The Use of Content Analysis in Quantitative Research

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The Use of Content Analysis in Quantitative Research

Dr. Timothy G. Pollock
Smeal College of Business The Pennsylvania State University

Academy of Management Annual Meeting

August 8, 2009

Presentation Outline
Role of Textual Data in Quantitative Analysis Sources of Data Selecting the Unit of Analysis Developing Concept Categories

Coding the Data

Role of Text in Quantitative Analysis

Narrative statements provide insights into the
cognitive processes of individuals

Published narratives are unobtrusive sources of

information that can be collected post hoc, and are generally less subject to retrospective sensemaking

Role of Text in Quantitative Analysis

Published narratives may be the primary way in which
management communicates with certain stakeholder groups

Concepts discussed in the narratives can be counted

and used as either independent or dependent variables

Sources of Textual Data

Interviews Open Ended Surveys Internal Documents (reports, memos, etc.) Required SEC Filings (proxies, annual reports) News Reports Speeches Blogs

Worth and Words Study

Examined factors influencing the frequency with which compensation committees used different justifications in explaining their executive pay practices Sample: 266 companies included in the S&P 500 in 1992 Narrative Source: Compensation Committee Reports in 1993 Proxy statements 12,500 sentences were content analyzed Four types of Justifications: External Validation Shareholder Alignment Accounting Perf. Measures Market Perf. Measures

Selecting a Unit of Analysis




Developing Concept Categories

Three Strategies for Developing Concept Categories

Apply categories that have been previously defined

using a particular theoretical framework or conceptual schema

Begin with no predefined structure, and allow the

categories to emerge from the data

Combination Approach - start with a partially defined

set of categories, and modify, add, or delete categories as the analysis proceeds

Coding the Data - CATA

Concepts are identified based on the use of particular
words and phrases

The Hardest Part: Identifying the words and phrases

that capture the concepts you want and avoid the concepts you dont

Sources of words and phrases brainstorming general uses thesaurus vocabulary lists generated by your software fuzzy searches

Coding the Data - CATA


Uses Boolean logic to identify phrases Identifies and presents all hits in context provides a vocabulary list with frequency counts
Example: Identify all variations of return to stockholders
return* w/in 3 stock*
returns to stockholders return to stockholders return to stockholder return on stockholders return on stockholders return on stockholder return to stockowner return on stockowner return on stockowners return on stockowners return to stockowners

Coding the Data - CATA


Analyzes text and provides concept counts based upon

dictionaries of terms which you develop for each concept

Free!!! (

Provides both excerpted text with the concept marked and

quantitative data which is easily imported into statistical analysis packages

Quantitative output can be either occurrence (1,0) or count Counts provided at either the sentence, paragraph or story
level of analysis

Frequency Counts of Dependent Variable Concept Words

CONCEPT EXTERNAL VALIDATION advisors consultant consultants consultant's consulting hewitt hewitt's Perrin tpf&c ors hay experts survey surveys surveyed

FREQUENCY 631 5 92 137 5 73 40 3 12 2 2 6 5 118 111 20

CONCEPT SHAREHOLDER shareholder shareholders shareowner shareowners stockholder stockholders ALIGN link linking linked tie tying tied align aligned aligning interest interests

FREQUENCY 1399 418 455 15 19 180 312 1505 129 39 82 42 12 109 523 26 38 138 367

CONCEPT ACCOUNTING PERFORMANCE roa roe eps ros rotc return on assets return on equity return on investment return on capital return on sales return on total capital return on average equity net income earnings cash flow credit rating ratio ratios return on sales/revenues return on targeted equity return on expense return on common equity return on shareholders ' equity return on average common equity return on opening equity return on average equity returns on the company's assets return on beginning - of - year equity return on average shareholder equity operating profits operating profit operating income operating margins

FREQUENCY 1531 19 97 82 7 9 42 164 21 29 17 7 3 172 558 127 1 36 9 1 1 1 10 11 3 1 3 1 1 3 7 19 65 4

Coding the Data - CATA

Example Output for Shareholder Alignment
#AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , #AZA , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

Alza uses a shareholder alignment justification 4 times

Coding the Data - CATA

The concepts coded must also be validated Difficult to get 100% inclusion of intended concepts
and 100% exclusion of false hits

Validation done manually against a sample of the

machine coded text

80% or better accuracy on concept hits No more than 5% of coded sentences false hits Misses assumed to be randomly distributed

Coding the Data - CATA

External Validation
The corporation, in establishing base salaries, levels of incidental and/or supplemental compensation, and incentive compensation programs for its officers and key executives, assesses periodic compensation SURVEY surveys and published data covering the electrical/electronics industry and industry in general.

Shareholder Alignment
In this way, long-term compensation is ALIGN tied to increased OWNERS shareholder value and long-term service to the corporation.

Accounting Measures of Performance

In reviewing Mr. Bossidy's performance, the committee focused primarily on the company's performance in 1992, which exceeded goals with very substantial improvement in operating ACCTMEAS earnings per share and ACCTMEAS cash flow.

Our Findings Worth & Words

The frequency with which these justifications are used
is affected by the level of CEO pay, company performance, and the presence of concentrated and active shareholders

Elements of pay, especially bonus compensation, and

company performance interact with shareholder characteristics to influence the frequency with which different justifications are used

Companies used justifications both to explain away

high levels of pay, and to highlight when executive compensation is not paid

Coding the Data Celebrity

42,000+ articles from Business Week on 291 companies (1991-2004)

Used Linguistic Word Count software provides validated dictionaries of positive emotion and negative emotion words
Coded article as positive if >60% affective language positive; negative if >60% affective language negative; otherwise neutral Calculated Janis-Fadner Coefficient of Imbalance for each year Coded celebrity = 1 if in top 25% in both number of articles and JF Coefficient in the same year

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