Do you think anything should have been done differently? Do you know if the Josh who planned the event left Nebraska after the battle?
I mean ideally the original joke would’ve been like... “see yall in five years for the battle. 2025 a-josh-calypse!!” because then we would hopefully not be in pandemic times.
Also ideally, it would’ve been like..... A facebook event where OG Josh could send out actual announcements about what was happening and what the plan should be for attendees, or hell, even say “ok this one was a joke please dont do this thing” or “im giving all joshes an extra year to prepare, see yall 2022.”
But given that the guy was essentially doing on-the-fly damage control on a joke post that started circulating WAAAAY outside of his range of influence? It seems like he did the best he could.
The way I see it, he saw how big the post had gotten. He KNEW people were going to show up at those random coordinates at that specific date/time from the original post no matter what he said or did, because like... not everybody is going to go back to the source and look for updates. So he said “Okay how can we make this as positive and safe as possible?” And this lone meme man did what he could with what he had.
Given the circumstances I think things went about as well as they could have, so now we just gotta hope everybody who attended stays safe over the next few weeks.