WBC Abnormalities

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WBC Abnormalities

Carlo Chris S. Apurillo,RMT

Instructor, Clinical Hematology College of Medical Technology

Morphologic Abnormalities of Granulocytes

1. Alder-Reilly anomaly

coarse, dark metachromatic granules Found in genetic mucopolysaccharidoses lack of lysosomal enzymes to break down mucopolysaccharides

1. Alder-Reilly anomaly

2. Auer Rods

rod like bodies fused with granules Associated with APL (M3) acute promyelocytic leukemia

2. Auer Rods

3. Chediak Higashi Granules


round blue gray

bodies Chediak Higashi syndrome rare autosomal recessive condition associated with abnormally large leukocyte granules resulting from fusion of lysozymes

3. Chediak Higashi Granules

4. Dohle bodies

oval inclusions in the cytoplasm of PMNs that stain pale blue with Wrights stain. Aggregates of free ribosomes Associated with severe infection

4. Dohle bodies

4. Dohle bodies

5. May-Hegglin Anomaly

autosomal dominant condition characterized by presence of pale blue inclusions resembling Dohle bodies in neutrophils Larger and more prominent than Dohle bodies Characterized by giant plts

5. May-Hegglin Anomaly

6. Hypersegmented neutrophil

with more than 5 segments Due to abnormal DNA synthesis Found in: megaloblastic anemia Shift to the right

6. Hypersegmented neutrophil

7. LE Cell

round, purple homogenous inclusion surrounded by flattened nuclei. Found in Systemic lupus erythematosus

7. LE Cell

8. Pelger Huet Anomaly


or bilobed nucleus (hyposegmentation) Hereditary, autosomal dominant condition which involves failure of normal segmentation of granulocytic nuclei

8. Pelger Huet Anomaly

9. Toxic granulation

dark blue to purple cytoplasmic granules in the metamyelocyte, and, or neutrohil stage. Primary granule enhancement Found in severe infections, toxic states, burns, malignancy and chemical poisoning

9. Toxic granulation

9. Toxic vacuoles

empty white areas End stage phagocytosis Found in: septicemia, severe infections, toxic states.

Morphologic Abnormalities of Lymphocytes

1. Basket Cell/Smudge cell


nucleus, ruptured cell due to its fragility Found in: chronic lymphocytic leukemia Artifact if few

1. Basket Cell/Smudge cell

2. Flame cell

cell with pink to red cytoplasm Increase IgA (multiple myeloma)

3. Grape Cell/Mott Cell


known as Russel bodies Vacuolated plasma cell Found in multiple myeloma; reactive states

3. Grape Cell/Mott Cell

4. Reactive Lymphocytes

known as Atypical lymphocytes or Downey Cell Type I Vacuolated Type II Stress lymphocyte Type III Lymphoblast like

4. Reactive Lymphocytes

- infectious mononucleosis, viral Hepa <20% - pneumonia, systemic allergy, TB, toxoplasmosis


Alder-Reilly granules

Chediak Higashi granules

Auer Rods


May-Hegglin anomaly

Dohle bodies



LE Cell

Pelger Huet


Basket cell Toxic granulation


Flame cell

Grape cell


Atypical lymphocytes

The end

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