perhaps?) that criminalized their interactions with “terrorists” years ago? A District Court ruled in their favor, but the Circuit Court reversed the decision and the SCOTUS wouldn’t consider the challenge for “lack of standing.”
No one knows how much since Hedges has gone unreported, or how much information he’s been deprived of since Murthy.
When it comes to people versus government, those “branches” are better understood as three hands washing each other and drying off with the Constitution. Why do people who are deemed without “standing” keep taking seriously these pillowfighting politicians, endorsing with each Most Important Election Ever a corporatized government that couldn’t care less about them? (Even at TUR, overwrought columnists and commenters were obsessed for months with Trump’s appointment and Senate confirmation of the woman who wrote the Murthy decision and her stand down colleague “Kav.”)
No one from the Establishment is coming to rescue you from itself.
wouldn’t want to make Maury feel unsafe for mentioning gang raping doctors to death and bombing people starving in tents
I wouldn’t send my kid to any University practicing fascism even if it was free
Things are rolling downhill pretty fast
Its gonna be ugly
Plainly part of the deranged Satan-yahoo-Ben Gvir-Snotrich plan was to use opposition to the Judaic genocide against the Palestinians as an excuse for installing the total rule of the Jewintern. Total Judaic hegemony, in the West only of course, although they’ll try elsewhere, naturally, as in Argentina. When the Talmud speaks of Judaic rule over humanity they are NOT kidding.
The very term ‘antisemitism’ (previously spelled ‘anti-Semitism’) is a deliberately convoluted label that is deigned to blame/shame non-Jews for thinking critically, scrutinizing unfavorably, or voicing opposition to the shadowy and often-nefarious conduct on organized Jewry. ‘Antisemitic theory’ is a formula for control.
The term itself is subversive (deliberately so) with the objective of restricting political discourse. The theory behind ‘antisemitism’ has been manufactured to besmirch (and cripple) anti-Jewish activism and pro-White advocacy. It amounts to spiritual warfare against non-Jews.
Thus, so-called ‘antisemitism’ is a natural and necessary defense mechanism. Without it, gentiles would be even more at the mercy of Jews than they are now.
In a tumultuous word drowning in Jewish-orchestrated conflicts and expulsions, ‘antisemitism’ is actually an unrecognized virtue. It takes courage to challenge the new Jewish establishment. And White nations will not survive without resistance. This is why the deceptive and disarming term ‘antisemitism’ should be upended and deconstructed–or jettisoned from the English language altogether.
It’s time we recognized the fact that Jews and gentiles often have distinct and separate interests. Jews privately understand this. Unfortunately, when gentiles articulate this fact, it is commonly denounced as ‘antisemitic’.
Indeed, the entire theory of ‘antisemitism’ is a self-serving canard–designed to distract and divide non-Jews who recognize the myriad problems associated with sharing our political system with them, tolerating Jewish double-standards, subsidizing Israel’s expanding empire, and indulging their biased historiography. But the Jewish establishment does deserve to be recognized and challenged. It is driving the world towards WWIII.
The sad facts are these: International Jewish power has reached historic highs. Washington and most of Europe in its thrall. The result? Unceasing conflicts, replacement migration, and genocidal wars. Whites have slowly lost their political autonomy. In its place we have an undisclosed Zionist agenda: destroy Putin’s Russia, and with it Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. (Before that, it was Iraq and Libya, remember?) All foes of the Jewish people must perish.
The US has been bamboozled by fake intelligence, fake news, fake history, and around-the-clock Holocaust indoctrination. Zombieland, America has slaughtered millions of defenseless Arabs and wasted trillions doing so.
This should matter. Only it doesn’t.
What’s urgent and critical in Washington today are ‘harsh words’ that upset Jews and make Jewish students ‘feel unsafe.’ The First Amendment be damned.
What we have on our hands is late-stage political decay.
The solution?
The world needs more–not less–so-called ‘antisemitism’.
May it be proud, robust, defiant, and effective!
Stop these murderous bastards before they unleash another pro-Zionist, war-of-choice.
‘Antisemitism Awareness’ is simply another top-down stratagem designed to elevate and insulate Jews from the richly-deserved blowback that is coming their way.
The last great heroine of Aryan resistance has left us. In an ocean of shameful and dishonorable cowardice, she set a powerful and lasting example of resistance against the Jewish system of terror and oppression with her unbending and selfless commitment. R.I.P. Ursula!
The Antisemitism Awareness Act is as atrocious as the author claims. Even worse. In addition to the examples of antisemitic discrimination involving criticism of Israel, other examples include “diminishing ” the Holocaust, questioning the “intentionality” of the Germans in WWII, and, my favorite, “accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group…” In other words, you may have violated the civil rights of a Jew if you blame Jews for what Jews do.
The IHRA’s goal is every country in the West bound and gagged by these antisemitism laws. But our political leaders are as useless as our religious leaders. Something like 27 states already have versions of this act on the books. In Florida, the codified the IHRA definition into law and added religion as a protected class. It passed both houses of the state legislature unanimously and Gov DeSantis flew to Israel to sign the bill into law. The the clowns in Tallahassee passed another bill to train police, crack down on schools, and add hate crime enhancements. Again it passed both houses unanimously and again Gov DeSantis flew to Israel to sign the bill into law.
So now if you are in Florida and you make the true statement, for example, that Bolshevism was a Jewish movement, and a Jew complains to a policeman that your statement made him feel threatened, you could, with hate crime enhancements, spend the next ten years locked in a cage on a felony charge.
I sent a query to the IHRA raising some points about their organization and asking them to explain. LOL, they didn’t, for some reason.
It would be great if thousands of people also sent them a copy of that query letter. Answer, scumbags.
[email protected]
B-b-b-b-because Harvard kikestanis’ fee-fees are more important than the physical survival of Palestinians.
It’s as if 1941 Ukrainian officials taxed Jews harshly so German students living near Babi Yar could get the best ear plugs and tastiest strudel. ‘Cuz what mattered most was Hans and Franz eating primo pastries and not being distracted during their studies by the screams and gunfire emanating from nearby ravines.
Now: remember when you used to give a hoot when Shlomo whined about Juden being oppressed “throughout history”?
Well THAT is a pleasant surprise.
Did Ben Shapiro cut Matt Walsh some slack — or did Matt pull a Candaceowens?
Thirty sponsors of S. 4127 (the Senate version of the Antisemitism Awareness Act) are listed in the bill:
Some of these sponsors — e.g., Joe Manchin (WV), Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Bob Casey (PA) — are leaving the Senate next month. In theory, they don’t need to kowtow and grovel to the Jew lobby anymore.
Last week I sent a letter to Sinema, urging her to withdraw as a sponsor of S. 4127. But also, I will continue demanding both Senators of my state to derail this noxious bill.
Mike Whitney does not mention that Senate majority leader Schumer said he will bring S. 4127 to the floor in December. Thus, now is the time to advocate against this ugly, unconstitutional attack on Americans by the foreign Jew lobby.
The anti-semitism bill is yet another attempt to disempower non-POC. The ultimate goal of such efforts is seizure of money from the non-POC population.
The cities, US and the rest of the West, are as good as dead. They cannot support themselves and the rest of the US cannot support them. The descent of all Western cities into anarchy demonstrates this. Cities lack the money to pay for police and prisons, and are calling this inability a “defund the police” campaign. Pres. Biden opened the borders and also paid NGOs to transport foreigners to the US borders in an attempt to get the votes needed to authorize the US federal government to collect/borrow more money for the US cities. Biden’s attempt to finance cities by immigration [1a] was self defeating resulted in Trump’s election.
The assertions that “Whites” are intrinsically evil “settlers” and “imperialists”, and so have no land ownership and must apologize to indigenous people, while being nowhere indigenous themselves, is yet another attempt to use White property to provide government support for urban areas [2].
Therefore: Trump and MAGA will either abandon US urban areas or be voted out of office, either before or after the US Dollar becomes nearly worthless.
One of the urban groups currently supporting Biden’s attempt to increase urban representation in future elections is the Jewish coalition. The “antisemitism” law is one of their initiatives, an attempt to give the Jewish coalition enough power to continue funding the cities in which they live.
DOGE [1] is inconsistent with funding cities.
First, its direct effects:
* Arlington, for example, will be shut down, and the Black [3] middle income (not “middle class”) in Arlington will be shut down with it. Almost the entire Black middle income class are government employees, and live in cities.
* DOGE will also reduce Jewish employment, in government, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and quasi-governmental organizations (QUANGOs).
Then, its indirect effects:
* Civil sector organizations will no longer retain management elements whose purpose is to ensure compliance with governmental requirements. The personnel of these elements will be dismissed, as is the case with DIE and ESG elements today.
* Incompetent elements of the companies’ line operations will be dismissed, to the improvement of corporate efficiency.
* The secondary businesses that provide lunch and luxury shopping for dismissed workers will also shut.
* The urban commercial real estate market prices will drop even further.
* As the cities decay, Jewish populations will find themselves under severe attack from surrounding criminals, but will find themselves with less income to resist such attacks.
However, the choice is not between continuing the present system and continuing to support its organizations. The choice is between
(a) an uncontrolled shutdown when the US can no longer pay interest due on the national debt without inflating its currency past usability.
(b) an attempt at a controlled shutdown that, if successful, would preserve the US Dollar as a currency and, perhaps, restore some market efficiency to worldwide companies[4].
Note the this is the same choice faced by the USSR, and Gorbachev had about the same choices that Trump now faces. Gorbachev was defeated by his system. We will see how Trump works out because we have no choice.
And it is not likely that the antisemitism bill will pass. The days of Jewish coalition dominance are over, ended when their golem Obama revolted after being offered unlimited funds by the megabanks to save the banks when the collateralized mortgage fraud collapsed. Israeli Ashkenazi realize this, and that’s why Ashkenazi Israel [5] is kicking over the game board and, as Jewish groups have tended to do historically, going out in a blaze of glory.
Video Link
1] Originally pronounced “doggie”, see the picture of a dog on the coin adverts:
1a] The New Deal was a seizure of power by post US Revolution immigrant groups (Irish, Jewish, Polish, Italian) from the Progressives, a group that could trace its ancestry back to pre-Revolutionary times. Biden was trying to repeat history, but found out that the new immigrants did not act like Europeans or Hispanics, and that, since the US was actively deindustrializing, had no jobs waiting for them. The result was kind of like somebody trying to sunbathe outdoors during a blizzard.
2] This is especially obvious in the UK, where the UK government has treated English rural populations as completely illegitimate.
3] “Black” here refers to US civil rights legislation vocabulary.
4] The PRC, for example, is making electric cars that are powered by electricity from soft coal burning power plants, are powered by lithium batteries subject to thermal runaway, and that apparently have a battery life of only few years. I’d like to think that the PRC would have had the sense not do do this had the Western nations not mandated electric vehicles.
5] but not the Mizrahi element of Israel
This legislation is not just about the genocidal monster, Israel, it is the continuation of global Jewry’s efforts to establish themselves as a uniquely “protected species” of humans who may not be criticized as individuals or when they are in any collective form such as a corporation, social group, organized crime, nation or crowd. It started with banning “hate speech” and requiring “safe spaces” where all speech must meet accepted norms defined by the ADL or some Talmudic scholar. It’s very likely that the financial overlord, BlackRock, will soon be included in this protected class.
In European countries they have succeeded in outlawing any comment that is not in compliance with the Jewish narrative. Ursula Haverbeck, a 95 year old German pensioner, was recently sent to jail for not believing in Jewish Holocaustianity. We are next.
Soon Dave Chappelle will do jail time for his clever comment on cohencidence.
Video Link
Remove Israel’s defacto exemption from the FARA Act. Eliminate the AIPAC pledge.
No foreign country should be allowed to lobby on Capitol Hill.
The level of influence enjoyed by foreign powers such as Israel endangers them.
The DEI obsessed universities painted themselves into a corner by embracing cancel culture intolerance. University Presidents could then hardly complain when they got canceled by the domineering Zionist horde for the anti-genocide, legal protests on campus. That such protest is free speech is a no-brainer for anyone with the IQ of a fruit fly, but it is clearly beyond the ken of most congresscritters and probably a few Supreme Court Jesters.
Expect the states to react in horror if federal money is axed and their constitutional responsibility for education again recognized. They could start by eliminating 95% of administrators, cut the bloated salaries of the remaining 5%, and require them to teach half-time. The ridiculous focus on athletics must end–make pro sports run their own minor leagues. I’m dreaming, I know.
Netanyahu, Ben-Givir, Smotrich, etc. are pure pond scum. Let anti-scumitism reign.
Shiksas lut won’t allow Trump to block this assault on free speech.
This is a good thing. Students should be studying, not worrying about events halfway across the world in a country they will likely never set foot in. They are just being busybodies…
Just passed in the House
Trump’s pick for Homeland Security
Noem enacts IHRA into law
Video Link
Trump speech clip
Trump’s Plan to STOP the Antisemitism Epidemic in Colleges
Video Link
So if it’s ‘blatantly unconstitutional’, how can it be ‘the death knell for free speech’?
H.R.6090 — Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023
It looks like the plan is to use Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which the bill says ‘prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance‘, to compel restrictions on expression via the threat of withholding money — this mirrors the US practice of financial sanctions against nation states.
It would be difficult to overstate how insidious the Civil Rights Act has become — if any piece of legislation deserves to be called un-American, it does.
It’s rather odd that Mike Lawler, an Irish Catholic, would sponsor the ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023’, and evil dwarf Jew Jerry Nadler would oppose it.
And speaking of evil Jews, Schumer wants to get it thru the Senate by including it as part of a defense spending bill, which to his credit (not that he deserves a lot of credit) Mike Johnson opposes — he wants a standalone vote in the Senate, as happened in the House.
It’s the ongoing Sovietization of the United States.
As I wrote previously:
When the Bolshevik Jews took power in Russia 1917 they rooted out all opposition (plus potential opposition). They took hold of every aspect of power.
Following that line, one could expect Anti-Semitism (or criticism of Israel) to be seriously criminalized (imprisonment) with society replete with spies and informers.
Also, the end of prívate property (“You will own nothing and be happy”). The British Labour government is already toying with the idea of taxing unrealized gains in the value of real estate. In other words the public end up renting their homes with ownership in the hands of organizations like Blackstone who will “own” these families.
Sovietization is really the harshest form of feudalism without the religious/benevolent/reciprocal obligation aspects.
The logical reaction of the Russian population under Sovietization was to do the least possible work, shut up and drop out. Lots of alcoholism with the young and ambitious joining the Party (emigration prohibited). That meant repeating and enforcing the propaganda and maybe eventually getting the use of a car and a non-shared apartment (owned by the government).
Anyone who wants to pass a law declaring criticism of treasonous organized criminals and killers illegal is obviously a treasonous criminal and killer. Want proof? jews did 9/11.
So what makes the author think appealing to Constitutional rights to allow free speech and not “pulverize the First Amendment”, when dealing with Judeofascist and Zionist organized criminals, is going to move them in the least? It’s like a student going into HQ for a den of thieves and declaring “Stop this murderous crime enterprise now!”
Jesus already did that and got himself killed. Of course, in the largest context, his martyrdom got the ball rolling on the civilization that would eliminate a huge segment if this nest of vipers from existence, but in the short term it looked like nothing but a suicide mission. And this is what we’re dealing with: stunted, short-term thinkers existing on empty calories; gouls, vampires, terrorists and parasites masquerading as the “chosen”.
Oye! Oye! Terrorists, vampires and parasites are people too!
Moses disagreed. Jesus Christ disagreed. Christendom disagreed. Western Civilization disagreed.
Either you want to live by the rule of law, or you don’t. These schizoids trying to have it both ways are doomed. The jews are already dead.
They can start by making it illegal to place the ubiquitous Jewish swastika (or any other banner for that matter) next to the American flag.
Exactly the same playbook as the (((Bolsheviks))):
First they came for dear old Aunty Shemtism…..
Starting to see a (((pattern)))???
The bill is so obviously outrageous that it needs no comment by me, but I have a question: why have so many articles been written during recent decades to focus specifically on speech on college campuses?
I have never grasped the putative special connection between American colleges and the First Amendment. Why colleges, particularly?
I mean, sure, students have the same First Amendment protections everyone else has, but students are also callow and naïve and, generally, would be well advised to listen more than to speak (not that students will take such advice, but it’s still good advice). Professors on the other hand have a special duty to avoid abusing their tenured positions of authority, a duty which enjoins them against too freely speaking their minds within students’ hearing. So, speech and campus? I don’t get it. I never have.
I wasn’t born till the late 1960s, though. I vaguely remember the mid-1970s remnants of the hippies in Ann Arbor, but was otherwise too young then to know what was going on in the wider world. Does the speech-and-campus thing have something to do with Vietnam-era military conscription? If it does, that was kind of a long time ago. I fail to see the relevance.
Trump’s new pick for AG, Pam Bondi, has said that the FBI should be used to harass anti-Israel protestors. They’re already doing that, but it will probably increase under her watch.
Wow what a POS scumbag you are. Slimy satanic putrid POS scumbag parasite Israel started as irgun terrorists and are ISIS terrorists today and funded Hamas and staged the Oct 7 false flag event and should be nuked. And crime minister widdle whiny baby Nitwityahu POS should be executed. Fixed that for you. Take your Noahide laws and stick them where the sun never shines.
Harry Truman might have said:
“Once a government is committed to the wholesale slaughter of women and children in prostrate nations, whether by ‘conventional’ or nuclear means, it has only one way to go, …”, etc.
Agreed that this is a basic misunderstanding.
For example, in the chaos after the 1917 Petrograd Jewish Bolshevik coup the middle class were confidently expecting the authorities (no longer there) to restore order.
Even after they were transported to the Gulag they still wrote plaintive letters saying that there must have been some understanding.
Whitney rightly points out that the grotesque AA Act is the death knell of free speech, but it is much more than that: it is the death of the US constitution itself. Kill free speech and you tear out the heart of the US Constitution. Tear out the pulsing heart of the Constitution, and the very life blood of the nation will seep out of its veins. This is a ritual Kosher Killing, folks: the Jews have decided that the time has come to throw caution to the wind and go straight for the jugular of the American Republic.
What’s worse is that the Jews warned us a long time ago that this is exactly what they were going to do, and, pathetically, nobody took the necessary precautions. No! People are deluding themselves, like Kmac on the article next door, who says he voted for Trump and would vote for Trump again. But Trump will be the number one enforcer of this “Antisemitism Awareness Act” (AAA) as he told us himself. So if even a Kmac can be so delusional, what hope can the rest of us have?
I say this as a Brazilian living in Brazil, but the tentacles of the Vampire Squid reach far and wide: if even in the “land of the free and home of the brave” Americans have fallen to this craven level of cowardice before the Jew onslaught, then what is in store for us out in the periphery will surely be even worse. I expect a similar laws to come seeping through our legal system, because we stupidly copy everything spit out by the Jew-controlled USA, the Land of the Jews, the Home of the Rabbis.
What AAA really means — it’s written in code, as the Jews are wont to do — is this: Anti-American Annihilation Act. America is being led to the slaughter and the ritual sacrifice will occur right on Capitol Hill: America is the red heifer and Capitol Hill is the Temple Mount. On this holy site is where the Jews will burn the US Constitution to a crisp, a holocaust oh so pleasing to the Jew “god”, Satan, in their futile attempt to usher in the era of Mashiach, the Anti-Christ.
This is what we can expect from Trump 2.0, a Trump that was anointed with a bloody right ear and is now considered the new Cyrus the Great, who in ancient times authorized the Jews to rebuild their Satanic Temple. And now Trump the Great, who is supposed to bring us a Golden Age, will continue to bow down low to the Jews: Trump will be the enforcer of the AAA, and this is why he is being billed as the last American president. Because during the Trump mandate, the Jews will do everything in their power to destroy the American Republic.
And you cannot understand why hatred of jews is so prevalent. That you are so disconnected with reality that you think it is acceptable to write such things, when any reasonable criticism is used as fodder to silence your enemies.
Can you not see why I and many more hope you all die and go away?
Most states have laws against BDS boycotts of Israeli products. Although boycotts have been ruled repeatedly by SCOTUS as part of constitutionally protected Free Speech, the state and federal governments squeal National Security (do many Americans care about National Security of Israel? Some Israeli products surely compete with US made goods?)
The Squirrel Hill “Massacre” is the biggest murder of Jews in American history. Eleven were killed (all but two between 65 and 97 years old; those two in their 50s lived a home for the disabled). The crazed murderer (who faced 99 federal and state charges) was concerned about the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society which supported illegal immigration at the Southern border.
The second biggest murder of Jews in the US was 5 by Black Hebrew Israelites in a NJ Kosher supermarket.
In comparison, there were 460 Blacks killed in Chicago between May 2023 and April 2024 (a major drop from the previous three years); only 1 in 4 of these homicides resulted in an arrest. But unlike Jews (and American politicians?), Americans have no souls, their deaths don’t matter.
Jeez, another guy who doesn’t know infer from imply.
I think we should consider boycotting all products marked kosher. Many junk food companies are also owned by “Zionists.”
Stabbed in the back 2.0
She was a very good-looking old lady.
Counter-currents used the above photo of her when (very, no more than 17) young, Anglin also used it. What is the provenance?
All I could find was that she had been a member of the Jungmadelbund, later a war refugee (she was from East Prussia), as such a student, and that her husband had been the leader of a movement that, at least early on, was favoured by the National Socialists.
It is odd, after that, nothing until the late 1980s, when she became involved with the nationalistic side of what was to become the German Green Party. Even that part wasn’t easy to find.
Shows how bad information control on the ‘net has become. Wikipedia, under ‘Life’, has nothing much about her except ‘Holocaust’ (LOL) denier, same on most search results.
In any case, R.I.P. to a very brave lady.
What I meant by that is that the Antisemitism Awareness Act (AAA) comes straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion:
The problem is that what the Jews are doing is so damn evident:
So this is what seems to be playing out: the Jews have decided they have “enough strength” to come right out in the open and push this tyrannical law down the throat of the American people. Jew Power will no longer be invisible: from now on, the Jews will exercise an “overt” power:
So will the American sheeple stand for this? What are the odds that there will be an uprising, a goy rebellion to shake off the shackles the Jews have placed around the collective goy neck? Place your bets, folks. Because Trump — “the highest representative of power” — has already said that he will enforce these constitution-wrecking AAA laws and crack down on any type of criticism of Israel and the Jews in general. What we are witnessing is nothing less than this: the ritualistic Jew kosher slaughter of the American Republic.
Freedom of Speech, baby! Billionaire Jews does not make the USA free-Period!
The Jews have freedom to 911 lies. Freedom to deceive as money changers via Federal Reserve and Central Banks. Freedom to corruption via Pornography. Freedom to promote Soddom and Gomorra!
Freedom to tel LIE vision and other mediums of media.
But God forbid if anyone has the freedom to speak the truth. You shall be labelled Anti Semite!
How can these sick Mother F*kers be Gawd’s Chozen people?
Matthew 27:
Well said, antisemitism is simply resistance to Jewish supremacism. The fact that they can pass this law proves that their rule is supreme.
Wow Trump is really setting himself up to be fucked as brazen tyrannical
Jewish psychopaths humiliate the white gentile majority obtaining for themselves everything they claim would be “neo-nazi, white supremacy, and racism” for the white gentile majority in our own countries. WTF!
We do have the right to execute tyrants that violate our constitutional rights which IS the INTENDED purpose of the second amendment. There was a speech given to a gathering of politicians that I saw some years back stating as such. It has long since disappeared for JewTube. He specifically stated that the second amendment was designed to “come after YOU” as he pointed to and addressed the politicians.
Jew have clearly proven they are an enemy within the US and an enemy of the world with their current escalation to nuclear war to destroy white countries, the Bolshevik Revolution and communist divide of the world, WW2, 9/11 and their genocide of the Middle East for the last 23 years. They are a tiny piss-ant population that could be wiped out in matter of hours just like the Taliban retaking their country in the matter of few days! Release the truth about that history and JUSTIFY their REMOVAL and/or executions.
Jews have clearly demonstrated that they do not stop unless you KILL them and even then it is only a temporary fix.
Where are Jew-wise Musk and Carlson and why are they not talking some sense to Trump?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that this law is unconstitutional under the First Amendment and will be overturned sooner of later.
On the other hand this law is a good thing in that it brings more awareness of who’s really been running things here in the good old USA; The fake Jews
The fake Jews got themselves a big conundrum on their hands
They know that no people will for long voluntarily allow themselves to be ruled by fake Jews
Because the fake Jews have no base, nobody really likes them.
So the only way they’ve been able to operate up to now is by deception.
10/7 has forced them out into the open for the first time.
Now average Americans are realizing the control fake Jews have on their country
If average Americans stopped voting for fake Jews and those they control to rule them it would be the collapse of fake Jewish Power here in the US.
There is a small part of me that wants to believe this could be a 5d chess move on the part of the right to de-fund the left, using this as an excuse to destroy one of their greatest strongholds – Big Education. There could also be a significant group of powerful Jews who see Zionism as the greater cause worth sacrificing the Cultural Marxism other (or possibly the same) Jews have been pushing for so long.
Honestly after Covid, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see even more contraction in US Higher education under whatever pre-text they can find.
US Universities are an expensive joke, like US hospitals.
The last twenty years have shown that awarding degrees to graduates doesn’t make jobs for those graduates appear.
Whether for anti-Zionism or efficiency, the US can’t afford storing military age bodies in higher education when they need them for their planned Battle of Beijing.
I read comment #1 as sarcasm, and a reminder that the tyranny has been underway for decades.
PATRIOT Act, NDAA reauthorizations, selective weaponization of FARA … there’s already plenty in the Establishment’s toolbox and practically none of it has been effectively challenged.
From Jewish Insider:
Former Democratic Rep. Robert Wexler: ‘When it comes to the interests of the Jewish community and having an attorney general that will fight for the protection of the Jewish community, we could not do better than Pam Bondi’.
In an October 2023 appearance on Newsmax, Bondi expressed concern about antisemitism, particularly on college campuses, and delivered comments that suggest she’ll take an aggressive approach to anti-Israel protests on campuses.
“The thing that’s really the most troubling to me [are] these students in universities in our country, whether they’re here as Americans or if they’re here on student visas, and they’re out there saying ‘I support Hamas.’” Bondi said. “Frankly they need to be taken out of our country or the FBI needs to be interviewing them right away.”
She also called for revoking student visas from non-citizens involved in such activity and reimposing the Trump travel ban targeting several Muslim majority countries.
“It’s truly, truly heartbreaking to see what’s happening to all of our Jewish friends in this country,” Bondi continued, “by really just, I think, a lot of ignorant kids, and students, and people who don’t understand that Hamas equals terrorism.”
We are simply receiving our just desserts. For a century we have been allowing Jewish infiltration to change the face and bones of Americans and America. Why the fear and surprise now. The obvious is not a new or even recent revelation. Jewish intentions and feeling have been overt as hell since post WW II and especially the sixties. A few of our own knew the Jews in the early 1900’s. We can thank ourselves for all the domestic and international misery the Jews have given us and the world.
Just because 12 fake Jew owned judges pronounce something
Doesn’t mean it’s the end of the republic
Giving up the republic and the Bill of Rights in order to be openly ruled by fake Jews
Means that from now on you are nothing more than another Palestinian to them.
And look how they treat the Palestinians
Keeping it simple – Trump has the opportunity to be the greatest president ever…..or preside over the collapse of America…..”IT’S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!” – and it will recorded as such by future historians. All we need to do is remind him – REPEATEDLY! It’s called LEVERAGE!
If he acts as president of Israel…..MAGA is DOA!
Amigo, the vile us empire and its populace has been a dangerous madhouse filled with buffoons and turkeys for 400+ years.
God chose Jews for free will including free speech. Cattle are not free to curse their masters, it is antisemitic and against God’s will.
The only way to deal with what are obviously silly overreaching dictates from on high is to make everything meet their criteria. Like the Stasi, everyone joins and reports everyone else. Let’s have sports betting on who is ahead in offences this week.
The flavor of the latte you ordered and the way you sip it obviously betrays your ingrained racial prejudice and white privilege etc.
Public virtue signaling must be obligatory. Let’s have Kippah Friday twice a month where the entire gentile population has an opportunity to show solidarity with 2% of their neighbors, on alternative Friday’s we must pray to Allah in public, selfie evidence required etc.
Who ever comes up with the viral bumper sticker or t-shirt will make a fortune, just don’t forget to pay your tithes.
Ursula Haverback just passed away, in prison. I sent her a birthday card, (while she was in prison), several years ago. She was a witness to the events that took place in Germany during WWII. The (((people))) responsible for her sentences were not even alive at that time. What could they know that she didn’t know? Rest in peace, Ursula.
And antisemitism aka criticism of fake semites was a crime in the old Soviet Jewnion as well.
Social institutions are destroyed after they become a farce and remain so for several decades. After it becomes obvious that an institution’s wares cost more in time and money than they are worth, they are shut down [1].
was changed from
“Do as the dominant Jewish bloc says or be damned for eternity”. That is, after the Protestant churches had become a non-spiritual farce.
Consider the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) after Vatican II. Apparently the RCC concluded that (a) it would have predominantly non-European membership and so (b) the “social gospel” Jesuits of Latin America should administer an RCC that was little more than a leisure time activity of the hard Left. That is, after it had become a non-spiritual farce [1].
Big Education was destroyed decades ago. Universities now not offer education. Even the engineering courses have been dumbed down to the point of uselessness, rote learnings with no applications that at best permit graduates to perform technician work within a specialty. The time of the Universities/Big Education is almost up.
And after that, who will give the basic education needed to run industrial society? Right now, industrial society is run by a cadre of old workers, and the new guys do not understand much more than how to fill out paperwork and set the controls for the machines. Ford just fired its internal combustion engineers as useless in an era of electric vehicles, yet now Ford has admitted 3.7 billion dollars for the first 9 months of 2024 ( ), losing an average of $5,000 for each EV that Ford sold. Switching back to IC engines might be a bit difficult with the engineers fired and no more educated graduates to even start learning automotive engineering.
1] Recently, the current Pope said that he should be buried in a wooden coffin ( ). Perhaps his conscience got the better of him, although burial sounds a tad severe.
Trump isn’t being set up. He’s OK with what is going on.
The Antisemitism Awareness Act only applies in certain teaching institutions, and more particularly in those of the elite paying fortunes to get indoctrinated. These institutions have never been havens of freedom of expression. What the First Amendment has always guaranteed to those institutions is the freedom to indoctrinate what they want to those who pay to get indoctrinated in order to get a job that hire indoctrinated people only.
The First Amendment always made exceptions : in particular during the whole ante-bellum era Catholicism was out of reach for that Amendment as combatting Catholicism was one big raison d’être for the very existence of the American republic. In many states before prevailing yourself of the First Amendment when facing a lawsuit for defamation you had to swear you were not a Catholic (you had the right to be a Catholic in the US for sure, after all Maryland had joined the Union as a Catholic state, but not to teach Catholic dogma outside specifically Catholic spaces like seminaries, monasteries, reviews…) or at least not intent in teaching Catholic tenets of dogma. You could not teach Catholic arguments against the Darwinian theory of Evolution. You could oppose that theory for sure but as soon as it was discovered that your argumentation was a copy of that of the Roman Sacred College you had to be scissored out instantly out of any non specifically Catholic publication.
In Ivy leagues institutions you had to agree with the tenets of Calvinism or those of Judaism before being admitted though you were not required to be part of a like religion. Most of the constitutional rights were actually a continuation of those practically granted by the British Common Law.
Divulging vital military information was always out of bonds for the first amendment and at many junctures that included many important scientific fields. UFO sighting data for instance was always subjected to security clearance and that rapidly led to huge chunks to perfectly scientific data to be censored in various fields such as medicine or the domain of directed energies. For a long time lasers were not to be discussed in scientific reviews for the general public. Believe it or not during the 1960-1990 interval the disclosing of scientific hypotheses especially in the domain of para-sciences was freer in USSR than in the USA, in the same way a greater part of the US territory was out of bonds for visitors and civilians than of USSR : the Americans were told about Vladivostok to be forbidden to tourists but a greater part of San Diego was forbidden than of Vladivostok actually.
It’s MJCJIA – Make Justice for Criminal Jews Illegal Again! Just like the Bolshevik Jews made Justice for their mass slaughter of Russians “anti-Semitism” and punishable by DEATH!
It is funny that 98% of all books whether fiction or non fiction that address “racism” printed in America are really just bullshit anti White HATE Speech or lies published by mostly Jewish publishing companies. I am sure we are aware of the book, “ A Time To Kill” by white traitor trash, John Grisham. Grisham based this work of fiction on (((a real life incident))) but completely reversed the races of the perpetrators and victim. White on Black rape is as rare as an honest Jew. This seedy fictional account of (((a real life incident was later turned to reel life.))) Another piece of anti White trash that was mandatory reading for a lot of people in junior high school that made it to Jewywood was To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
When Jew sing “rivers to rivers to sea, our delusions will be complete”,
that is calling for the eradication of all others not Jew.
The definition of “antisemitism” before October 7 was “hating Jews for no reason.”
The definition of “antisemitism” after October 7 is saying “Jews should stop killing children.”
How about forcing EVERY Jewish organization here in the USA to register as a foreign agent? And how about calling the Jewish food tax for what it is – a shakedown of American business?
Thank you.
MeanJew… Here you are and I thought you were hurt in this last attack on Unit8200. Glad to see you are alive and hopefully well, still full of Khazbara, but well.
With your logic, maybe the IOF should stop crying, going AWOL in Lebanon and do some manly fighting when only men are around.
They are just being bitchyboys!
Please thank your boss for hiting you.
The people could end companies if they so choose
No one controls point of purchase
That includes businesses banks and institutions
Imagine if visa and amazon had no customers?
… and the dreaded Barter System
there are some tools in our arsenal if we unite and deploy them en masse
Jewish Logic.
All the USA has to do is to declare zionism and judaism to be foreign political systems, which removes all Constitutional protections from all adherents and acolytes of judaism.
Jews are still able to practice their “quasi-religion” but are required to register as “agents of a foreign government” with the U. S. State Department on an annual basis.
–All synagogues and foreign lobbying organizations (AIPAC, ADL, HIAS, etc.) lose their tax-exempt status and are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government” on an annual basis as well.
–All holocaust museums (jewish freak shows Hollywood productions) lose their tax exempt status and face prosecution and are shut down for fraud.
–One holocaust museum is allowed to remain open with explanations on the massive fraud that jews have perpetrated against the world.
–Prohibit dual citizenship across the board. Citizens of the USA are prohibited from holding dual citizenship.
–All jewish politicians are required to report their status as “agents of a foreign government”.
–All American politicians who hold dual citizenship are prohibited from serving in any public service function.
–Deport any person from USA who serves in any foreign country’s military service.
–Genocide trials for all American citizens serving in israel’s military–no exceptions.
–Genocide trials for all American public officials who approved sending American weapons to israel.
We need Mr. Trump to open the 911 folder. I am positive the Ashkanazi Israeli Political Action Committee will not mind at all, since they absolutelly had nothing to do with 911.
A brave lady. RIP
It’s already happening…
Zionist jews are abandoning the middle east and are gravitating to their new European “homeland”. Ukraine.
The Ukraine is being “cleansed” of ethnic Russians and non-jewish Ukrainians as well.
The “war” is designed to “encourage” non-jews to “go elsewhere”.
This was the case in post-war Germany where Germans who fled the war lost their real estate and other property to jews without compensation. In fact, the “allies” forcibly removed Germans from their homes and gave them to jews. History does indeed repeat itself.
You see, most European jews HATE the climate and cultural demographic of the middle east and desire a European base of operation in which to conduct their sordid, criminal activities. Plus, their criminal “customer base” is much closer as well.
israel 2.0, the Ukraine is being “prepped” for jewish occupation as we speak.
It is interesting to note that in Ukraine, Christian churches have been shuttered while synagogues remain open-shades of the bolshevik revolution of Russia which also closed and “repurposed” Christian church property while making it a capital offense to criticize jews…
What jews are doing in Ukraine, Gaza and the West Bank, they have planned for “the rest of us”.
We are one step away “they” declare all white Americans responsible for the alleged “sacrificial mass offering that was entirely consumed by fire.”
“The dead pope will also not be put on display atop a raised platform, or catafalque, in St Peter’s Basilica for visitors in Rome to view, as was the case with previous popes.
Visitors will still be welcome to pay their respects, but Francis’s body will be left inside the casket, with the lid off.”
Smart move. An open coffin would invite many Catholics to spit on his carcass.
Thanks. Fully in agreement with your sentiments directed at the vilest, most loathsome tribe in history.
No. In Petrograd the working class was dreaming of massacring the whole aristocracy and the whole educated class. The general mentality was that since bringing abundance to the masses was technically impossible, misery was to be imposed to all. Most observers awaited a take-over by the nationalist-populists to bring back Russia into the benighted past it dreamt of, before modernists such as Peter the great or Catherine the great betrayed her to fancy themselves as would-be European. The aristocracy considered they were a biologically different people than the common Russians exerting their right of colonists and conquerors. Finally the Marxists took over because they stated that the common Russians could hope for a European standard of living and should unleash their rightful vengeful instincts only onto the evidently parasitical rent-extractors while sparing the useful middle classes that would be employed as doctors, architects, engineers for the commoners. But the greater part of the working class did applaud each time presumed parasites who lived too well were shot down : even though they were often without guns, they were encouraged to use their own work tools as weapons of execution : builders would use their hammers to break open skulls, while peasants would use their sickle as a beheading machete. The well-known symbol of communism has no other origin and it did seduce a great majority of desperate people.
I agree with you but why just detain them indefinitely? Terminate “with extreme prejudice” the most vocal of them and deport all the rest. I’d support deporting all the non-Jews. Anti-semitism only arises when Jews live in an environment of non-Jews.
Pattern Recognition.
Nothing happens by mistake.
It’s all a plan.
That’s the Donald’s power base, the deplorables aka Garbage are certainly not Jewish.
It’s also why he will use his Appointees as proxies to push all this legislation, Zion Don rides again.
The election had the commies losing to the Zionists, but we all know who wins once again in the JUSA.
Shem means name, in the sense of making a name for oneself.
Semite means famous. Thus, semitism means boasting of one’s fame.
I’m proud to be an antisemite, as I prefer humility.
we all know what the Orange Messiah will do
“get rid of all the Jew Haters”
Fortunately the courts will strike this down very quickly.
The Jews are Playing For Keeps, Whitey. (((They))) want the West if not the World to become the Soviet Jewnion on steroids. Self preservation and self defense is a God given right or if you are a non Believer, it is a human right. What was it that Solzhenitsyn said, IF ONLY……..
This court doesn’t have the intellectual candlepower to handle First Amendment questions. After Murthy I held out some hope that they would eventually get right the question of whether the large social media companies can violate First Amendment speech rights. But the same 6-3 majority put the kibosh on that shortly afterwards in the Net Choice decision. Asked to determine whether these companies were violating the rights of individuals, the court decided that it was the First Amendment rights of the companies that were being assaulted by legislation that attempted to get them to act as if the First Amendment applied to them. Kagan’s ludicrous decision compared the social media giants to a newspaper and a St. Patrick’s Day parade, both of which make editorial decisions about what to include and exclude.
Which raises an interesting question: Now that the Supreme Court has ruled that the social media companies are publishers rather than platforms, thus undermining the rationale for section 230 protection from liability, is the way cleared for litigants to begin suing them for defamation and such? Does the Court’s holding in effect negate 230?
The Zionist Agenda for Global control of governments, free speech and sovereignty have failed miserably. What we are witnessing now are headless buffoons traveling in ever diminishing circles until they’re engulfed in their own orifice as the final days of Messianic end times prophecy plays out.
Samson Option (((nuclear annihilation))) as foretold by Rabbinical Elders of Zion.
The method to deal with and defeat this mockery of our First Amendment right to free is speech already in place.
Violate this stupid law, get arrested, go to jail, refuse bond, sit in their jail and demand a jury trial.
Not just a few people here and there, but thousands filling the jails and courts will stop this.
We Americans have the strength of numbers.
Remember, please, our Constitution does two things: 1. It declares there are rights. 2. It limits the power of government. This foolish attempt at censorship is a violation of both Constitutional principles.
Win, win.
Gamer Uprising has a post saying that picture is a modern Tumblr ho and not Ursula.
This is supposedly her when she was younger:
The Russian middle class was also regarded as a “class enemy”.
No question that the Russian aristocracy was useless, but then so were other pre WW1 European aristocracies. Many of their own intellectuals fashionably sympathizing with the Bolsheviks. How stupid did that turn out to be? Same as the fashionable US 1960s counter-cultural leftists cheering on their Jewish leaders / society destructors.
And, the middle class across Europe were no different. They were induced to commit suicide through the destruction of everything that had made them wealthy and successful. It wasn’t called counter-culture for nothing. It was orchestrated by radical Jews using the opportunity to leverage themselves into positions of power making counter-culture (destruction) mandatory.
The original “class enemies” (Russian middle class of 1917) are starting to look like the template for the new “class enemies” (US middle class 2024 or Anglos in general) – with the project to crush/ criminalize them and remove their assets well under way. It’s not happening by accident. Neo Bolsheviks have taken power in the US and NW Europe.
It’s worth remembering that Henry Ford in his day (1920s) brought industry and development to Detroit and paid the wages that went to build lives and families. Exactly what radical Jews have successfully drained out of the US. Ref. Detroit 1920 vs. Detroit 2024.
Ursula Haverbeck (not Haverback as you wrote) did not die in prison. She has not been in prison since she was released some years ago (Nov. 2020 it was).
She did die on Nov. 20, probably at home — I have not seen the details yet. But you, Katrinka, do not know the details either, yet hurried to “spread the news,” inaccurately. This kind of behavior and misstatements on this website, and others, depresses me bc it shows how most of those “on our side” but still anonymous, actually disregard truth when it gets in the way of their own ego. They can’t take the time to look anything up; they take whatever they’ve heard or read anywhere & go with it. So sloppy … not like the German frau Ursula! She would not approve.
I’ll check out the reports now.
Instead of Anti-semitism Awareness Act, it should be called Anti-Jew Awareness Act.
It is not a paradox but a reasonable expectation that the more they push it the more Jew awareness they create.
You don’t seem to live in the real world, where everything is continuous and interrelated. Instead, you fixate and rotate around the perfect ideal, using absolutes, black and white artificial choices, and now near hysteria.
It’s like going to a restaurant with 25 different pies for a certain type of pie, and finding that they are out, then wanting to burn the place down. You seem to be regressing back to somewhere you should have progressed beyond some time ago.
I advise you to put down your academic books and get away from your jerk circle academic crowd, get out and hit the bricks in the real world. Do some travel, work on a farm, take some trade school classes, so the Reality can provide some corrective measures and feedback testing to a hermetically sealed echo chamber with a mountain of Marshall amplifiers.
Video Link
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You’re getting louder and cloudier.
The Orange clown is no Hitler for sure. Kisses Jew ass just like his predecessors.
So do you want to see the Antisemitism Awareness Act passed or not?
There ain’t no “business” like shoah business.
This is the classic over-reach that insane and blind tyrants all through history have not survived.
Overt and obvious jewish control of our societies has so far been relegated to what most normies think of as “kooks, anti-semites, h_______ deniers” but now has crossed into areas that many Jews themselves finance and organize on our campuses.
I like where this is going!
Let’s get the internal conflicts inside the leftosphere shooting at each other already, while civilization bothers itself with surviving the chaos.
Then the “Holocaust” never occured because every Jew wasn’t killed either.
That’s not her. Whoever it is it isn’t Ursula.
Ursula Haverbeck was a heroine by any decent person’s standards. Her own country, its media, and public faces ALL vilified her as a hateful witch. That’s right. Deutschland über Hunde. No demonstrations, so outcry for this frail woman. A Goddess to me.
Leg dich hin, Schafsköpfe. Lie down sheepheads. And lick your masters’ boots, Western World while the Slavs fight and die at the last line of defense against a thousand year of darkness for the whole world.
And you can you can take your Germanic, Scandinavian Beauty Contest Superiority Cockrot and shove it up your ass.
Without their cultural hegemony including free speech only for Judaism and its evil agendas, no disintegration of peoples and nations.
Their most violent and forever changing holohoax stories are their base of power over the West, including Russia with severe holohoax laws and the largest hoax museum in Moscow;
No Holocaust narrative without federal constitutional courts – politicians as judges. Without a Holocaust narrative, no cultural hegemony of Judaism.
Without the hegemony of Judaism, no disintegration of peoples and nations!
The clown is a Jew ass himself and calls for censorship & repression to secure his tribe’s power.
Rogan realising the fake (ear-shot).
Over the centuries Jews have been expelled from 109 countries for the same reason–being murderous fucking assholes. In this last century they have started two world wars for the goal of a jewish homeland in Palestine, they corrupted and destroyed the Byzantine Empire, the USSR; they have corrupted and are in the process of destroying the EU, the USA, Canada and Australia. They are committing genocide in occupied Palestine with arms, political support and funds from the corrupted USA. it is time for the USA to expel their corrupting influence and make it 110 countries they have been expelled from. Make 2025 110.
Bring in all these laws. I am all for it. It is all window-dressing and of no help to Israel. Meanwhile, the terrorist state is being thrashed on multiple fronts.
What’s sicker is brownnosing white male cucks nod along like dogs.
I am firmly antijudaic, regarding Judaism as an almost complete evil. I am not ‘antisemitic’, of course, because antisemitism is a propaganda invention, intended to slander, intimidate and silence critics of Judaic barbarity, now reaching new depths of Satanic savagery and psychopathic excess.
Judeophobia, the hatred of ALL Jews because they are Jews, I refuse because many Jews are opposed to Zionazi barbarity, and campaign for HUMANITY, which is antithetical to Judaism. Others are quiescent, out of fear of group vengeance and ostracism, and I cannot see how hatred of those does any good at all. But Jews who are firmly Zionazi, are, in my opinion, criminal accomplices in genocide.
Why so harsh?
Any which way: Frau Ursula Haverbeck did die in prison.
The FRG – federal republic on Germany – is a prison.
(All 5 continents, the handfull we are allowed to know of, are prison colonies under Jewish tyrany).
Frau – with capital letter – (re. “so sloppy”) – died in her body, another prison within the prison.
Her soul is relieved, finally.
May God grace her, may she finally rest in peace;
Very many Western political and other thugs support the Judenreich because of their genocide. The Judenreich is the tip of the Western spear being turned on the no longer supine non-Western world. World War III, the West’s war against the rest, has been occurring since WWII, but this horror in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria etc, is the beginning of a ‘Final Solution to the Useless Eaters Problem’. I ABSOLUTELY confidently expect bio-warfare and AI assisted mass slaughter very soon.
Ursula Haverbeck’s memory will shine as long as people honor integrity and courage.
He thinks the Jews will protect him for his obvious crimes! The Jews will fuck him in the end as they ALWAYS do! Just ask the Clintons!
It is the quintessence of Judaism and of Judaic rule over the goyim. Jewish ‘fearfulness’, much plainly concocted and fraudulent, is more important, more vital, than the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinian children. The moral and spiritual EVIL of Judaism and the Jewintern controlled West has never been more apparent. Satan is in charge in the West, and thus in the world.
I’m rather amused at the previous replies to this post, who did not read the second paragraph closely enough to discern the sarcasm of the first paragraph.
Unfortunately, that’s usually how these cases work.
In the case law you cite, plaintiffs wanted forward-looking relief from government infringement upon their rights, which sets the bar high. Seems that district court judges had a lot more common sense in their holdings, but even they had to know the plaintiffs were bound to face great difficulty.
As per challenges to anti-BDS laws, in the vast majority of cases, rulings have favored the plaintiffs, which provides a solid foundation for universities, their professors and/or students to succeed in any prospective suit against the government.
Of course, it remains to be seen, yet at this stage in the game, there’s really no other option.
Either one proceeds with the surety of standing (after suffering clear injury-in-fact) or he allows his rights to be crushed underfoot without a fight.
I think its great all these draconian laws…it means the truth is out in the open…no more pretending that the U.S is a democracy…no more pretence that the real rulers care about the constitution unless its to their benifit.
The great lie that is the U.S is now in the sunshine…and that is what criminals hate more than anything…exposure of what and who they are.
We really have no choice other than to hope so.
The jews hate free speech especially if it calls out their crimes against the world and humanity. The only speech these khazari turkic kike asiatic scum like is their own. To hell with them…
Good comment.
You took the words out of many mouths.
Thanks very much. I’m surprised you found all you did as I totally concur, as someone who’s been searching the web for National Socialist information since 2006, that the content available has seriously deteriorated over this time period. It’s like night versus day. It’s a problem for the truth that it doesn’t get much attention. Too many distractions and distractors operating just for that purpose.
The death announcement on CODOH from Germar Rudolf was very welcome, timely & informative, but I find the rendering in this sentence to be confusing:
Does he mean convictions or actual incarceration time? I suspect he is confused himself. Frau Haverbeck spent a total of two and a half years in prison by the time she passed away.
Here is one of my better posts about Ursula, in her honor:
The problem jews face with this bill is that the non whites will burn down the schools before they allow the schools to shut them up. Jews filling the USA with non whites was a huge mistake for jews. It has resulted in many unintended consequences. If the USA needs a draft the non whites are simply going to say no. They will burn down cities if a military draft is enacted.
Its all coming to a head and its all bad for the jews control of the USA. All they are doing with this bill is showing white Americans who is running our country into the ground.
More proof that the mainstream media is jew-owned can be found in the treatment of truth-seeker Ursula Haverbeck who recently passed on.
EVERY news site I have visited has nothing “nice” to say about her, despite her quest for TRUTH.
If being called a “Nazi” and a holohoax (oops, I mean holocaust) denier for one’s beliefs is supposed to be a pejorative, I stand with Ursula Haverbeck…
The TRUTH is often criticized but is TRUTH nevertheless. Having the courage of one’s convictions is never a bad thing.
Ursula Haverbeck has MORE courage than 99% of the people…
May God bless the Haverbeck family in this difficult time.
Nobody but citizens should be able to lobby on Capital Hill.
There is no Anti-Semitism in colleges.
They have just proven themselves to behave LESS THAN human beings and want to rub THAT in our faces.
It’s just Zionist’s Chuckie Schumer putting it’s control in Americans faces. It’s past time to term limit Chuckie.
The lady doth protest too much.
Just say the poster was mistaken; she missed the news report during the CoronaPrank.
“They don’t make Jews like Jesus anymore,” sang Kinky Friedman. Nor like Uriah Phillips Levy who purchased a dilapidated Monticello from James Barclay. Levy was motivated by his admiration for Jefferson’s Enlightenment principles. “He did much to mold our Republic in a form in which a man’s religion does not make him ineligible for political or governmental life,” Levy said of POTUS number three.
But the relentless & narcissistic & driven Jews are about to destroy the Jeffersonian Project in its entirety. Because the Talmud clearly teaches, “a Gentile shall not judge a Jew.”
Thus, they will succeed in “wearing out their welcome” in yet another country. Conceivably, the nation most amenable to their presence.
But alas, Jewish Supremacism is incompatible with the principles of the Enlightenment. They couldn’t leave well enough alone. And this is the validation & verification of “the presence of blood on their hands.” Liberal Jews are actively falsifying the Liberalism they claim to believe in. This is epic.
The Jews are behind most if not all the attacks on free speech in the west. In Europe it’s already forbidden to criticize them or even criticize “israel”. Of course, the ‘Jews” who are now strangling the US originally all came from Europe and the fact that most European countries have free speech violation rules that put the Jews above anyone else shows that these countries (UK, Germany, France, Netherlands) are de facto under their control.
They want to do the same in the USA.
Their target is first and foremost the White Christian Man, this is their most formidable opponent and this is also the main hinderer of their scheming and domination plans as seen in history.
From the millennia since Jewish existence has been recorded, there are very few nations on earth who have not exposed, fought against and expelled the Jews.
Such a consensus is not happenstance. Why would the Jews be the subject of so many expulsions that none of the other races ever experienced? If not because of their behaviour?
The point is not even to have the right to criticize the FAKE AND CRIMINAL STATE of “israel”, the point is our natural rights of freedom of speech and conscience which are guaranteed by God or by natural law and also by the first amendment.
If I want to say that Jews are evil, it’s my right, if I want o hate the Jews, it is also my right and no one has the right to cancel it as long as I do not openly call for a genocide of them which would be tempting given what they do to others.
But, while we have millions of reasons to expose and criticize the most evil race on earth, it is even more appalling to see all these stupid ‘goyim’ helping their murderers to get away with their crimes, censor the truth and keep destroying us and our civilization.
Trump and demented piece of garbage Biden are some of these captured ‘goyim”, they are in fact assets. Trump has filled his administration with zionist lackeys, warmongering nuts along with few good choices like RFK and Tulsi Gabbard (provide they are not a vein promise like Gaetz).
Trump has no right to favor his zionist pals before the America he pretends he wants to make great again and therefore, a simple executive order could stop this bullshit ” antisemitism awareness act”.
If he doesn’t do so and he won’t, he will sign the death of the US republic once and for all and kill the first amendment while making the Jews above the law compared to Americans.
This new betrayal from the rotten politicians in DC proves that America like most of the western world are under occupation of a hostile and alien entity.
This entity has been exposed as it should, it now tries to silence us because we know. We know who are behind all our problems, we know who wants our destruction, we know who bleed us dry with their wars, we know who lie to us, we know who gaslight us, we know who push for all the agendas we are victims of from wokism to, the climate, to covid, to their genocides and wars.
We know and we name them. This is why we must be silenced like they are in Europe.
Will we have to relocate to Russia or Iran to be able to tell the truth about ‘israel’?
No, this is our lands, we belong here, they don’t.
This entity must be denounced, expelled or destroyed.
Whatever the pathetic Jewish whores will vote, we will keep speaking the truth and keep fighting them.
The penalty for betraying one’s own race during this war of extermination waged by the Jews against us, is death.
Criminalizing ”claims of Jews killing Jesus ” intend to criminalize profession of Christianity.
But who was boasting that they killed Jesus?
We read in the Quran, Surah An-Nisa, 155- 157:
They [Jews] were condemned˺ for breaking their covenant, rejecting Allah’s signs, killing the prophets unjustly, and for saying, “Our hearts are unreceptive!”—it is Allah Who has sealed their hearts for their disbelief, so they do not believe except for a few—and for their denial and outrageous accusation against Mary, and for boasting, “We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.”
Boasting! They took pride in it. Isn’t that a supreme illustration of their chutzpah: “that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan”. As defined by themselves!
This bill also will control/ censure the Internet, mail going to and from America, and most of ALL will stifle ANY criticism of the JEW…
Beauty with a brain.
Well if we are ignorant enough to let them keep nuclear weapons, this will be our own fault and sheer stupidy for not disarming them.
This is why I despise Europe, it’s the weakest fucking part of the world next to Asia. But they haven’t created any laws in Asian countries yet to protect them.
John the people themselves will have to do this…Who today have the balls to expell them? Seems like no one. You would think the military itself would be sick and tired of being manipulated and used for bullshit wars that don’t benefit them or their family members, let alone their countries. And Trump is a massive cock sucker, I wish they would just fuck him and his kids both over so we can see how ignorant he looks thinking they loved or cares about his sorry orange fake lying backstabbing con artist manipulating ass.
Anti-semitism is a hoax that the zionists use as a weapon to shutdown any criticism of the things zionists do like the genocide of the Palestinian people and sadly this ploy is successful due their control of the ZUS media and the ZUS government.
When a country, like Israel, sets itself up as a sovereign nation and a democratic theocracy in 1948, it has to roll with the punches. Whining about criticism of its existence and its machinations and exploits is childish and pathetic.
Repeat after me, Jews are the chosen people, white people are racists, gay sex is healthy, open borders make nations stronger. Repeat this 100 times a day. Forever
There’s no such thing as “antisemitism”. If you hate a man because of his abhorrent behavior, that doesn’t make you racist. It makes him an asshole.
Pam Bondi is a Christi Noem—Jewish sock puppet with lipstick.
Anti-Semitism: [an-tee-sem-i-tiz-uh m]
1) the very natural anger and indignation that arises in response to the belligerent and racist attitudes and actions of the non-Semitic, racist Ashkenazi fake “Jews”
2) A Jedi-mind trick used to deflect blame for evil, racist behavior onto the victim and protect the perpetrators of said evil
3) An emotional manipulation phrase used to shut down rational discourse
Taxing unrealized gains is a really stupid idea (on the Soviet level of stupidity) for the following reason:
If government taxes unrealized gains, what does it do about unrealized losses? Can they be deducted from realized earnings? If not, why not? If so, is the government prepared for a reduction in gross tax paid plus residual tax credits at the start of every real estate crash?
Example: You buy a $200,000 house from Buyashak, LTD. The market crashes and your house is now worth $1.99. You should get a tax credit of 199,998.01 $ for unrealized losses, which means that you don’t pay income tax on your $100,000/year income for at least two years, provided the real estate market does not recover. However, when it does recover, say to the $200,000 in the third year, you will owe income taxes on ~$300,000, assuming that your income remains a constant $100,000 income. Where are you going to get the money to pay those taxes?
Or maybe declines in real estate are not tax events, but increases are taxable events. And. of so, maybe you can afford to wear a paper grain sack when you clothes wear out, as you will have no money to buy anything more ritzy.
Stupid people might have proposed such a idea, but the really stupid people are those who support such a measure.
That’s what happens when you put political leaders in charge of every detail of personal life —
The SCOTUS had damned well better do its job and kill this abomination before it ever even becomes law.
I do believe that we actually have a kike-free SCOTUS at the moment (or so few as to deprive them of majority power).
Let’s just be brutally honest and admit that the U.S. is in desperate need of its own Nuremberg Laws.
Good luck getting our bought-and-paid-for Congress of criminal castrati to ever pass such a law.
Already happened. Guatemala, I believe, middle of the last decade. (Certainly in S. America.) A tribe of actual loincloth-wearing natives ran an Orthodox colony right the fuck out of there. The natives cited all the usual reasons: untrustworthy, parasitic and predatory, etc.
Just think of it. Somewhere down there, there’s a painted-face native, sitting on a tree stump, thinking to himself, in whatever language he speaks, the equivalent of, “Those fucking Jews.”
Truth always comes out, because Truth is LIFE, and lies are death. Truth is Light, and lies are darkness. An individual life may die, and individual light may go out, but Truth and Light always endure. However, it’s up to us to carry them forward. Nobody’s coming to save us, but we do have the means, and the power, to save ourselves. All we need is the Will.
Along these same lines, in my opinion, Senator Joseph McCarthy was 100% correct in his assertion that Communists had infected practically every agency of the government. They still do, although they don’t refer to themselves as “Communists” these days – they call themselves Globalists – and are working for the exact same thing, with ample Jewish help, of course.
Thank you.
People aren’t going to stop screaming about these child-murdering kikes, no matter the “laws” that are passed.
Any Supreme Court justice who refuses to defend the 1st Amendment is inviting a 2nd Amendment remedy.
No executive order. Trump is a slave but they still hate him. He’s a white Anglo leader and by definition bad.
I expect that he’ll give them everything they want but they’ll still humiliate him and drag him through the mud – because that’s how they are. It wins them mafia chutzpa points. They must have a mountain of blackmail on him but they’ll still push their luck.
Trump looks like the Anglo Palestinian that they reluctantly have to keep alive.
US foreign policy in a nutshell.
Don’t volunteer to join invaders and mass murderers of civilians, scumbags. F— any complaints about where the murderers assign the amoral sheep to work.
PM is on fire today.
Girl with a pearl earring.
Wilson, war in Europe president—argued for fair peace treaty and treatment of Germany–incapacitated in his last year in power.
Roosevelt, war in Europe president—opposed Morgenthau–incapacitated in his last year in power, then deleted.
Kennedy, refused to countenance war in Europe and S.E. Asia—deleted in his last year in power.
Johnson, war in S.E. Asia president—wisely stepped down and lived to tell about it.
Biden, war in Europe president—incapacitated in his last year in power.
Did I miss anyone?
Being a Democratic president has its share of risks. After each one, a certain group consolidated its power over America.
“Just ask the Clintons!”
Why? What did they do to the poor darlings?
Agree 100%. Thanks
Nadler fails to note, clearly, that this legislation and the general antisemitic witch-hunt in the USA merely provides very strong fuel for a fire ignited by the Gaza genocide and growing awareness of the Zionist/Jewish grip on American politics and media.
Trump may not know it, but the rubber is going to hit the road for him and his legacy in Gaza-Zionistan. G-Z may well totally blow out the chances for Trump’s domestic policies to be achieved.
Hundreds of thousands of agnostic Dems held their noses and voted for Trump as they saw a tiny light at the end of the maniacal Biden-Harris tunnel.
Trump’s legacy is his to blow to bits.
To lose control of the Congress in the midterms, and then lose control of the WH in 2028 for Vance.
It will hang on his “Jewish Policy.”
Vance had better start whispering some common sense in Trump’s ear NOW.
In my article of May 4, 2024, I contend the passing of the Antisemitism Awareness Act is equivalent to a soft coup d’etat. So far only the House has passed the bill, but once the Senate does and the Trump presidency signs it into law, we will truly be in soft coup d’etat territory.
Mayday! Mayday! U.S. has soft coup d’état
May 1, 2024: The day America was Zionized by an “Antisemitism Awareness Act”
We have become a crap hole country and there is nothing we can do about it
Life in Prison
For Antisemitism
Will this guy be targeted ? Can he be ensnared under new or future laws?
No one knows. But if genocide could be normalized ,this is just a
breeze over a cold tea cup.
“How Israel Spies on US Citizens
A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the
United States reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying on American
citizens, and the lobby’s fear of a changing political mood.”
Israel can target anyone not only organizations or NGO but also people
who write or post comments .
That is scary .
Agree and thanks for that story from Guatemala 🇬🇹.
Yes, the truth shall set you free!
I have absolutely no qualms in clarifying complete Anti Zionism stance no matter what religion you belong to.
Dont just free Palestine free the human race from these demon scum
I thought they always got their way, even if the Supreme Court gets involved. I mean what if they start trying assassinate these judges over this? I thought they would attempt the same with members of ICC as well if they are serious about making arrest..But I don’t think they are serious enough to do anything.
Absolutely. I think the Supreme Court will rule this law unconstitutional.
Depends on how much they are paid. All judges take bribes all the time. For example – The PA state constitution bans no-excuse absentee ballots, but in 2020 the dem governor sent out millions of them, and the PA supreme court ok’d it! Judicial corruption is that brazen in america.
The ADL has been pushing this sort of legislation for years. Given the state of the judicial system now, the courts will probably allow it.
That bottom picture could use a few khizballah zelzal missiles
The USA has destroyed free speech around the globe, the average Joe is proud of it, and now finally those laws will be applied to you Yankees as well! Why should you Americans be exempt from those laws you push on other peoples around the world with your military power and by killing millions of innocent people? Sincerely fuck you!
The real tragedy is the willingness of far too many non-Jews to take the shekels and sell out their own people.
Jewish control over us has occurred because there are far more Gentiles like Bush, Clinton, Cotton, Trump, Biden than there are individuals like the Jewish Ron Unz or the Gentile Solzhenitsyn or Ursula Von Haverbeck.
Christian Zionists like Hagee or Hegseth.
And brain dead Americans focused on football and their local college team oblivious to the absolute corruption of their political whores.
Western Civilization is in decline because of our own failures as a people.
Stupidity, venality, and cowardice are the coins of our realm.
We are slaves for sure, and only a fool could pretend otherwise.
Thank you! A very powerful juxtaposition of photos. Why aren’t Americans ashamed of this?
Go ahead and pass it…
Official Music Video
The destruction of the Constitution of the United States. Approved by Congress, the foreign enemy Israel and embraced American Zionist TRAITORS. THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN HAS WON.
Brilliant! Thx Priss. A picture (or several) are worth a thousand words.
Of course the lawmakers will pass it. They’re doing it because it’ll keep the Israeli lobby happy and donating to their campaigns, and because they know the Supreme Court will get them off the hook by rejecting the law. They’re all passing the buck.
Forgot Libya.
Agree. There ae no “exceptions” to the right of freedom of speech.
Furthermore, the right to speak your mind is a God given right. It is not granted by the U.S. Constitution, merely affirmed by that document.
What have we become
said the father to his son
we have failed to respond
to the battles they have won
We have hung our heads
in hopes they do not tread
on what little we have left
as we eat our daily bread
It is hard to comprehend
our willingness to bend
as we shamble toward the end
of all that was
Oh, yes there is.
Jews are aware worldwide that we are ALL sick of them. The Chinese AND Japanese are spearheading efforts to do away with them in every position of power. They can’t pass the anti-semitism act because they would have to kill the internet. They can’t kill the internet because of the amount of people worldwide who use it. Nations will not let jews dictate to them any longer.
1. Arabs are human beings.
2, Arabic is a Semitic language.
Using the term “anti-Semitic” to mean “anti-Jewish” either
a) denies that Arabs exist, or,
b) denies that Arabs are human beings.
As such, this usage is itself anti-Semitic.
Since Arabic is considered by the U.N. to be a major world language, denying the existence, or humanity, of Arabs is denial of reality.
1,000% correct.
Perhaps you’re using some old outdated definitions. The current definitions are:
antisemitism = something Jews don’t like
antisemite = someone Jews don’t like
Nothing convoluted about it.
You understand that Trump is not Anglo. He had 4 grandparents who did not speak English as their first language. There is no way that is “Anglo” with respect to ethnicity. If “Anglo” means white Protestant/Freemason of British Isles ancestry, then maybe.
Things would be simpler if America instead of a First Amendment had one single state religion to be believed and practiced by all and if anybody believing or publishing anything contrary to it were to be deprived of his American citizenship and to scram while the going is good. America was far greater when despite the First Amendment everybody enjoying a good job or a good fortune believed in the same set of prejudices and when the only ones to believe in that joke of free thought and expression were the hobos and vagrant minstrels. If there had been no First Amendment wokism and its predecessors such as marxism, hippism and yuppism would have never got any chance to move in. Apartheid South Africa, the happiest country ever for a White Man, had no use for any thing like an enshrined right to free expression : saying anything contrary to the philosophy of apartheid or more generally anything that smacked of Marxism or Liberalism or Internationalism was a felony, though they were kind enough to propose emigration before imprisoning anybody. I want woke ideas to be outlawed by people of common sense together with their spreaders, not commonsensical ideas and people to be tolerated by woke people : tolerance is the acceptance of something you consider as evil and granting tolerance to good things and thoughts is a way to kill them slowly and surely. Mental illness does exist and should enjoy no right to be spread in the same way spreading viruses of various diseases should not be tolerated nor the mixing of poisons such as fluor in drinkable water. If you grant free expression to all ideas be ready for food companies to enjoy free expression to any chemicals in food products and to any bribe they might give as lobbyists.
Personally I would live in a state where Judaism and also ideas most generally associated with Jewish thinkers and interests should be banned, like they were in Royal Spain and in Greece when the Colonels ruled it. But the thing is that America was born joined at the hips with Judaism, due to the fact the territory was conquered holding a Colt in the right hand and an Old Testament in the left hand as a means to prevail themselves of Manifest Destiny, and also to the fact that the American revolution was financed by triangular commerce Jewry and by the Sassoons’ East India Company. In that case Judaism should be the religion to be practised as such by all together with other religions considered to be equivalent and amounting to the same rules of moral conduct, and conducive to be treated as Jewish souls of a more exotic kind by the Jews. At least Jews would be prevented from teaching other doctrines specially designed by them as poisons for goys in which they don’t believe themselves (like wokism or Marxism or critical race theory or the sacredness of Blacks), they would be constrained to serve to every American the kosher meat they eat themselves and not road kill as is recommended even in the Bible to be sold to strangers. America should serve bad meat or insects only to non-Americans. To answer to your question I am not against the Antisemitism Awareness Act to be imposed in American universities (not throughout the Internet though, only on certain platforms) because universities, by definition, are centres of indoctrination you get a degree from to guarantee to your future employer the quality of the contents of your mind he wants : originally, universities were all seminaries to streamline souls along a certain religious model to become preachers ideally.
Not finally but originally : real men in America never believed in the First Amendment otherwise than company men tout their company demos, slogans and adverts, namely to attract the stupidest part of their clientele. Real men in America never believed in freedom of thought otherwise than in freedom to drink strong liquors : do it at your own expense and peril, if you want us to talk to you speak American and think American, it is our way or the highway, together with the hobos. Real men in America were Protestants that had but little patience with strange practices such as yoga or strange literature such as Edgar Poe’s. Moreover the First Amendment protects the publisher, not the author, and to be a publisher you not only need to possess and manage as a good business your printing or broadcasting material and enterprise, but also to be incorporated that is to say accepted by the publishing community of your state. The First Amendment only prevents the government or another democratically elected institution to exert control on your contents, it does not prevent a private enterprise or a church to exert absolute control on the expression of whomever works for them or has a member card. The fear which resulted in the first Amendment being proclaimed was that a populist leader might use the government to force the media to reflect the people’s own preferences. It was a right guaranteed to the people, which meant the people that counted, not to the plebs.
An antisemite is an heretic as per the common practice and received ideas of the Jewish community, rather than as per their religious theory only. The notion of antisemitism plays exactly the same role in America as that which the concept of heretic used to play when the American continent was mostly at the hand of the Spaniards. The American was always Jewish and as soon as the question was asked by mark Twain and others about who was a real American and who was Unamerican the answer, given by mark Twain himself was that the hatred or mistrust of all things Jewish was the hallmark of the Unamerican character never to treat as an equal.
The Republican Zio-Christian majority supreme court is going to rule against the Zios?
Other insane and blatantly unconstitutional laws have already been uphead, like “hate crime” enhancements. You need to stop snorting copium.
Which “certain platforms”? Including this one?
It’s the death knell for the inventors of central banking, counterfeiting, bolshevik communism, genocides, feminism, virology, bacteria theory, weather crisis, trannyism, homosexuality, world wars, propaganda, censorship, colonialism, slavery, and Frankist Sabbatean satanism.
Not surprising
Why is Japan getting rid of them, and what roles in Japanese society do they even play?
Not least from the apparent film quality (likely not b&w film but digital), also the uniform jacket (don’t think the Jungmadelbund had such Hugo Boss uniforms, not sure of that, but none of the genuine propaganda posters and photographs suggest it), and age, suspected it was fake.
Raising the question of why Counter-currents and Anglin used the photo?
Mosaic Teen Israel Survey
Anti Semitism and Attitudes Post October 7
It questioned different age groups on a number of variables- Jewish Identity,Anti Semtism, Connection to Israel, Travel to Israel, Jewish identity (Types of schools attended ,bar mitzvah,Jeiwsh youth group, jewish summer camp, importance of being Jewish) , Connection to Israel (personal l stance towards Israel,Judaism, Zionism, travel to Israel, friends or relatives to Israel ,viewpoints regarding the war in Gaza, changes to Israel following the war )
The stronger support to the war and animosity to Gaza were related to stronger connection and Identity .
It is important to notice that more one identifies to this plethora of variables ,more is one to conflate easily Judaism Israel and Zionism .
This explains s why anti Israeli sentiments of the non Jewish public is seen expression of anti semitism and anti Judaism . This also challenges the secular Jeiwsh ’s attempts to seperate these variables as mutually exclusive .They are not
That means as long as Israel exists in the present form anti semitism will not disappear . It is simply a natural perception by the Jeiwsh group to the natural normal reaction of the non -Jewish group.
Perhaps interesting/important to note/remember that the term “Antisemtism” really is 2 and exactly opposit terms:
-This is really “Antisemitism term no 2”, the original one turned on its head, as you say a fascinatingly convoluted and ridiculous construct, attempting to elevate 1 group of people above all fair scrutiny while interestingly withholding any “Anti-(Ham-, Yaphet-, Anglo-, German-, Franco-, Asia….)ism” from all the rest 99.9…% of world`s people/races.
– Yes, this is the original “Antisemitism term no 1” as even Wikipedia tells us established by Wilhelm Marr in 1879 on the occasion of the founding of his “Antisemiten-Liga(League of Antisemites)”, meant to combat the increasing assault/overtake by jewish influence on gentile society :
Having somehow managed to turn this original sound term/drive into its exact opposit and worldwide acceptance is once more testimony to the almost (for all the wrong reasons) awe-inspiring craftiness of jewish manipulation and chutzpah.
The question why the 98+% of us gentiles living in the western societies in questions under attack have and still do let them get away with this, remains…?
Thank you.
Yes, to cite her Wikipedia page for information is absurd.
As said before, I liked your Web site, only found it a short time before you froze it. Recommend it for reading to others.
One site I found had a list of her late ’80s associates, I only knew one of the names, Horst Mahler. That was from a German language site.
The article below, largely from German sources, is quite good, and one can connect some dots, but it omits mention that her husband had also been (as of 1933, when she was five; he was 19 years older) a or the (not sure on that) leader of a Christian and Imperial restoration group, which the National Socialists would have come to oppose, and then disband, on the latter point (no restoration for the Kaiser), but supported at the time.
They had no connection until long after the war.
Since the marriage was in 1970, she would already have been 42.
Regards to you, Carolyn Yeager.
Brought to you by those who say they are Jews but are without Semitic lineage.
Netanyahu is born to Mileikowsky, a squatter from Poland, Ben Gurion is Polish, Golda Meir is Ukrainian, Moshe Dayan is Ukrainian, Shimon Peres is from Belarus. They say they are Jews but are without Semitic lineage. They’re descended from Khazars who converted en masse to Judaism, to avoid taking sides between the Ottoman and Byzantine empires.
These who say they are Jews but are without Semitic lineage were transplanted to Palestine starting from the early 1900’s to 1948 by the British empire and Rothschilds (who funded Scofield to distort the New Testament and brainwash evangelicals like Huckabee), from places like Kiev, Bucharest, Berlin, Budapest, Warsaw, and Moscow, to displace Palestinian Jews, Christians, and Muslims who had lived in peace for centuries.
This identity revolves around crafted myths, lands, and histories from a top-down perspective. It did not develop organically or emerge from the ground up. Rather, it has been imposed from the top and maintained by socio-economic and superstitious forces.
If we chose another word to separate Arabs we will crate another word with same noxious toxic power in a few decades .
There is huge element of Stockholm syndrome undergirding this identity .
It incorporates features of fear of uncertainty , mafia-gangsterism, opportunism, fear of abandonment in a non-hostile world branded as hostile and inimical .It is shielded and scaffolded by the myths and current level of prosperity . Its a project . DNA can be ignored if the project is not followed ( like original Palestinains in this part of land ) and can be dismissed if project is followed ( non Jewish zionist , Askheanzi )
The weakest part is you Murrikans.
Europe at least sees some riots by Whites from time to time (mostly farmers, also much more resistance during covid than in the US). Plus, more young people are turning towards ethnonationalism.
We don’t accomplish much, but we still do plenty more than you pathetic Amerifats with your collection of 49 guns you never use, save to brag on YouTube (with ridiculous combat netting strapped over your fat cornsyrup-bellies).
The best you turds can do is vote a speech impaired fils-de-papa who got rich through real estate in Tel-Aviv upon Hudson.
Wait until “antisemitism” becomes a verb, an extremely active verb.
Phibbs, why do you call fake ‘christians’, fake ‘christians’ rightly so. But think it is odd to call fake ‘jews’, fake ‘jews’ sionists. Fake is fake…right..Yes correct
Americans are voting with their feet, leaving the anti-white areas, and moving to Idaho and Texas in droves. California being net negative population movement, is Exhibit A here. I never thought I’d see this. Beautiful place to live, access to the ocean, lots of beach for everyone, unbelievable scenery and back country, the most convenient and safe gated communities for those higher on the hog (Malibu etc.).
No one has asked for immigration, legal or otherwise, except perhaps the women voters who vote subconciously with their ovaries.
White men and their families are uprooting and moving to white areas.
What else can you really do? Violent uprising is what the elites re pushing us towards because they have a million and one answers for it, why is this a mystery? Can you not see five minutes ahead of events here? Seriously the number of police layers (sheriff, city, state, federal), intelligence agencies monitoring (starting) resistance cells through complete surveillance of everything we do, and you want to see people “rise up”?
I think this perspective is RETARDED.
Maybe you think we should be kidnapping governors, like that FBI op on Whitmer?
Maybe we should be heading to the capital like that FED OP january 6th?
Maybe we should be marching through the streets with tiki torches like that FED GLOWING OP in charlottesville?
Ah yes, the part of the country that won’t be connected AFTER the obvious future secession.
WHo fucking cares what happens in Jew York?
It won’t be connected to the majority of productive white taxpayers in nine (or is it 8?) years anyhow. I’m talking people who can build cities, not blue-haired part time coffee pourers.
Can’t anyone here do fucking math? WHat happens when America and every other western country goes minority white? You really think we’ll all just sit on our hands and do nothing?
Why don’t you open your eyes and note what’s already been happening? Aware whites are leaving the cities and finding other whites to live close to.
THe whites who want to stay in Jew York as it fills up with migrants, who fucking cares what they think say or do?
Ran out of “agree” buttons..
Thank you for your concise comment. It is appreciated.
I too have been “ethnically cleansed” and am presently living in an all-White area.
You are correct in stating that many aware Whites are moving out of the cities and suburbs and are establishing ties with other like-minded Whites in rural areas.
It will be interesting to see the cities function with all of the “diversity” and “affirmative action” types attempting to keep critical infrastructure systems operating.
With the U. S. federal government, it is approximately 25% of employees (Whites) actually doing productive work while the rest of the employees (DEI and affirmative action hires) are merely “place-holders” and administrators who add absolutely no value to their workplace.
A prime example of incompetence rising to the highest levels is that of Eskom in South Africa once a world-renowned and recognized top performing electrical utility has been relegated to third-world status because the competent White engineers and technicians have been replaced with substandard blacks who could not run a shoe shine stand, let alone a major utility.
Affirmative action, known as BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) has been used to push out competent White engineers and technicians in favor of incompetent blacks.
Sound familiar?
South African utility customers are lucky if they have electrical power for 4 hours per day. In White areas, generators are commonly used to maintain electrical power when the utility goes down.
Another good example of black incompetence is that of land redistribution which stole land from productive white farmers and awarded fully functioning farms to blacks. The first thing these blacks did was to dismantle and sell the farm machinery for scrap, were unable to plant and harvest anything, and in general ruined perfectly good crop-producing farms.
A small number of South African blacks realize that they screwed up, big time, and would like to have the Whites back in power.
They may get their wish, but not in the way that they desire.
Chinese interests have been looking at and buying up South African resources as business interests. The Chinese will not treat blacks as well as the Whites who preceded them.
Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of (stupid black) people.
Things would exponentially worse.
Basically, your argument is that we have to cut off our nose to spite our face.
The closet thing to a ‘single state religion’ right now is Zionism.
Fortunately, we don’t have to believe or practice it under penalty of law.
Just yet.
Amen to that. If ZOG starts trying to arrest citizens for mere speech that criticizes Jews or Israel, going along quietly like sheep to the slaughter is not an option.
Let no one fail to heed Solzhenitsyn’s warning. Prepare to die on your feet, if necessary:
Has anyone done the “To learn who rules over you” quote yet?
I actually think this is great news. Israel making its power too obvious to ignore. They’ll inevitably turn more Americans against them. The worse, the better.
And you can you can take your Germanic, Scandinavian Beauty Contest Superiority Cockrot and shove it up your ass.
It’s different, has its own beauty And is thus important.
You seem envious, or perhaps support its erasure?
That’s not how I see it; then again, I’m civilised.
Of course it’s didactic via irony.
But most Yanks, unlike Brits or Australians, don’t get sarcasm or irony. They are infantile literalists, God Bless ’em.
BTW, from my own experience, in my own family, I’d say this isn’t really a question of IQ, but one of culture and/or cerebral wiring. Those tending to autism are likely practitioners. Such people are often well above average intelligence. For most Yanks, it’s cultural, tied up with Puritan origins and vaste C19th peasant immigration.
Trump will cuck to his Jewish masters very soon on this matter. Expect fines and imprisonment for saying anything about Jews. It is over folks. Smart people have already left America, or are making plans to do so very soon. Wake up.
Enjoy it while you can, Sport, because it is fading, reducing and extinguishing itself and its entire identity day by day. In single digit decades, it will be like a sunken ship, with only an oil slick on the surface.
I do not envy suicidal behavior, Son.
Still very beautiful.
That superstitious belief in the US constitution never protected anybody’s right to free expression whenever real interests were at stake : remember Sacco and Vanzetti. They were sparkchaired for merely voicing anarchistic opinions (practically it amounted to giving local grassroot communities such as villages’ voice priority over that of state authority, and to state’s voice priority over the federal government). Speaking of USSR and Solzhenitsyn, the Constitution of USSR signed by Stalin was the most democratic of the world, it guaranteed the simple citizen far more “rights”. The only problem was that it didn’t even mention the secret police as a force of note nor the politburo as the only deciding instance of the Party, nor the presence of only one Party. It made no mention of any of the forces to fear in USSR. It is like having a Muslim country with a secular constitution that doesn’t make mention of any religion while the Muslim jihadis apply their version of the shariah in every nook of social life.
If the US enshrined in the Constitution the Zionist character of America’s Manifest Destiny, if the only religions allowed were to be in conformity with the essential Zionist dogmas, things would be simpler and less destructive : instead of persecuting people at all levels out of reach for any constitutional right, choice would be given either to respect the Zionist and Biblical character of the American polity, either to lose your citizenship and scram while the going in good. Once you obey they couldn’t ask for ever more compliance. There would be no need for AIPAC nor for AIPAC bribed politicians. There would rather be far more all-Kosher characters such as Sanders who would talk about the people, not about Israel, since the latter would be as unquestionable as the sea is for a fish. I hate Zionism as I hate political religions more generally but the fact is that 75% of Americans when questioned on the street on various subjects provide answers more in conformity with Zionism than the man of the street in Israel, even antisemites like David Duke talk like Zionist Jews whenever questioned about topics seemingly unrelated to politics and religion proper.
Are you going to get around to the clarifying questions in #203?
There is a site dedicated to Germanic beauty.
Shocking Headline Of The Day: Germany To Re-Introduce Slavery
Germany Ponders Banning Its Second Most Popular Political Party
Germany Is The EU’s Censorship Champion
North African Crime-Rate Explodes In Germany
Berlin Street Art – Graffiti Has “Destroyed” A Great German City
Take a walk on the Wild Side.
Do you watch cartoons and play video games excessively?
Go forth and fornicate thou self
Good Dr X and this assigning the guilt to Pilate has always bothered me —
Apostles Creed ( was it crafted by –A Jew?)
The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, ( Where is the mob and Barabbas???)
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to hell.
The third day he rose again from the dead.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.
From there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic* church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
It’s interesting to me that Agra SA ten+ years ago was sending displaced SA white farmers to the Congo to re-start their farming, on 30 year leases – with the understanding that as the properties go back to COngo farmers they would have learned a thing or two.
Interesting also is that 30 years of civil war 1960s-1990s wiped out generations of farmers including sharecroppers and small land plots who were in the wrong places and times as peasant armies rolled over them and burned / killed everyone.
You’ve got part of Africa deconstructing, another part re-constructing – white farmers just moving somewhere else.
There will be a white homeland in the former SA eventually. I don’t know how many more farm murders are required. SA being in BRICS could prove interesting, I doubt the Boer farmers want anything to do with the English and the DeBeers mines of it means not being able to live.
Will there be Indian and Brazilian efforts to “peacekeep” and stitch that country back together in 10 years?
What will happen to the Blacks who don’t want to live in a turd world country? I’ve met Zulus here who grew up with cities, video stores, electricity, running water, and don’t want their children to live in mud huts. We could see some new homelands start once SA breaks, or at least revisions to places like Swaziland to fortify its borders and prevent millions of refugees flooding in as per 1980s SA.
Farm Murders
In otherwords, this claim regarding a mass murder practice of white farmers which has been argued since the end of apartheid is
Leave and go where? Don’t these assholes have power in Europe where it’s already not legal to talk about them?
The Judenreich spies on all the world. Otherwise they could never feel ‘safe’. Pegasus spyware for starters. And then your phone blows up, scattering your brains hither and thither. Surely a ‘Light Unto the Nations’.
The enslavement will be so complete and so comfortable that most won’t/don’t even know it.
Didn’t click your link. Why bother?
SA is the murder capital of the world, the rape capital of the world, for decades now even the black-worshipping legacy media reports that a common belief is that raping a virgin will cure AIDs.
The black-on-black violence is so common that the far murders are much less in comparison, obviously most whites live in secure places nowadays with private security and high walls so hopefully it’s trending down.
But I’ve met too many Africans to listen to this bullshit. When Africans flee SA because it’s too fucked up, do you think they just vanish into thin air???
They go to other commonwealth countries like Canada, in the hopes of course of getting eventually to the USA. If you get a doctor in north Canada it’s almost 50-50 that’s it’s a South African, (capital) Black or white. Why is that?
Ok I clicked your link.
Canada’s crime statistics have been “improving” for years now.
I hear from Africans that when you call the police and report a murder in SA it’s a miracle if they even show up.
There are notorious crimes in Toronto like a 2018 killing of a 3 year old child by a stray bullet that “don’t appear on crime statistics” for some reason.
“official statistics” in certain countries are 100% provable bullshit, if you simply watch the cucked news and write down the murders for that day and compare at the end of the year.
For now, maybe.
They’re descended from Khazars who converted en masse to Judaism, to avoid taking sides between the Ottoman and Byzantine empires.
Except the Khazar Empire was terminated before the Ottoman Empire as we know it was founded. And the alleged mass conversion would have been centuries earlier.
Need stats for illiteracy and low literacy for Africans in the USA, for foreign-born people in the USA, and for non-African native-born US Citizens.
Native-born US Citizens will display a very high level of literacy compared especially to the deadweight Africans and also compared to foreign-born people.
Citiquing a source is certainly valid. But to do so, one has to address, the content, not merely cite some affiliation.
The mainstream source is the original source of the material. And unless you can challenge the original data coming out of the country in which the issue is at play. I am going to stand with that material.
and I think the above research is done by a prowhite organization and even they can’t make the case that white farmers are under some genocidal attack.
Which highlights a serious factor — black farmers and farm owners have also attacked and killed. The numbers don’t make the case. Despite the live feed reporting system.
Good for you.
Why are you attempting to drag me into a discussion regarding YOUR news source, dismissing the reality behind one comment I made off-handedly?
Because you’re here with an agenda.
Good luck with… that.
““official statistics” in certain countries are 100% provable *****, if you simply watch the cucked news and write down the murders for that day and compare at the end of the year.”
But the sources I provide do a tad more than that. Your comment in my view was a challenge to th source material or it makes no sense. If you off handly are saying sources from the main are useless, I have several choices:
1. defend the source, in this case I don’t have to go in depth because you provide no real case for disbelieving it’s veracity.
2. offer different sources that are not considered in the main.
3. agree with you
I chose 1 and 2. That supports the case against any white genocide agenda. Certainly not unique. The assumption that that white farmers are attacked for being white could made, maybe some revenge for their own support of appartheid. But more likely, most whtes control the wealth and if one is going to steal — it might make sense to steal from those that have something worth stealing — it just so happens whites still hold and control S. African wealth.
As for trolling . . why ake an off handed comment about sources, unless one is just making hay.
See here you’re flat out lying.
I never said there was a political agenda, though of course the EFF often calls for this very thing.
The farm murders are being committed by small semi-organized or non-organized groups of people, who are taking the cues of:
1) the police not responding to calls of violence or reports of violence
2) no prosecutions of previous farm murder perpetrators
3) the media internationally ignoring what’s happening right in front of them
Your continual denial of what’s been reported many times is… interesting. For about 10 seconds. Then I realize you’re just here to push some BS crap on everyone, maybe you’re paid, mayube you’re comitted to some kind of ideology.
Doesn’t matter in the end – you’re just a fucking liar.