The IS - LM Curve
The IS - LM Curve
The IS - LM Curve
Developed by J.R. Hicks In this model, variables such as investment, national income, rate of interest, demand and supply of money are interrelated and mutually interdependent and are represented by the ISLM curve model. This model shows how the level of national income and rate of interest are jointly determined by the simultaneous equilibrium in the goods and money market.
For the derivation of IS curve, rate of interest is an important determinant of investment making the latter an endogenous variable. There exists an inverse relationship between the interest rate and investment. When firms borrow to purchase investment goods, they have to pay an interest rate. When interest rate increases, the cost of borrowings increases. This decreases the profitability of the firms and thus,planned investment decreases.
Increase in investment demand(I) increases aggregate demand(AD) and thus raises the equilibrium level of income. In the derivation of the IS curve, we seek to find out the equilibrium level of Y as determined by the equilibrium in goods market by a level of investment determined by a given rate of interest. IS curve relates the equilibrium levels of national income with rates of interest. (explained in the following graphs)
In fig (a), the fall in interest rate increases the investment level and shifts the AD curve upwards resulting in equilibrium at a higher level of national income.(fig.b)
Thus IS curve is a locus of those combinations of rate of interest and the level of national income at which good market is in equilibrium. (fig.c)
Slope of IS curve : Decline in interest rates causes increase in investment expenditure This causes an increase in the aggregate demand moving the AD curve upwards. This leads to an increase in the equilibrium level of national income. Thus a lower rate of interest is associated with a higher level of national income and vice versa. This makes the IS curve slope downwards.
Steepness of IS curve
Depends upon 1. Elasticity of the investment demand curve i.e. responsiveness of investment to the rate of interest. 2. The size of the multiplier.- Multiplier depends on mpc. Higher mpc means steeper AD curve (c=a+by). It also means highier multiplier i.e. greater increase in equilibrium level of national income and a steeper IS curve.
Shift in IS curve
The level of autonomous expenditure determines the position of the IS curve and changes in autonomous expenditure cause shift in it. Autonomous expenditure means the expenditure be it investment expenditure, government expenditure or consumption exp. Which does not depend on level of income or rate of interest.
Graphical explanation
Rate of int We illustrate the shift in the IS curve by making changes in government exp (G)
Since the increase in the income to OY2 has not been brought about by the changes in the interest rate but autonomous of it, I does not imply movement along the previous IS curve but will cause an upward shift in it (IS)
Graph- LM curve
Slope of LM curve
Depends on two factors : 1) The responsiveness of demand for money(liquidity preference) to the changes in income. With the increase in income, demand curve for money moves up disturbing the equilibrium . For the equilibrium to be restored, rate on interest moves up. Hence the speculative demand for money goes down. Given the speculative demand, higher the rise in the rate on interest, steeper the LM curve.
2)Responsiveness of demand for money to the changes in the rate of interest : Lower the elasticity of liquidity preference with respect to the changes in interest rate, the steeper will be the LM curve and vice versa.
Rate of int
At the point of intersection of the IS and Lm curves, the rate of interest and the income are related in such a way that : 1) The goods market is in equilibrium i.e Agg demand= aggregate output. 2) The money market is also in equilibrium i.e. demand for money is in equilibrium with the supply of money.
The IS- Lm curve analysis has succeeded in synthesizing the monetary and fiscal policies. With the IS-LM curve analysis, we are better able to explain the effect of changes in certain important economic variables such as desire to save, the supply of money, investment, demand for money on the rate of interest and level of income.
Effect of changes in the supply of money on the rate of interest and income level: When supply of money increases, rate of interest falls and Y increases. When supply of money decreases, the rate of interest increases and Y decreases.
Changes in the desire to Save or propensity to consume: The increase in mpc moves the AD curve up increasing the national income. This moves the IS curve to the right and moves up the rate of interest at the equilibrium level.
Changes in autonomous investment and government expenditure: Increases the investment expenditure increasing the agrregate demand. IS curve moves to the right and increases the rate of interest and national income.
Changes in demand for money or liquidity preference: Affects the LM curve. Increase in money demand moves the LM curve to the left. Thus the equilibrium rate of interest will rise and national income will fall. ___________________________