Sub Netting by Pawan

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Subnetting is a technique that allows a network administrator to divide one physical network into smaller logical networks and, thus, control the flow of traffic for security or efficiency reasons. Dividing a network into several subnets can serve a number of purposes: to reduce network traffic by decreasing the number of broadcasts (if used in combination with a switch), to exceed the limitations in a local area network, for instance the maximum number of allowed hosts, or to enable employees to be able to dial in to the network from home, without opening the entire network up to unwanted visits from the Internet.

Subnets are created by using a so-called subnet mask to divide a single Class A, B, or C network number into smaller pieces, thus allowing an organization to add subnets without having to obtain a new network number through an Internet service provider. Subnets can again be subnetted into sub-subnets. Subnets were originally invented to help solve the lack of IP addresses on the Internet.

A 32-bit subnet mask is used as a deciphering key to determine how an IP address is to be divided into extended network prefix and host part. It is used by routers and network devices to determine where traffic should be routed to. Like IP addresses, subnet masks consist of four numbers of 8 bits, separated by dots. They are usually written in the corresponding decimal notation. The typical subnet masks used for Class A, B and C addresses are as above:


List the powers of two in a "base 2 table" from right to left. Start at 20, evaluating it as "1". Increment the exponent by one for each power. The list, to eight elements, would 2*0 like this: look 1
2*1 2*2 2*3 2*4 2*5 2*6 2*7 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

All the 0s in the subnet mask specify that this part in a corresponding IP address is the host portion, while the 1s indicate that the corresponding bits in the IP address constitute the network portion. The three subnet masks above set the change from network to host portion at the end of a whole octet Class A after one octet, Class B after two octets, and Class C after three. However, a subnet masks does not have to follow the address classes, but can specify a host portion that is not a whole octet. The subnet mask (11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000) for instance, marks the breaking point four bits into the last octet. The purpose of having subnet masks defining networks is that the technical devices that the network is build from will be able to determine if traffic should be routed out of the network or kept within it. Using a mask saves the routers from having to handle the entire 32-bit address, because they can simply look at the bits selected by the mask (and thus not worry about the host portion of the address). Internet routers use only the network number of the destination address to route traffic to a subnetted environment. Subnetting, thus, also has the advantage that it keeps the size of the routing tables on the Internet down because Internet routers only need to know the one common network address for all the individual computers and devices on the different subnets. The route from the Internet to any subnet of a network is the same, no matter which subnet the destination host is on, namely that of the mother network. From there, the local network router(s) divides the communication out into individual subnets and to the individual hosts on these subnets.


The network number is the part of the IP address that all hosts on a network share. Network numbers are entered in routing tables and used by routers to direct traffic between networks. The network number, or extended network prefix, of an IP address is found by using the subnet mask to mask off the host portion of the IP address. An example: You choose the IP address and the subnet mask The above IP address and subnet mask written in their binary notation looks as above:

Every bit in the IP address is compared to the corresponding bit in the subnet mask: a 1 in the subnet mask indicates that the corresponding bit in the IP address is part of the network portion, while a 0 in the subnet mask illustrates that the corresponding bit in the IP address is part of the host portion. In the above example, the host portion is thus all the bits in the first three octets, which in decimal numbers is written Subnet masks written in binary notation always consist of a continuous string of 1s followed by a continuous string of 0s, e.g.

There are many different ways to subnet a network. But the right way is way that works best for you. In a class C address only 8 bits are available for defining the hosts. Remember that subnet bits stat at the left and go to the right, without skipping bits. This means that the only class C subnet masks can be the above example:

00000000 10000000 11000000

0 128 192

/24 /25 /26

11100000 11110000
11111000 11111100

224 240
248 252

/27 /28
/29 /30

We cant use /31 or /32 because we have at least two host bits to assigning ip addresses to hosts.


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