Gskmanagement 120421080717 Phpapp01
Gskmanagement 120421080717 Phpapp01
Gskmanagement 120421080717 Phpapp01
Presented by:Mr. Mehsum Ali Mr. Ali Ather Mohsin Mr.Mohammad Arif Mr. Taj-ud-din Mr. Muhammad Ali Hashmi
Introduction and Background Vision and Mission Product line GSK Management Organizational Chart Management Levels SWOT Analysis Porters Strategies Questions and Answers
GlaxoSmithKline Pakistan Limited came into existence after the merger of Smith Kline and French of Pakistan Limited and Beecham Pakistan (Private) Limited with Glaxo Wellcome Pakistan Limited in 2002. It is listed on the Karachi and Lahore stock exchanges. GSK has a large portfolio of products ranging tablets, toothpaste, inhalers and complex capsules in over 28,000 different pack sizes and presentations.
opportunity to make a difference to the lives of billions of people. has a challenging and inspiring mission their mission is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer
The company is managed by the Board of Directors and the Corporate Executive Team. The Board is comprised of executive and nonexecutive directors who are responsible for their corporate governance and ultimately accountable for their activities, strategy and performance. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the management of the business and is assisted by the Corporate Executive Team that manages their activities. Each member is responsible for a specific part of the business.
Board of Directors Chairmain & CEO
Deput chairman Advisory Committee on Administration Development Trade Net Dept. Sales Management Dept. National Sales Dept.
Executive Directors Human Resource Dept. Selection & Recruitment Dept. Marketing Management Dept. Strategic Management Dept. Product Management Dept.
Finance Department
International Trade Ins. General Administration Dept. Planning & Finance Dept. Overseas & Domestic Branch office
Audit Dept.
Strong Management Team Large Market Share Highest research Products in Pakistan Wide range of Products
No online presence in Pakistan Strong focus on UK market (losing opportunities in Pakistan) Less checking on the sales representatives for their working in field
Emerging markets and expansion abroad Have great chance to cash its brand name in the field of surgical market GSK can be able to cash its name in baby foods
Lower cost competitors or imports like Chinese and Indian medicines etc Patent expiry on drugs that generate strong income Increasing cost of drug trials (research) and ever higher standards imposed by national drug approvals bodies.
Increase growth in the pharmaceutical business in its core market. GSK is diversifying its business to bring balance in product portfolio & go away from a reliance on traditional markets. GSK expects to generate future sales growth by strengthening its core pharmaceutical business & supplementing it with increased investment in growth such as; vaccines, dermatology and consumer health care. Business expansion inn Japan Build a leadership in dermatology.
As GSK continue to change shape, so it is essential that reduce the complexities in operating model, improve efficiencies and reduce cost. Re-shape manufacturing
GSK has a challenging vision and mission is to improve the quality of human life by making people to do more, feel better and live longer.
Long term incentive plan. awards are made to executives under the following long term incentive plan, i) Deferred annual bonus plan ii) Performance share plan
Explanation: Deferred Annual bonus plan: The deferred annual bonus plan encourages long term shareholding, discourages excessive risk taking and help focus on GSKS key strategic priorities.
Performance share : the performance share plan ensure focus on the delivery of GSKS strategic priorities and long term share holders returns relative to other pharmaceutical companies.