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This Drone Hoax Sucks

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This drone hoax is the worst hoax I’ve ever seen.

The federal government is saying “we don’t know what they are (but we know they’re not a threat).”

They’re literally just drones. I know what they are. Everyone with any basic sense looking at them knows what they are.

The government has to be the one sending them, or they would just say “well, someone is putting up drones.”

That freak who claimed they were from the Iran mothership said “we know they’re not from the government because the government would have told us.” But the government is telling us. They’re telling us they’re not a threat, which means they know what they are, which means they are their drones.


  • This “spying” claim makes no sense. Why would they need to continuously take footage of sites in New Jersey?
  • Aliens would not be using the government’s required lighting scheme, which all of these drones are doing. Also, aliens are not real.
  • This is not some kind of secret technology. It’s literally just drones. They are big drones and probably military-grade, but we all know what they are. There is no big mystery here.

“Project Bluebeam” was trending on Twitter a few hours ago, with people claiming the government is trying to do a fake alien hoax. I’ve said for a while the government might do that, but it would not look like this. These are literally just drones.

Also, if there are a bunch of people talking about an alien hoax, they probably would not do an alien hoax. It’s not clear from one hashtag that enough people are clued in on this hoax for it to matter, but with the coronavirus hoax, they censored everyone saying it was a hoax by claiming they were killing people by telling them not to worry about a fake virus. What would be the reason for censoring people who are saying the aliens are fake? Obviously, they don’t really need a reason to censor people, it just depends on how many people are saying it. If it’s only a small group, they will just censor them.

While this isn’t the alien hoax beginning, because these are literally just drones, a lot of people are talking about aliens, so they could be seeding it into the public consciousness.

More than likely, however, this is just a massive distraction and a way to mess with people’s minds. No one will say they believe the government and media, but the reality is, when people see the media say “the government doesn’t know what they are but says they’re not a threat,” it messes with people’s minds. People don’t expect that the government/media would lie to that extent about something so stupid.

This is the worst hoax I’ve ever seen. Even government local officials in New York and New Jersey are complaining and saying the government must know what they are and should stop lying and trying to trick people.

Watching the media act like this is all very serious is disgusting.

I am repulsed by this hoax and the ridiculous society which allows for this sort of nonsense.

If you didn’t realize how stupid this society is, you should be realizing it now, because this is just stupid. The government is flying drones around to confuse the public on purpose, and the public is happy to be very confused.

It’s sickening.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
• Category: Foreign Policy • Tags: Drones, Iran 
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  1. All we know is there is a secret government operation going on in plain sight. Most of the government (over 99%) doesn’t know what it is. Anybody who is authorized by the government to speak to the press is under orders to say nothing like Sergeant Schulz.

    My theory is it is a drill to find out if people are as ignorant as they were in 1938.

  2. Bill H. says:

    It’s the Russians. They are using US lighting requirements, admittedly, but that is part of their plot. It’s done to make it more confusing for us. It makes us think that it’s not the Russians.

    They’re not spying. They don’t need to spy. They already know everything they need to know. They are doing it for the same reason they interfere in our elections – to destabilize our democracy.

    • LOL: purrturbed, Renard, xcd
  3. The federal government is saying “we don’t know what they are (but we know they’re not a threat).”

    It’s even more dumb than that. They’re saying “we don’t know what they are, they might be Iranian, but we won’t try to send some planes to intercept them and investigate, neither we will try to shoot them down, and we can’t detect them with radar even though one can detect them with one’s eyes.” How dumb is this shit?

    While this isn’t the alien hoax beginning, because these are literally just drones, a lot of people are talking about aliens, so they could be seeding it into the public consciousness.

    Well, these drones are clearly a part of the ongoing ‘aliens’ psyop. Just check what narrative any your favorite ZOG MSM is pushing and it will become clear. For example, Fox.

    June 18
    ‘Mysterious’ Las Vegas monolith appears in desert

    June 21
    UFO whistleblower says he’s being threatened as congressman warns protections are a ‘joke’

    June 27
    Trump says he has UFO files — will he be asked about it at debate? ‘Inject UAP into…elections,’ institute says

    July 2
    ‘Disc-shaped craft’ hovers over Colorado concert venue, employees say: ‘It knew it was being watched’

    September 25
    Image shows UFO downed by US fighter jet in Canadian airspace days after Chinese spy craft incident

    October 17
    Pentagon answers question of whether UFOs and aliens have visited Earth [Pentagod said “no”]

    November 13
    UFO hearing: Ex-Pentagon official says government ‘cabal’ is hiding ‘the fact that we are not alone’

    5 days ago
    NJ couple describes seeing mysterious aircraft amid bizarre phenomenon: ‘We need to know’

    1 day ago
    Fmr. Maryland Gov. posts video of ‘dozens’ of drones above his residence

    Obviously the narrative is that these UFOs are real and the government is lying about it and is hiding the truth, the truth being that these are aliens [with LED lights].

    See this video demanding “more transparency” and “action” from the Pentagon, implying that they are hiding the truth about the drones just like they’re hiding the truth about other UFOs.

    • Replies: @EggCorn
    , @dimples
  4. I’d say the weather balloon thing was more retarded, because that’s WWII era technology. Drones are at least potentially a threat. I say this is the 2nd stupidest hoax.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  5. Emslander says:

    If you didn’t realize how stupid this society is, you should be realizing it now, because this is just stupid. The government is flying drones around to confuse the public on purpose, and the public is happy to be very confused.

    It’s a distraction from something much more sinister the government is doing. There are many possibilities. How about selling off all the border wall materials at five cents on the dollar?

  6. Trevor L says:

    The best ‘legit’ reason I’ve heard so far is these are nuclear sniffer drones, or some other kind of detection drones. The alien conspiracy angle is to get the gullible public to believe a false story, and keep them comfortably ignorant and calm.

    • Agree: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Event Horizon
  7. Aliens would not be using the government’s required lighting scheme, which all of these drones are doing. Also, aliens are not real.

    red green white lighted ufo alien drone photo using 300mm lens

    the “drone” is actually a uap or ufo and is mimicking aircraft lighting pattern as camoflage


    “Aliens are not real”

    1954 Greada Treaty – President Eisenhower form a treaty with aliens at Holloman AFB

    In exchange for advanced technology, the aliens would be allowed to make experiments on life stocks, minerals and a small group of humans.

    Video Link

    There is no rational explanation for furless naked hominid humans on earth during an ice age except by alien genetic intervention. Humans did not evolve on earth, how we got here is a mystery, covered up by religious myth of a magical sky god who created us on the 6th day.

    Dark orb painting c. 1561 Middle Ages Europe:

  8. The current narrative is that they’re radiation-sweeping drones and that a nuclear warhead (taken from the Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, so it has Russian uranium signatures) has “gone missing.” So when a nuke destroys NYC, Russia will be blamed (its their uranium!) and that’s it for human civilization.

    But that’s retarded, because the ZOG will never allow nukes to be used anywhere. Nukes would decrease their control over a location, region, or the whole world, and they have never done any action that lowers their control.

    • Replies: @We are all Dumb
  9. Dr. Rock says:

    I actually believe (and I know this gets said about a lot of things, but in this case, I think it’s true) that this entire “drone thing” is a 100% “news distraction” event.

    It’s literally just to capture the news cycle, away from Gaza, Syria, the West Bank, Russia/Ukraine, Trump, Biden pardons and commutations, etc., etc., etc.

    And it has worked!

    It’s a “made for the news” news story, nothing more. I total distraction nothing-burger.

  10. Cabal doesn’t trust its human surveillance assets and is busy testing technical means that might be used to replace them.

  11. Anonymous[957] • Disclaimer says:

    Of course it’s a pathetic U.S. government psyops. Probably from the same USG entity that produced these drones:

    Is it for radiation detection from a dirty bomb?

    Or new federal drone legislation (no doubt after the drone warfare seen in the Ukraine conflict)?

    • Replies: @Thrallman
    , @Half Norwegian
  12. What these things are, are what the ancients saw and decried as ‘wheels of fire’ in the sky; the OGUAP. And as surely as those were signs of impending doom for those that don’t love, worship and serve the jews, so surely this aerial warning also serves as a direct and last chance for you to get circumcised and get your butt down to your local Evangelical church and convert.

    As an Evangelical currently digging fortifications on Mount Hebron for my masters, I feel the need to attempt to save you, you poor misguided and doomed sinner, so that you too can fully serve our Earthy masters, the jews. You already do, probably; carry a rifle or wrench on an Apache? Pay usury? Cut your boy’s cock up on his 8th day?

    As a willing servant of this planet’s rightful owners, you already serve – so why not get life everlasting out of the deal? Plus we have positions of real power – surveillance, harassing and retarding the advancement of the non-believers, plum contracts for the connected, perhaps those pesky charges get dropped, cop doesn’t show, evidence gets lost… all this, and so so much more can be yours, friend…I’ve seen it. On the daily.

    OK can’t tie up the Starlink much longer, we need a fire mission on this orphanage just outside of Damascus, gotta go soon so a quick prayer

    Oh great jew demon god Yahweh, accept these flash fried orphans we are about to send you as yet another glorious sacrifice, another mass Holocaust (a real one this time) and we thank ye for allowing us to labor for your chosen, the only real humans, and please reward us betrayers of humanity, our race, our children and our nation the only way a psycho god of genocide can, with a place at your feet in a way cool afterlife filled with as much eternal unsleeping jew slavin’ as we can cram into eternity, oh jew god described in a jew written book and by jew agent Cyrus “Israel” Scofield, who brought us the True Inspiration that we must worship jews to live forever as jew slaves, and thank you Yahweh, for making us the stupidest of any 1st cousin fuckin’ religious splinter cell that ever was or shall be, so that we can believe this transparently false embarrassingly retarded narrative and thus find salvation. Aaaaaaaymen!

    • Thanks: PetrOldSack
  13. @Tallest Skil

    I definitely think its part of the blame Russia gimmick. Wouldn’t be surprised if Cheee shows up to Blumpfs inauguration. Fake false flag bullshit that almost gets them both. Russia gets blamed. Jewtin and his merry band of plunderers goes along with it. Large fast violent war kills a lot of young men on all sides. Oy vey we need world peace agreement. The world sings Kumbuuya around Jerusalem. Gay communist Space mud people next world order. Its all so gay and tiresome.

    • Replies: @Jefferson Temple
  14. Total bullshit Anglin.

    The pope is coming to bless New Jersey and keep the aliens away.

    There will be a concert on the Jersey Shore tomorrow night, promoted by the William Morris Agency, with Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons to raise money and awareness about the life threatening “Flying School Buses” filled with White Supremacists ready to hurl anti-semitic slurs at innocent Jews on their way to Wall Street where they work tirelessly to enrich us all.

    Larry Fink at BlackRock is jawboning right now with Trump, to make sure, that he can acquire the needed tax dollars to “Rebuild” New Jersey after what now seems, an alien attack which will devastate pizza joints far and wide (Not, NOT the Chicago style joints.) in the Garden State.

    “Snookie” is dedicating 1/2 of her Only Fans income to the rebuild and President Biden has redirected the constant sorties of F-22′ over the Ozarks aimed at insurrectionists into Jersey skies.

    FEMA. literally on the outskirts of North Carolina with relief in tow for the thousands of tax payers still living in tents, has pulled it’s entire legion of paper pushers and cash payers north to Jersey to take care of loyal Democrats now suffering under this terrible threat.


    ‘Bout time you got up to speed Anglin and started to appreciate what is happening in real time.

  15. @Yukon Jack

    red green white lighted ufo alien drone photo using 300mm lens

    Maybe it’s Staten Island mobsters spying on their Jersey cousins.

    • LOL: Sharonbaron
  16. Rangewolf says:

    Very possibly Zog is training for urban drone warfare. These drones are advanced. Very possibly, this is the final test before Zog deploys them against Russia.

    And I completely disbelieve Zog when it says the drones are no threat. They can be used against us, and probably will be before long.

  17. Dumbo says:
    @Yukon Jack

    covered up by religious myth of a magical sky god who created us on the 6th day.

    It is true what Chesterton said, that people who don’t believe in God end up believing in all kinds of bullshit.

    “We were not created by a sky god, we were created by sky aliens”. LOL.

    Maybe this comment is meant to be satiric, I don’t know. Otherwise it’s very dumb. There are no aliens. Aliens are so very 80s.

  18. Anonymous[307] • Disclaimer says:

    Ok, this guy in the know has some shocking insights:

  19. Some government people probably need a bigger budget. “Are we going to tolerate these foreigners blatantly violating secure areas?! We know your rulers will make the right decision, taxpayer”

    Chinese balloons II

    Actually I do wish that it’s aliens but that’s asking too much from the universe. Dammit.

  20. No, it is not a hoax when multiple, verified reports of impossible speeds and turning maneuvers exist.

    No, there are no truck-sized (or larger) drones. Anywhere.

    No, a classified operation is *not* conducted in the most brash, in-your-face manner. Over half of your population.

    And most importantly: Yes: Be worried.

    Remember 1492?

    • Replies: @Tallest Skil
  21. DanFromCT says:

    According to a top secret briefing on Ancient Aliens, the mothership is likely Israeli, and not Iranian, after the mothership ordered in Chinese take out with extra dumplings.

    • LOL: Anonymousrgc
  22. @Bill H.

    They are doing it for the same reason they interfere in our elections – to destabilize our democracy.

    What democracy? Did you mean oligarchy or anal democracy? Get real.

    • Agree: Piglet
  23. @emil nikola richard

    Most of the government (over 99%) doesn’t know what it is.

    And you believe them when they tell you things? Sounds like you’re beyond saving.

  24. raga10 says:
    @Yukon Jack

    red green white lighted ufo alien drone photo using 300mm lens

    It is obviously an alien craft – not a drone, because you can very clearly see the actual alien sitting on top, in a crouching position, right above the lights. Can’t you see it? He’s sitting there plain as day. He appears to have some sort of wings as well, he looks a bit like the devil, actually. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

  25. Phibbs says:

    The author of this text obviously has no familiarity with the Bible. Fallen angels can shape-shift. Some of these “drones” are opaque orbs that shine. Orbs are always a sign of demonic activity. Soon, fallen angels will publicly appear. They will claim two things: 1) They created modern man by messing with the genes of Homo Erectus. 2) Jesus was not the Son of God. Instead, he was merely a highly evolved spirit. P.S. I once experienced a very intense encounter with a demon. Therefore, I know whereof I speak!

    • Replies: @Holosphere
  26. @Anonymous

    Drones covered in LEDs for maximum visibility at night are secretly searching for a secret weapon, while the government says these are not their drones.

    Yes, truly shocking 🤡

    Why don’t they try switching the LEDs off on their secret drones to decrease their visibility?

    A military contractor spreading false narratives? No way!

  27. @Phibbs

    If you believe that the Power that has created all the realms seen and unseen appeared on Earth in a tiny human form, flesh and bones, despite having the means and wherewithal to change hearts and minds through a zillion other less idiotic means; then you need to have your head examined.

    That this insane theory further states that the Almighty could be “crucified” by a ragtag bunch of sword-and-shield wielding Romans (with help from the Jews) just makes it all the more hilarious.

    Even faith requires some semblance of logical coherence.

  28. dimples says:

    Aw I was so excited. I thought Andy’s Pentagon fake alien hoax prediction might actually be coming true (not really). Now he’s backpedalling mightily, apparently if you call it a hoax then it’s not good enough to be a hoax. So there won’t be a Pentagon fake alien hoax after all, since even if the UFOs were real enough dumbos will still call them a hoax.

  29. Gordian Knot time,

    After Covid ‘they’ got their much needed confirmation that 80% of people everywhere are functional retards. Try to count the completely insane stunts that they have been pulling off since then and for the most part gotten away with.

    But they got overconfident with this one. A drone hoax hits ‘normies’ literally too close to home. It is in their faces and threatens their sacred M’urika. A lot of them have played with drones. There is absolutely no acceptable explanation for them why the authorities couldn’t have dealt with an issue like this post haste. MSM sites that allow comments show that nearly 100% of the simpletons are calling bullshit on this and calling the government liars.

    Methinks that ‘they’ jumped the shark on this one. Awakening ‘normies’ in their world is like awakening the proverbial giant and not in a good way. Opening Tamerlane’s tomb as it were.

    Fortunately for the perps ‘normies’ are more prone to going back to sleep than pushing towards the Pilgrim’s Promise. It seems that the only thing that will awaken them is missing 3-6 meals. And then it will be too late.


  30. Sulu says:

    My guess is the military has lost something and is trying to find it. Probably something dangerous. Maybe another nuclear weapon. So of course they don’t want to discuss it.


  31. anonymous[386] • Disclaimer says:
    @Bill H.

    Either a hasbara troll or a fucking moron. Probably both. Anyone who thinks it is Russians destabilizing American society when we have Zionists running the joint is either lying or stealing oxygen.

    • Replies: @Cuffy
    , @Rich
  32. @A_Hand_Hidden

    Brilliant parody, A_Hand_Hidden. I wish everyone could recognize the wisdom of your comment.

  33. anonymous[243] • Disclaimer says:

    The clot shot was an IQ test. Most Americans failed.

    • Agree: Sulu
  34. @Felpudinho

    That is actually an advisable form for any dealing with any press for anybody. Miss Manners said you should be in the newspapers EXACTLY 3X.

    At birth
    At wedding
    At death.

    Otherwise avoid those leeches and vultures. Not all journalists are like that. Merely almost all.

  35. Has the government told the air force, national guard, police, militias and citizen groups to stand down and do nothing about it? Why aren’t they investigating where these drones come from and shoot some down to see what they are? Because if this is a trial run, it means that when someone really attacks USA with drones nothing will be done. Also, cartels could be smuggling drugs with these drones.

  36. @Holosphere

    Fuck off, retard. It’s not aliens.

    • Replies: @Holosphere
  37. Thrallman says:

    Jersey Futures:
    “…you can see they have bright lights on them to keep our air traffic safe — something an enemy wouldn’t care about.”

    That proves the U.S. government approves of the operation, but does not reveal its purpose.
    The nuclear sniffer drone theory is scary, but it’s scary in a pro-government way. That is, the US government is keeping the people safe from terrorists/Russians/Iranians.

    That could be an officially planted rumor to deflect from an even more horrible possibility: that the drones are a new means of domestic surveillance/assassination/urban warfare.

  38. @Tallest Skil

    No amount of expletives can stave off retribution. Now, sit down.

    • Replies: @Tallest Skil
  39. @A_Hand_Hidden

    Oh great jew demon god Yahweh, accept these flash fried orphans we are about to send you as yet another glorious sacrifice, another mass Holocaust (a real one this time) and we thank ye for allowing us to labor for your chosen, the only real humans, and please reward us betrayers of humanity, our race, our children and our nation the only way a psycho god of genocide can, with a place at your feet in a way cool afterlife filled with as much eternal unsleeping jew slavin’ as we can cram into eternity, oh jew god described in a jew written book and by jew agent Cyrus “Israel” Scofield, who brought us the True Inspiration that we must worship jews to live forever as jew slaves, and thank you Yahweh, for making us the stupidest of any 1st cousin fuckin’ religious splinter cell that ever was or shall be, so that we can believe this transparently false embarrassingly retarded narrative and thus find salvation. Aaaaaaaymen!

    I am committing the New Year to memorizing and reciting this prayer before every meal. 2025 is going to be a year of spiritual growth!

    • Replies: @A_Hand_Hidden
  40. EggCorn says:

    Good UFO observations, Anonymous534!

    Plus, I got an inordinate amount of joy from reading the Oct 17 entry: “[Pentagod said “no”]”

    Guessing this is the god of Satanism?

  41. Looking for nukes sounds reasonable as a theory.

    So far, the smart people who’ve tried to remain above this “normie” stuff haven’t really looked at the footage. It’s interesting because local officials are reporting: 1) long orbital times 2) whisper quiet 3) no communication across bands 4) 60 knot evasive speeds that leave the sheriff departments’ drones in the dust 5) no radar signature. If you don’t think this is interesting, you’re probably dead. One of the airports in Orange Co. shut down last night because of the air traffic.

    Thomas Fessler’s livestreams are pretty good and for my money, this is way more entertaining than the St. George Floyd martyrdom riots.

    Most of the drone streams turn into Christians pushing their junk or people like Steven Greer blabbing about how many presidents they’ve debriefed on alien bullshit. (I’ve no doubt that senior government officials are dumb enough to listen to this guy prattle on about NHI and their desire to give us free energy… just tired of Greer selling secularized Christianity).

    It’s more interesting is that there’s been similar footage released from China. I don’t know if it’s real or fake, but if this spreads from the U.S. and U.K. to other countries, then it will be harder to think this is a federal scam like covid. I just hope a new round of jabs and infinity boosters comes out of this.

  42. We can only hope the aliens treat us to dinner, not as dinner.

    Video Link

  43. The Awesome Negress done it.

  44. HT says:

    It’s negro time travelers from Wakanda.

    • Replies: @William H Bonnie
  45. @Dr. Rock

    That’s the best explanation I’ve come across so far.

  46. Rich says:

    Look up the definition of “sarcasm”. He’s just joking around.

  47. QCIC says:
    @Yukon Jack

    Reminds me of the best sci-fi show. This episode is intentionally snarky. The punch line is at 2:30.

  48. QCIC says:

    They are using drones to look for the Tesseract.

  49. @Dr. Rock

    Israel drops ‘earthquake bomb’: Colossal explosion ‘so big it registered on the Richter scale’ hits Syrian coast as air strikes target weapons depots after fall of Assad regime

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  50. @OliverPeeples

    Then truly, friend, peace will be your dirty blown-out whore and salvation your eternal reward!

  51. @Trevor L

    Seems to be the consensus view.

  52. Maybe it’s the USian govt (Israel) during yet another Psy op for the dumb as stale dogshit usian populace.

    • Agree: Anonymous534
  53. ariadna says:
    @Bill H.

    I feel sorry for you. Satire is hard and thankless…

  54. anarchyst says:

    The drones are looking for nuclear hotspots in NYC, New Jersey and elsewhere.
    Look for israel to “light one off” especially if its demonic wishes are not honored.
    israel’s samson option is real. No delivery systems are needed as their nukes are already in-place in cities around the world.
    This is the main reason why israel refuses inspection of its nuclear facilities. israel cannot account for its nukes as most of them are not in Palestine…

    • Replies: @Buck Ransom
  55. Anonymous[404] • Disclaimer says:
    @emil nikola richard

    Israel drops ‘earthquake bomb’: Colossal explosion ‘so big it registered on the Richter scale’ hits Syrian coast as air strikes target weapons depots after fall of Assad regime

    At this point I just hope Israel keeps annihilating this jihadi-land run by a group which went bitch and acted as proxy warriors for the AmericanZionist Empire. I hope the jihadi are liquidated there before they return to Xinjiang or Chechnya to carry out CIA and Mossad orders.

    Here’s a news item that is a doozy…

    Syria asks for help against Israeli aggression

    The HTS leader calls on the international community as Israel continues its operations in Syria

    The new Syrian authorities are calling on the international community to intervene and help it stop Israeli strikes, the head of the Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham (HTS) jihadist group, Abu Mohammed al-Julani, has said…

    Yeah, ok, Julani. 👌🏻 I’m sure the “international community” will get right on this. 🤣🤣

    • LOL: Jefferson Temple
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  56. Gallatin says:

    If the drones are looking for dirty bombs, they are probably looking for dirty bombs Mossad wants to use for a false flag attack to be blamed on Iran I’d imagine. Bibi is not a patient guy

    • Replies: @Catdompanj
    , @Catdompanj
  57. @Dumbo

    Please post all of your hard evidence for the existence of your God of choice here so that we may all be saved. Thank you.

    • Replies: @Dumbo
  58. @We are all Dumb

    You don’t think that NJ congressman talked about an Iranian mothership specifically to pin a false flag on Iran if one occurs? That’s what I’m thinking. It may be that the only reason Trump is being reinstalled is to capitalize on a false flag and destroy Iran.

    • Replies: @We are all Dumb
  59. AZTK21 says:
    @Yukon Jack

    That is some BAD fake video on the Youtube clip, Jack.

  60. Anonymous[307] • Disclaimer says:

    The jihadi wasteland previously known as Syria will have its back broken and limbs torn off.

  61. @emil nikola richard

    If it’s our Government, then explain why (for the first time that I’m aware) these clandestine maneuvers are causing high alerts at nuclear facilities, coast guard ships and causing entire airports to shut down? Did this happened with the Stealth Bomber or ANY other flight testing? Heck, when were any of these past actions so visible???

  62. @Gallatin

    After the Twin Towers operation, why on earth would Bibi need to be secretive about it?

  63. @Gallatin

    Yeah, just like all those countries Trump destroyed his first goaround. Smh.

  64. @Anonymous

    Patriot Front aren’t feds you dumb useless faggot

    • Disagree: Gallatin
  65. SafeNow says:

    Trump will now, quite correctly, conclude: CIA/military/Israel possesses the technology to knock me off whenever I go outdoors. Scanning rooftops for rifle-toting shooters is small beer now. And, “outdoors” includes rallies, and, OMG, playing golf. I sure love golf. And, if indeed I were to get droned, it would easily be false-flagged to be sourced from an Iranian “mother-ship”…that’s been set-up now. So, what do I need to do to de-motivate the above? Easy… I need to increase the military budget, and increase support for Israel.

    I don’t know if triggering the above Trump-thinking was actually the intent of manifesting drone capability and mystery. But surely, creating the above has been the result.

  66. Uforbla says:

    The drones are real man! There tracking people to see what exits they live on off the NJ Turnpike and the Garden State. Spooky shit fer sure 🤪

  67. Che Guava says:

    It was too long, but clearly meant to be satire.

  68. Dumbo says:
    @Jefferson Temple

    That was not the point of my post, which was simply to observe that “sky aliens” are not at all more believable than “sky gods”.

    Well, except perhaps for people so corrupted by materialism and modern “Science!” that they cannot think of other explanations that don’t involve “Science!” somehow. It’s like computer nerds who don’t believe in God but believe we may live in a “computer simulation”… To each his own.

    Since we don’t know how life started on Earth, and for all we know it is the only place to have life, to believe that “aliens created us” simply transfers the question to another planet. I suppose that “man was created by aliens” might make sense for people who watched a lot of sci-fi movies.

    I used to like Carl Sagan a lot, he believed alien intelligence was a big possibility. But then I found out he was Jewish and a believer in the unique evilness of the Holocaust and other hoaxes, so… who knows. Who knows what he really thought. Perhaps he was just pushing many hoaxes (nuclear winter, moon landing, etc).

    Personally, I think the existence of dwarves and fairies and dragons and demons and even Santa Claus is more likely than the existence of little grey/green “aliens”, and more interesting too.

    • Replies: @Jefferson Temple
  69. @Jefferson Temple

    If they had brute forced that perhaps. I think there are too many who see what’s happening. They got one big false flag left to conquer the minds of the goyim. So go for the small fry Iran or go for the meat and potatoes of Russia and still get the small fry Iran with that platter. Fake pre-baked Jew war will include war on Iran. tbh everyone seems bought and sold.

    • Replies: @Jefferson Temple
  70. @We are all Dumb

    More people may see it but that’s all the more reason to blow something up. Scare the hell out of people and watch them magically forget the scamdemic lies they are becoming aware of and bitterly. There’s two guys in this conspiracy sphere, Henry Makow and Chris Bjerknes, who insist that Putin is in on it. The elephant is one big talmudic conspiracy. I don’t think that they are crazy.

  71. @HT

    Bro, they’d be using their flying pyramids which would be clearly visible.

  72. @Dumbo

    Thanks. If I had been making a point it would have been that I don’t really think we can rule out aliens versus God. If the truth was clear wouldn’t there already be one true religion that people follow voluntarily? Personally, I fall in the intelligent design camp but I have no idea what form that intelligence might take or where it resides. But then we have the question of first cause so yeah I think you’re right, little green men don’t really cut it as an explanation. We may be the fruits of alien biological science. But, who made them?

  73. @anarchyst

    The Jews would never put a nuke in New York though ’cause they wouldn’t
    want to vaporize their homies in Wall Street, Bloomingdales, Katz’s Deli and the Fairway Market.

  74. @Holosphere

    You’ll be killed with the rest of the propagandists and no one will mourn your passing. Get the fuck out of here, you useless fed piece of shit. We’re not falling for your well poisoning.

    • Replies: @Holosphere
  75. Assuming these are more or less conventional drones, the case is overwhelming that they’ve been launched by a group or organization in the US. They can hardly have been flown from a far-away continent or ships many waves distant.

    But who is the perpetrator? That remains a mystery, but very likely some agency or cabal in the government. The lack of any but a verbal response by officialdom is a tell. With all our military’s surveillance equipment and armed-to-the-gills fighter aircraft, it shouldn’t be hard to shoot down a few drones and examine the wreckage for clues. There was even that story the other day about one drone that crashed in New Jersey. Are we supposed to believe no lab, such as that at NTSB used for analyzing plane crash evidence, can quickly figure out its nature and source?

    All the officials who might be in on the scheme assure us there is no reason to assume a threat from these aerial phenomena, and that may be true. The threat comes from our supposed protectors who believe only they, and not people outside the charmed circle, are entitled to the facts.

  76. @Tallest Skil

    Clearly you’re the trailer park variety that finds facts either impossibly complicated or inconvenient, and in this case, virulently upsetting as well, as reflected in the spasmodic-diarrhea you periodically spit out.

    Either ways, it seems time’s up.

    Don’t look up.

    • Replies: @Gallatin
    , @Tallest Skil
  77. dimples says:

    Yes the aliens have been putting on a show going on for 75 years now. Gov sez they are just misidentifications and weather balloons. What’s new? Not much. If I was .gov I wouldn’t be trying to shoot them down either. Might shoot down an actual plane with people in it, which would be a scandal. Best ignore it.

  78. If I was .gov I wouldn’t be trying to shoot them down either. Might shoot down an actual plane with people in it, which would be a scandal.

    Consider TWA 800, which exploded because of a spark in a fuel tank, something that never happened before in millions of Boeing 747 flight hours.

  79. Gallatin says:

    Awfully shy aliens. I guess they find the slimy sea water full of medical waste near the Jersey shore fascinating.

  80. – There´s a famous first-rate correlation between UFO abductions and
    apparitions of the Virgin Mary; “wars and rumors of war” tend to have that
    effect on the feeble-minded even without government help
    (I liked the explanation these are the Evangelical Rapture looking for the
    Righteous but can´t find any 😜).

  81. D0NAR says:

    These drones were not only spotted in US sky… A lot of people spotted them across whole Europe and Russia…
    Here in Germany, they were spotted in the sky over the ‘Ramstein Mil. Base’ & in ‘Büchel’ (another US mil Base) …
    Remember, the US nuke’s are in Ramstein & Büchel!!!
    In Russia they were spotted near mil Base’s, too and near nuclear facilities…

    I’m sure, we’ll get a very special Christmas this year…

  82. @Holosphere


    You’d have to post some. Aliens aren’t real. Fuck off, dipshit.

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