




Who wouldn't want to be carried like a kitten by Vincent Price?

Vincent Price guest stars as Thomas, the "cat" burglar -

The Red Skelton Hour; Cast Your Brat Upon The Water (1964)

Anonymous asked:

Yeah that part of telling the women that they attracted Orlok is a bit like in Dracula 1992 where Van Helsing goes on a rant saying that Lucy wasn't a random victim but she had it coming because she attracted Dracula with her horniness

EXACTLY???? when OG Dracula, (from what I've interpreted thanks to Dracula Daily people explaining things way better than I can) is that he chose her (and by extension, Swales) because she was sitting on her favourite bench which was the grave of a suicide, aka unhallowed ground(denied a Christian burial), aka where Dracula could hide out while people unload his dirt boxes from the crashed Demeter.

No psychic powers because you're a wild changeling fairy woman, just Lucy sitting on her fav bench :( that's the tragedy of it all.


in dracula there is a cowboy and the female lead lives. in nosferatu there is no cowboy and the female lead dies. ergo, the existence of a cowboy is highly important for the survival of the female lead in a gothic vampire story.

transfer of souls. the female lead has a kid named after the cowboy so clearly that also has something to do with it


She also believes that part of the cowboy's spirit is in her son, who has his name, and was born on the same date the cowboy and Dracula died.

Anonymous asked:

Ellen’s recovery after hearing ‘You’re haunted, not mad’ is like Jonathan Harker in the book.

He’s in nervous collapse after his escape till Mina shows his diary to van Helsing. His health appears shattered - because he doesn’t know what’s real

Van Helsing is like, ‘Madam Mina, it’s all real, your husband is quite sane and also has BALLS OF STEEL.’

Jonathan is absolutely flabbergasted but ready to go full speed. Ellen too.

Confirmation goes a long way when you’re in Jonathan’s and Ellen’s place.

You go from ‘I’m afraid and traumatized and it’s because I’m Insane and Unwell and Something is Wrong with Me!’ to ‘Well, everything is still fucked, BUT at least I’m proven to not be crazy! Let’s deal with that monster now!’

It doesn’t fix the main problem (thirsty undead predator) but it removes the stigma fear and the doubt of oneself. It matters


Van Helsing: It's a good thing we left Madam Mina alone and in total ignorance to keep that pretty mind of hers safe from the horrors, these rats we just faced would have given her nightmares for sure because she is a woman, she's instead right now calm and peacefully resting at the asylum

Mina at the asylum:


Van Helsing: It's a good thing we left Madam Mina alone and in total ignorance to keep that pretty mind of hers safe from the horrors, these rats we just faced would have given her nightmares for sure because she is a woman, she's instead right now calm and peacefully resting at the asylum

Mina at the asylum:

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