
Ur Fave Magical Boi

@himboprince / himboprince.tumblr.com

Luka✨He/His ✨OH formerly NY✨triple Leo✨nb/trans masc✨bi✨Adult✨t date 3/16/18✨ Black Native✨ Icon by me

the thing about capitalism is that at a certain point a product reaches its maximum audience and cant really be improved (at least not while remaining profitable), but capitalism requires a product provide infinite growth, and at that point the only way to increase profits is to raise prices, cut corners, and in the case of services start adding advertisements. this is just how the system works.

Rent-seeking is the act of growing one's existing wealth by manipulating the social or political environment without creating new wealth.[1] Rent-seeking activities have negative effects on the rest of society. They result in reduced economic efficiency through misallocation of resources, reduced wealth creation, lost government revenue, heightened income inequality,[2][3] risk of growing political bribery, and potential national decline.

The actual economic term for this parasitic behavior is "Rent Seeking", as in "charging you rent for things that didn't used to cost money just because we can."

"The classic example of rent-seeking, according to Robert Shiller, is that of a property owner who installs a chain across a river that flows through their land and then hires a collector to charge passing boats a fee to lower the chain. There is nothing productive about the chain or the collector, nor do passing boats get anything in return. The owner has made no improvements to the river and is not adding value in any way, directly or indirectly, except for themselves. All they are doing is finding a way to obtain money from something that used to be free." obtain money links to the wikipedia article for Parasitism which might be the most brutal diss I've ever seen on wikipedia ever


“we need more weird art!” but not anything that makes me feel uncomfortable or alienated or challenged. “weird art” but i don’t want to consider the perspective of anyone i might have real irrevocable differences from. “weird art” but everything must be carefully couched in the language of white middle-class american sensibilities at all times. “weird art” but it has to be picked from a list of pre-established “weird” tropes that i recognize from carefully curated lists on letterboxd.


y'all HAVE to watch this...interview??? with the inmates of the prison where luigi mangione is being held.

the reporter is standing outside the prison walls, while the inmates are inside watching newsmax, and collectively screaming out one-word answers to questions loud enough to be heard by the reporter.

I've never seen anything like it

People are talking about how this interview is some of the best journalism they’ve ever seen, and how it’s probably the most humanizing, fair coverage inmates have EVER had. How it’s giving a voice to the voiceless, how it’s going to legit change people’s views towards prison.

And they’re RIGHT


Just want to clarify for anyone who was hesitant like me about the source, this is NOT newsmax, the far right propaganda channel that thinks Fox News is too liberal — it is actually NewsNation, aka WGN, a legitimate news source

yeah sorry not sure why I wrote that lol, got mixed up

please reblog this version i can't be seen with an unreliable source


perliculture is so advanced. i thought those fun-shaped “freshwater” coin pearls were fakes or cut to shape but they really get mussels to grow these

some look messier than others with thicker nacre but even the neat ones occasionally have nacre bumps.

Anonymous asked:


i cant even post moths anymore. because of woke


you might be marked red on shiningami eyes because of the moths actually! Or more accurately the butterflies. I filter posts based a some key words including “terf” and consequently anything with “terf” in it gets blocked such as “butterfly,” “waterfall,” and “monsterfucker.” Like so:

The post in question is reblogged by my girlfriend from my own side blog that has “butterfly” in the title

that is quite honestly the funniest thing ever

Here's a tumblr post I found with additional information about what's been happening.

Here's another relevant thread

I'm rather embarrassed to only be finding about this now considering the earliest complaints I found with limited searching date back to a month ago. Needless to say, it has become fully unreliable, so it's time to remove it.

Deviating from my usual posting content to share this, since I'm under the impression the Sky community is trans-friendly and thus may or may not be in the audience of people who use Shinigami Eyes.

As the person above me mentions, this not just a fluke. I had a look and the Firefox review page has very consistent comments noting discrimination against the non-binary, intersex, transmasc, and people of color. I dug around a bit more and found some similar complaints dating from around 2 months ago (potentially even 6?)


this messed up vintage cat sewing pattern has tormented me since i saw it & like some other folks have done in that post - i tried my hand at tweaking the pattern to resemble the illustration (and my personal tastes) a little more. i've ended up with this, which i have only tested at a small scale and not this final version exactly (where i have done such things as further widening the cheeks and finalizing the leg shapes.) i bestow it upon you nice folks now 👐

go forth and make weird little beanbag kittens! pls show me if you do!

woah this got big!! and after another try i have another untested tweak for yall. this should help the weird pinchy side seams out. yey


as someone who has been involved in union organizing through my dad's union since i was literally in second grade, the way that people on tumblr think unions work drives me literally insane

unions do so much more than just strike. unions bargain. unions sit in at meetings with upper management. unions help people navigate benefits. unions coordinate aid drives for disabled members. my union ran a donations campaign for me for the interim between the end of my allotted paid leave and my disability claim

"unionize your workplace" means so much more than "talk to your coworkers about striking." you gotta actively know what a union is and what a union isn't before you can form one. calls to unionize should lead to more people learning their rights and learning how unions work, and coordinating with orgs like seiu and the teamsters and the aft (and if you don't know what those are, look them up).

My union found me a legal expert to help me check over my last redundancy settlement for free, provided private medical cover whilst I was unemployed, and negotiated a good deal on cheap insurance for their members. It is so much more than strikes.

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