Anti Forensics
Anti Forensics
Anti Forensics
Definition: Anti-Forensics: tools and techniques that frustrate forensic tools,investigations and investigators.
Dr. Marc Rogers of Purdue University. Dr. Rogers uses a more traditional crime scene approach when defining anti-forensics.
Attempts to negatively affect the existence, amount and/or quality of evidence from a crime scene, or make the analysis and examination of evidence difficult or impossible to conduct.
Data Hiding Artifact Wiping Trail Obfuscation Attack against forensic tools and processes.
Data Hiding
Making data difficult to find. Limit identification and collection of evidence by investigators. Data Hiding tools: Encryption Steganography
Artifact Wiping
Permanently eliminating particular files or entire file system. This can accomplished through the use of variety of methods that include Disk Utilities File wiping Utilities.
Trail Obfuscation
To Confuse, disorientate and divert the forensic examination process. Variety of tools LogCleaners Spoofing Mis-infomartion
Counter Measures
Improve the Tools: Many computer forensics tools are poorly written. Save data where the attackers cant get at it Log Hosts CD-Rs Develop new Tools: Defeat encrypted files system with key loggers.
References ary/proceedings/sec96/boneh.html .pdf