
Everything I draw ends up wearing a bow-tie

@modmad / modmad.tumblr.com

A collective of miscellany and mirth. Also sometimes I draw stuff.

So! In looking for more resources on Black hair, I found this amazing, simplified explanation for afros, locs, braids, and twists!! Everyone thank "Daisy E" for their contribution to diversity and inclusion within the art space!

It's far past time to draw our Black characters with our hairstyles and natural hair textures. Please take the time to look, and practice!


stop what you’re doing and watch this

For those who don't know, this is Joe Lycett. He's a British comedian who's also bisexual/pansexual (he uses both labels interchangeably afaik), and this isn't an isolated thing.

He has a show called Joe Lycett's Got Your Back which explains consumer rights, exposes dodgy businesses and actually fights on behalf of people who have been scammed by those businesses, often successfully.

He also legally changed his name to Hugo Boss in protest of the fashion house Hugo Boss hitting a local brewery with cease and desist because they trademarked the word boss. The protest was successful and Hugo Boss receded the c&d.

He's a cool guy and I recommend looking him up. I also recommend looking up the notable cases from JLGYB on the Wikipedia link below

That local brewery is Boss Brewery in Swansea, and if you go to their bar they now sell a pizza named the Lycett in his honour

It's easy to see this as just trolling but it's a really good thing - they shouldn't just fine people without proof


which of my household appliances am i most closely related to


depends are we talking taxonomy or phylogeny?


Refrigerator - upright - taller than it is wide - Has feet - Freestanding or was altered from a freestanding structure - Can be filled with food and/or liquids - Has fluids flowing through it to regulate temperature at the expense of energy. - Makes a lot of noise when its internals are exposed to outside air for too long.

  • runs
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