Language of Lasting Relationship The Love Languages

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-- Either we fall in love and marry or marry and then fall in love. -- Average span of romantic obsession is two years.
Dr. Dorothy Tenor, Psychologist

-- Eventually, however, we all descend from the clouds and see the warts of the other person.
-- Dr. M. Scott Peck, Psychiatrist & Dr. Tenor have concluded that the in love experience should not be called love at all; Reasons


Falling in love is not an act of will or conscious choice. No matter how much we may fall in love, we cannot make it happen. ii. Fall in love is not real love because it is effortless. What we do in love state requires little discipline or conscious effort on our part. iii. One who is in love is not genuinely interested in fostering the personal growth of the other person.

Success rate of marriages in USA 40% of the 1st marriages, 60% second marriages and 75% of the 3rd marriages end in divorce.

What is the solution then

Pursue real love with your spouse though emotional in nature but not obsessional. It is a love that unites,

reason & emotion & hence an important aspect of EQ fostering lasting relationship.

It involves our act of will and requires discipline. Our basic emotional need is not to fall in love but to be genuinely loved by another, to know a love that grows out of reason and choice, not instinct. That kind of love requires effort and discipline. In fact, true love cannot begin until the in love experience has run its course.

1. Words of Affirmation: I can live for two months on a good compliment. - Mark Twain The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well being of the one you love. When we receive affirming words we are motivated to reciprocate and do something our spouse desires.

- Encouraging Words Encourage Inspire Courage.

- Lifes deepest meaning is not found in accomplishments but in relationships. - Encouragement requires empathy and seeing the world from your spouses perspective. We must first learn what is important to our spouse.

- What holds us back is often courage. A loving spouse can supply that all important catalyst.
- Kind Words. Love is kind. - I love you. I love you? The question mark changes the meaning. - A soft answer turns away anger
An ancient sage.

- Love doesnt keep a score of wrongs. - Love doesnt bring-up past failures. - Forgiveness is the way of love. - I am amazed by how many individuals mess-up every new day with yesterday Dr. Chapman.

-- If we are to develop an intimate relationship we need to know each others desires. If we wish to love each other, we need to know what the other person wants. -- Forgiveness is not a feeling it is a commitment. -- Together we will go on from here.

Humble Words:
Love makes requests, not demands. When I demand things from my spouse, I become a parent and she is the child. In marriage we are equal adult partners.

-- When you are given public honour for one of your accomplishments be sure to share the credit with your spouse. -- The key is to express verbal appreciation for the things you like about the other person and for the moment suspending your complaints about the things you do not like. -- The love language of one person is not necessarily the love language of another.

2. Quality Time:
Giving someone your undivided attention (not watching TV together)

-- Looking at each other and talking (20 minutes of life). It is powerful emotional communication of love.
-- Taking a walk just two of you.

A central aspect of quality time is togetherness; - I want her to be happy, and I want to enjoy life with her and the children.
- Togetherness has to do with focussed attention. - Father rolling the ball to the 2 year old.

- Our

spending time together in a common pursuit communicate that we care about each other, that we enjoy being with each other, that we like to do things together.

Quality Conversation:
Where two individuals are sharing their experiences, thoughts, feelings, and desires in a friendly, uninterrupted context.

-- Many of us .. Are trained to analyse problems and create solutions. We forget that marriage is a relationship, not a project to be completed or a problem to solve.
i) Maintain eye contact when your spouse is talking indicates full attention.

ii. Do not listen to your spouse and do something else at the same time undivided attention. iii. Listen for feelings what emotion my spouse is experiencing? It sounds to me like you are feeling disappointed because I forgot . . . . . . . . . . . .

-- gives you chance to clarify your feelings and communicates that you are listening intently.
iv. Observe body language clenched fists, trembling hands, tears, furrowed brows and eye movement gives the clue what the other is feeling.

v. Refuse to interrupt Recent research indicates that the average individual listens for only seventeen seconds before interrupting and interjecting his own ideas.

Learning to Talk:
I wish my husband would talk. I never know what he is thinking or feeling she is pleading for intimacy, she wants to feel close to her husband.

- In each of lifes events, we have emotions, thoughts, desires and eventually actions. It is the experience of that process that we call self-revelation. If you choose to learn the love dialect of quality conversation, that is the learning road you must follow.

Personality Types
Dead Sea Babbling Brook

- Many times a Dead Sea marries a Babbling brook. That happens because when they are dating, it is a very attractive match.

Our way to learn new patterns is to establish a daily sharing time in which each of you will talk about three things that happened to you that day and how you feel about them. -- This is the daily minimum requirement for a healthy marriage.

Quality Activities:
I feel most loved by my husband / wife when ________, we do things together, we talk more. It sort of feels like we are dating again or starting our life. In love language of Quality Time the emphasis is on being together doing things together, giving each other undivided attention.

He cares about me. He was willing to do something with me that I enjoy and he did it with a positive attitude that is love and it is loves loudest voice. One of the by-products of quality activities is that they provide a MEMORY BANK from which to draw in the years ahead. They are memories of love. The essential ingredients in a quality activity are -

i. At least one of you want to do it

ii. The other is willing to do it. iii. Both of you know why you are doing it to express love by being together.

3. Receiving Gifts:
If your spouses primary love language is receiving gifts, you can become a proficient gift giver. In fact, it is one of the easiest love languages to learn.

Gifts & Money:

- If you are to become an effective gift giver you may have to change your attitude about money.
- If you are a spender, you will have little difficulty purchasing gifts for your spouse. But, if you are a saver, you will experience emotional resistance to the idea of spending money as an expression of love.

- By saving and investing money you are purchasing self worth and emotional security. What you are not doing is meeting the emotional needs of your spouse. - If you discover that your spouses love language is receiving gifts than purchasing gifts for her/him is the least investment you can make.

- When both persons emotional needs are met, your marriage will take on a whole new dimension.
- Dont worry about your savings. You will be a saver, but to invest in loving your spouse is to invest in blue chip stocks.

The Gift of Self Physical presence in the time of crisis is the most powerful gift you can give if your spouses primary love language is receiving gifts. Gifts need not be expensive nor must they be weekly. But for some individuals, their worth has nothing to do with monetary value and everything to do with love. Unless it is greatly out of line with what you can afford.

4. Acts of Service: - Doing things you know your spouse would like you to do to express your love for her by doing things for her. - They require thought, planning, time, effort and energy and if done with a positive spirit they are indeed expression of love.

- Serve one another in love Apostle Paul - Requests give direction to love, but demands stop the flow of love. - Love is always freely given. Love cannot be demanded. - What we do for each other before marriage is not indication of what we will do after marriage.

-- Before marriage, we are carried along by the force of the in love obsession. After marriage our actions are influenced by our parents, our personality, our perception of love, our emotions, needs and desires it will not be the same behaviour when we were in love.

- Criticism and demands tend to drive wedges. - People tend to criticize their spouse most loudly in the area where they themselves have the deepest emotional needs. - Due to sociological changes there is no longer a common stereotype of the male and female role in society.

- Overcoming stereotypes Before the days of television a persons idea of what a husband and wife should do or the way they should relate was guided by ones parents. Now guided by forces outside the home.
- What can I do to help you this evening?

5. Physical Touch:
- Physical touch can make or break a relationship. It can communicate hate or love. - The body is for touching. - If your spouses primary love language is physical touch, nothing is more important than holding her as she cries.

- Babies who are held, hugged and kissed develop a healthier emotional life than those who are left for long periods of time without physical contact. - Physical touch is also a powerful vehicle for communicating marital love. Holding hands, kissing, embracing, etc. etc., are all ways of communicating emotional love to ones spouse. For some individuals, physical touch is their primary love language. Without it they feel unloved.

- Old timers used to say, the way to a mans heart is through his stomach many a man has been made to gain weight by women who believe this philosophy. - Dr. Chapman, my wife is a gourmet cook. She spends hours in the kitchen. I told her she is wasting her time. I like simple food. She gets hurt and tells I dont appreciate her.

- In marriage, the touch of love may take many forms. Since touch receptors are located through out the body, lovingly touching your spouse almost anywhere can be an expression of love.

Discovering your Primary Love Language: Most problems in marriage relate to meeting emotional needs of being loved, admired and appreciated.
What have I most often requested of my spouse?

iii. In what way do you regularly express love to your spouse.

Also write down what you think is the primary love language of your spouse. You may also list the other 4 in order of importance, if you wish sit down with your spouse and discuss what you guessed to be his/her primary love language. Then tell each other what you consider to be your primary love language.

Once you have shared that information, you may consider to play the following game three times a week for three weeks.

The game is called TANK CHECK

On a scale of 0 to 10 how is your love tank this evening when you come home. I am full of love and cannot handle anymore. Or your spouse says what could I do to fill it.

Then you make a suggestion something you would like your spouse to do or say that evening, to the best of his ability, he will respond to your request. Then you repeat the process in the reverse order.
If you play the game for three weeks, you will be hooked on it.

Listen carefully the love you feel when your wife expresses love by physical touch is the same love your wife feels when you do the laundry or go to the market to buy vegetables.

LOVE IS A CHOICE How can we speak each others Love Language when we are full of hurt, anger and resentments over past failures? Marriages are rescued from the brink of divorce when couples make the choice to love.

Love doesnt erase the past. But it makes the future different. Meeting my wifes need for love is a choice I make each day. If I know her primary love language and choose to speak it her deepest emotional needs will be met and she will be secure in my love

Love Makes the Difference: - Love is not our only emotional needs. Psychologists have observed that among our basic needs are the need for security, self worth and significance. Love however, interfaces with all those. - If I feel loved by my spouse, I can relax. I feel secure in his/her presence.

- After all if he/she loves me, I must be worth loving. His/her love builds my self-esteem.

- If someone loves me, I must have significance. - I am significant. Life has meaning. When my spouse lovingly invests time, energy and effort in me, I believe that I am significant.

In the context of marriage, if we do not feel loved our differences are magnified. We come to view each other as a threat to happiness. We fight for self-worth and significance and marriage becomes a battlefield rather than a heaven. Can emotional love be learnt in a marriage? You bet the key is to learn the primary love language of your spouse and choose to speak it. This is the path to eternal bliss.

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