
witchcraft, etc. (now with more etc.)

@friend-crow / friend-crow.tumblr.com

30's, they/them, Pacific Northwest. 18+

Can I ask what you mean by "spirit =/= consciousness?"



In my effort to make less effort I may have neglected to mention that the context here is animism. Which, as you probably know, is not a monolith. There are various beliefs labeled "animistic" and they differ on some points, so keep that in mind.

A lot of people take "spirit" to mean "consciousness" which is not necessarily the case. But again, animism is a broad label, so it's not necessarily not the case, either. Of course, defining consciousness is a whole other can of worms, but let's try not to get too hung up on that.

Basically, you can recognize the personhood of a non-human entity without anthropomorphizing it. You can interact with and learn from a spirit without assuming it is experiencing the world in the same way you do.


(feel free to ignore this question but:)

Have you ever taken a break from witchiness, and how did you get back into things afterwards?


Not, like, deliberately, but yeah I first started experimenting with witchcraft as a tween, so there have been plenty of times when I got distracted with school, work, falling in love, rapidly declining mental health, having a social life, chronic pain, getting really into other interests and devoting all of my time and attention to them, falling out of love, etc.

It's hard for me to give advice because I don't really stop or start on purpose. I fall back into it just like I fell out of it. I guess once I come back around I usually take stock of how I was last doing things and what beliefs I held, and ask myself if I still feel the same about those things. Maybe I look around at other things that might resonate more at this time. Talking with other practitioners can be good for this.

Sorry, I know that's probably not much help...

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