
Approximately 10 Unfinished Sewing Projects

@vinceaddams / vinceaddams.tumblr.com

Vincent, Canada, he/him. I like sewing (mostly 18th century menswear), and drawing, which I post on @vincentbriggs. I also like making repeating patterns, and occasionally I make youtube videos. @pterribledinosaurdrawings is where I put my dinosaur drawings.
@petzah394 submitted: Its a bit of a crappy photo cause it landed like 10 metres away from me then took off 5 seconds later but here's a skipper butterfly (perhaps lesser dart) i saw in northeast NSW Australia. Love this little fella, so cute (right image is cropped in so you can see a lil better)

AN ANGEL. I love skippers. Not a lesser dart, which is not found at all in NSW. But there are SO many skippers so I'd need really good photos to ID which species it is.


Wooah I LOVE those leaf veins! No offence to the butterfly who is also very lovely, but look at how the tips all join together to form a little scallop pattern just inside the edge!

And the shorter veins in the middle of the sections that just taper off! Fabulous! I've never seen that kind of vein pattern before.


the term "phasmid," meaning "stick insect," comes from a latin word meaning "apparition" or "phantom," due to the creatures' ability to hide in plain sight, and then move around and scare people.

the largest phasmids likely remain undiscovered; the longest insect known to science was a phasmid from a species that remains formally unnamed and undescribed, even since being captured for the first time in china in 2014.

a female specimen of the quasi-mythical australian species of gargantuan stick insect was sought by a curator of museum victoria for three years before he encountered one, also in 2014. upon realizing what it was, he says, “I started screaming."

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