Public Relation Power Point Presentation
Public Relation Power Point Presentation
Public Relation Power Point Presentation
The most widely accepted and popular definition of PR is from the Institute of Public Relations (IPR), which defines Public Relations as, the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics. PR aims to earn understanding and support, influence opinion and behaviour Public Relations is a dynamic business communication tool which can transform the performance of any company, be it a one-man band or a multinational.
Publics defined
Corporate PR: Long-term relationship building strategy with various publics. Short-term tactical response to an unforeseen crisis.
To promote goodwill Brands launches &brand promotions To change or neutralize hostile public opinion To crystallize unformed opinion To conserve positive public opinion
For example Mumbai Indian promote child education(empowering India) ITC created awareness about benefits of sunflower oil compared to peanut oil & mustard oil through effective PR Campaign ,then introduced brand Sundrop.
PR techniques
Publications. Lobbying.
Social Events
Employee and Investor Relations Crisis Management
News releases to create positive publicity effectively (writing a salable news release is perfect art) Press conference-very effective to launch new product or service. Mostly used when news release not able to achieve objectives
Important PR activity Legal profession in many country. It is used to influence legislation ,put pressure on government Common lobbies in India- Tobacco lobbies, Steel lobbies, liquor lobbies
To create sense of belonging with respect to company. To create healthy environment & relation between various department & personnel's to inform investor various stakeholders (suppliers ,buyers) on current activities development Now days web newsletters replaced traditional printed newsletters.
A business relationship between a provider of funds, resources or services and an individual, event or organisation which offers in return some rights and association that may be used for commercial advantage.
Perception management Institutional advertising Building corporate image & identity Customer relation management
PR generates awareness ,while perception management helps to change attitude PR is tactical , while perception management is always strategic. PR do not require research, while perception management is research driven PR is message driven ,while perception management is benefit driven.
Begins with situation analysis (knowing existing perceptions, detail background, what need to change) Source of the existing perceptions Target segmentation ( analyzing favorable audience who can used to change attitude of selected target audience) Determine what they need to change about current mindset to achieve desired mindset. Pre testing of campaign, constant appraisal ,post testing ( feedback)
PR advertising known variously as corporate advertising ,institutional advertising & public service advertising It helps in corporate identity & brand Image build up ELEMENTS OF CORPORATE IDENTITY Name of company ; Trade name; corporate mark ; standard colour ;slogan
CRM is a business strategy that aims to understand, anticipate and manage the needs of an organisations current and potential customers It is a comprehensive approach which provides seamless integration of every area of business that touches the customer- namely marketing, sales, customer services and field support through the integration of people, process and technology CRM is a shift from traditional marketing as it focuses on the retention of customers in addition to the acquisition of new customers The expression Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is becoming standard terminology, replacing what is widely perceived
What is CRM?
1. if you dont communicate with your target audiences, you will lose out to competitors who are using public relations. 2. If you dont manage the information by which people form their opinions, their views of your company will be based solely on what they hear from other sources. 3. PR can help in building a positive image and thus helps to minimise damage when something goes wrong. 4. PR helps to maintain communications with your most important business audiences. It is cost-effective and credible. 5. Please remember, PR takes time. It is not an overnight process. It is an on-going endeavour.