Showing posts with label poinsettia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label poinsettia. Show all posts

20 December 2022


I was late getting my amaryllis bulbs into the basement this year, so I didn't think I'd have any blooms until February or so. However, I received a wonderful new bulb as a gift, and it has begun forming my first blossom of the 22-23 season!

All its cousins have been moved up from the basement now, and hopefully I will have quite the show to share in a couple of months.

p> We also received our first poinsettia. I've been able to take home many from the office over the years, but none have survived more than a couple of years.

p> Our Christmas cacti have already done their thing.

My little artificial tree I've used for craft fairs over the past many years won't light up anymore, but it is covered with my homemade snowflakes.

Stockings have been hung.

p> Another wonderful gift I received this year is an advent calendar. All the days we've read so far are hanging over the door. This year's Christmas cards are beging added as they are received.

advent calendar

I can't go without Christmas lights. So my little nativity is brightening our evenings again, reminding us of the reason for the season.

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