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Richie Allen Interviews Me on Malaysia & New World Order

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First six minutes: Monologue on my recent trip to Malaysia.

Final 45 minutes: Richie Allen interviews me on the trip, as well as related topics. Was it just a coincidence that after Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s war crimes tribunals convicted Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz of war crimes, and Israel of genocide, Malaysian planes started mysteriously falling out of the sky? Are the Western war criminals trying to foist a bizarre gender ideology on the world? Should Muslims and Christians be working together to end the orchestrated “clash of civilizations” and preserve their authentic traditional religious values?

(Republished from Truth Jihad by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Malaysia, Muslims, New World Order 
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  1. jim jones says:

    It seems to me that yous should be talking about the flaws in Malaysia that led to 1MDB

  2. Republic says:

    Was it just a coincidence that after Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s war crimes tribunals convicted Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz of war crimes, and Israel of genocide, Malaysian planes started mysteriously falling out of the sky?

    No, that was most certainly not a coincidence regarding those two plane crashes

  3. Enzo says:

    The background singing does nothing for assisting listening. I’d rather read.

    Sounds also like Mr. Allen has smoked way too many cigarettes in his life, anad he also hasn’t learned to modulate his volume.

  4. Republic says:

    This podcast would attract a lot more readers if a transcript was provided. The recent Hudson podcast only got a few viewers but well over a hundred when a transcript was included.

    Very few people will listen to a 51 minute podcast when a transcript could be read in five minutes

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Kevin Barrett
  5. @Republic

    When the intelligence agencies release good automatic transcription software to the open source community, I will definitely use it to generate volumes of radio show transcripts. Until then, the main purpose of my audio-visual work is to translate from written to spoken word.

    I myself am hyperliterate, spend most of my time reading and writing, and have little time to watch or listen to other people’s audio-visual output. So why do I bother doing AV?

    The problem with the written word is the loss of all the subtle information conveyed by tone of voice, rhythm, style of diction, facial expression, body language, and so on. Additionally, most people operate more comfortably in spoken than written language. So if you want to really get a sense of who it is behind the writing you admire, and what they are saying and why, listen to them talk. Or if you are one of the majority of people who learn and understand better through listening rather than reading, you have an even better reason to listen to Truth Jihad Radio and watch False Flag Weekly News.

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