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Dec 26, 2024

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2025

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the commmon good

Recently we took a look at an overview of Year 2024 via the year's four Equinox and Solstice Horoscopes set for Washington DC. Actually, the Winter Solstice 2024 Horoscope is operative until the Sun reaches Aries Point on March 20, 2025 as you see, below - plus, all Spring Equinox charts are "good for" the entire year, as is always the case.

Now, with 2024 slipping through the cosmic hour glass, it's time to consider the Spring Equinox 2025 Horoscope as a stand-alone chart, then as a Transit chart to the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope which times the Oath of Office that will usher in to the White House the chaos crew of Mr. T - along with all the theft, embezzling, money laundering, slight-of-hand, and bankruptcy our National Treasury (2nd hou$e) can withstand - assuming that it can:

And here's a bi-wheel with Inauguration 2025 (center) surrounded by the Spring Equinox 2025 Horoscope outer:

NOTE: This may be my last SO'W post until certain changes are made in my office area. Thanks to a generous Santa, the installation of a new piece of equipment will interrupt internet service for a day or three but hopefully the outage won't last very long - and then yours truly will be happy as a puppy with two tails!

In closing, I wish to Thank You So Much for all the viewing of charts and reading of my SO'W posts this year! This is lonely work and readers' comments and observations in the Stars Over Washington Reports FB group have been insightful and very encouraging! jc

Dec 22, 2024

A Lunar Eclipse and The First Crusade

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

An ancient tale is told that one of my 25th great-grandfathers, Hugues I "Magnus", Comte de Vermandois (House of Capet) joined the First Crusade to the Holy Land (1096-1099) due to the influence of a Total Lunar Eclipse. This eclipse manifested on February 11, 1096 @28Leo09:06 (Saros 99) with the Moon conjunct Zosma (the victim or the savior star). We would naturally expect the lunar eclipse degree (28/29 Leo) to contact Angles or planets in Hugues I's natal chart but I have only his birth year of 1057. See his Wikipedia bio page linked above, for more details.

So because our software can, let's have a brief look at the Horoscope of the Lunar Eclipse that influenced a certain French count to join the First Crusade and become one of the leaders of the mission to claim the tomb of Christ - but with a fabled lack of personal success. In fact, it's said that when Hugues I returned to France after the First Crusade, he was scorned.

Yet not giving up, Hugues I tried again by joining the Crusade of 1101 during which he succumbed to an arrow wound in his knee passing away on October 18, 1101 in Tarsus, Turkey. Is it odd that my Gr-Grandpapa Hugues I floated up to my attention this year when I'm dealing with an injured knee that needs replacement surgery? Maybe.

A Visionary With Inner Strength Carried Away By Adventure! (Sun AQ-Moon Leo)

Below: Lunar Eclipse @28Leo:09:06 February 11, 1096 Vermand, Picardie, France; 3Cap16 rising; astro-notes are penned on the chart for the curious:

Actually, The Crusades have been featured in SO'W posts previously: Will the Tr*mp Administration Bring On the New Crusades? (Thom Hartmann video w/ guest Jeff Sharlet, author of The Family) and Eclipse of The Crusades to the Holy Land. Spoiler Alert and a Clue: The 17 South Saros Series of The Crusades is the same Eclipse Series that brought America the June 16, 2015 "prez bid" announcement (to a paid audience) at Tr*mp Tower on the morning of a New Moon in Gemini @24Gem07 - conjunct combative Mars, of course.

Dec 19, 2024

The Gipper and The Nipper!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Below you see a dual chart image of two natal horoscopes for The Gipper and for a guy I'll call, The Nipper. Both charts may be off a bit in the birth timing department though the charts are the generally accepted versions for both, last I heard.

Plus, "off a bit" poses no problem for this particular post because our subject is the Jupiter in Scorpio of both men of wealth, one born in 1911, the other fellow in 1971 - and both of them are what some would call, money grubbers due to their shared focus on the materialistic acquisition of extreme wealth and possessions. This is a function of moneybags planet Jupiter in the corporate Big Business sign of Scorpio - with expansive Jupiter also being a political planet, often with guru and/or broadcasting interests, along with a huge appetite for more:

The primary aspects to their natal Jupiters are penned on and highlighted in green along with a few general traits concerning the Jupiter in Scorpio placement. Additionally, you'll note mentions that both men have quirky Mercury-Uranus contacts: conjunct in 1911 and square in 1971. Both fellows have Jupiter-Saturn indicators (expansion vs restriction issues) via The Nipper's opposition in 1971 and The Gipper's Jupiter-South Node Conjunction in 1911.

In closing, we should also note that aspects, House position, and other factors affect or mitigate the meaning of any planetary placement; therefore, the aspect information you see here obviously is influential upon Jupiter which tends to expand the energies of any planet it touches, for better or for worse.

Here's further reading involving Jupiterian proportionality: In the Realms of Jupiter: Mike Johnson, a post containing links to other such assessment$ of certain politicians and their enablers. After all, "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" describes the Washington game since America's 1776 Jupiter, does it not?

On a personal level: if you, dear reader, were born with Jupiter in Scorpio, please note that there are many factors affecting Jupiter in your chart, and that the indications within this Political Astrology offering are, as always, on a political and mundane level in order to check out the dealings and personalities of public figures. In other words, this assessment is not intended as a personal reading for anyone. Besides: their life circumstances, aims, and opportunities are quite different from ours, agreed? Jude

Dec 17, 2024

Jan 20, 2025: transits to Pentagon planets

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When it comes to Inauguration 2025 and the planetary energies operative on that ceremonial day, the ongoing Mars-Pluto opposition is one to be concerned about even though on January 20, 2025, transit Mars Rx will have backed up to @24Can23 (conjunct US 1776 Mercury Rx: a fast pace of life, many communications, verbal combat). Naturally, a Mars-1776 Pluto opposition is aligning which suggests hostile forces and contests of wills and it's an unfavorable time to challenge the status quo, whatever it may be at that time. Naturally, this karmic transit occurs about every two years as activist Mars traverses the last decanate of Moon-ruled Cancer.

Meanwhile, Mars' powerful sparring partner, Pluto @1AQ41 conjuncts the POTUS Sun, creating a planetary pair on Inauguration Day 2025 (also MLK Jr Day!) that indicates governmental devolution in which administrative decentralization takes place down to a lower level, and there can be legal transfers of property from one owner to another. Of course on yet another level, this conjunction could be only a symbol of the transfer of power from one president to another individual - or, with the wealthy Mr. Musk involved, make that individuals - greedy enough to want it all and ignoring all laws that get in their way.

Then as we know, the Mars-Pluto pairing always contains potentials for military and/or police action, and with the two planets set to oppose one another once Mars turns Direct (opposition exact in mid-April, 2025), a challenging situation "awaits in the wings" - and an assault of some kind cannot be ruled out.

Related:The Path of Mars Dec 2024 into Feb 2025.

Inauguration 2025 Transits to Pentagon Planets 1942

And so with all that being said, the purpose of this post is to show the Pentagon Horoscope of April 29, 1942 (timed by its dedication officiated by Freemason FDR) and the planetary transits on Inauguration Day 2025.

In the bi-wheel shown above, we see that transit Neptune @27Pisces opposes 1942 Neptune @27Vir29 Rx (exact on January 12, 2025). This opposition describes current societal conditions of persecutions of personal freedoms, civil rights, (racial persecutions), and religious conflicts - and basically, it times generational clashes of ideologies and beliefs.

Transit Neptune to the Pentagon's 1942 Midheaven (Career; Public Status) suggests potentials for confusion, a murky public image, scandals, notoriety, misdirected motivation, and a need to avoid bad company (it may be too late for that).

Then in the lower right corner of the bi-wheel image you see the five dates that transit Pluto in Aquarius precisely opposes the Pentagon's Pluto in Leo: March 28, 2025; June 11, 2025; January 25, 2026; September 1, 2026; November 27, 2026. This difficult transit marks the years 2025 and 2026 for titanic power struggles for which we don't need Astrology to inform us.

And yes, karma - reaping what's been sown - is part of the Neptune-Pluto oppositional picture for America and for the US military - and remembering that the generational planetary pair identifies multiple factors such as religion, drug trafficking, the occult, spiritualsm, oil and gas issues, but also Underworld Crime elements with influence in society.

Meanwhile, multiple other planetary transits to the Pentagon planets are operative, as we see, and will be in force as the White House's kleptocratic administration of day-drinkers, abusers, and thieves proceeds to cause as much chaos, confusion, loss, separation, theft, and misery as their scheming, anti-societal minds can devise in order to collapse US society and thereby please their foreign and domestic handlers who demand control of the helm of global power.

In closing, here's a related post you may wish to check out: America's Initial Mars-Pluto Cycle.

Dec 13, 2024

US Midterm Elections 2026

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Details concerning America's 2026 Midterm Elections are easy to find online but what we can't find, at least at this point, is whether or not Midterms 2026 will be held at all. Even so, let's grab a quick look at the Midterms 2026 Horoscope/s set for November 3, 2026 8:00 am EST (lower left) and an 8:00 pm EST chart (upper right) with both horoscopes set for Washington DC.

As you see, voting planet Mercury is Rx which suggests potentials for do-overs, delays, mistakes, recounts, reviews, renunciation, and/or perhaps null and void situations, at the worst:

Mars-Pluto: Police/Military; Upheaval; Chaos; Covert Operations; Assault

The Scorpio Sun (leadership) on November 3, 2024 is apex of a willful midpoint picture: Mars-Pluto, and of course, we both know how active the planetary pair of force and brutality has been in recent years. The picture Mars-Pluto = Sun contains potentials for hardworking efforts; working until collapse; violent measures; accidents or injuries; and/or upsets or shocks caused by the intervention of higher power (R. Ebertin). N. Tyl phrases things a bit differently with: a passionate attack to achieve an objective; intervention of some undeniable force or authority; and/or accident potential.

Then considering the bad faith actors, saboteurs, spies, and outright crooks involved with the Midterm Elections of 2026, plus, the upcoming fasc*st regime in 2025, and how the balance of power in the US Congress must necessarily shift depending on 2026 election outcomes, let's include the aggressive picture's potentials from Michael Munkasey: effectively forcing ideas and theories upon others; a strong, unyielding will; pushy, demanding people; achievements attained by superior techniques or endurance.

Then when it comes to the Mars-Pluto duo in any situation we must consider their cycle, and the current cycle as I type began with the Mars-Pluto Conjunction of February 14, 2024 @00AQ46 (which echoes the above midpoint picture since this is the position of US Inaugural Sun = POTUS), and the January 27, 2026 Mars-Pluto Conjunction @3AQ34 which will influence the Midterm 2026 Elections.

A Previous Yet Related Post: Pushy Mars-Pluto and US Election 2024.

In closing, here's a Note to my Amazing Patreon subscribers: the two Mars-Pluto Conjunction Horoscopes (2024 and 2026) mentioned in this post make an interesting study and the conjunction charts will be shared soon to the Stars Over Washington Patreon page. Hope to see ya there! jc

For additional midpoint details see: The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin; Solar Arcs, N. Tyl; Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey. #ad

Dec 10, 2024

Plutocrats Grab White House

Here Come Malignant Plutocrats: Billionaires, Foreign Agents, Zealots

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

For the purposes of this post, you'll find that the Sabian Symbols in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius are instructive particularly within the 10-11-12-13-degree area of the tropical Zodiac because the current Pluto-Chiron Cycle, which began on December 30, 1999 @11Sag22, contains the rounded-up "12Sag" Symbol of "A Flag That Turns Into An Eagle That Crows; Keyword = ADJUSTMENT: positive expression = successful self-establishment through genuine self expression; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones #ad).

Unsubstantiated claims feature within the mass delusion that Americans now writhe under, thanks to about a third of our discontented population. For the right-wing's vast, subversive, gaslighting efforts against the truth, I tend to use the Moon-Neptune pair for obvious reasons to represent the gullible citizens who voted to put Mr T back into power as of Inauguration 2025 - a man that Thom Hartmann referred to today during his Live broadcast as "a pseudo-Nazi fascist."

Yet gullible US voters on November 5, 2024 joined domestic and foreign societal meddlers like Put*n and returned the keys to the most reckless driver of America's helm that we've ever known, with "Plutocrats" and Plutocracy coming along for the "wild" ride to the White House from where they plan to finish looting and collapsing our country and embezzling from our social safety net programs.

Now as you know, the Pluto-Chiron Cycle takes aproximately 60 years to complete and, as noted, the current cycle began on December 30, 1999, so we're about 25 years into it.

Then as a pair, Pluto-Chiron suggests potentials for exploitation, primal violence, oppression, racism, terrorism, and other -isms such as Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Nazism, and so forth. But the pair has deeper implications as we find in Richard Nolle's book, Chiron #ad. (See below).

Here you see the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction that opened the year 2000 - however, it's worth noting that the New Millennium didn't officially begin until January 1, 2001:

And here's the marked-up version:

Meanwhile, as Richard Nolle informs us, Pluto Conjunct Chiron "signals the upswelling of an initially unconscious impetus seeking expression as a historically necessary transmutation." The pair's hard aspects coincide with critical phases during the cycle and denote potentials for resistance, tension, and possibly "fierce conflict" against transmutative efforts. "Mass currents of consciousness" within the Collective Unconscious on the "racial, cellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels of reality" are involved with, and/or are described by, the Pluto-Chiron Cycle.

So you see, above, an unmarked Horoscope showing their 1999 Conjunction, then the same horoscope marked by my study notes. A ruthless Locomotive pattern is shown and led by the Moon @18Lib18 in 10th house which spotlights Luna's conjunction with the stationary Jupiter of taboo-breaker Mr. T in his 2nd hou$e of Money, Earning Ability, Possessions, and Values. So let's close this post with the Sabian Symbol for the Moon-Jupiter duo @19libra: "A Gang of Robbers In Hiding."

And the combined energies of Moon-Jupiter? "Success, material advantages, happiness, foreign contacts" on the positive level. But negatively? We may expect, and have already experienced, "legal and/or religious conflicts, marital differences, disadvantages through squandering or wastefulness" (R. Ebertin).

Well, that's all I have for you today, dear reader. Please note that if you think posts like this occur easily or in a flash like magic, you're quite mistaken. Truth is, I study much more than I type and publish, so if you'd care to encourage the appearance of more posts such as this, please consider Buying Me a Cup of Coffee! jc


Dec 6, 2024

Mars Leaves His Shadow 2025

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

When last we met here on SO'W, we discussed The Path of Mars Dec 2024 into Feb 2025 and due to unavoidable interruptions, I had to cut short my typing time, promising to add the third horoscope in the planet's retrograde process, the chart that shows the moment that transit Mars reaches the end of his Shadow period on May 2, 2025 and begins to move ahead unencumbered.

Then the planet of motive, energy, and action in proud Sun-ruled Leo can move forward through tropical Leo and reach his Mars Rising position in the natal horoscope of Mr. T. on June 11, 2025 - very close to his Solar Return 2025.

Shown in the astro-notes penned on the May 2, 2025 Horoscope there are suggestions of decreased value$ (see Venus), speculation, fraud, squandering (see Sun = Jupiter-Neptune), and/or quarrels (Sun = Mars-ASC). These are all things we don't need Astrology to forecast since we've been informed by the predatory perpetrators of Agenda 47 (or the Project 2025 purge, if you prefer) to expect negative consequences from the implementation of their authoritarian policies of austerity and hardship. The crypto-currency Ponzi scheme is said to be an objective as they loot our nation and cause a deep recession or depression.

Obviously, the 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 @10Libra, with its energies running in the background of society, is playing an outsized part in events into 2025 with its themes of loss, partings, and separations (B. Brady).

So below you see a dual image of DC Horoscopes: lower left Mars Rx December 6, 2024 (this very evening as I'm typing) @6Leo10 in 2nd hou$e, and the moment that transit Mars reaches his own Shadow degree on May 2, 2025 (upper right) at the same Rx degree (which is how a shadow period is timed for any planet). Then below the dual image, I'll add a few general notes concerning Mars in Leo:

On the positive side, Mars in Leo tends to act confidently with great self-assurance and with zeal for the work at hand. A spirit of enterprise may be evident along with enthusiastic striving for possessions and wealth; positions of responsibility and power are often sought, and leadership skills shown. Negatively, Mars in Leo tends toward speculation, gambling, taking risks (perhaps foolish ones), and may often exhibit traits such as me-first egoism, unvaunted self-regard, unbounded passion, predatory behavior, and a large appetite.

Note that the Mars 2 Shadow Horoscope of May 2, 2025 with aspect grid is viewable by following the link to The Path of Mars Dec 2024 into Feb 2025 provided, above.

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