i will refer to every fictional mass murderer i love as “honey” and “baby” and you cannot stop me
Heads up everyone, there's a new scam in town!
(Or perhaps an old one and I am late to the party)
Reasons it is a scam:
1) long, but doesn't reference the fic or characters at all
2) wants money - and will only communicate through dms, they don't have a public profile with proof of their work
And finally!
3) I googled this copy paste text and... suprise! It is a copy paste text. Loads of other people have the same ask
Stay safe and don't fall for this all!
really underrated part of the LotR films is when gollum gets exposition lines. like can you imagine? you're travelling with the most fucked-up evil little murder greyhound creature imaginable and he lives in a cave and doesn't know about potatoes but from time to time you have to ask him about local geopolitics. and he answers you
wild coyote at a college party
ew who invited him
mostly a piece about one of my oc's but you know, it contains multitudes
Huddy + ducklings doodlee
House’s Head Wilson’s Heart
Hi!! I don't know if this is correct, but I think I might have stumbled upon some older House MD artwork of yours? It was graphite, and it was posted to a different account. I apologize if I'm reaching out to the wrong person. I just wanted to say that I really loved it, and I felt like you really captured the vibe... almost like that brief moment when a sun ray casts rainbows through a window. It makes my heart warm.
Regardless, I really enjoy all of your art! Even with your hyper realistic style, you still manage to capture this glow about your portraits. I feel like I'm seeing people through your eyes, and it's frankly stunning. I like painting people best of all, and every time I see your art, I'm inspired to sit down and give it another try! You have a very lovely way of portraying things, and I hope to one day be 2% as skilled as you are now.
Thank you for your art, and have a nice day :)
Yep I used to do a lot of House pencil drawings.
Thank you for the very kind message! 💛
Honeymoon - While House works to save Stacy's husband, he cannot help but think his feelings for her may have reignited.
Love is Blind - House receives a shock when his mother unexpectedly arrives at the hospital with her latest beau in tow.
Anyway, more verified reporting on Neil Gaiman is out and it's real bad, folks, it just is. I'm not going to link it here, but there are plenty of free links floating around.
I cannot stress this enough, if the topic of sexual assault and graphic details are going to be severely distressing for you, please do not read it. That is not something you have to do to yourself. You do not have to do penance for finding his work meaningful, previously praised it, or enjoyed interacting with him on Tumblr. This is not on you. No one needs that from you, no matter how it may feel.
If this is personally devastating, you can (and should!) take some time to process it. You don't owe the internet a hot take or force yourself to feel the right emotion. Just take a break until you find the right headspace to be in. Please take care of yourselves.
Present-day Taub who gives you top surgery and asks how your polycule is doing
house and wilson wilson and house
dr wilson worried psychiatrist stare
wilson is so intriguing as a character bc at first u think he’s pathetic for putting up with house, then u realize he actually gets off on their dynamic psychosexual style
Still can't get over the way the camera lingers on Wilson sometimes, the way that most would in a romcom or just any romantic drama. The camerawork LITERALLY treats him like a love interest.
House MD - Femslash February 2025
Femslash February is an annual multi-fandom thing encouraging/supporting the creation of femslash fanworks, i.e. focusing on female/female pairings. The ladies need love too!
This is an account for House MD femslash, run by @thatwholethingwiththeduck (tornyourdress on A03) that is not going to be as organized as a fanwork exchange but will gather/compile the following up until the end of January, for anyone who wants to join in:
And throughout February, will post/reblog (you can tag this account or 'submit' a post):
- newly-created fic/fanart etc
- recs of older fic/fanart etc
- meta/ramblings about particular pairings
- other relevant femslash stuff
There is also an open A03 collection set up for anyone who wants to post work over there.
Both 'ask' and 'submit' are open for now.