
Steel Puff

@puff-dacier / puff-dacier.tumblr.com

31. INFP. Demisexual. Genderfluid. Pronouns: Any. Crafter. Reader. Admiral of an Armada. Ask Me Anything.

“look at this highlight”

I can’t breathe omfggggghhh

I love her


“this is 24 karat, this is miracle from Alah.”


Brass nails and why I have them.

Ever since last night I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my brass fingernails. First of all. NO, they are not prosthesis. i have them for a specific reason.

Here’s what they look like:

another view 

HERE’s is the reason:

I bite my nails all the time. constantly, idly, without thinking.

If you’re like me, and love giving back scratches, then having no nails is a problem:

Here’s how chose to fix this problem:

Shoot bullet, collect casing.

cut bullet.

The bullets have a taper inside. we will want the broader side of the taper to be outward on our nails, and the thinner side against the rear of the nail so there is no jutting up of material when they are glued on. Here’s what that taper looks like, one cylinder is flipped over to show how thick it is at the base:

clip, bend, and trim into a nail shape:

sand for a fine (BUT NOT CUTTING SHARP) edge on the front and smooth edges.

Glue with Krazy glue, it’s the best.


Amazing. the nails will stay on for about a week at a time before working themselves loose, when that happens just scrape the glue off and reapply.

Unless you happen to have reached into the closet and snagged it on your shelves and broke the nail off on your pinky cuz holy god that hurt. reapply anyways.

Also these work as screwdrivers, knives and various other multi-tools at the tip of your finger, so that’s pretty rad. I don’t know how odd i should feel about having done this, but i must say; it’s handy as hell and really fun to have nails again.

OH, also you can shine them with “brasso” or something but screw that, I’ve tried that and they get mirror bright and really annoyingly shiny. not my thing.



this is some steampunk shit and i love it

Holy shit, this is literally the coolest thing I’ve read all day.

“Here’s how I chose to fix this problem:

shoot bullets, collect casing”

I would have totally rocked these back when I had a goth phase.

If I could have nails these are the nails I would have


Power Rangers:

So, here’s how the sequence actually goes: Trini and the other Rangers are sharing personal stories around a fire, and Trini explains how she’s preferred to keep her family out of her day-to-day life and her relationships. “Boyfriend trouble?” Black Ranger Zack (Ludi Lin) asks. “Yeah, boyfriend trouble,” Trini says — maybe sarcastically? It’s hard to tell, as Becky G delivers 99% of her lines with a sardonic lilt. Zack squints, then asks, “Girlfriend trouble?” Trini doesn’t respond.

Beauty and the Beast:

The Gaston-adoring sidekick LeFou (Josh Gad) shares a two-second dance with another man in the movie’s finale. It’s a scene, as Pop Culture Happy Hour panelist Glen Weldon put it when he tweeted, that’s “exactly the kind of throwaway gay joke Hollywood’s always churned out.” It wasn’t the only one either — LeFou’s dance partner is a character who, in an earlier scene, is shown being unexpectedly pleased with the women’s clothing he’d been forcefully clad in by a combative Madame Garderobe.

And Star Trek Beyond:

Then there was last year’s Star Trek Beyond, which, also before its release, made the reveal — one treated as a bigger deal in interviews than it ended up being onscreen — that its incarnation of Lt. Hikaru Sulu (John Cho) was gay. It did this by introducing a never-named-on-screen husband, played by screenwriter Doug Jung, who Sulu was shown pulling into an affectionate but not especially nonplatonic embrace during a visit as they strolled away with their daughter. “If you blinked, you missed it,” said George Takei, who played Sulu on the original Star Trek television show. “There are others who are dealing with LGBT issues much more profoundly.”

All three studios made a big deal out of making LGBT characters textual, but they still assume their audiences are just as narrow-minded as they are.

In a world in which How to Get Away With Murder plunked a scene of implied rimming between Jack Falahee and Conrad Ricamora onto primetime network TV two years ago, it seems particularly eyerolly to give a studio movie a pat on the back for including a shot of two men with their arms around each other, in a totally gay way, they swear.
Wife: Saw a link that looked like hentai. So I clicked and yup, hentai.
Me: Now it's in your history. Now it'll be in your google ads.
Me: Tentacles in your area want to chat!
Wife: Only if they'r tentacles attached to MILFs!

Stop saying Aromantics and Asexuals aren’t valid. Not everyone wants to marry, have sex or have kids. Because I’m tired of guys telling me that “I haven’t found the right one” or “Just have kids. Its not bad.” ugh…..


if you’re embarrassed by the person you were 5 years ago, good. bc it means you’ve grown. you’ve educated yourself and expanded your horizons. given half the chance, I’d deck 2011 me right in the face . 


Okay…but what if you think about yourself from 15 years ago and think you’d be cool with watching TV together? Or sharing your games?

I still cringe at things I did when I was 12

When I was 12, more then anything I wanted the Holy Grail from Sailor Moon. They had it at Walmart for $14.99 and I needed it or I would die. Mom said no. I would be 13 soon and I would feel shame for having such toys. I wouldn’t want it in under a year and it would have been a waste to spend that $14.99 on something I would grow tired of so quickly. She said she’d wait and get me makeup for my birthday instead.

….When I was 21, I went on ebay and found the Holy Grail from Sailor Moon on ebay. It was beaten up and some of the gold chrome had worn off leaving ugly yellow patches of regular plastic peaking through. It was $3000 plus shipping. I emailed my mom the link. Told her I still wanted it and reminded her I still wasn’t wearing makeup.

I turned 30 in January. Thanks to the release of Sailor Moon in the form of Sailor Moon Crystal, the Holy Grail is back in stock. They have it at Think Geek for $100. I was alerted mom that I still want it. However, I am an adult with a job and I pay bills. I will grant mother a grace period to realize she was very wrong about me. If she fails this grace period, I will use my adult with a job paycheck to get it myself and then hold this over her head until one of us dies.

I got older, I am more educated. I have expanded horizons, but I never actually changed beyond becoming confident in myself.


i finally watched kimi no na wa… and here are my sketchy contributions to the ML au because i’m utter trash

my headcanons:

  • when adrien is marinette he subconsciously assumes model poses
  • marinette stands up to gabriel and gets adrien to attend public school
  • marinette gets her miraculous before adrien - he gets his sometime after they stop switching
  • in adrien’s time, ladybug has been missing in action for a while
  • he doesn’t realize marinette is ladybug until plagg tells him how to activate his transformation
  • cue plot of the movie
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