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@emtmercy / emtmercy.tumblr.com

And Castiel angel of the lord

I feel like I’m out of podcasts to binge and only have weekly updates now which doesn’t carry me through the workday can you guys rec?

Here’s a list of ones I already listen to frequently

ONRAC, you’re wrong about, if books could kill, 5-4, normal gossip, American hysteria, red nation, I think not, STFU Nick lachey, crimes of the century, strange and unexplained, tooth and claw

and I’ve been recced maintenance phase many times and just don’t rly care for it that much (I agree with it politically just don’t enjoy it)


was reading a list of people who were suspects during the actual killings and it’s like

“Man who was gay which means he is evil

Man who had hallucinations and wouldn’t bathe which means he is evil

Man who is polish which means he is evil

Man covered in blood whom the local women called Stabby McGee The Rapist but who is innocent :)”

Like ok lol easy to see why this wasn’t solved


I feel like the cops must’ve come into contact w Jack the Ripper bc I’ve never heard a serial killer story that did not involve the police interviewing the guy originally and being like “well he seemed cool tho” OR a woman telling the police she knows who it was bc he tried to do the same to her but the cops being like “uh you are crazy you bitch” and not investigating


It's very endearing to me how many people are willing to keep an eye on a video feed so they can push a button and let a fish in the Netherlands get to the other side of a dam.


It is genuinely baffling to me, in a very kind and positive way, especially coupled with the local news continually going several shades of 'wtf, this thing is a roaring success again and we don't quite get why'. They've already quadrupled their capacity for simultaneous clicks and it's still nowhere near enough and there's just... Bewilderment.

  1. I think people want to help the environment in small but tangible ways, which is hard right now because of.. well... because of The Horrors. And being able to say 'wow! I helped this creature cross a dam' makes you feel good.
  2. I also think that most people can relate to a small, helpless creature trying to get from one place to another and there's a FUCKIN WALL in the way.

But to come back to point 1- Citizen Science fills a hole in the soul that wanted to go out on adventures and discover things when we were younger, but the study of it was hard or we didn't have the money or our schools were garbage. But you don't have to have a degree to do things like... press a button or download and use an app, or count or transcribe notes.

Anyways- here's some Citizen Science links if the Fish Doorbell makes you feel happy and you yearn for more ways to help scientists do stuff:

Zooniverse is a website that hosts information on many citizen science projects

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