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A lifelong vegetarian, Stella has never used leather, feathers, skin or fur in any of her designs since day one in 2001 – a revolutionary stance both then and now. At Stella McCartney, our number one priority is protecting the welfare of animals and Mother Earth’s creatures.
According to multiple studies, animal-derived materials contribute significantly more to climate change than its synthetic or plant-based alternatives and are a leading cause of deforestation and associated biodiversity destruction. We want to prevent our contribution to this.
A percentage of our materials contain a synthetic PU coating, which is necessary as per current technology to achieve the same look and feel of animal leather on our non-leather goods, without animal leather’s harmful consequences and impact on animals, people and the planet.
As a sustainability leader in the luxury fashion industry, we also continually invest our research and development into new innovations so that we can move away from plastic-based synthetic alternatives.
We have since achieved the onboarding of new, 100% animal-free, cruelty-free and plastic-free material innovations – in collaboration with key innovation partners – that eliminate this synthetic coating, including:
- Bananatex®
Using leather alternatives has a proven lower carbon footprint and overall environmental impact – it uses less water, chemicals and land use change, as well as having many other benefits.
Discover more about our stance on synthetics here:
We still use a small percentage of plastic on some of our non-leather bags and accessories. Using leather alternatives has a proven lower carbon footprint and overall environmental impact – it uses less water, chemicals, land use change and many other benefits. These are typically synthetic coatings, so that we can achieve the same look and feel of animal leather, without its harmful consequences and impact. As conscious luxury pioneers, we are continually investing research and development into new material innovations and have since achieved some 100% cruelty-free and plastic-free options including MIRUM® and Bananatex®.
Organic cotton has measurable environmental and social benefits over conventional cotton, including less water intensive, chemicals and better for local communities. We began using organic cotton in 2008 and prioritise using it to craft our products wherever we can. In 2022, 68.82% of the cotton used in our collections was from organic sources.
We are aiming to transition entirely to an organic cotton supply chain by 2025. Additionally, we will – and already have begun to – expand our uptake of regenerative agriculture sourcing. Regenerative cotton goes beyond the benefits of conventional cotton, increasing carbon sequestration of soils – working to tackle climate change, improving and protecting local biodiversity and putting Mother Earth first.
Excitingly, we have launched our first-ever 100% regenerative cotton t-shirt with SOKTAS – a first in the luxury fashion industry. This regenerative cotton is fully traceable across every stage of the supply chain using blockchain technology – partnered with UNECE.
In 2022, 68.82% of the cotton used in our collections was from organic sources. We always prioritise the use of organic cotton however, sometimes due to supply chain challenges, we are unable to do so. Excitingly, we have just launched our first-ever garment made with 100% regenerative cotton – a first in the luxury fashion industry.
Animal welfare is a core pillar of Stella McCartney as a brand. A lifelong vegetarian, Stella has never used leather, feathers, skin or fur in any of her designs since day one in 2001 – a revolutionary stance both then and now. We never want to be associated with animal cruelty or any practices that cause harm to animals.
We use wool in our collections because it is a natural and biodegradable fibre. Inherently one of the most insulative materials, it is also one of the most technical materials in the world. At Stella, we acknowledge that there is an environmental footprint associated with any animal fibre. We work hard to ensure that our wool is sourced in a way that kinder to Mother Earth, the sheep and the workers throughout the supply chain.
Traceability is key for us – what you can’t see, you don’t know. For instance, we have farm-level traceability for our NATIVA™ regenerative wool and regularly keep in touch with the farmers to continue a nature-positive conversation. Wherever we cannot personally visit the farms, we rely on trusted third-party certification bodies like the Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) that have strict land management, animal welfare and social standards.
Our wool comes from several sources that are designed to help minimise our environmental impact. This includes NATIVA™ regenerative wool; ZQ regenerative wool; RWS wool – Responsible Wool Standard-certified wool based on strict environmental and social protocols; and recycled wool from post-consumer materials.
We are working towards shifting our entire wool supply chain to recycled and regenerative wool, and are continually investing in reducing the amount of animal fibres in our products, alongside trialling vegan, animal-free alternatives and pioneering material innovations.
Animal welfare is a core pillar of Stella McCartney as a brand. We never want to be associated with animal cruelty or any practices that cause harm to animals. We use wool in our collections because it is a natural and biodegradable fibre. We work hard to ensure that our wool is sourced in a way that kinder to Mother Earth, the sheep and the workers throughout the supply chain.
Our wool comes from sources designed to help minimise our environmental impact: NATIVA™ regenerative wool; ZQ regenerative wool; RWS wool – Responsible Wool Standard-certified wool based on strict environmental and social protocols; and recycled wool from post-consumer materials.
There are different practices for every farm. Our NATIVA™ farms follow best practices for their sheep. At Prospect Farm, sheep are donated to local farms and animal sanctuaries.
We recognise that there is a lack of traceability across the industry and are working hard to ensure our wool is sourced in a way that kinder to Mother Earth, the sheep and the workers throughout the supply chain.
Silk is renowned as a luxurious material that has withstood the test of time. Natural and biodegradable, silk is lightweight, flexible yet durable with a covetable, lustrous sheen. From the controlled temperatures and water use that silk farms require to the harvesting process; conventional silk can even have a higher environmental impact than many synthetic fabrics.
We recognise the environmental and social impacts of using silk in our collections and are working to find innovative replacements for this fabric.
In 2022, we began to transition our silk from conventional sourcing to Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)-certified organic silk. This certification ensures that the material does not use chemicals, reduces the amount of water used and ensures that social criteria in line with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are met.
Silk is a lightweight yet durable material – natural and biodegradable – with a luxurious, covetable sheen. We recognise the environmental and social impacts of using silk in our collections and are working to find innovative replacements for this fabric. In 2022, we started transitioning our conventionally sourced silk to GOTS-certified organic silk, ensuring the material does not use chemicals, reduces the amount of water used and ensures that social criteria in line with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) are met.
Mylo™️ is an innovative and incredibly realistic vegan alternative to animal leather, created with renewable mycelium from fungi and regenerated cellulose fibres, with a water-based PU coating and coloured with bluesign®-certified dye.
Our Frayme Mylo™ is the first-ever luxury handbag to be created with renewable mycelium.
With this material no longer in production, the Frayme Mylo™️ has become even more exclusive and these limited-edition pieces now rare collector’s items – making and marking a moment in fashion history.
Mylo™️ embodies the limitless possibilities of material innovation for creating an industry that is kinder to our fellow creatures and Mother Earth. However, it also illustrates the need for wider support from other brands and customers in adopting nature-positive alternatives.
If we do not collectively invest in start-ups and next-gen innovators like Bolt Threads, we will never be able to reach the world we hope to see.
We have also innovated several new cruelty-free alternatives to animal leather that use biobased materials:
- VEGEA is a grape-based vegan alternative to animal leather, sourced from the agricultural waste of wineries in Northern Italy. It is soft and versatile in technical and aesthetic properties, like thickness, finishing and texture.
- MIRUM® is a plastic-, fossil fuel- and water-free alternative to animal leather consciously crafted from a combination of virgin natural materials and upcycled agricultural side-streams.
- UPPEAL™ is a vegan alternative to animal leather made with waste from the apple juice and jam industry, blended with polyurethane and repurposed into a soft, supple and durable material.
- Bananatex® is the world’s first biodegradable*, vegan material innovation that we craft into coated canvas for some of our non-leather bags.
A lifelong vegetarian, Stella has never used leather, feathers, skin or fur in any of her designs since day one in 2001 – a revolutionary stance both then and now. Animal welfare is a core pillar of Stella McCartney as a brand. We never want to be associated with animal cruelty or any practices that cause harm to animals.
Our cruelty-free alternatives to animal leather not only look good – they are kinder to Mother Earth too. For example, using synthetic leather instead of Brazilian calf leather creates up to 24 times less environmental impact, as calculated through the Environmental Profit and Loss tool (EP&L). Our Alter Mat uses solvent-free polyurethane that is less energy- and water-intensive and is safer for people to work with.
We have also innovated several new cruelty-free alternatives to animal leather that use biobased materials:
- Mylo™ is created with renewable mycelium from fungi and regenerated cellulose fibres with a water-based PU coating
- VEGEA is a grape-based vegan alternative to animal leather, sourced from the agricultural waste of wineries in Northern Italy. It is soft and versatile in technical and aesthetic properties, like thickness, finishing and texture.
- MIRUM® is a plastic-, fossil fuel- and water-free alternative to animal leather consciously crafted from a combination of virgin natural materials and upcycled agricultural side-streams.
- UPPEAL™ is a vegan alternative to animal leather made with waste from the apple juice and jam industry, blended with polyurethane and repurposed into a soft, supple and durable material.
- Bananatex® is the world’s first biodegradable*, vegan material innovation that we craft into coated canvas for some of our non-leather bags.
Discover more about our stance on synthetics here:
All of our viscose comes from FSC-certified wood pulp. Traceability is key for us – what you can’t see, you can’t know. This guarantees that the source forests are managed in accordance with strict standards, preventing deforestation, protecting biodiversity, using and adhering to rigorous audits and engaging local and Indigenous communities.
Canopy work hand-in-hand with companies to transform supply chains and conserve vital forest ecosystems around the world. We have partnered closely with Canopy since 2014 to ensure our viscose wood pulp does not come from ancient or endangered forests. Together with Canopy, we closely monitor our suppliers so we can make adaptive and reactive changes.
We look to work with some of the most highly ranking suppliers, as verified by the CanopyStyle Audit’s Hot Button annual report, meaning they have the industry-leading result of having attained a low-risk rating for sourcing from ancient and endangered forests.
It is our vision to shift away from virgin wood pulp entirely and move towards incorporating recycled viscose and Next Gen solutions to our collections.
We know that we are not perfect, but we are always trying to do better.
All of our viscose comes from FSC-certified wood pulp. We partner with Canopy to ensure our viscose wood pulp does not come from ancient or endangered forests. We closely monitor our suppliers, using the Canopy Hot Button annual report, so we can make adaptive and reactive changes. Next, it is our vision to shift away from virgin inputs entirely and move towards recycled viscose and using Next Gen solutions.
We continue to protect trees by only sourcing FSC-certified wood pulp sourced from responsibly managed forests. These forests are managed in accordance with strict standards, preventing deforestation and protecting biodiversity. The forestry methods also engage local and Indigenous communities and regularly go through rigorous audits.
We do not directly plant a tree to replace the ones that are cut down, however, we ensure that the trees used in our supply chain are harvested responsibly so that there is no net loss of forests over time. Ancient, endangered and protected forests with irreplaceable value are always maintained.
We also use Canopy’s Hot Button annual report to ensure that our suppliers are always improving their forestry practices, encouraging the shift away from virgin tree pulp and incorporating Next-Gen and recycled inputs – protecting our forest ecosystems further.
We only source our wood pulp and paper and packaging from responsibly managed forests. These forests are managed in accordance with strict standards, preventing deforestation and protecting biodiversity.
We do not directly plant a tree to replace the ones that are cut down, however, we ensure that the trees used in our supply chain are harvested responsibly so that there is no net loss of forests over time. Ancient, endangered and protected forests with irreplaceable value are always maintained.
All our viscose is sourced from Europe or the USA under strict FSC-certified standards. We also use Canopy’s Hot Button annual report to ensure that our suppliers are always improving their forestry practices, encouraging the shift away from virgin tree pulp and incorporating Next-Gen and recycled inputs – protecting our forest ecosystems further.
Discover more about our ancient forest-friendly viscose here:
At Stella McCartney, we always follow the most stringent guidelines, adhering to the Product Restricted Substance List (PRSL) All of our factories and suppliers are audited and we never use harmful chemicals.
We are continually investing in new innovations and it is our Stella vision to use natural dyes across our collections in the future.
As industry leaders, we endeavour to make use of the most cutting-edge and progressive materials that aim to reduce impact on the planet and are always cruelty-free, whilst following the principles of circularity. We continue to aim to increase our transparency across supply chains through diligent reporting, measuring and tracking.
Transparency is key for us at Stella McCartney. You can always learn when our clothes are manufactured by checking the tag of your item, or by reading the product description online.
Our Old Bond Street flagship store celebrates the world of Stella and reflects our approach to design, innovation and sustainability.
The Grade II historic 18th century building’s original façade, including an ornate Edwardian entryway and a planted balcony, have been carefully preserved; a sharp contrast with the contemporary interior that is spread across the four floors. An oversized skylight maximises the natural light and, elsewhere in the building, we use low-energy LED lighting and 100% renewable electricity.
Our mannequins are crafted from BPlast® bioplastic, made with 72% sugarcane.
Staying true to our commitment to sustainability and innovation, every effort has been made to move away from traditional luxury materials, using handmade, organic and sustainably sourced elements in the store design to echo the same approach as our collections.
Reclaimed features include papier-mâché recycled from paper waste in our London office, transformed into the bespoke decorative wall panels of the women’s ready to wear first floor. Foam furniture made of recycled materials, reclaimed timber sculptural plinths and vintage hand selected furniture are scattered throughout the rooms including pieces by Italian architectural designers Mario Bellini and Angelo Mangiarotti; all reflecting our philosophy to reclaim, re-use and recycle.
Globally, we are turning down thermostats and the lights inside our boutiques to reduce energy consumption – part of our ongoing sustainability efforts. We are also adopting building efficiency controls, replacing conventional lighting with LEDs and installing PIR/timers across our buildings to further reduce the consumption of energy.
Measuring Sustainability
Our Impact Assessment methodology measures conscious styles – the percentage of our collection crafted from responsibly sourced materials each season. We define ‘conscious’ as those containing at least 50% responsibly sourced materials. These materials can be found listed on our website.
We recognise that our Impact Assessment methodology is not perfect. Although it is in line with many other impact assessment tools in the industry today, reaching 100% ‘conscious’ under our existing standards does not mean that our collections would be perfectly sustainable. As such, we are continually increasing the rigour behind our benchmarks and tools to assess each product more holistically.
Learn more about our Impact Assessment tools on our website here:
Whilst we communicate externally on the percentage of responsible materials in our ready-to-wear collections, our Impact Assessment is also used internally to guide our teams across the bags, shoes and non-leather goods collections.
Currently this is not published externally due to the additional complexities within bags and shoes construction; we are refining our measurement approaches across all our product categories.
We recognise that our Impact Assessment methodology is not perfect. Although it is in line with many other impact assessment tools in the industry today, reaching 100% ‘conscious’ under our existing standards does not mean that our collections would be perfectly sustainable. As such, we are continually increasing the rigour behind our benchmarks and tools to assess each product more holistically.
Our seasonal Impact Assessment calculates the main fabric composition of a garment. If the main fabric composition contains at least 50% of one or more responsibly sourced materials, this qualifies the garment as a ‘conscious’ style and contributes to the collection’s overall sustainability percentage.
We recognise that our Impact Assessment methodology is not perfect. Although it is in line with many other impact assessment tools in the industry today, reaching 100% ‘conscious’ under our existing standards does not mean that our collections would be perfectly sustainable. As such, we are continually increasing the rigour behind our benchmarks and tools to assess each product more holistically.
ECONYL and Aquafil Take-Back Scheme
While ECONYL® regenerative nylon has been a breakthrough material innovation on our Close-the-Loop Parka, the fabric is specific to particular designs and performance. It is not suitable for all garments but we are working to create more products in the future.
At Stella McCartney, we believe that what you can’t see, you can’t know.
We take extended producer responsibility seriously and understand that there is a linked impact through transport with our innovative ECONYL® take-back scheme. Our global network will use localised transport wherever possible and, beyond this, prioritise road, train and sea travel instead of air travel, reducing emissions.
The transition to a circular economy requires a radical transformation throughout the supply chain and also through to brand and consumer mindset, focusing on and committing to innovation. As we navigate this shift, we endeavour to make responsible choices in new systems.
Our take-back scheme is currently being piloted with the Close-the-Loop Parka, crafted from 100% ECONYL® regenerative nylon. At present, many garments are not designed for a circular system: our in-house design teams have started to design new pieces with circularity in mind.
The world of textile recycling is complicated, relying on a ‘per material’ basis. We are working on onboarding partners and suppliers that enable us to progress with textile recycling.
We are always looking for ways to partner with more recycling and take-back schemes and transition to a circular economy-based way of working.
When we launched STELLA by Stella McCartney, one of our key focuses was on minimising our packaging as much as possible. According to Forbes in 2019, 120 billion units of cosmetics packaging are produced each year. The STELLA by Stella McCartney packaging is recyclable and refillable, responsibly designed and crafted with glass vessels and recycled social plastic® from Plastic Bank for our pump kit. The refillable packaging is made to be kept with you for as long as possible.
We have made our packaging as easy to recycle as possible. When you come to the end of your cleanser, serum or cream, we encourage you to purchase STELLA skincare refills, rather than a new complete product. Check your local recycling guidelines for more information or restrictions.
Our refill pouches are made from mono-material renewable bio-based plastic, linked to wood-waste and using the mass balance principle, making them even easier to recycle. Our boxes are made in France from FSC-certified recyclable paper.
Our events and runway shows are always mindfully planned. We choose local suppliers, businesses and caterers, and invite local guests to minimise travel requirements. We also encourage low-impact business travel for our local employees.
The Stella McCartney values are centred throughout the process. We minimise the use of new materials and are mindful from the design stage to logistics, décor to execution. We prioritise renting props and materials, as well as reuse props from event to event wherever applicable and choose recyclable or biodegradable materials when available.
Our events and runway shows are always mindfully planned. We choose local suppliers and encourage low-impact business travel for our local employees.
For our Summer 2023 runway, we offsetted 367 tonnes of CO2e with the MTPL Indian Reforestation and Karadere Wind Power Projects. We also reused 600 seating cubes from previous seasons and approximately 150m of the vibrant striped set has been kept in storage to use in our stores when the collection launches.
We have a strict returns policy in place that ensures we are responsible with products that are returned to us and that no product is ever incinerated or sent to landfill, as well as prioritising the products’ use-phase.
When an item is returned to us, we assess its condition, whether it fits within our returns guidelines and the season of the piece. If the piece can be resold, it is returned to our warehouse or shop floor to be sold on. If an item is damaged or doesn’t fit within our returns guidelines, we will send it to outlets, charity partnerships or consider donation to schools and educational institutions in the creative industries.
At Stella McCartney, we are change agents. We support initiatives that combat climate change, protect animals and biodiversity, and that focus on empowering communities:
- Stella McCartney Cares: Stella McCartney Cares is a charitable, non-profit platform with a dual focus on breast cancer awareness and sustainability in fashion. Stella McCartney Cares Pink is devoted to raising breast cancer awareness, while Stella McCartney Cares Green is dedicated to sustainability and aims to drive positive change in the fashion industry
- Wetlands International: 1% of the net sales of STELLA by Stella McCartney skincare is donated to the conservation NGO Wetlands International. The partnership supports ongoing regeneration projects and restoration effects of Scottish peatlands
- SeaTrees: For every Close-the-Loop Parka that is sold and that is returned to use for regeneration, SeaTrees plants one mangrove tree in Indonesia, helping to restore the mangrove forests that are essential for biodiversity vitality
- REDD+ Forestry: We back REDD+ in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, helping to foster conservation and the sustainable management of forests.
As change agents, we are actively supporting initiatives that combat climate change, protect animals and focus on women. Alongside PETA and The Humane Society, we are also supporters of several programmes:
- Stella McCartney Cares: Stella McCartney Cares is a charitable, non-profit platform with a dual focus on breast cancer awareness and sustainability in fashion. Stella McCartney Cares Pink is devoted to raising breast cancer awareness, while Stella McCartney Cares Green is dedicated to sustainability and aims to drive positive change in the fashion industry
- Wetlands International: 1% of the net sales of STELLA by Stella McCartney skincare is donated to the conservation NGO Wetlands International. The partnership supports ongoing regeneration projects and restoration effects of Scottish peatlands
- SeaTrees: For every Close-the-Loop Parka that is sold and that is returned to use for regeneration, SeaTrees plants one mangrove tree in Indonesia, helping to restore the mangrove forests that are essential for biodiversity vitality
- REDD+ Forestry: We back REDD+ in reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, helping to foster conservation and the sustainable management of forests.
We believe that fashion should be equated with fairness, respect and equality. The industry relies on people – the farmers who grow the crops for our materials, the people who make clothes, our employees and our customers – and we want to have a positive impact on everyone we depend on and for those who depend on us in return.
As a business, we have a responsibility to respect human rights. We have been a member of the Ethical Trading Initiative since 2012 and follow the United Nations’ guiding principles on Business and Human Rights to guide us towards best practices.
At Stella McCartney, we aim to build modern and resilient supply chains that provide desirable jobs, foster skills, strengthen workers’ voices and advocate for vulnerable groups.
You can discover more about our social sustainability values here: