
meow meow corner

@fricklefracklefloof / fricklefracklefloof.tumblr.com

call me taro!
20 | wasian | he/him and pi/pika
read pinned - slow to respond to dms

about me


he/him (trans man)

20 yrs

wasian filipino-american (white passing)

sociology student

fandom posts when i’m feeling silly

(i’m crazy about tma, soc, proseka, pokemon and being a furry and i tag it accordingly)

the eevee gif is what i look like irl


i can be slow to answer dms, i am a full-time student and i have a part-time job. i will try my best to answer/read asks but i receive a lot of them so please be patient with me and i apologize if some get lost.

i only reblog fundraiser posts that i have confirmed to be vetted/verified by a source that i trust. i am not equipped to be an official vetter. please use discretion and your best judgement when viewing my reblogs.

if you are a gazan, please know that you are loved and i am keeping you in my thoughts. i am sorry if i am slow to get to messages but i will try my best to respond appropriately. i care about every person who reaches out to me and i want you to know that.


can you make art for my gofundme campaign?

at the moment i am only taking requests from families i am familiar with. i am very sorry, i am at capacity lately and i need to focus my energy on what i can. i hope you can understand.

can i tag you in a fundraiser post?

yes, absolutely.


help amal’s family evacuate gaza

help muhammad get the treatment he needs

support eslam’s family in gaza

support afaf’s family in gaza


While we live in Gaza, we are looking for safe shelter and good food after the continuous closure of the crossings in all directions for a week..

Trump comes out with a statement threatening the residents of the Gaza Strip with hell

Please continue to help us provide food in light of the closure of crossings and high prices.

Donate to my family here

From a future teacher to a homeless person💔

My story and my hope for survival😭

I finished my studies and was very happy with that. I started teaching students with all love and passion. I was a responsible teacher and I loved my work and my students very much. I saw them all. My children were like angels🥺

I got married a year before the war, and this was the end of a long love story with my husband. We created a beautiful home after a lot of suffering, and we were the two happiest people on the planet.😭

This is my beautiful home, built with all the effort and effort💔

When I found out that I was pregnant and had a baby girl, I started collecting all my salary in order to provide a safe life for her and buy her all the beautiful clothes.🥺

But unfortunately, all of this turned into a nightmare. We were forced to flee my home, and then I lost my husband. After seven months of displacement, I returned to my home, but unfortunately it had become completely destroyed and I became homeless. My child was born in the war without a father, shelter, or anything. Under the firing of missiles and hunger, nothing of life’s necessities was available.😭

I now hope that you will look at us with mercy. There are no ways that I can provide for my child. I have lost my source of livelihood, my home, and my husband. I cannot provide milk and pampers for her. Please help my child. She deserves a better life.🙏

Now my daughter and I have lost everything. Please help me get out of here and protect my little girl. Donate on the link. Every donation will make a huge difference to us. We need you. Please help us escape certain death.🙏😭

Now my daughter and I have lost everything. Please help me get out of here and protect my little girl. Donate at the link. Every donation will make a huge difference for us. We need you. Please help us escape certain death.🙏😭

€14,137 raised of €30K goal


💥#Breaking: Israel halts entry of all humanitarian aid into Gaza as Phase I concludes. The IDF has been ordered to close all entries to Gaza.

Further evidence that the genocide in Gaza is still ongoing: Israel's deliberate suspension of humanitarian aid to Gaza is a genocidal act that violates the ICJ provisional measures & a prosecution of the war crime of starvation, for which the ICC has issued arrest warrants.

Donate here

مرحبا حسين

كيف حالك

حسين بتمنى تنشرلي حملتي والله محتاج مساعدة والوضع صعب

حملتي موثقة من اكتر من شخص

المشكلة عندي في الوصول الحملة مش واصلة للمنبرعين

بتمني تساعدني وترد عليا


Hey guys! Nader's family's fundraiser here was verified by Ahmed (90-ghost) over here. I would like to remind you that before reblogging fundraiser posts from Ghazzawiyeh, Ahmed would verify fundraisers in a similar fashion as we did (verifying Palestinian ID and current presence in Ghazzah). Here's where you can help:

Nader has been having trouble spreading his fundraiser so I would really appreciate it if you guys could reblog this post.


Currently at $1135 Only $865 away to 2k

Thank you my friends for helping me. Please continue to donate so I can reach my goal of 85k. I need this to be able to save my children and get them to safety and live in peace. We are facing a terrible situation. Please stand with me and my family. We are in a very difficult situation in northern Gaza. Please continue to donate.

My friends please help me reach 2k . I am only $865 away from the amount.


oh my godddd the people in the notes of that pokemon anti homeless bench are going to kill me. they're so eager to come up with lore explanations or dismissive hand waves instead of looking at it for what it is. anti homeless benches are so unbelievably pervasive that, whether intentional or not, a designer made the benches in a fantasy game mirror the real world in a jarring way. it's an ugly and uncomfortable juxtaposition that really sticks out in a heavily sanitised and safe kids game like pokemon. i don't think this is some grand statement on gamefreak's politics or anything like that, rather a scathing unintentional indictment on the cruelty of a world that intentionally creates public spaces hostile to homeless people leaking into an idyllic fantasy world where humans live in harmony with nature.

maybe the designer is so used to seeing anti homeless benches that they've never thought about it too much, maybe they knew thought it would make it more immersive and get people talking about the inherent cruelty of such a thing, maybe a million other things. the beauty is that we'll never know. the only thing that will remain is the genuinely profound and baffling phrase "lumiose city anti homeless benches" and the dizzying implications that come with it. banksy couldn't eat her shit


we DO grow old and happy. btw.

And you find love and it stays with you.

Older women are so, so beautiful, and older trans women are no exception. Celebrate the beauty of our elders! Celebrate trans beauty!

I wanted to share some more of these, specifically trans women of color. The images I'm posting are from a project called To Survive On This Shore and it's an interview project. I am only posting a handful so it's so worth checking out!

This is Linda, 60

Alexis, 64

Helena, 63

Kendrah, 72 (!!)

Tasha, 65

It was deeply healing to me to discover this project. The site has selected photos and attached interviews and it's definitely worth your time. I didn't include any because the focus of this post imo is transfems but there are a lot of beautiful interviews with transmasc people too if you're interested! But that'll have to be another post 💖

for those interested, the photographer is Jess T. Dugan. The link to this particular project is as follows:

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