Integrating Technology in the Classroom grants.
InfoSource Inc. has announced that it will award up to $2.5 million to K-12 school districts through its Integrating Technology in the Classroom grant program. The company says that the program is intended to support in-need school districts across the nation "by providing the tools and technology needed to improve digital literacy skills for both teachers and students, simplify and enhance the learning process, and make computers and the Internet an integral part of the classroom."When InfoSource announced in June that it was accepting applications for the grant program, it also noted that more that 100 grants of between $1,000 and $75,000 in product value would be awarded. This includes providing K-12 school districts with the "How to Master Learn It! Build It! Share It!" suite of online tools and technology training. Awardees receive financial assistance for a one-year product license for faculty, staff and/or student use in their school districts.
According to InfoSource, submissions will be accepted through December 31, 2005, with all grants being awarded by the end of January 2006. Districts, however, are encouraged to apply early since applications will be reviewed and awarded monthly until the grant pool has been exhausted.
For more information and an online application form, visit and click on the Grant Program link.
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Title Annotation: | InfoSource Inc. (school districts will be awarded with grants) |
Publication: | Techniques |
Article Type: | Brief Article |
Geographic Code: | 1USA |
Date: | Sep 1, 2005 |
Words: | 219 |
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