
witchcraft, etc. (now with more etc.)

@friend-crow / friend-crow.tumblr.com

30's, they/them, Pacific Northwest. 18+

I'd love to know what I looked at to inspire this recommendation.


Just caught on that someone was being a dick to you: You're a delight to have around and you make my dash all the more sparkly like the treasure you are


Thank you, friend!! You too are a sparkly dashboard treasure!

Anonymous asked:

okay… i was just expressing my opinion about how your blog makes me feel and now suddenly everyone is attacking me. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE S*X WITH A LANGUAGE

Oh shit, I'm sorry anon, I didn't realize you were 12. My bad.


Looks like everyone made my first response already

(Wah I was a little bitch for no reason and now people are being mean to me Wah)

So I'm going to do a second

Mess with a crow and the murder will come for your ass

Yeah! Bring that wack shit to the circus and you're gonna get clowned, son!


"Middle English isn't gonna fuck you."

I realize that "cringe occultists" is redundant, but here we are.

These are from a different post, but obviously belong over here.

Anonymous asked:

okay… i was just expressing my opinion about how your blog makes me feel and now suddenly everyone is attacking me. I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE S*X WITH A LANGUAGE

Oh shit, I'm sorry anon, I didn't realize you were 12. My bad.

Anonymous asked:

i dont like your blog or your tone, i think it’s rank and rancid

It's hard to take a blog critique seriously when it's coming from the kind of person who sends mean anonymous messages.

Block me, loser.


I feel like maybe anon was someone who thought middle English was gonna fuck them...

Your blog is a delight and a pleasure

Gosh, thank you! 🖤

Anonymous asked:

as an autistic person who is genuinely the worst person i have ever met with deciphering tone, particularly over text, i have no earthly idea how anyone could interpret ur blog tone as anything other than that of unadulterated jest

Aww, you get me!

Anonymous asked:

I love your blog and your tone-

Its neat and nice :)

[From~ a follower who has no idea what you are talking about but loves it none the less]

Thank you!

Honestly I post a lot of absurd shit inspired by conversations with friends, so I'm not sure how much sense there is to be made from it if you don't have that context.

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