
The Kimono Gallery

@thekimonogallery / thekimonogallery.tumblr.com

Vintage & antique kimonos from Japan.


20121024-DSC07853 10月23日に真希乃( Makino)さんが襟替されました。24日には訪問着でのあいさつ回りがありました。


This photo was taken ca.1905 by Herbert G. Ponting somewhere out in Japan’s countryside. Granny is looking through an H.C. White stereoscope at 3-D views published in the USA by the same company. Ponting carried sample views and viewers around with him to show people the kind of photos he was taking, and to make friends while putting his subjects at ease. Original image, and text utilized,  owned by Okinawa Soba of Flickr

Source: flickr.com

Wall Vase Japan. Late Edo period. 10" x 4 ½" - 25 x 12cm A particularly unusual flower vase conceived from a rotting bamboo stem node. The vase being investigated by large spotted lacquered spiders.  Signed at rear in red lacquer: Kinjo Ikkokusai.

Brandt Asian Art


Katabira (Summer Kimono) with Autumn Scene of Nonomiya Shrine in Yuzen Dyeing and Embroidery on White Ramie Ground. 19th century, Japan.  Kyoto National Museum.  Note that this kimono is so sheer that the backside image shows the red lapel area of the front

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