Eforensics 05 2014
Eforensics 05 2014
Eforensics 05 2014
Anti Forensics
Detection and Countermeasures
Circumventing Digital
Manipulating a Graceful
Shutdown To Prevent
Evidence Recovery
A General Approach to Anti-
Forensic Activity Detection
Attribution Beyond
the IP Address
Investigating Steganography
in Social Networks
Issue 05/2014 (31) March ISSN 2300-6986
Dear Readers,
igital forensic investigators and academics alike have long
been discussing the potential implications of anti-forensic
Renata Kwiatkowska
techniques on investigations. Within Anti-forensics, the
[email protected] equivalent is true. The attack may erase the first artifact, but leave
19 others behind. Perhaps the attacker thought they had done
Betatesters/Proofreaders: enough. Perhaps the attacker didn’t realize the other 19 existed.
Olivier.Caleff, JohanScholtz,
You should know that it is near impossible to remove all foren-
Shirish Deshpande, Kishore P V,
Elba Stevenson, Simohammed Serrhini,
sic artifacts from a system and leave it functional. Let’s give this
Massa Danilo, Jacopo Lazzari a closer look. We are proud to present you our new issue focused
on “Anti Forensics Techniques, Detection and Countermeasures”.
Senior Consultant/Publisher:
Paweł Marciniak
I would like to thank you for the support and subscribing to our
CEO: Ewa Dudzic
Magazine. You are always invited to visit our website, share your
[email protected] opinion with us and comment on our activity – we appreciate your
feedback! And if you like our Magazine – don’t forget to follow us
Production Director: Andrzej Kuca on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter(@eForensics_Mag).
[email protected]
If you have any wishes regarding our future topics do not hesitate
Marketing Director: Joanna Kretowicz
but let us know. Feel free to drop us a line and contact our Editor in
[email protected] Chief Joanna at [email protected].
The techniques described in our articles
may only be used in private, local net-
works. The editors hold no responsibility
for misuse of the presented techniques or
consequent data loss.
by Mark Shelhart
Forensics – from the Latin word Forensis means “scientific tests or techniques used in connection
with the detection of crime.” All of us who read this magazine are aware of the many people who
have motivation to thwart the forensic process (and the fine work that you do). No matter the reason,
the bad guys (and girls) have valid reasons to want to cover their tracks. It may to covet their wrong
doing like stealing company documents. Perhaps it’s to maintain their persistence (so they can keep
stealing credit cards). Within this article we’re going to discuss ant-forensic methods, easy to hard.
We’re not going to just hand you ‘how to” solve them, but work your brain in a way you can solve
these ‘problems’ on your own.
a d v e r t i s e m e n t
however, Harris gives one of the most comprehensive discussions on the topic, eventually defining
anti-forensics as “any attempts to compromise the availability or usefulness of evidence to the foren-
sics process” (Harris, 2006). Other definitions were given prior to this, but – as Harris points out – they
focused on specific segments of anti-forensics. Harris’ definition may be suitable for a general under-
standing of anti-forensics, but gets us no closer to understanding different types of anti-forensics and
their nuances.
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What you will learn:
et’s be honest, humans have a tendency to be lazy. We will often do
• Anti-Forensics are often shallow
• The right thinking will quickly get
only what it takes to get the job done. Hackers are human and they
you past the attacker’s efforts to do have a notion to just do the bare minimum to cover their tracks. In
hide. the movies, this is similar to wiping a fingerprint off the murder weapon, but
• Some anti-forensics methods may NOT the doorknob. Within Anti-forensics, the equivalent is true. The attack
not be solved, but that shouldn’t may erase the first artifact, but leave 19 others behind. Perhaps the attacker
deter your case. thought they had done enough. Perhaps the attacker didn’t realize the other
19 existed. If there is anything to take away from this article, you should know
What you should know: that it is near impossible to remove all forensic artifacts from a system and
• This article is meant for an investi- leave it functional.
gator who is new to anti-forensics,
but has experience with forensic
tools and the operating system.
Let’s do the TimeStomp
The content is meant to help you
Alright, to the good stuff. Let’s talk about time-stomping. As the name implies
understand “why” and “how” the this ‘trick’ changes the dates on files. So to the normal user and to the op-
attacker may cover their tracks. erating system, a files date can look to be from the past, from the future, or
wherever you like. So as the bad guy, I could make the create date on my
malware.exe to match the create date of the windows\system32 folder. As
easy as this is to create, this one is pretty easy to detect. Perhaps not with the
naked eye, but let’s take a working example and find our answers.
using it.? Yes again. So if we put on our blinders, and just search for bpk.exe, we see created and writ-
ten dates showing 2010.
But being a good analyst. I’ve installed BPK in a test lab or I’ve googled the research that someone else
(who I trust) has done. I know that BPK.exe comes with at least 8 files that I might use as my indicators
of compromise (IOC).
As you can see BPK.exe (line 5) shows 11/22/2010, but pk.bin (line 1) indicates a date of 11/15/11.
Hmm. Which do I believe? What do I do? What could change the date?
TimeStomp – revealed
In newer Microsoft Windows operating systems, the disk file system keeps a “master table” of all files. It’s
merely a list of all the files on the disk drive by name, their respective dates, and where they are located
physically on the disk drive. This one simple file is the “road map” so that Windows can find the files on
the hard drive. So Figure 2 above is very simplistic view of this “master file table”
So as the attacker, I am going to look for this master file table, which is named $MFT. For redundancy
sake, this file has a mirror clone named $MFTMIRR. No, you can’t just edit this file with notepad, but with
a little bit of code, I can manipulate this $MFT to change the dates on my key logger to be whatever I like.
But what our attacker may not know, (or may not care about) is that Windows ALSO stores the dates of
files in another section of the file system. The “Standard Information” is the date that most people, most
attackers (and most forensic tools) reference. There is a second set of dates called the “File_Name” at-
tribute that store a second set of dates. Yes, another 4 lines of code could change these dates as well,
but the attacker just doesn’t seem to care.
So how do I do this technically, you ask? Well this problem has been solved many times in the past and
the code is just waiting for you. If you are an Encase person, Lance Mueller has written an MFT EnScript
for you. If you are a Perl person, Harlan Carvey has mft.pl that can do this for you as well. With either
tool, you will quickly be able to see that bpk.exe was in fact installed in November of 2011, but appearing
to be from 2010 to the un-suspecting user.
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Naming files after Windows files
As simple as this attack may be, it’s a very common thing for attackers to name their malware after a file
in the operating system. Even the best IT person may not catch a transposed filename. Easy ones might
include things like ca1c.exe but they can get tougher. This attack along with a fresh MD5 (to evade anti-
virus) can be a deadly combination. Let’s look at the example below.
As I was looking at this memory dump my eyes immediately focused on the python27.dll in the bottom
line. It doesn’t belong on this government agency’s computer I’m analyzing. But wait, I can’t jump ahead.
Looking at the top line I see it refers to rundll.exe. First off, the regular file is rundll32.exe. Secondly, there
shouldn’t be an .exe in the startup folder (it should normally be a link).
Upon further inspection into rundll.exe it gets worse. Not only is it named rundll.exe, but the code is ac-
tually set to recreate itself after each run. And when it recreates itself, it chooses a new name. Check-
ing the .exe with strings we identified that the code renames itself to win-control.exe, or java-insta.exe,
or java-upd.exe. For users who know HOW to open task manager, these names may still appear harmless.
Renaming – revealed
As easy as these attacks are to perform, identifying the IOCs can be just as easy. Regardless of toolset,
there are some searches, or conditions you can create that will help you identify these attacks. These
may include:
• Search files in the windows directory (and sub folders) for .exes with new dates
• Time stomping and OS patches may slow you down
• Identify files that have the same MD5 hash, but different names
• Identifying files that do not have a matching “backup” in \dllcache.
Hacker’s output
Not too long ago, some of the bad guys were making it easy. They would put their output in plain text.
So yes, when they would harvest credit cards, a simple “SEARCH” in my favorite forensic tool would find
their loot. The output file often was in a new directory, which had an install date, which lead to the mal-
ware. An easy day’s work. Attackers started to realize that stolen cards are worth money, and vulnerable
targets aren’t as plentiful as they once used to be. Staying hidden, from IT, and “card searching tools”
were a wise investment.
So after our normal search patterns, we run into some artifacts pointing to new malware. Running Vol-
atility against the memory dump we see that cardgrab.exe is running and has an open file named card-
help.chm. Looking inside the file we see that it’s got a bad signature for a CHM file, and there appears
to contain gibberish.
Why did this happen? Because the data the attacker was stealing just happened to have a string of
empty characters, therefore the XOR routine its own encryption key! A few lines of code later revealed
that the file contained the following data:
Needless to say this data indicated to us that the attacker had successfully found the data he wanted,
parsed it down to just the bare minimum, and then encrypted it. This attack has long since evolved. We
see attacks today where the attacker uses stronger encryption strings. We also see them use a unique
key per victim. Yes there are times where the keys to unlock the data just aren’t available. You’re likely
going to have cases that you cannot solve – at least not with just technology.
Can you report to law enforcement? Sure! You may have the IP address that the encrypted data is be-
ing sent to. If this were a POS system, could you determine how many credit cards were taken? Perhaps
not. But, the bank and the card brands ‘could’ Even though the output file was encrypted, it still had a
valid creation date (and so did the malware itself) At this point I’m hopeful I can report a date to the banks
so that stolen cards can be turned off faster than the attacker can re-sell them on the black market.
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Need a memory dumper within your malware. This one is free if you don’t mind it being discovered quickly.
Figure 7. xxxxxxxxxxxx
While it takes a bit of time to “search all executables for specific strings” any good forensic investigator
can spot the tools like these. There’s many different tools to pull strings from an executable. Cygwin is
quick and easy. If you need a GUI to do the same thing. Cuckoo Sandbox is a great tool to have in your
bag of tricks.
Anti-Forensics of strings
A clever con man would never show his cards. A clever coder would never give hints about his code.
If I’m going to write malware, I’m not going to leave any comments in the code when I am done. If I’m
real good, I’m not going to use real words to name my variables, my functions, or any other object. So
my code may be tough to read later, but I’m going to name my function aaa() instead of searchforCC().
Some strings are hard to hide. If I need to search for credit cards, I need my search string somewhere.
Well the clever attacker doesn’t put it in his code. He puts it on the internet and downloads it when the
code runs. Not only does this keep ‘revealing strings’ out of his code, but it also allows him to change his
search criteria on a whim (search for email addresses instead of credit card numbers)
The reveal
This is starting to move up in complexity, but it is certainly possible to solve. First, running the code in a
sandbox may give you best indication. Another mention for Cuckoo. Its very nature is to allow malware
to run and capture its every move. If your malware calls home and asks for a string to search for, Cuckoo
should record that information for you to view.
If Cuckoo is not at your disposal (including malwr.com) there are other similar sites. If none of these are
an option, your next best bet may be to investigate artifacts in memory. For a quick and dirty approach,
you may be able to just ‘search’ for the string you want. But you may eventually be extracting executables
and other files from memory in order to get values relative to your investigation. If searching memory
gets you nowhere, don’t forget pagefile.sys. In some instances you may also have hiber.sys or a wealth
of other memory and crash dumps from the system. While a memory dumper may be an attacker’s best
friend, it can also be his biggest enemy when trying to stay unnoticed.
If this is a case of computer trespassing or theft of data, I may be hiding from IT or some other outside
forensic investigator. I might go through great efforts to delete files, and I might be good enough to delete
my profile when I’m done or run some registry cleaner.
A good investigator is aware the operating system at hand and may be able to identify other artifacts that
identify what has happened on the system. Some of these alternative methods might include:
• Internet Artifacts – Most users do not realize that their internet history can store information regard-
ing while files they’ve accessed on the local hard drive. Internet history can be very volatile and of-
ten found as recoverable deleted files
• System Restore Points – After every install and uninstall the operating system may have made a log
of changed files, but also archived a copy of the registry hives. Theses hives are a wealth of infor-
mation regarding files and devices accessed by users.
• Antivirus Logs – Although the malware may be long gone, AV might have gotten a look at it.
Even if it didn’t show up as a “bad file”, Antivirus logs may indicate when a file was loaded, its MD5
hash, and other processes it may have spawned.
• Memory – Unless a system has been rebooted, there is no predictable way to know how much in-
formation you will find within memory. If a user or a program touches a file, or communicates on the
network, there is most likely several references recorded to memory. To our original point, it is not
easy to covet every artifact the malware or your actions leave behind. The registry, for example, may
be touched dozens of times by a single attack. If you are attacking a retail store with 1000+ stores,
your malware has a high probability of running into many different versions of Microsoft Windows.
The ability to test, capture, and remove all possible artifacts prior to a mass attack is near impossi-
ble. For you and I that means malware in our lab bears different fruit on different operating systems.
Another Perspective
If you recall, I pointed out that our hacker friends, like to be lazy. Perhaps not lazy, perhaps they just
have better things to do. But do not forget that their opportunities to be successful are often ‘vertical’ to
you horizontal approach to protect or investigate. Your average credit card thief can sit at a coffee shop
in Panama and attack every hotel and restaurant in Houston. A single laptop can scan over a million IP
addresses in less than 4 hours. In the matter of a day, this one attacker with one machine could have
control over 200 different POS systems.
This same attack vector is true within a corporate environment. You may be a staff of 8 people protect-
ing 20,000 workstations in 80 different geographic offices. Your work effort often requires human interac-
tion. The attacker may have simply bought an $800 exploit kit off of the internet.
It is not easy to stay on top of every attack tool that is in the underground. Knowledge sharing is critical
for all of us and to the forensic community. Proper preventative measures and logging are also the keys
to slowing the evolution of anti-forensics.
a d v e r t i s e m e n t
Optical media data
hiding- tips, techniques
and issues
by Paul Crowley
What you will learn:
ata hiding is substantially different from encryption.
• This article describes techniques and tricks for hid-
ing data “in plain sight” on optical media.
Encryption puts the “container” with the data front and cen-
• Unlike hard disks, there actually are niches and ter in the examiner’s face and is a challenge. A well-ex-
crevices where data can be hidden away where it ecuted encryption can be a serious blockade in that without the
will not be found by a cursory examination of CDs password being revealed in some manner the encrypted data is
and DVDs. inaccessible. Unfortunately for the world of secrets, it turns out
that in the face of this sort of challenge there are many, many ways
What you should know: of acquiring the password and gaining access to the data.
• A basic idea of what a file system is, and how this
relates to a user storing files on a hard disk with The difference with data hiding is the person looking for the da-
Windows or OS X.
ta may be fairly certain there is some data there, somewhere,
• Knowing that hard disks (and CDs and DVDs) are
but without being able to see it there is nothing to examine.
divided up into sectors is important. You do not
need to be intimately familiar with the inner work-
The data might be there, or it might not. This eliminates the “chal-
ings of CDs and DVDs in order to make sense out lenge factor” with encryption where the examiner knows there is
of this article. something there.
Optical media data hiding- tips, techniques and issues
One example of data hiding is steganography, the art of hiding one piece of information inside another.
Today, there are public-domain tools for using steganography, most of which leave artifacts which are
now well-known and there are tools for detecting these artifacts. This makes these public-domain tools
nearly useless but the concept is still a valuable one.
Many people think of ways to hide things on their computers and the most commonly used technique is
simply one of folder obfuscation. You create a folder called “Boring stuff” and in that put 30 more folders,
each one containing some text articles from the Internet. Add in a hidden folder that has the real stuff in
it – or even further folders full of unimportant and irrelevant stuff. While this can work for keeping the (le-
gal) porn collection away from the roommates, it falls apart quickly in the face of any real examination of
the computer. There simply aren’t any “corners” where you can hide data on a hard disk where forensic
examination tools will not find it quickly and easily.
How about a way to hide data in plain sight, putting it with some other data that isn’t significant but
serves to hide the important data? With steganography the obscuring data and the data being hidden are
“mixed together”, but it is possible to both obscure the real data being hidden and keep the two sorts of
data separate, or obscuring the data being hidden by disguising it as something else. What the computer
user was trying with obfuscated folders can actually be done with optical media because it is quite differ-
ent than hard disks. The remainder of this article is going to focus on how optical media is different and
how it can be exploited for hiding information.
Yes and no. If you are trying to hide this from someone who is just doing a cursory examination of a
computer or piece of media they may not catch on that one of the files isn’t what it purports to be. If the
computer or media is going to be subjected to a more intensive analysis it is doubtful that this would not
be caught – probably because the file doesn’t have the correct header for the type of file it says it is.
There are many software tools that will identify a file based on the headers or other content of the file
and using any of them makes simply changing the extension pointless as a hiding technique. But, it must
be said that to evaluate a large number of files on a hard disk is time consuming and there are clearly
circumstances where the time is simply not available.
As long as the hard disk or piece of media containing such a file isn’t examined too closely, this can
work. But it will not withstand much scrutiny at all and once such a file is found there will be motivation
for an intensive examination of all the files.
• hard disks have a single sector size and type; CDs (but not DVDs) have multiple sector sizes and
types. DVDs (of all types) have a single, fixed sector size and type,
• hard disks are fully supported by the native operating system for read and write; optical media is still
read-only although tools for writing may be supplied with the operating system,
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• today a computer hard disk is going to have at least 100,000 files on it and most of them are files be-
longing to either the operating system or software packages that the user acquired; recent versions
of Microsoft Office, for example, have more than 5,000 files all by themselves; larger sizes of optical
media can hold a lot of files, but usually less than 10,000 files and often 1,000 or even less,
• your average computer hard disk has a small number of partitions on it and only one file system per
partition, different types of file systems are generally only found when multiple operating systems
are present in different partitions, optical media has only a single partition but can have multiple ses-
sions and multiple file systems within each session,
• hard disk file systems are pretty complex and have grown in features and performance over the last
20+ years whereas optical media file systems have changed very little over the same time and most
are read-only and very simplistic.
• hard disks have a single sector size (512 or 4096, depending on the type of disk drive) and only one sec-
tor organization; DVDs and Blu-Ray discs have 2048 bytes per sector and only one sector organization;
CDs are quite different in that they have a number of different sector sizes and sector organizations.
With these things in mind, a number of different scenarios for hiding information on optical media are
going to be presented. Each one has different advantages and drawbacks and they will be presented in
increasing order of difficulty to implement. However, none of these techniques require any programming
skill or even extraordinary knowledge of the innards of operating systems or forensic tools. In most cas-
es, these techniques are going to make it very difficult for a forensic examiner to even understand there
is data hiding on the media, much less access it without understanding how the data got there in the first
place. So let’s look at some optical media data hiding techniques…
Multiple Sessions
One way to hide data on a disc is simply by using multiple sessions. You write the files you want to hide to
the disc and then in the second session remove them from the directory structure. There are many different
software tools for building CDs and DVDs and probably almost as many ways to specify you want to do this.
Now, when the disc is put in to a computer the first session is not shown, only the last is. The last ses-
sion does not include the files that are hidden, so they are invisible. There is nothing that can be done
with the operating system or with add-on tools, at least with recent versions of Windows. Linux and Ma-
cintosh computers are equally unable to show the hidden files.
The advantage of this approach is that it is very, very easy to do and if the examiner is simply rely-
ing on popping the disc into a computer to check it, it is pretty effective. If the files in the first session
are pretty small there is very little to give this away, but if the hidden files are large by looking at infor-
mation displayed about the disc (how much space is used) and information about the files (how much
space is used) it can pretty readily be seen there is something odd going on. For example, if you have
a disc that says 500MB is used but you can only see 100MB of files on the disc it fairly obvious the
other 400MB is being used for something. This can then prompt the more complete examination of the
disc with other tools.
Unfortunately, the way that most common forensic tools work they do not highlight what files are in
each session, if they even pay attention to the multiple session structure of such a disc. This makes us-
ing these tools difficult for looking at information hidden in this manner. However, even consumer optical
media tools are going to show the multiple sessions and the fact that there are files in the first session
not carried forward to the next.
It is important to understand that the files in the first session are all still there and completely viable
– they have not been “deleted” in any real sense, even though the tool used may have termed the op-
eration being performed as “deleting” the files. What has happened is the first session is a complete file
system that contains the files but a second file system has been added which obscures the first. In this
second session the files from the first session are simply not there. Not deleted, but just not present.
The first session is still there and still references these files. But, because of the way optical media is ac-
cessed by operating systems, the first session is obscured and only the second session is visible.
The problem for the recipient of such a disc is how do they access the files in the first session if the op-
erating system will not see them? Again, even consumer optical media tools such as CD/DVD Diagnos-
tic™ and ISO Buster are going to show the files and allow them to be copied from the disc.
Optical media data hiding- tips, techniques and issues
While this technique doesn’t stand up well against forensic examination, it does utterly defeat anyone
looking at the disc with just Windows or OS X – unless they are looking for this and look to see if the used
space on the disc corresponds with the space used by the visible files.
It should be noted that with some forensic tools the fact there is space used on the disc and isn’t just
binary zero will be disclosed saying there is “unallocated” space on the disc. This doesn’t particularly
help the examiner get at the file names and may imply that data carving is needed to access these files
when it is not.
The first file system is using a format known as ISO 9660 which specifies three levels of compatibility.
For a file system to meet the most stringent level 1 requirements the file names may only use a subset
of ASCII characters including upper case letters, numbers and a few punctuation symbols such as $ and
underscore. Discs which conform to ISO 9660 level 1 compatibility are generally readable on any com-
puter with a CD or DVD drive of some sort. As this file system was defined in 1989 it is fairly simple to find
all sorts of equipment using discs of this sort and not just consumer computers. For example, it would not
be unusual to find an elevator controller running a proprietary operating system using ISO 9660 level 1
discs to update the programming.
Up until the release of Windows 95 in 1995 there was no problem with the 8.3 file name structure for
ISO 9660 level 1 – while Windows allowed a somewhat expanded character set for file names, all file
names were 8.3 in structure. When a disc utilized the expanded character set it technically became level
2 compatible but this was generally not a problem for interchanging discs between computers and even
different operating systems. This all changed when Windows 95 was released.
A significant problem for users of optical media before Windows 95 was how characters outside of
ASCII where handled. The standard was something called MBCS, or Multi-Byte Character Set where
ASCII characters were mixed with escaped characters for other symbols. This caused all sorts of prob-
lems and limited file names to as few as four characters. Windows 95 introduced the concept of Unicode
long file names allowing file names far more than 8 characters and allowing all of these characters to be
chosen from any Unicode character. This was done by increasing the width of each character from eight
bits to sixteen and eliminating any escape characters as were required with MBCS. An extension to ISO
9660 was introduced with Windows 95 called Joliet which allowed 64 character Unicode volume and file
names but otherwise leaving the ISO 9660 standard unchanged.
Joliet was sort of an inside joke at the time. Another software company had released a different ex-
tension of ISO 9660 that was called Romeo in advance of the Windows 95 release. It was targeted for
Windows NT which had introduced longer file names already but was not considered to be consumer-
friendly. The joke was that the internal codename for Windows 95 was “Chicago” and “Joliet” is a city not
very far from Chicago… so as a replacement for Romeo we got Juliette, or rather Joliet which fit in better
with Chicago.
The intent originally was probably that a disc would have either an ISO 9660 or Joliet file system on it
but that isn’t the way it turned out. Since only Windows 95 – and not even the latest version of Windows
NT – would read a Joliet file system and ISO 9660 was all about the ability to write a disc with any com-
puter and have it readable by any other, all of the software for writing discs immediately implemented a
strategy of writing both ISO 9660 and Joliet file systems to the same session. So each session of each
disc has two complete file systems. One file system has 8.3 upper case file names and the other with 64
character Unicode file names. It turns out that Windows 95 (and all subsequent versions of Windows)
automatically generates an 8.3 upper case file name to represent each Unicode file name, so this can be
used for the ISO 9660 file name.
With two file systems having parallel directory structures you would think the operating system might
give you a choice as to which one is to be displayed. This isn’t the way Windows works – it simply choos-
es the Joliet directory structure if it is present. The ISO 9660 directory is invisible.
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Most disc writing software automatically builds parallel directory structures without even allowing any
user input into the process. However, there is a command line tool called “mkisofs” which is open source
and freely downloadable which builds a disc image and provides the user with options to control the con-
tent of the ISO 9660 and Joliet directory structure. Suddenly, it is now possible to build a disc with the two
directories not being identical. The disc image can then be written to a disc using any number of different
tools for writing to optical media.
There might be some legitimate reasons for advanced users needing to do this sort of thing, but I have
to admit that it would be pretty unusual to need this capability. However, I can think of many not-so-le-
gitimate reasons for doing so. The way the command line options work is by allowing the exclusion of
files from one directory structure or the other. So, if you were going to produce a disc containing files that
needed to be hidden you could exclude them from the Joliet directory – which is the only one that Win-
dows is going to display. It is also preferentially displayed by both OS X and Linux with recent versions
of these operating systems.
The effect would be much like the multiple session disc – there would be content on the disc that was
not shown. Only by specifically accessing the ISO 9660 directory structure on Linux or possibly OS X
or through the use of optical media tools would these hidden files be seen. If they were of considerable
size, just as in the case with the multiple session technique, there could be a hint that something odd
was going on simply because of the space used on the disc not corresponding with the space used by
the visible files on the disc.
An even simpler approach to this is to create a disc with both ISO 9660/Joliet and HFS or HFS+ file
systems. Creating such a disc is trivial on a Macintosh computer and it can also be done under Linux, but
the HFS or HFS+ file system is invisible to Windows. Today, nearly all forensic examiners and persons
trying to quickly examine discs are using Windows. Because of this there is a high likelihood – probably
above 90% – that an HFS file system on a disc will be completely ignored and invisible. Put the disc in
any Macintosh computer and that file system will be immediately displayed. If you want to play the odds,
just using Macintosh-specific computers, software and file formats will render your information unread-
able by a hurried examiner using Windows.
Most forensic tools aren’t going to show this because in most cases the presence of multiple file sys-
tems is obscured from the examiner by the tool. The presence of the file may be indicated by there being
“unallocated” space on the disc, but the examiner isn’t going to be presented with the correct file name
and access to the file without doing some work – unnecessary work if both directory structures were
shown to the examiner.
Unless the examiner is very much aware of this sort of technique being utilized, it is likely they will miss
the alternate directory structure completely and may never see the file name. If the examiner is filtering
discs by superficially checking them with Windows or OS X it is highly likely that they will not see anything
on a disc like this. The intended recipient of such a disc, knowing what to look for, can then put it in to
Linux where it is easy to switch between the Joliet and ISO 9660 directory structure on the disc and sim-
ply access the files by name. This is done by using the “nojoliet” option on the “mount” command to spec-
ify that the Joliet file system should be ignored and only the ISO 9660 file system should be utilized. On
Windows, consumer optical media tools which display all available file systems can be used to display
and access the contents of a disc like this. For example, the product CD/DVD Diagnostic can do this.
Obviously, once a file is written to a write-once disc it is there forever. There is no ability to remove,
delete or destroy the original file – but it can be hidden from view. All of the current drag-and-drop writ-
ing software today simply removes the file from the directory structure to “delete” it. Therefore, the file is
obviously still there.
Optical media data hiding- tips, techniques and issues
On rewriteable discs matters are a little more complicated in that it is possible the space occupied by
a deleted file could be recovered and reused. A significant difference between rewritable discs and hard
disks is that there is no penalty for writing to the same spot on a hard disk over and over. This is differ-
ent with SSDs, but we can ignore that for this discussion. With optical rewritable discs each spot has an
average of about 10,000 write cycles, which means that there is a very definite cost to each time a spot
is written to. Because of this, drag-and-drop writing software does not reuse space – at all – until the disc
is full. With this in mind, it can be seen that in general a “deleted” file even on rewritable discs is simply
waiting to be found.
On both write-once and rewritable discs there are obsolete directories which contain pointers to the
files which have been deleted. This information may be in sectors that are technically “available” for re-
use on rewritable media, but until the disc fills up they are not actually reused. Finding these directories
will allow complete recovery of the deleted files, including the file name.
Today most forensic tools have basic support for the UDF file system, which is what is used for drag-
and-drop discs. However, they may not analyze the disc to the extent needed to accurately determine
what is and what is not “unallocated” space, nor do any common forensic tools automatically recover
lost or deleted UDF files. Using these tools, therefore, is going to require quite a bit of work on the part
of the examiner to locate such deleted files. As the UDF file system is pretty complicated, doing this by
hand is difficult and error prone.
Consumer or forensic tools specific to optical media make this much simpler in that such deleted or
lost files are automatically found and recovered. Without this sort of recovery capability, Windows, OS
X and other operating systems are going to ignore the deleted files and not show them. If the files are
exceptionally large and consume significant space on the disc it is possible that an examiner will notice
the discrepancy between the space utilized by files and the space occupied on the disc, although in most
cases the free space on the disc being reported by the operating system will include the deleted files. A
casual examination of the disc with Windows or OS X is unlikely to present any information that would
lead to suspecting there is anything hidden on the disc.
Sector Formats
For the remainder of this article it is important to understand the various formats that CDs and DVDs use
for sectors.
Figure 1. Cd Sectors
Referring to the illustration, mode 0 sectors are used for audio data and contain only 2352 bytes of au-
dio samples.
Mode 1 sectors are used for data and are the “conventional” format that is seen with most data discs.
The Sync portion of the header is 12 bytes that contain hexadecimal FF bytes and is used to identify the
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beginning of a sector. The 4-byte sector ID follows this and this is followed by the 2048 bytes of user da-
ta. The area labeled “ECC/EDC” contains the error correction code and error detection code that is used
to identify and correct errors that occur in reading the data from the disc.
Mode 2 is used with CD-XA discs and can appear as either form 1 or form 2. Mode 2 form 1 sectors
are similar to mode 1 sectors except the empty space in mode 1 is relocated and contains the 8 bytes of
sector type information and stream identification. Mode 2 form 2 sectors simply use the ECC/EDC error
correction information area for additional data space in the sector, extending it to 2328 bytes in length.
DVDs, DVD HD and Blu-Ray sectors are all 2048 bytes in length with only a single sector format.
On optical media this is somewhat different. Not only are we dealing with a much smaller data area
(5GB vs. 500GB, for example), but the operating system does not write to optical media directly. And, the
file systems are much, much simpler and generally read-only on optical media. So once a disc is written
there is no chance of some application or tool writing over the data, believing that they too “own” some
space on the disc.
It is common for there to be quite a bit of space on discs that is not used for anything at all. The best
equivalent on hard discs is the space which is discarded at the end of a partition to round up the begin-
ning of the next partition but have the first partition contain full clusters. There is also some space which
is not used following the boot sector before the first partition on hard discs. As mentioned, trying to utilize
this space for other purpose on hard disks has led to serious issues in the past. But on optical discs there
are areas which are not used because of either the way standards have been written or because of the
way the writing software has been constructed.
For example, on ISO 9660 and Joliet discs the sectors 0 to 15 are not used by design. If an HFS or
HFS+ file system is present then sector 0 will be used, but still sectors 1 to 15 are empty. Writing some-
thing in this area is perfectly safe and will be ignored by all forensic software, even that which is designed
for optical media.
With UDF discs the area from sector 19 to 256 is undefined and can be used for any purpose. Often
some of the control structures for the disc occupy sectors 32 to 47 and 64 to 79 and sometimes sectors
254 and 255 are used for other control information. It is therefore almost a certainty that from sector 80
to 253 could be used on a UDF disc to contain information that will not be used in any way. It is unlikely
that this would be recognized as anything by most forensic software. This is not a great deal of space,
but if the information to be hidden was simply a text file then compressing it with a ZIP tool might make
it fit in a really, really small amount of space.
To access this data it would be necessary to know it was there. Some consumer optical media tools
would be able to be used to access it. It would also be possible to copy from the disc using a tool such
as “dd” on Linux reading from the “raw” device.
How would you get data to be written to a disc in this kind of area? One technique that works is by writ-
ing a disc image (or writing a disc and then copying it to an image file) and then altering the image file. An
ISO 9660 image file is simply a copy of 2048-byte sectors from sector zero to the end of the disc. Over-
laying information into sectors 1 to 15 and (on a UDF disc) sectors 80 to 253 is very simple to do with a
tool like “dd” and dd implementations exist for just about all operating systems today.
Optical media data hiding- tips, techniques and issues
blocks to be read each second. This is the basic data rate of CDs or 1X and is how all audio players read
CDs. It turns out that there are no requirements on the content of these audio samples, so in theory any
sort of digital data could be written to a disc and treated as audio samples.
As there is no error correction or error detection (ECC/EDC) for audio data there would be none for this
sort of data, but that is manageable as well. There are a number of techniques for storing data redun-
dantly which would provide sufficient protection from errors so that if errors were encountered in reading
the data they would be recovered from.
There are no forensic tools which would examine this sort of data. It would require someone to cap-
ture the audio samples and then examine the resulting digital data file. This is well beyond the scope of
a cursory examination of the disc – which would reveal it to be a music disc. If someone played it the
result would likely be discordant and possibly even damaging to speakers – in other words it would just
sound like noise. This might raise the curiosity of someone doing a cursory examination of the disc, but
their ability to access the data is likely to be zero without foreknowledge that there was indeed data to be
obtained from such a disc. Only then would they have the tools handy to perform such an examination.
This is significantly different than simply renaming a data file to have an extension of .MP3. Such a file
would not play at all. It would be more like taking a data file and treating it as audio samples and convert-
ing it to .MP3 format – but that would be a true conversion losing bits in the process. The idea of writing
data to a CD as audio samples is probably something that would not occur to most people and because
of this would be quite secure.
CD-XA on the other hand introduced a number of different things; the most notable was the concept of
multisession recordable discs. It was initially intended to be a multimedia platform where video and audio
programs could be mixed in with software. Towards this end there was space reserved for tagging each
sector in a way so it could be identified as being part of a stream of audio or video data and supporting
multiple, interleaved streams. This was the goal, but it never really materialized. Considerable effort was
spent on supporting this in various devices, such as the PlayStation 1 game console – but it never really
amounted to anything.
To support this, a completely new set of sector formats were introduced. Previously, sectors were either
mode 0 (audio), or mode 1 (data). Now Mode 2 sectors were added in two different organizations: form 1
and form 2. Mode 2 form 1 sectors were just like the previous mode 1 data sectors with the exception that
they included eight bytes of “header” information intended to identify the type of sector and the stream it
belonged to. Mode 2 form 2 sectors were intended for multimedia content, usually video, where the error
correction space was replaced by additional data space.
This ushered in a new series of applications for CDs, most notably the VCD or Video CD. This is a
disc format where MPEG-1 video is stored on a CD using Mode 2 Form 2 sectors. With quality about the
same as VHS this allows 60 minutes of video to be played from a single CD. This format was extremely
popular in Asian countries where there was little penetration of DVD players until very recently. Instead,
VCD players were available to play these discs and it was common to find shops with large numbers of
two-disc sets for commercial movies.
Another application using CD-XA discs was the original Kodak PhotoCD architecture which stored mul-
tiple resolutions of photos on CD-XA discs. The reason for them being CD-XA was simply that multiple
sessions were being used so a disc full of photos could be added to. Originally, multiple sessions were
restricted to CD-XA format discs but this restriction was quickly removed and by 1994 all CD-ROM drives
could read multisession discs without the CD-XA requirement. Today, nearly every photo processing fa-
cility can produce a disc with photos on it but these are a single resolution copy of each picture and do
not follow the PhotoCD standard.
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The fact that there was no error correction for this video data wasn’t a major problem. At 24, 25 or 30
frames per second a single error would appear only as a brief flash on the screen at worst.
From a data hiding perspective, unless a program is using special commands to read the disc, a mode
2 form 1 disc appears identical to mode 1 – only the data is read. This means there is eight bytes avail-
able in every sector for other purposes. On a disc with 360,000 sectors on it this provides 2,880,000
bytes of data which is invisible – if you do not think to look for it or know it is there. It is rather fragmented
and it is necessary to piece the 8-byte segments of data back together to have something usable, but it
is utterly transparent and invisible.
A disc can be written using both mode 2 form 1 and form 2 sectors and this is the common way for a
VCD or other disc containing multimedia content to be written. Mode 2 form 2 sectors cannot be read
using ordinary commands because these sectors do not have the error correction information that is
expected. However, should a mode 2 form 2 sector be attempted to be read the drive will simply return
a read error the same as if there was damage or dirt on the disc. In most cases this will result in a disc
simply being put aside and not examined further.
To write a disc containing mode 2 form 1 sectors with specific data in the sector header field it is nec-
essary to utilize a “raw” disc image where the disc image is constructed and then the sector header in-
formation is overwritten with the data to be hidden in this manner. This is fairly complicated and probably
is best done with some kind of specific program or script. Once the disc image has been altered, almost
any “raw” image writing tool will be able to write the modified image to a disc. Today it is less common for
CD and DVD writing software to support creation of multimedia discs other than VCDs. There are a few
programs out there available for free downloading which will write discs with mode 2 form 2 sectors and
these can be used to write any sort of data to discs.
DVDs do have some additional data known as the table of contents or TOC. This is simply a list of
pointers to the beginning of sessions on the disc.
CDs, however, are different. There is a TOC, but there is also quite a bit more information that can be
stored on a disc. The first thing of importance is that sectors can contain 2048, 2056, 2336, 2352 or 2448
bytes, depending on how the sector is being used. Several of these formats have additional data in parallel
with the 2048 bytes of user data in each sector. This means that there can be the usual 2048 byte sector
full of ordinary data with other data not as easily accessed but present and isolated from the 2048 bytes.
The sector formats containing 2058 and 2336 bytes were previously described under the CD-XA heading.
CD technology was developed in the late 1970s and the first CD patents date from 1980. It took un-
til 1982 for the first consumer audio CD players to reach the marketplace. At this time all CDs were for
music and music alone. Music is stored in what are called “subcode blocks” which are really the parent
structure for data sectors. Each subcode block can be treated as a data sector which holds 2352 bytes
in audio samples with no error correction or error detection information. It took until about 1994 until CD-
ROM drives began to commonly read audio tracks as data using special commands, but once that was
done music CDs became easily copyable by anyone with a CD-ROM drive that supported such reading.
Before that time there was no good way for the average person to digitally copy music from a CD.
It wasn’t until 1985 or so that data was being placed on CDs and not until 1987 until the first standards
appeared for representing files on a CD-ROM. The arrangement for putting data on a CD included sub-
stantial error correction and detection capabilities and utilized nearly 11% of the space in a sector for
this purpose. Because of this, even with the expectation that there would be errors reading the data, the
correct data was usually recoverable in the drive before sending it to the host computer. This is the ori-
gin of the 2048-byte data sector on optical media. The basic design of music CDs included some extra
space that was not originally utilized but was intended for extending the music listening experience. One
of these was Karaoke, which required the display of information, generally text, in addition to the playing
Optical media data hiding- tips, techniques and issues
of the music. It is not clear when the first Karaoke CD players emerged, but the standards for doing this
came out in the early 1980 with, according to Wikipedia the first disc using this standard being released in
1985. It turns out that in parallel with the audio samples a subcode block could store 576 bits of additional
information, usually organized as 96 characters with 6 bits each. This information can follow a standard
for drawing graphics on a TV screen with a resolution of 300x216 and 16 colors. A CD+G (named from
CD plus Graphics) subcode block can be read by a supporting drive as 2352 bytes of audio samples plus
96 bytes of this additional information for a total of 2448 bytes. It turns out that the additional information,
which is stored in the subcode channels R through W, can also be written with data sectors.
Information in the R-W subchannels is completely separate from the ordinary audio or data on the disc.
There is no operating system support for accessing this data and it can only be read using special appli-
cations or optical media tools. It is possible to have a disc containing something innocuous, such as an
installation of some software, and have something completely hidden in the R-W subchannels.
By utilizing the R-W subchannel space to store either 96 6-bit characters or 80 8-bit characters per sec-
tor this provides 207 million bits or 25,312KB of additional, hidden data storage on a full disc.
To store data using the R-W subchannels it is necessary to rearrange it so as to fit the 96 6-bit charac-
ter arrangement and then distribute it into a disc image that has been collected as “raw” sector data with
R-W subchannels. This is best done with some kind of programming tool, but it isn’t all that complicated
to do. It is just a matter of reading in an existing disc image sector by sector, modifying it and writing it
back out. The disc image file can them be used to burn a new disc.
Understand that because placing data in either the R through W subchannels or in the Mode 2 eight
bytes for stream id and type is completely transparent, it would be possible to have discs manufactured
with this information in them. The final product could be music, video or data and there is no way to tell.
Distributing such discs would be really no risk at all because nobody is going to find the hidden data un-
less they are looking for it.
If someone hands you a disc and you see nothing unusual on it, it just might have data stored in the R
through W subchannels or in the 8 bytes for the stream id and type. If there is, you probably aren’t going
to find it without spending a lot of time seeing if there is anything there and trying to piece it back together
if it looks like there might be something there. Because of the time required and the fact there are virtu-
ally no tools other than the most basic for accessing this information, it is very, very likely that whatever
might be hidden there will remain hidden for all time.
If you are looking to keep some data secret and hidden away, encryption is one possibility but one that
shouts out to the world “I’ve got a secret!” If you are looking for a far more subtle alternative, optical me-
dia has many ways of both physically and logically hiding information that may never occur to anyone not
familiar with the differences between optical media and hard drives.
If you are a forensic examiner you should at least have a cursory understanding of how optical media is
different and that really hiding data is possible. Then at least you will not be fooled by some of the simple
tricks described here. Of course, if you are faced with some of the more complicated techniques nothing
but a deep understanding of optical discs and a lot of time is going to help ferret out hidden data.
Fortunately for everyone in the forensic community, the number of times you might encounter some-
thing like this is very small. Most people have only a very limited understanding of what has been de-
scribed here and using these techniques would make their data too hard to access on a daily basis. But
one day you may be faced with a more sophisticated user with the goal of making sure the information
they are transporting cannot be found. Hopefully, this article has given you some insight in you will be
prepared for such an event.
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Example of Manipulating
a Graceful Shutdown
To Prevent Evidence Recovery
by Lance Cleghorn, M.S.
any systems administrators and technology professionals would be
cautious to simply remove the power from a running system. A well
trained incident responder on the other hand will prioritize the collec-
tion of vital data for the forensic examiners. There is the distinct possibility
that in many smaller organizations the first line incident responder may also
be the system administrator. This paper aims to aid those professionals who
may find themselves torn between their duty as an incident responder and as
a systems administrator, by showing that once a system is involved in an in-
cident it can no longer be trusted.
Example of Manipulating a Graceful Shutdown
When an incident responder or an investigator attempts to shut down the system Figure 3 shows the
unintended consequences of having the Illegal Evidence drive wiped clean using SDelete. [5] The re-
sponder may have only intended to gracefully shut down the system and reduce the risk of system cor-
ruption; however, they have now wiped out all the evidence that would have been vital to investigators
and prosecutors. This script could be further refined to launch the SDelete command in a minimized win-
dow and then call the renamed shutdown command in an effort to subvert detection by the responder. [5]
Simple trapping like replacing the shutdown command is something that incident responders are trained
for and anticipate. To avoid this many incident responders leverage a trusted tool set. Even with a trusted
tool set, an incident responder should still be wary of executing a graceful shutdown.
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Figure 3. SDelete Forensically Wipes Evidence Drive [5]
Example of Manipulating a Graceful Shutdown
In this particular example a startup script named “KillPill_Startup.bat” uses the echo command to popu-
late the contents of the shutdown script which is aptly named ‘shutdown.bat’. Listing 1 shows the con-
tents of “KillPill_Startup.bat” the script itself begins by echoing a comment using the > redirect to clobber
the current contents of the ‘shutdown.bat’ script. The subsequent lines use the >> redirect to append
SDelete commands and commands using the Manage-bde utility which manipulates BitLocker drive
encryption. [1,2,5] Note the use of the START command in line 4 of the script which will be discussed
shortly. [4] Line 6 shows the full path to the “shutdown.bat” script which is cropped out of the other lines
to keep the figure concise. After the “KillPill_Startup.bat” script has been executed the “shutdown.bat”
script will resemble Listing 2 with the notable change from the exit command to PAUSE which enables
us to review the script’s output that would normally be discarded when the command window closes.
Listing 2. Armed Malicious Shutdown Script [1,4,5]
A clever malicious actor would not be content with having their illegal and incriminating content de-
stroyed at every graceful shutdown, which is where the “SafeShutdown.bat” script shown in Figure 6
becomes particularly useful. This script uses the echo command with a > redirect to clobber the ma-
licious contents of the armed “shutdown.bat” script. The “SafeShutdown.bat” script then uses calls
the renamed “Shutdown_o.exe” shutdown command from the system directory. “KillPill_Startup.bat”
then rearms “shutdown.bat” during the Windows operating system startup routine. This method al-
lows the malicious actor to still preserve normal use of their system and ensure their illegal content
is safeguarded. If an incident responder tries to initiate a graceful shutdown, even with a trusted tool,
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the armed ‘shutdown.bat’ script will execute during shutdown after the Windows splash screen has
opened, thus obscuring the malicious script running in the background.
A forensic technician attempting to recover the data at a later point would be presented with a screen
similar to Figure 8. This figure shows the golden lock on the X: drive and BitLocker requesting the
Recovery Key that was discarded by the START command when it completed execution. [2,4] The entire
process of encrypting the drive would take an abnormally long time, especially in a drive of substantial
size, and the incident responder may pull the plug prior to the full encryption taking place; however, a
considerable amount of evidence could have been destroyed and a lawyer may be able to call into ques-
tion the validity of the remaining data.
Example of Manipulating a Graceful Shutdown
Many incident responders are not formally trained; rather they are systems administrators who are re-
quired to perform incident response as an additional duty. A systems administrator would balk at the
idea of removing power from a system by pulling the plug, but a well-trained incident responder may be
required to consider the underlying implications of either course of action. Considering the incident re-
sponder is tasked with securely taking control of a system that they in reality have no way of fully under-
standing, the option of removing power may be the preferred course of action. Even when tasked with
collection of volatile data, the incident responder should fully understand the operating system they are
interrogating and watch for signs of destructive activity. The incident responder is the first line of defense
against evidence destruction and they must ensure that the forensic examiner is given as much of the
original evidence as possible. Part of this responsibility should revolve around knowing when to bypass
a graceful shutdown in favor of removing power from the system.
[1] Microsoft Corporation. (2013, August 21). Manage-bde. Retrieved from Microsoft TechNet: http://technet.
[2] Microsoft Corporation. (2014). BitLocker Drive Encryption. Retrieved from Windows: http://windows.micro-
[3] Microsoft Corporation. (2014). Group Policy. Retrieved from Microsoft TechNet: http://technet.microsoft.
[4] Microsoft Corporation. (2014). Start. Retrieved from Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/docu-
[5] Russinovich, M. (2013, January 11). SDelete v1.61. Retrieved from Windows Sysinternals: http://technet.mi-
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A General Approach
to Anti-Forensic
Activity Detection
by Joshua I. James, Moon Seong Kim, JaeYoung Choi, Sang
Seob Lee, Eunjin Kim
Digital forensic investigators and academics alike have long been
discussing the potential implications of anti-forensic techniques
on investigations. The actual use of anti-forensic techniques
and the effect on investigations, however, is difficult to quantify.
Indeed, there are some cases where what could be classified
as anti-forensic techniques were blatantly used. For example, a
criminal who accessed celebrity email accounts normally used a
VPN/proxy specifically to hide his IP address from investigators
(Daily Mail, 2011). However, by failing to use such techniques
once, that gave investigators enough information to find his
location. Similarly, Casey et al. (Casey, Fellows, Geiger, & Stellatos,
2011) gave a number of examples where full disk encryption
either prevented further investigation, or proved to be a difficult
obstacle to acquiring evidence.
What you will learn:
he challenge with detecting anti-fo-
• In this article you will learn about general types of anti-forensics with examples. A number
of works dealing with the detection and implications of anti-forensics in digital forensics
rensic techniques is largely a chal-
investigations will be discussed. We will then give a relatively simple method for investiga- lenge of the digital investigation
tors to build signatures of anti-forensic tools that may be used for automated anti-forensic process itself. Not only is the investiga-
trace detection. tor normally working with a limited state of
the system, but he or she must also con-
What you should know: tend with the trade-off between the depth
• 82% of surveyed investigators claimed to have encountered some form of anti-forensics of investigation and length of time an in-
during their investigations vestigation takes. To cope with the chal-
• Slightly over half of surveyed investigators use automated anti-forensic detection tools lenge of time, interviewed investigators
• Anti-forensic activities may create detectable action-traces in a suspect system
have been shown to normally examine
• Naive anti-forensic detection methods can be applied regardless of operating system
a suspect system, and look for anything
A General Approach to Anti-Forensic Activity Detection
‘unusual’ that might hint at anti-forensic techniques (J. I. James & Gladyshev, 2013). Further, they would
conduct a ‘social analysis’ to determine if it was likely that a suspect had the technical knowledge to im-
plement such techniques. Using their experience if something felt ‘off’ with the suspect system, they may
attempt to conduct a more in-depth analysis specifically focusing on anti-forensics. However, if nothing
unusual was found, the search would be abandoned relatively quickly since it is unknown whether evi-
dence of anti-forensics actually does exist. Most of the investigation techniques discussed in the study,
however, were highly manual processes. Essentially, if no evidence of anti-forensic techniques was
found via a high-level analysis of a suspect system, investigators did not appear to feel justified in spend-
ing the time to do a more in-depth investigation.
In a survey of the Korean National Police involved in cybercrime investigation (“[BoB] Indicators of Anti-
Forensics Investigator Survey (Korean),” 2013), 82% [n=11] of respondents claimed to have encountered
some form of anti-forensics during their time as a digital forensic investigator. Instead of only manual anti-
forensic trace investigation, 55% [n=11] of respondents claimed to use some form of anti-forensic detec-
tion tool. Despite the fact that not all investigators are using anti-forensic detection tools, 100% [n=11] re-
spondents believe there is a need for more-advanced anti-forensic detection tools. Investigators primarily
claimed that detection should focus on whether anti-forensic tools exist(ed) on the suspect system, and to
what extent they had been used, e.g. installation only, portable, running, uninstalled, etc.
The first challenge with detection of ‘anti-forensic’ techniques and tools, however, is to understand what
exactly anti-forensics is. A number of works have proposed definitions of anti-forensics, however, Har-
ris gives one of the most comprehensive discussions on the topic, eventually defining anti-forensics as
“any attempts to compromise the availability or usefulness of evidence to the forensics process” (Harris,
2006). Other definitions were given prior to this, but – as Harris points out – they focused on specific seg-
ments of anti-forensics. Harris’ definition may be suitable for a general understanding of anti-forensics,
but gets us no closer to understanding different types of anti-forensics and their nuances.
A number of works have given overviews of anti-forensic techniques from a technical perspective (Gar-
finkel, 2007; Hilley, 2007), that included some categorization and technical description about the features
of different categories. However, one of the most widely-accepted anti-forensic classification models was
given by Rogers (Rogers, 2005). This model defined anti-forensic categories as data hiding, artifact wip-
ing, trail obfuscation and attacks against computer forensics.
In the prior surveys, it is unclear what categories of anti-forensics techniques investigators are encoun-
tering more. Different techniques appear to be specific to the type of crime under investigation and the
technical ability of the suspect (Casey et al., 2011; J. I. James & Gladyshev, 2013). For example, in child
exploitation material (CEM) cases, attempts at ‘artifact wiping’ appear to be common, as are some types
of rudimentary ‘data hiding’. In fewer cases, advanced data hiding and trail obfuscation may take place.
Regardless of the type of crime, multiple categories of anti-forensics may be employed, each of which
will be discussed in more detail. Data hiding is any attempt to make data or information difficult to access.
Rogers defines sub-categories of data hiding as rootkits, unusual places, encryption and steganography.
A number of works have demonstrated rootkit concepts that are excellent for data hiding (Rutkowska,
2006; Thompson & Monroe, 2006). Some of these are potentially detectable within the operating system,
with others (such as those similar to Blue Pill and SubVirt) may be difficult, or even impossible, to detect
within the live system. Rootkits may be resident in memory only, they may create their own encrypted
partitions on the disk, and may use many other approaches for data-hiding and persistence.
A more commonly-encountered method of data hiding seen by investigators is hiding data in ‘unusual
places’. The usual suspects are memory, slack space, host protected area (HPA), hidden directories,
meta-data modification, bad blocks, alternate data streams, hidden partitions, and many more (Hueb-
ner, Bem, & Wee, 2006). Investigators often claim to find nested directories several layers deep that
may then contain relevant information. Many digital forensic investigation tools can handle most of these
known challenges. For example, simple keyword or hash-based searches may find data using naïve hid-
ing techniques. More advanced data hiding requires specialist tools, such as The Sleuth Kit’s ability to
detect and remove HPA (Carrier, 2005). Likewise, some data discovery may require tools with different
processing approaches, such as bulk extractor (Bradley & Garfinkel, 2013), which analyzes features of a
suspect disk rather than parsing the file system(s) like many common digital investigation tools.
www.eForensicsMag.com 31
Much discussion and concern has been raised over the topic of encryption. Casey, et al. (Casey et al.,
2011) argue that full disk encryption is a growing problem, and that legal and tactical approaches need to
be developed to be able to handle the acquisition of data from live systems that are using disk encryption
technologies. While encryption is sometimes encountered, and may have a drastic affect on the outcome
of a case, many investigators in Ireland and South Korea claim that encryption is not yet encountered in
the majority cases. Just like other forms of anti-forensics, however, it is unclear if encryption is not being
used, or if it is not being detected. Certainly, disk encryption is becoming more available, with most ma-
jor operating systems supporting some form of disk encryption. Further, many consumer computers also
support hardware level disk encryption. These solutions, combined with easy-to-use encryption tools,
such as TrueCrypt, give consumers many options for implementing encrypted storage. So far, however,
many suspects are either not implementing encryption or are implementing it poorly/incorrectly, giving
investigators the possibility to recover some – if not all – of the encrypted data.
Steganography is essentially hiding information within information. In digital investigations, the com-
mon example is hiding digital pictures, text or other documents within digital pictures, video, music files,
etc. It could be used, for example, to attempt to hide CEM within an adult pornography collection, or to
covertly send messages by embedding the message in a picture file and posting the picture in a public
forum. Steganography in the wild is difficult to detect. While techniques to detect steganography are con-
tinually being developed, so too are the techniques to hide data within data more effectively. In terms of
steganogrpahy detection on a suspect system, however, a number of tools have been developed to help
investigators in post-mortem forensic investigations.
One tool, named FAUST, specifically targets traces created by specific anti-forensic tools within a sus-
pect system whenever the tool is ran (Zax & Adelstein, 2009). They found that roughly half of the pro-
grams examined left behind traces in the suspect system. Instead of examining traces created by the
steganography tools themselves, other methods attempt to detect if a file contains hidden data. Stegde-
tect, a popular steganography detection tool was found to have a high false positive rate (Khalind, Her-
nandez-Castro, & Aziz, 2013), which attests to the difficulty of steganography detection, even with known
algorithms. Luckily for investigators, traces of steganography tools on a suspects system combined with
steganography detection tools can, at least sometimes, point an investigator to suspicious files that po-
tentially require more attention.
A commonly encountered method of anti-forensics is artifact wiping. It could be as simple as the user
intentionally deleting files, or as complex as overwriting file data to make it difficult or impossible to re-
cover. Many easy to use computer cleaning programs exist for all major operating systems. Indeed, such
programs can have legitimate uses, such as freeing disk space. Many times, however, such programs
are used to attempt to remove traces of criminal activity from the system. These tools, however, are not
perfect. Geiger (Geiger, 2005) found that many anti-forensic tools did not completely remove all data,
some data may still be recoverable, and the tools themselves sometimes created traces that may be
used to understand what data was removed and when. Very basically, actions in a computer system gen-
erate a number of related traces, and complete deletion of all traces is difficult. Some methods, such as
non-persistent virtual machines or operating systems of live CDs may result in no persistent traces being
created. While this challenge has been discussed by investigators and academics, it does not appear to
be of great concern. Again, the problem may exist, but is not being detected.
An example of trail obfuscation has already been given, where a criminal attempts to hide his or her
location. This is normally done through a VPN or proxy service to attempt to make the source look like
a different location. A suspect could also easily change his or her IP/MAC addresses to attempt to dis-
guise their location or system. More advance methods use malware-infected computers to relay network
traffic. Rogers (Rogers, 2005) also claims that log cleaners or even “misinformation” is used to attempt
to obfuscate the trail. Indeed, if an attacker is aware of logs that are created because of their actions,
modifying such logs may lead investigations down a wrong path if the logs are not verified. The use of
trail obfuscation very much depends on the type of crime being committed. In this area too, obfuscation
programs are becoming easier to use. For example the Tor and FreeNet networks have relatively simple
user interfaces, and easy to follow instructions. While these systems are not without fault, they can make
investigation of suspect activities more difficult.
Rogers’ final category of anti-forensics are attacks against computer forensics. This method of anti-fo-
rensics attempts to attack the forensic investigation process. Since digital investigation relies on relatively
A General Approach to Anti-Forensic Activity Detection
standardized processes, and most investigators use a small set of well-known tools, the tools themselves
can be targeted to attempt to alter the reliability of the digital investigation process. Again, attacks against
tools are not commonly reported by investigators, but some attacks do exist and all forensic investigation
tools are theoretically vulnerable to such attacks.
Rogers makes the point that all of these categories of anti-forensics are not new. Many anti-forensic
techniques that are used have been around a long time. In some cases, such as artifact wiping, it can be
very easy to see if anti-forensics has been used. In other cases, however, detection can be much more
difficult. What is known is that anti-forensics often relies on particular tools either directly or indirectly.
This means that traces of such tools may be resident on a suspects system, as has been shown by Gei-
ger (Geiger, 2005) and Zax & Adelstein (Zax & Adelstein, 2009).
Based on the previously discussed survey results, there is a need for an easy to use anti-forensic de-
tection method to help an investigator quickly determine to what extent anti-forensic techniques may
have been used on a suspect system. A relatively easy way for investigators to detect potential anti-fo-
rensic tools is by the traces that are created in the suspect system. For this reason, we recommend the
creation of anti-forensic activity ‘signatures’, similar to those proposed by James, et al. (J. James, Glady-
shev, & Zhu, 2010). Such signatures are more generic than those proposed by Zax & Adelstein. Instead
of detecting signatures related only to the execution of particular tools, this method could also capture
traces created by user activities where no specific tool is involved. The reconstruction of user activities
using Windows Restore Point analysis, for example was given in Zhu, et al. (Zhu, James, & Gladyshev,
2009). Using this method, user actions such as website or command line activities could be reconstruct-
ed for a longer period of time than only looking at the final state of the system.
For this method, first we define a signature as a list of traces created in a system that are associated
with a particular anti-forensic tool or technique. For example, when running an anti-forensic tool in a Win-
dows system, a number of data sources, such as file content or meta-data and Registry entries may be
updated. A signature is the collection of these updates, where each update constitutes one ‘trace’.
A signature can be created by either ‘snapshot analysis’ or ‘real-time monitoring’. Both methods could
potentially be automated. In this work we will discuss real-time monitoring of a Windows system to deter-
mine traces related to an anti-forensic tool or technique. When the anti-forensic technique is executed by
the suspect, a number of traces will be created in the suspect system depending on the objective of the
technique. Traces could be updates to the Windows Registry, file contents, file meta-data, system logs,
etc. Real time analysis can determine the files and Registry entries that are updated, but how such files
and Registry entires are updated need to be specifically explored. Signatures of anti-forensics tools and
techniques can be created using the following method:
Because such a method is generic, it can be used for any operating system. The creation or selection of
a file system logger will determine how specific the signature is. Further, each action could potentially be
detected to determine if a unique signature exists for such an action. In this case, the installation, execu-
tion and uninstallation of an anti-forensic program was selected. However, any action could potentially
be modeled in terms of its underlying trace creation. For example, a user using a hexadecimal editor to
modify a file header could be modeled using such a method.
We have had good success using Process Monitor (procmon) in Windows systems to monitor file sys-
tem and Registry updates. A snapshot of the ‘clean’ system is created for easy system rollback after test-
ing. Normally the test system has little, if any, non-default software installed.
www.eForensicsMag.com 33
The monitoring program is first used to create a baseline system activity log. Monitoring is enabled on
the system for a selected period of time with no user activities running. The result is a log of system ac-
tivities that can be considered as noise. The ‘noise’ log, should be saved for later use. Once a test sys-
tem has been created, the action to test must be determined. In this case, the focus is on anti-forensic
programs. In our case, signatures will be created specifically for the actions install, run/execute, and un-
install (where the anti-forensic tool can be installed/uninstalled). If the program was ‘portable’ or does not
need to be installed, then install and uninstall will be skipped.
For each selected program, the file system (and Registry) monitor should be started, and each action
relating to the specific program should be executed. After each action is executed, the monitor should be
stopped, the log exported, and the log buffer cleared. Monitoring should be started again, and the next
action in the sequence would be executed.
After all actions in the sequence are executed, and logs collected, the test system (virtual machine)
would be revered back to the original snapshot. In our studies we completed this process five times per
identified application. The resulting Process Monitor logs are a collection of XML files that should be
named according to the analyzed anti-forensics tool, and the action that was recorded.
The result of the prior step is five logs per action per anti-forensic program. Filtering of the logs can be
done to count the number of times a particular traces was updated for a given action. Traces that are not
updated at least once per action can either be discarded (if you are looking for ‘always updated’ traces),
or analyzed further to determine the relation between the action and the trace. In some cases, these
traces may be very relevant to the action but only show up once because a random file name is used for
the trace on each execution of the action. We also recommend removing traces from the list that also
exist in the previously-created ‘noise’ log. Some common system files may contain content related to the
anti-forensic action, but other ‘noise’ traces are likely updated too often to produce reliable information
relating to the specific action.
Another level of filtering is to check the resulting list of traces against a system that has not had any
anti-forensic actions executed. Any traces that are detected in the ‘clean’ system must be false positives.
Again, this may be due to shared-log file content being updated. Once noise and false positives are re-
moved, the result is a list of objects that are mostly unique to the specific anti-forensic action. However,
they may not be completely unique to the action. Each trace may be updated by either another action re-
lating to the same application, or may potentially overlap with other currently-unknown applications. For
this reason, detection of traces in the signature are only indicators of anti-forensics, and must be investi-
gated further if found. Such a signature, however, can provide a fast, relatively automated way to detect
traces related to a wide verity of anti-forensic applications and techniques.
As discussed in prior work (J. I. J. James, Gladyshev, & Zhu, 2011; Kang, Lee, & Lee, 2013) some form
of generalization of traces within signatures needs to take place to allow for detection on other systems. We
use Regular Expressions to generalize variables in signatures. Regular expressions are used for fields that
are likely to change depending on system settings, while keeping the path name as specific as possible to
ensure only the identified trace is returned by the regular expression. This will enable the same signatures
to be used on similar systems, however, it should be noted that signatures are likely to be different depend-
ing on the operating system, and perhaps even the version of the anti-forensic program.
Signatures for anti-forensic programs and techniques could enable knowledge sharing between in-
vestigators about new types of anti-forensic tools or techniques that they have encountered. Investiga-
tors could then essentially scan a suspect system with all known signatures to quickly return any traces
known to be associated with anti-forensic tools or techniques.
Digital investigators, at least within South Korea, are encountering the use of anti-forensic tools and
techniques. Although it is difficult to determine the extent of the problem, investigators do see a need
for better detection when such techniques are used on systems under investigation. This work has de-
scribed a basic method for generally identifying whether anti-forensic tools exist, and – in some cases
– to what extent those tools have been used. By focusing on anti-forensic action trace detection, such a
method can quickly give an investigator more information about suspect systems. This can help to en-
sure investigators are better informed about the potential state of a suspect device rather than forcing
them to rely only on their intuition.
A General Approach to Anti-Forensic Activity Detection
• [BoB] Indicators of Anti-Forensics Investigator Survey (Korean). (2013). CybercrimeTech.com. Retrieved
from http://www.cybercrimetech.com/2013/12/bob-indicators-of-anti-forensics.html
• Bradley, J. R., & Garfinkel, S. L. (2013). Bulk Extractor User Manual (p. 57). Retrieved from http://digitalcor-
• Carrier, B. (2005). Removing Host Protected Areas (HPA) in Linux. The Sleuth Kit Informer. Retrieved from
• Casey, E., Fellows, G., Geiger, M., & Stellatos, G. (2011). The growing impact of full disk encryption on digi-
tal forensics. Digital Investigation, 8(2), 129–134. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2011.09.005
• Daily Mail. (2011). FBI arrests man who hacked emails of more than 50 celebrities and stole nude photos
from Scarlett Johansson. Daily Mail. Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2048359/Scar-
• Garfinkel, S. (2007). Anti-forensics: Techniques, detection and countermeasures. In 2nd International
Conference on i-Warfare and Security (pp. 77–84).
• Geiger, M. (2005). Evaluating Commercial Counter-Forensic Tools. DFRWS, 1–12. Retrieved from https://
• Harris, R. (2006). Arriving at an anti-forensics consensus: Examining how to define and control the anti-
forensics problem. Digital Investigation, 3, 44–49. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2006.06.005
• Hilley, S. (2007). Anti-forensics with a small army of exploits. Digital Investigation, 4(1), 13–15.
• Huebner, E., Bem, D., & Wee, C. K. (2006). Data hiding in the NTFS file system. Digital Investigation, 3(4),
211–226. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2006.10.005
• James, J., Gladyshev, P., & Zhu, Y. (2010). Signature Based Detection of User Events for Post- Mortem Fo-
rensic Analysis. 2nd International ICST Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime (ICDF2C). Abu Dha-
bi, UAE.
• James, J. I., & Gladyshev, P. (2013). A survey of digital forensic investigator decision processes and mea-
surement of decisions based on enhanced preview. Digital Investigation, 10(2), 148–157. doi:10.1016/j.di-
• James, J. I. J., Gladyshev, P., & Zhu, Y. (2011). Signature Based Detection of User Events for Post-Mortem
Forensic Analysis. Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime, 53, 96–109. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19513-6_8
• Kang, J., Lee, S., & Lee, H. (2013). A Digital Forensic Framework for Automated User Activity Reconstruc-
tion. In R. H. Deng & T. Feng (Eds.), Information Security Practice and Experience (pp. 263–277). Springer
Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38033-4_19
• Khalind, O. S., Hernandez-Castro, J. C., & Aziz, B. (2013). A study on the false positive rate of Stegdetect.
Digital Investigation, 9(3-4), 235–245. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2013.01.004
• Rogers, M. K. (2005). Ant-Forensics. In Lockheed Martin. San Diego, California. Retrieved from http://cy-
• Rutkowska, J. (2006). Subverting VistaTM kernel for fun and profit. In Black Hat Briefings.
• Thompson, I., & Monroe, M. (2006). FragFS: An Advanced Data Hiding Technique. In Defcon 14.
• Zax, R., & Adelstein, F. (2009). FAUST: Forensic artifacts of uninstalled steganography tools. Digital Investi-
gation, 6(1-2), 25–38. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2009.02.002
• Zhu, Y., James, J., & Gladyshev, P. (2009). A comparative methodology for the reconstruction of digital
events using Windows Restore Points. Digital Investigation, 6(1-2), 8–15. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2009.02.004
Dr. Joshua I. James is a lecturer and researcher with the SoonChunHyang University Digital Forensic Investigation Research
Laboratory, and a mentor for the KITRI ( ) ‘Best of the Best’ information security education program. His re-
search interests are in automatic event reconstruction, Law Enforcement process automation, investigation capacity and Mutual
Legal Assistance relating to digital evidence. For more information on research and current projects, please see http://Cyber-
Jaeyoung Choi is enrolled in computer engineering at Inha University. He is active in the NewHeart, Inha University Computer
Security Club. He participated in the Incognito 2013 Hacking Conference, where he specialized in ARM exploitation. He has
worked on Information Security Management for Small Businesses through the Best of the Best v2.0 Information Security Train-
ing Program, as well as contributing to the Open Source ‘Indicator of Anti-Forensics (IoAF) project.
Lee Sang Seob is a Computer Engineering student at Sejong University. He was selected to take part in the KITRI Best of the
Best v2.0 Information Security Training Program. He also works as a KISA Cyber Security Expert. Currently Lee Sang Seob is
participating in Pwn&Play as a forensic analyst.
Eunjin Kim is student at Pukyong University. She has presented on ‘Bittorent’s illegal issues and analysis’ at KUCIS (Korea Uni-
versity Club of Information Security) and lead the Best of the Best v2.0 project ‘Indicators of Anti-Forensics’ (IOAF). She also
presented this project at a Microsoft Security conference promoted by hackme and Seoul Women’s University Information Se-
curity club.
www.eForensicsMag.com 35
by Eric Vanderburg
What you will learn:
he information is combined along with a different routine of information
• How vulnerabilities were discov-
ered and patches released histori-
making it impossible for any user to decrypt unless the key and the rou-
cally tine are available. Encryption has been used for thousands of years.
• How vulnerabilities are being sold The Caesar cypher is a method of scrambling text by substituting one char-
on the open market acter for another. Other early encryption methods used transposition where
• Motivations for the sale of vulner- the order of characters were changed. As encryption became more mature,
abilities transposition and substitution were used in increasingly complex ways. To-
day, encryption methods are so complicated that most encryption and de-
What you should know: cryption operations are performed by computer.
• The impact the vulnerabilities mar-
ket has on secure computing
Computers also make it easier for end users and companies to encrypt data
• The value of a new information
such as data on cell phones or personal computers. The forensic investigator
• Ethics of intentionally building vul-
must also be able to decrypt files in order to analyze them. Both Apple Ma-
nerabilities into software cintosh (Mac) and Microsoft Windows machines come with built-in encryption
and there are a variety of 3rd party applications used for encryption as well.
This article explores these forms of encryption and how they differ as well as
how the forensic investigator can decrypt these files to work on them.
There are two types of built-in encryption features available for Microsoft Win-
dows machines. They are BitLocker Drive Encryption and Encrypting File
System (EFS). There are major differences between these features. While BitLocker assists the users in
securing the files and folders available in the hard drive, Encrypting File System protects individual files.
BitLocker is also used to secure removable drives and media. As such, the major difference between the
functionality of the two standards is the way they secure the files in the drive. BitLocker secures drives
and EFS secures files and folders within a drive.
Another major difference is that, BitLocker secures files irrespective of the users associated with it,
which means that all the users associated with the computer can turn on/off this feature. But Encrypted
File System uses individual accounts and permissions while encrypting files. Users can encrypt only
those files that belong to them. BitLocker uses a special microchip, called Trusted Platform Module
(TPM) which is hardwired to the motherboard of machines that require all advanced encryption features.
But EFS does not require any such additional hardware. Moreover, only administrators have the right
to turn on/off BitLocker advanced encryption features, but EFS does not require administrative permis-
sions. All individual users can encrypt their files if needed. EFS security keys are stored in the operating
system making it accessible to hackers who have skills and expertise in reading the source code of op-
erating system. But BitLocker keys prevent the operating system itself from booting making it impossible
for using the hard drive from a different computer. As individual users, you can use both BitLocker and
EFS for added security.
BitLocker supports hard drives for Windows Vista and other recent Microsoft Windows operating sys-
tems. If you are using Windows XP, Windows 2000 and 2003, you will not be able to use BitLocker. Even
though BitLocker services are available for Windows 7 and later editions, Windows 7 Home and Profes-
sional users cannot use the functionality. BitLocker encryption is available in 128 bit or 256 bit modes.
The difference between these modes is in the amount of data that is uniquely used to generate cypher-
text blocks. The larger the blocks, the harder it is to detect patterns in the encryption and to break en-
cryption keys.
a d v e r t i s e m e n t
There are two possible ways by which data on a BitLocker encrypted hard drive can be accessed of-
fline. One way is to boot the system from another operating system and the other way is to use the hard
drive in another machine. They are called offline attacks. BitLocker comes to your rescue in both the
above hacking techniques. Since the entire hard drive is encrypted, both the above methods become
useless and your data is protected. You may wonder if you can access your own data from another ma-
chine or operating system with such high end encryption techniques. Well, in such case, you will be sent
a recovery key which can be used to access data. This ensures that, your data does not end up in wrong
hands, but you need not work harder for accessing your data. An enhancement to BitLocker is BitLocker
to Go, which can be used to encrypt files and folders in removable hard drives such as USB drives, thumb
drives etc. The major factor that you need to consider is BitLocker cannot be enforced while the operat-
ing system is running. Since BitLocker can be used only for avoiding offline attacks, you need to rely on
standard operating system security techniques in protecting your computer while it is running. The major
attacks on your system during its running time may be from malicious users trying to access the machine
either locally or using remote connection. In either ways, your operating system should provide you with
strict user access permissions and password policy by which such attacks can be eliminated.
While Windows uses BitLocker and EFS encryption technologies, Apple Mac OS uses FileVault. Fil-
eVault can be used in encrypting the entire drive for privacy. FileVault version 1 requires Mac OS 10.3
Pather, Mac OS 10.4 Tiger, Mac OS 10.5 Leopard or Mac OS 10.6 Snow Leopard. FileVault 1 encrypted
a user’s home directory but it did not encrypt the entire drive. Users create a password that is used to
decrypt the files. If this password is lost, a recovery key may be used as well to decrypt the files.
FileVault 2 expands the functionality of FileVault by using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
256 bit keys. It can also be used to encrypt the entire drive. FileVault 2 uses significantly more CPU than
FileVault and decryption can be performed with a password or recovery key similar to FileVault. FileVault
2 requires Mac OS 10.7 Lion, Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion or Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks installed in the
Enabling/Disabling FileVault is an easy task as one simply needs to navigate to System Preferences
page and click on Security and Privacy. Click on FileVault tab in Security and Privacy page, to enable/
disable the services. There may be situation when multiple user accounts are available in a system. In
such cases, administrators need to decide which users are allowed to unlock the encrypted drive. Only
those users who are given permission to unlock the drive can access the system. Thus users who do not
have permission to unlock cannot login to the system. Only after authorized users unlock the drive, will
other users be able to use the system.
Once the users are assigned permissions for unlocking the drive, a recovery key is displayed which
comes in handy when users forget the password for unlocking the drive. The recovery key can be used
in such situations to unlock the drive and set a new password. It is advisable that recovery key should
be stored externally in secure places, other than storing the key in the system itself because, when the
system is locked, the recovery key will also be encrypted and cannot be accessed when you forget the
password. The recovery key can also be stored with Apple in the cloud. You will be given option for stor-
ing the recovery key with Apple once it is displayed. If you prefer to store the key with Apple, you will need
to answer three secret questions. The answers you provide for the questions will be used for encrypting
the recovery key which is sent to Apple. The only way by which you can retrieve the key from Apple is by
answering the questions.
There are questions regarding when one would require using FileVault in their system? It depends on
the sensitivity of data stored in the system and the level of mobility. For example, a desktop computer
working as server will not require high level of protection but any laptop would require FileVault since
there are chances that laptops get missed or stolen from any place. Also, highly sensitive data should al-
ways be encrypted to ensure restricted access. It is also important for you to copy files from one encrypt-
ed drive to another encrypted drive since Mac OS does not warn while files are copied from encrypted
drive to insecure drive. Another important factor that you need to consider while encrypting your drives
is that, you should not encrypt your back up drive with FileVault. This is because, if any problem occurs
to your system drives, you will need to access backup drives from non-Mac machines, causing serious
troubles. Any encrypted Mac drive is safe only until it is unlocked. Once it is unlocked, any user can ac-
cess the drives and files stored in the drive. Hence, it is essential for you to use strong passwords that
remain as a mystery to hackers.
There are many key features available in the standard such as machine recovery, user friendly and
PGP strong. Some of the key benefits of Symantec Drive Encryption are silent deployment which is
nothing but rolling out of data without end user involving in the process, multi-platform coverage so that
all types of systems such as laptops, PC, drives etc, high performance in almost all operating systems
including Windows, MAC OS X and Linux operating system. This standard is used in many organiza-
tions and is getting popular very rapidly. Since this standard is used worldwide, there is long term strat-
egy in place which will benefit you. As mentioned above, all the operating systems including Windows
8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Server operating system, MAC OS, Ubuntu and Red Hat Linux operating
systems. Many different keyboard languages are also supported including English, Belgian, Dutch and
many more.
There are many benefits of using Check Point Full Disk Protection. This standard is similar to all the
standards discussed above and it provides all general encryption functionalities. The encryption func-
tionality comes into picture when your laptops are stolen as it prevents unauthorized users from getting
entry into the system. This encryption mechanism supports all certifications including common criteria
and BITS. The software can be used in almost all platforms ranging from Microsoft Windows to Apple
MAC. The software has been used in many organizations ranging from less than 1000 seats to more
than 100,000 seats. The software has also been the leader in mobile data protection which is a rapidly
developing field in information security and privacy. You will also be getting a centrally managed end user
solution which works with other security software architectures as well.
Starting from installation of the software to use of software at end level, the easy to use interface and
controls make the process simpler. The wizard available for installation and securing data is simple and
takes only a couple of minutes for the process to get completed. There is also proper documentation
www.eForensicsMag.com 39
related to configuration of software and encrypting data. Once the software is distributed and installed
in end user systems, Credant provides either 24 hour service or standard day service to the customers.
Well, the difference between Windows and Apple MAC encryption standards were analyzed in the be-
ginning of this passage followed by various other encryption standards. With so many options for the or-
ganizations and individual users to choose from, encryption is no longer a daunting task. All you need to
do is, purchase the product from the vendor and sit back and enjoy protected data. There will be many
more standards getting introduced in the near future which will make the process easier.
Encase supports all the encryption standards that are discussed above. For example, Encase supports
Microsoft’s BitLocker and Encrypted File System. Apart from these two standards, Encase supports vari-
ous other standards as well. Various other disk and volume encryption standards supported by Encase
are McAfee Safeboot, PGP whole disk encryption, Full disk encryption, Utimaco Safeguard Easy and
many more. Apart from Encrypting File System, Encase supports CREDANT mobile guardian and RMS.
• S. Bunting, “EnCase Computer Forensics: The Official EnCase Certified Examiner Study Guide, 3rd Edition”
John Wiley & Sons, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2012
• “What’s the difference between BitLocker Drive Encryption and Encrypting File System?”, Microsoft,
2013, retrieved from http://windows.microsoft.com/en-in/windows7/whats-the-difference-between-bitlock-
• T. Kessler, “OS X FileVault Questions Answered,” 2012, retrieved from http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-
• “How Drive Encryption Works”, Symantec White Paper, Mountain View, CA, 2012
The Role of Internet
Searches in Computer
Forensic Examinations
by Edward J. Appel, Sr.
fter over 40 years in law enforcement and private security, including
private investigations, it is strange to me that we lock up currency in
strong safes, but continue to allow high-dollar digital transactions with
a minimum of security (e.g. mere user names and passwords). For decades,
we have had robust encryption, biometric and multi-factor identification sys-
tems available, but they remain largely unused by banks, retailers, credit is-
suers and medical records keepers. In effect, when we moved from physical
security to online security, we chose to replace steel bolted doors with hook
and latch screen doors. No wonder cybercrime is skyrocketing!
6. The Role of Internet Searches in Computer Forensic Examinations
conceal their identity and engage in “anonymous” posts, messages and offsite data storage. Therefore,
Internet searches are a logical part of most investigations.
Fencing of stolen property, offsite concealment of contraband such as child pornography or copyright-
ed materials, conspiratorial communications and records of illegal transactions are just a few of the types
of Internet data to be found. Profiles and attributes of subjects are revealed on the Web. Discovering
a subject’s postings and other references online can provide valuable information for an investigation,
including additional evidence, associates, related activities and locations. Search techniques should in-
clude a skilled use of multiple search engines, meta searches, automated searching, and a list of online
resources chosen for the likelihood of providing references to the subject.
• learning to use browsers, search engines like Google, Bing and DogPile, and search tools like Co-
pernic Agent Professional,
• assembling a list of URLs and databases accessible online that can be queried for any reference to
the subject,
• based on a subject’s known activities, user names and online presence, discovering and querying
websites likely to provide references (e.g. professional associations, hobbies, education, employ-
ment, social networking),
• finding references to a subject in postings of family, friends and associates,
• efficiently filtering, analyzing and assembling information into succinct reports,
• capturing images of Internet pages that include evidence, intelligence or useful information (such as
by printing a PDF copy of the page).
Investigations often require that the subject does not become aware of investigators’ interest until it is
time for an arrest or other appropriate action. Evidence is crucial to prosecution, and it seems one can
never have enough to satisfy prosecutors Collecting and preserving digital evidence require knowledge
of proper techniques When online evidence is collected, such as items from Web pages or database
files, replicas that are digitally signed and securely stored should be acquired and preserved As this
process is continuing, non-alerting searches are required. Many websites (e.g. social networking and
professional networking sites) alert account holders when someone visits or views their profiles Servers
often store the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of users. Therefore, appropriate techniques are required
for non-alerting Internet searches.
Among the key techniques and services that online investigators need to acquire are:
• anonymizing proxies through which searches can be done without leaving behind the IP address of
the user,
• sandboxes capable of acquiring online content while minimizing the risk of downloading malicious
code, adware or the like onto the searcher’s computer,
• automated search tools that use not only search and metasearch engines, but also query databases
likely to have references to the subject; an example: USA.gov, the portal for the US Federal Govern-
ment, allows a user to search literally hundreds of databases for references to a subject; at present,
the most cost-effective such generally-available, off-the-shelf tool is Copernic Agent Professional,
• using separate computers for investigative searching than for other purposes,
• using assumed identities for investigations in appropriate, ethical ways,
• protocols for assembling and reporting search results.
Search terms are critical to the process of Datamining, because each database must be queried in the
appropriate manner and without asking the right question, an investigator will not get the right answers
Computers are quite literal, and only answer correctly-asked questions Search terms for a person or en-
tity should include variations of the subject’s name and nicknames, names of known associates and rela-
tives, user names, email addresses, and names in conjunction with terms describing the subject’s known
interests and activities Known past associations, including groups, employers, schools, hobbies and the
like should be included in searches Likely chat group logs should be searched Social networking, photo,
video and group hobby sites should be surveyed for profiles and posts by or relating to the subject Re-
member that even if the subject did not post, someone else might post about the subject
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Google, the most-used search engine, and others like Bing and Yahoo (which use virtually the same
processors for searches) like to show thousands or millions of search results The user is left with the
realization that the most popular and ad-related references are shown on top The algorithms used in
search engines are after all keyed to selling you something A few techniques can ease the pain of over-
whelming search results: Learn “Google hacks,” i.e. the ways to focus in on a subject If a popular enter-
tainer’s name is similar to the subject’s, try eliminating references to that person (e.g. Michael Jackson
-singer, -pop star) This is an illustration of learning how best to employ the tools that come with Google’s
(and other search engines’) applications Other examples include using quotes to find discreet instances
of a person’s name (e.g. “Michael Jackson”) and using known attributes to find references to someone
(e.g. “John Doe” Yale) Reviewing many references can be expedited by starting with the first few pages
of results, then going to the end of the references presented Also, changing the number of results dis-
played on a page (e.g. from ten to fifty or a hundred) can speed up the review Again, the more an inves-
tigator knows about how to use search tools, the better the results At this point in time, no automated
system can substitute for diligent research.
Sometimes, discovering the true identity of a person, or establishing attribution for illicit activities online
are part of investigations These types of investigations can be stymied by truly clever malicious actors
However, it is sometimes possible to identify someone online because they might have the same email
or user name on file on another website or database Clues to the identity of “anonymous” actors can be
found, including their IP address, an email address or a chat room where they may be found It may be
possible to engage such subjects in a dialogue using an appropriate undercover identity One example
that comes to mind is the famous US football player who corresponded online with a male individual who
pretended to be a female and started an online love affair When the truth came out, the football player
was quite embarrassed, but anyone can be deceived on the Internet When deception is a necessary part
of online investigations, ethical controls should ensure that the investigator does not engage in illegal or
illicit acts, and only uses the deception to establish attribution and gather evidence Preserving copies of
all communications with a subject is a key part of evidence collection.
Conducting the most thorough and detailed search also requires rigorous analysis of the results Re-
viewing the content of references to a subject often reveals other potential sources of information, and
other online search approaches that can be rewarding It behooves an investigator to realize that infor-
mation online is like that in any database: it may be true or false, it may or may not be about the subject,
and it may or may not be posted by the person who appears to have posted it Inaccuracies in databases
and online abound Therefore, each item should be taken with a grain of salt Verification of references is a
precise art that most often lacks the precision desired Sometimes, the only way to verify that the subject
posted an item is to find evidence both online and in the computer forensic examination of the subject’s
machine Sometimes, the subject’s own admission is the only certain verification.
The question of cybervetting is often raised in discussions of online investigations Like professional de-
tective work of all kinds, cybervetting requires skills and abilities that can only be acquired through train-
ing (including self-training) and experience Recognizing evidence, intelligence and information of value
is the key to all types of investigations, but is important in background investigations conducted online
because of the possibility that the subject did not post the material, or that the references are not to the
subject Understanding the principles of discrimination, privacy, other legal issues and ethical fairness is
critical to cybervetting – either for candidates for employment or current employees
Current US standards for background investigations using standard offline techniques, such as inter-
views and records reviews, are adequate for cybervetting, and include notice, consent and the oppor-
tunity for redress when derogatory references could result in an adverse decision The US’ Adjudication
Guidelines for Access to Classified Information provide a fair and ethical approach for interpreting results
of cybervetting, when combined with other investigative results Of course, guidelines for business would
be adapted to eliminate some national security issues like loyalty to country, and possibly to include
some issues relevant to the firm, such as the nature of experience in the skills required.
Reports of online investigations should distinguish identifiable references from possible references
with no verification that they relate to the subject Often, references to a name without other identifiers
can provide leads to an investigator who is uncertain whether the item actually refers to the subject It is
sometimes possible to use a name-only reference as intelligence, while acknowledging that it may not
be identifiable with the subject.
6. The Role of Internet Searches in Computer Forensic Examinations
Reports of online investigations should provide a complete record of the process and the findings, including:
Computer forensic investigators work hand-in-hand with detectives in investigations of all types, and of-
ten, detectives themselves are trained in computer forensics Competence in Internet searching does not
automatically mean that an investigator is prepared to use search skills in a formal online investigation
It is one thing to be “good at finding things online,” and quite another to apply those skills along with ap-
propriate protocols to cases Knowing when a search has been comprehensive and thorough can be dif-
ficult, because of the large number of false or dubious references Avoiding mistakes like connecting with
websites hosting malicious code, alerting the subject to investigators’ interest and downloading malicious
content requires experience and the right tools Again, there is no substitute for training, experience and
the right protocols Just because everyone uses search tools in their everyday lives does not mean that
they know how to apply the right search techniques in a formal investigation.
As with all types of investigations that blend the skills and techniques needed for a successful out-
come, online searching must be combined with the computer forensic examination, the interviews and
physical evidence collection, surveillance and other investigative techniques The need for specialization
in investigations has resulted in concentrated training for computer forensic examiners Detectives for
generations have received additional training in such specialties as fingerprinting, photography, inter-
view techniques, crime scene processing, technical and physical surveillance, and many more Online
investigations are equally deserving of additional training and experience, because they are at least a
sub-specialty of computer forensic examination and/or network forensics.
www.eForensicsMag.com 45
Beyond the IP
by Dr. Char Sample & Dr. Andre Karamanian
Attribution with great confidence is very difficult to attain due to
proxies and other anonymizing technologies. A new method that
allows security experts to gain new insights into the attacker’s
plans is needed. One such method would invoke the use of social
sciences.in a cross-discipline approach in order to both profile
attackers and to anticipate their next steps. This article discusses
the results of some early studies that use this cross-discipline
approach and how the results may be understood within the
context Hofstede’s cultural dimensions framework. Hofstede’s
dimensions provide explanations for human behaviors that are
influenced by national culture; this in turn may provide valuable
insights into attacker’s methods and next steps that can be used
for both attribution and countermeasures.
ttribution with certainty continues to bedevil security experts. O’Harrow
(2012), and former NSA director as well as Director of National Intel-
ligence, McConnell (2010) acknowledged that cyber-warfare is part of
the current Internet age, and they acknowledged it is actively occurring as a
front against the United States. Goldsmith (2010) noted that attack attribution,
through technical means alone is insufficient.
Comer (1991) discussed the distributed, packet switched nature of the In-
ternet and how this Schudel and Smith (2008) identified the difficulty of at-
tribution of attacks because of the broad availability of interconnected sys-
tems afforded by the modern Internet. This led to the observations Zhang,
Persaud, Johson, and Guan (2005) discussed, where hackers were able to
use several hosts to obfuscate the true source of an attack by technological
means alone. Attackers move to new technologies that promise to hide their
Attribution Beyond the IP Address
identities and discard these technologies when identities can be known, one such example would be the
use of TOR (Guitton, 2013). The technical cat-and-mouse game continues with each side making incre-
mental changes; however, an alternative approach relies on a paradigm shift to determine the source of
an attack. Non-technical means may provide a method to attribute attacks if consistent and quantitative
results can support this premise. Sample (2013) puts forth the hypothesis that cyber attacks may have
a non-technical component that attackers are unable to control. Sample (2013) based her research, in
part, on the work of Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov (2010) who stated that culture is an unavoidable
part of human programming. Hofstede et al. (2010) argued that culture forms the foundation of a group’s
values. These values, in turn, affected all of the individual’s practices (Hofstede, 2010).
Knowledge Gained
The goal of this article is to introduce the reader to a new approach for attributing attacks. This research
is very new and offers a great deal of promise for both attack attribution and potential attack countermea-
sures. The knowledge gained by the reader will provide background information and explanations that
the reader may use when setting up and conducting his own research. This knowledge may be applied
to any number of accurately attributed intrusion sets in order to provide a possible explanation of the at-
tackers behaviors, and motives. Ultimately, as this research matures, the goal is to provide attribution
insights and countermeasure suggestions.
Knowledge Known
The authors assume: Behavioral scientists (Bargh & Morsella, 2008; Baumeister & Masicampo, 2010;
Buchtel & Norezayan, 2008; Evans, 2008; Gifford, 2005; Guess, 2004; Guss 2011; Guss & Dorner, 2011;
Hofstede et al., 2010, Minkov, 2011, 2013; Nisbett, Peng, Choi, & Norenzayan, 2001; Payne, Samper, Bet-
tman, & Luce, 2009) noted the inescapable and habitual role of culture in cognition. Hofstede et al. (2010)
went further by stating unlearning these habits is more difficult than learning the behavior. Guss & Dorner
(2011) observed that cultural habits influenced perception, and decisions, imperceptibly to the individual.
Guss & Dorner (2011) further determined that when forced to abandon cultural processing norms in-
dividuals become more anxious and tentative in their decision-making, in short they do not trust them-
selves. In the cyber world where information and decisions require rapid ingestion and decision-making
reliance on automatic thought processes is necessary (Butler, 2013). Since the both the conscious and
unconscious (automatic) thought process is culturally influenced, the likelihood of cultural markers being
inadvertently left behind is significant.
Sample (2013) hypothesized and inferred that the claim of cultural markers being inadvertently left behind
by attackers was statistically significant. Sample & Karamanian (2014) hypothesized and showed that a
correlation exists between the attacker’s cultural dimension values and the propensity to engage in certain
attack behaviors. Both studies were quantitative in nature and relied on Hofstede’s definitions of culture.
Hofstede et al. (2010) identified six cultural dimensions. These dimensions are power distance index
(PDI), individualism vs. collectivism (IVC), masculine vs. feminine (M/F), uncertainty avoidance index
(UAI), long-term orientation vs. short-term orientation (LTOvSTO), and indulgence vs restraint (IVR).
These dimensions are quantified and indexed by Hofstede’s research, providing a measurable approach
to determining cultural influence.
Conversely, Hofstede et al. (2010) defined a low power distance culture, as one where positions of au-
thority are more a matter of convenience rather than prestige, for example someone has to specialize
in making resource management decisions. The approach of those managing resources, as defined by
Hofstede et al. (2010), is consultative. Those in power are not afforded any special allowances or privi-
leges as those whom they manage. The members of society are egalitarian in nature, are comfortable
challenging authority and expect a democratic distribution of power.
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One behavioural aspect of this dimension that Sample (2013) and Sample & Karamanian (2014) have
focused on is in-group loyalty. Woo, Kim and Dominick. (2004) said, “defacing the out-groups’ Web sites
with aggressive messages or violent threats may strengthen the feelings of identification or self-esteem
the hackers have with their own group” (p.68). A nationalistic, patriotic themed website defacement al-
lows for a show of loyalty in high PDI societies, according to Sample (2013) and Sample & Karamanian
(2014), especially when the country feels threatened.
Sample’s initial study (2013) found strong evidence in support of the hypothesis that these attacks are
statistically related to high PDI countries. Sample (2013) compared two groups, a control group of the
general population and a group of attackers who had participated in nationalistic, patriotic themed web-
site defacements. Mean values were compared for each group and tested for statistical significance. The
results showed statistical significance for both PDI and IVC dimensions.
A follow-on study was performed by Sample and Karamanian (2014) where they examined two months
of nationalistic, patriotic themed website defacements at www.zone-h.org. This second study was corre-
lational and examined the dimensional scores against the number of attacks from the specific countries.
The results of this correlational study showed a strong correlation between PDI and the number of at-
tacks. Additionally, Sample & Karamanian (2014) observed strong correlations between collectivism and
the number of these website defacements. Finally, a strong correlation was found between the number
of defacements and STO.
At this point in time the authors would like to point out that PDI and IVC appear to have some over-
lapping behaviours; however, they occur for different reasons. For example, in both cases the need
to obtain approval from others in order to take action (Hofstede et al, 2010, Sample & Karamanian
2014). However, in the high PDI environment the need to obtain approval reflects the need to request
permission. In the collectivist society the need to obtain approval is based in maintaining harmony
with the group (Hofstede et al. 2010). These distinctions are significant when activities occur as acts
of war or cyber events.
In terms of cyber behaviours this dimension may be the most fascinating for various reasons. Hofstede
et al. (2010) noted that countries that are uncomfortable with uncertainty go to great lengths to avoid un-
certain outcomes, even at the expense of the quality of those outcomes, i.e. it is more important to have
Attribution Beyond the IP Address
a structure in place that provides situational knowledge and knowledge outcomes, rather than high qual-
ity outcomes with little information In fact, Hofstede et al. (2010) used the precise timeliness of German
trains as an example when discussing high UAI behaviours. When precision and UAI are examined in
the cyber realm some examples come to mind. The precision of Stuxnet and the association of the US
and Israel (Nakashima, Miller, and Tate, 2012) with this malware provides a potential example. The very
precise attacking of the centrifuge suggests a potential association with high UAI. While the US has a
low to medium UAI score of 46 Israel scores 81 in this same dimension.
On the other end of the UAI pole, low uncertainty avoidance may be more inclined to choose attack
vectors with uncertain outcomes. For example, Flame used a form of a probabilistic attack by relying on
a collision, Flame has been informally attributed to the US and Israel (Nakashima et al., 2013), scored 46
and 81 respectively, this might suggest that the US role may have been in some way related to the choice
of this attack vector. As large number of phishing schemes (Brody, Mulig and Kimball, 2007) have been
attributed to the US and China, 46 and 30 respectively. Even spear phishing, known for targeting specific
users, has an uncertain outcome since there is no guarantee that the user will actually click on the link.
Brute force attacks rely on exhausting all possible outcomes (www.cs.virginia.edu) this might imply that
high UAI countries may be more likely to choose this type of attack than their low UAI counterparts. A
recent talk given by fraud investigator Tom Trusty at COSAC 2013 discussed cyber crime in the financial
sector. During this talk Trusty noted that the most common countries that were engaging in brute force
attacks against financial institutions were Romania (90), Russia (95), Spain (86), Mexico (82) and Italy
(75). These scores appear to affirm the UAI link, however, a formal study is needed before such state-
ments can be made with confidence.
As noted earlier this dimension is particularly compelling in the cyber environment. The UAI dimension
may also have ramifications in coding practices. Hofstede et al. (2010) noted that in the educational envi-
ronments that in high UAI countries students were trained that only one correct answer exists for a ques-
tion, whereas in low UAI environments allow for more than one correct answer. This has led researchers
Sample and Karamanian to wonder if certain coding problems such as race conditions or unhandled ex-
ceptions are related to UAI dimensional scores.
Strategically speaking, examination of intrusion sets may provide greater insight to this dimension. Bu-
chtel & Norezayan (2008) observed that Eastern thinking relies on a more holistic approach and Western
thinking can move between direct and holistic approaches adapting as necessary. In cyber terms this
would suggest that when the target is known and a time limitation exists that westerners may rely on a
more direct approach and easterners would rely on the holistic approach.
This dimension deals in part with how comfortable attackers will be in showing some panache. Therefore,
coding practices may provide an interesting research area of study. Inefficiently coded software or even
www.eForensicsMag.com 49
certain comments left in the code might indicate the coder’s cultural background. Even though code is often
times re-used the re-use is not always the same, other features may be added on, thus providing potential
insight to the attacker’s cultural leanings.
Attacks that may display a humorous element are suggestive of an indulgent society. The MI6 modi-
fication of the Al Qaeda Bomb Making Website (Gardham, 2011) reflected a sense of indulgence, and
humour. Great Britain is considered a rather indulgent society with a score of 69. Great Britain’s partner
in this adventure was the indulgent US with a score of 68.
Hofstede’s dimensions may lack precision in defining behaviors; certain overlapping behaviors do exist
(i.e. humility with femininity and long-term orientation, or considering the feelings and well being of oth-
ers over self are present in collectivism and femininity (Hofstede et al. (2010).) However, these variations
may be dealt with through various analytic methods.
Sample and Karamanian (2014) identified one group of cultural markers in nationalistic, patriotic at-
tacks. The study by Sample and Karamanian (2014) lends support to the assertion by Woo et al. (2004)
about these attacks and loyalty. An interesting application to forensics would be a technical analysis of
such a nationalistic, patriotic attack point to a different country than the culture markers. If the analysis
points to such a contradiction, then explanatory research should be pursued.
Various aspects of forensics offer opportunities for the application of culture as a potential overlay. For
example, the study of victims, in addition to examining historical data about the relationship between the
victim and attacker culture may provide some insight in this area. Can inferences be made that cyber
warriors might attack countries with similar cultural profiles? If so, which cultural traits are the traits that
are the predictors?
In order to determine predictors cultural traits or markers will require application across cultural dimen-
sions based on attack behaviors. The results will support mappings between specific cultural values and
individual attacks. Presently the work by Sample (2013) and Sample & Karmanian (2014) have shown
that not only are certain values associated with nationalistic, patriotic-themed website defacements.
The research in both cases showed a striking lack of activity with these attacks in low PDI countries. The
examination of behaviors and non-behaviors provides valuable inputs for use in building profiles.
The mapping of cultural markers to attacks by countries is a form of profiling that allows for using past
behavior to predict future events. Cultural markers offer the promise of being able to extend attribution
beyond IP addresses. This research supports the hope of a larger than incremental improvement in
attribution methods. Cultural markers also offer the ability to point forensic analysts toward likely sus-
pects when no other clues exist. These markers provide a link between the technical and social sciences
this link is easily understood by both technical analysts and social scientists. This cross-discipline ap-
proach offers the promise of moving attribution efforts forward in a rapid manner.
Future Research
This line of research has yielded strong quantitative results (Sample & Karamanian, 2014). However, this
line of research is still in its infancy. Much of the future research has been identified in the descriptions
of cyber behaviors with the cultural dimension. As noted earlier, these data points are interesting but not
large enough to constitute a full study. Expansion of those examples provides initial study launches.
Beyond the already identified areas additional attributed attack information is required. Additional at-
tack signatures must be identified and examined in the cultural markers framework defined by Hofstede.
This could lead to the construction of a library of attack types and their corresponding cultural signatures.
Attribution Beyond the IP Address
Once such a library is constructed, this research is expected to quantitatively examine cultural markers
for predictive capabilities. This additional analysis would allow for accurate anticipation of attacker be-
haviors; thereby, allowing for defense infrastructure that are predictive and anticipatory in nature.
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• Zone-h website. Retrieved from www.zone-h.org
www.eForensicsMag.com 51
Investigating Steganography in Social Networks:
What you will learn:
igital forensics involves the identification, collection, ex-
• The challenges faced by digital forensic investigators
when dealing with antiforensics tools and techniques,
amination, and preservation of digital data for use in court.
• The importance of knowing what information is un- Computer forensic tools such as Encase and the Foren-
knowingly shared on social networking sites, sic Toolkit (FTK) were designed specifically to assist forensic ex-
• What tools can be used to hide and encrypt data with- aminers with their examinations. On the contrary, antiforensic
in files, and techniques and tools have been created as countermeasures to
• How to perform your own analysis of social network- the goals of digital forensics. At the DFRWS workshop in August
ing sites utilizing both antiforensic and digital forensic 2007, a definition for Antiforensics was stated as “any attempts
tools and techniques. to compromise the availability of or usefulness of evidence to the
forensics process” [10]. According to Sartin, the information black
What you should know: market is continually growing and is leading to the growth of com-
• Understand the challenges faced by digital forensic
promised data occurrences [8]. Additionally, the information black
investigators when encountering antiforensic tools
and techniques,
market has lead to the creation of antiforensics, one of computer
• Understand that sensitive information can reside in forensics most significant challenges. Antiforensics techniques
files and why it is important to know how to protect can make or break a case depending on the successfulness of the
this information from being shared unintentionally via techniques used in making the evidence data difficult or impos-
social networks, sible to examine. Antiforensic techniques include destroying evi-
• Understand the need to analyze social networking dence, eliminating sources, counterfeiting evidence, and hiding
sites, and evidence [4]; furthermore, some security research groups have
• Be able to perform your own analysis of social net- found ways to exploit weaknesses in digital forensic programs.
working sites utilizing freely available tools and tech- For instance, they have created programs that acquires hash-
es from the NT Security manager (SAM) file without accessing
A “How-To” for the Average Joe
the hard drive, have hidden files within the slack space of the NT File System (NTFS), have defeated file
signature detectors by allowing the user to mask and unmask files as any type, and have successfully
been able to alter the four NTFS file times (modified, access, creation, and entry update) [1,2,7].
In relation to antiforensics, our previous research evaluated whether popular social networking sites
protected their users’ picture metadata by performing an experiment to determine whether this metadata
was accessible after it had been downloaded from various social networking websites [11]. Metadata is
data that is hidden or not readily seen; it is information contained within the file such as name, GPS lo-
cation, date and time, make and model of the digital device used, network settings, and more. Metadata
can be useful to both criminals and computer forensic professionals, especially given how connected in-
dividuals have become through social networking sites. Millions, if not billions, of photos are shared each
day; for this reason, it is important to become more aware of what data is actually shared because an im-
age file may not just contain an image only. In addition, metadata-containing photos were uploaded and
downloaded to several social networking sites such as Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, MySpace, and others
[11]. It was found that many of these sites are taking the necessary steps to protect its users’ metadata
by stripping the metadata from the files placed on their sites; however, there were some sites that did not
completely remove all of the metadata [11]. The findings from this research led us to question whether
steganographic files could persist in social networking sites.
Steganography is an antiforensic method that involves concealing the details of an object within anoth-
er object. Steganography is commonly used to hide messages in pictures using the least significant bit
(LSB) method. Several computer and mobile tools are available that will hide information such as Quick-
Stego, Invisible Secrets, MP3Stego, MobiStego, Stegais, Secret Letter, and many more. Given that the
steganographic files hide information in the LSB, we questioned whether these social networking sites
strip the hidden file data from a file containing steganography (also known as a stegoed file)? Could
forensic examiners acquire hidden information from images downloaded from these sites? Can social
networking sites be used as covert communication channels for terrorists? It was reported that during
the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound, several computer hard drives were recovered that contained
quite a few pornographic videos. Using computer forensics tools and techniques, it was found that many
of the videos contained steganographically hidden messages that were used to communicate with ter-
rorist cells [5]. With the increased placement of videos and images on these sites, this issue should be
of high concern to law enforcement officials. In this article, we present steps for determining if social net-
working sites are preventing the sharing of steganographic files by actively stripping the hidden files from
files downloaded from their sites and use hashing utilities and steganographic tools to verify our findings;
however, we will only present one social networking site in this article, but this technique and the same
tools can be used on other social networking sites.
First, a social networking site should be chosen. In order to examine a chosen social network site, a
steganographic tool is required for hiding and recovering the hidden files, and a hashing tool is needed
to verify whether the uploaded/downloaded file has been modified. Facebook, a popular social network-
ing site, will be examined to determine its ability to strip steganography or steg from a file [6]. Next, a
steganographic file must be created using steganographic software. QuickCrypto, which is freely down-
loadable software that allows the hiding of text/images within files, as shown in Figure 1, will be used [3].
www.eForensicsMag.com 53
In a digital forensic investigation, it is customary for investigators to authenticate evidence files by cal-
culating and recording the hash values prior to imaging. After the evidence has been imaged, the hash
value is recalculated and recorded. The initial hash value is then compared to the hash value after it has
been imaged. Obtaining the same hash values prior to and after imaging indicate that the evidence has
not been changed. So, in following with digital forensic procedure, HashCalc will be used to calculate the
hash value for the file that would contain the image prior to uploading and immediately after downloading
the file [9]. This tool is useful for verifying if the file has been modified. From this point forward, a general
overview of the steps taken to analyze the social network will be presented.
After the tools and social network have been identified the next step requires the selection and hash-
ing of the file, also called the carrier file, which will contain the hidden image. In QuickCrypto, the “Open
File” tab is selected. A new screen appeared, as shown in Figure 2, that indicated that a file, also called
a carrier file, was selected and will be opened. The jellyfish.jpg carrier file was selected as the carrier file;
the initial hash value was calculated. Selecting “Yes” in Figure 2 loaded the steganography function and
opened a new screen containing the jellyfish.jpg carrier file shown in Figure 3.
Within the Steganography box, the “Hide File” option was selected and the Chrysanthemum.jpg file
was chosen. After the file was selected, a notification provided confirmation that the carrier file contained
the hidden file as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Screenshot of Carrier File (jellyfish.jpg) and Notification of Hidden File (Chrysanthemum.jpg)
A “How-To” for the Average Joe
Table 1. Hash Values for Jellyfish.jpg file Before and After File Hidden Within It
Before File Hidden After File Hidden
MD5 5a44c7ba5bbe4ec867233d67e4806848 5a44c7ba5bbe4ec867233d67e4806848
SHA1 3b15be84aff20b322a93c0b9aaa62e25ad33b4b4 3b15be84aff20b322a93c0b9aaa62e25ad33b4b4
The hash value of the jellyfish.jpg file was again calculated. Even after the carrier file was implanted
with the hidden file, the hash values did not change, as shown in Table 1. Next, the stegoed image was
uploaded to Facebook. Facebook was viewed using the Chrome browser. Chrome has an extension
that allows its users to view EXIF data or metadata contained within files. When used in Facebook, the
EXIF extension indicated that no metadata was present in the file. From this information, one can infer
that the file does not contain any metadata and that when files are uploaded, the hidden information
is wiped simultaneously.
The carrier file, in Figure 4, was downloaded from Facebook and saved as jellyfish_facebook.jpg.
Then, the hash value was calculated for the file to determine if modifications were made to it by Face-
book. As indicated in Table 2, the hash values for the carrier file prior to uploading it into Facebook and
after downloading it from Facebook differed; this provided an initial indication that the file had been modi-
fied and/or that file hidden in the jellyfish_facebook.jpg may have been removed. Additional analysis of
the file was needed to determine if the file remained; therefore, QuickCrypto was used to verify if the hid-
den file was still present.
Figure 5. Screenshot Indicating that Jellyfish_facebook.jpg Does Not Contain Hidden Information
www.eForensicsMag.com 55
Table 2. Hash Values of Jellyfish.jpg File Prior To and After Download from Facebook
Hash Value Prior to Upload Hash Value After Download
MD5 5a44c7ba5bbe4ec867233d67e4806848 5fdd1afb48d0a3ad2fd7a8bb7b1a91fa
SHA1 3b15be84aff20b322a93c0b9aaa62e25ad33b4b4 074a25cc0be889da275be2560c3b2f0986a8ef72
After uploading the jellyfish_facebook.jpg file to QuickCrypto, the “Get Data” option was selected. The
purpose of the Get Data function was to retrieve hidden information from the carrier file; however, no data
was recovered as was shown in Figure 5.
In conclusion, it was shown that Facebook does remove hidden data from files containing steganog-
raphy. This finding is important because it prevents terrorists from utilizing the Facebook application for
their criminal endeavors. Although only one social network and one tool were examined, other stegan-
ography tools and other social networking sites could be tested as well. In [11], several social network-
ing sites were shown to remove metadata from images uploaded to those sites. One can conclude that
this data stripping mechanism in Facebook is applied to all files uploaded to and downloaded from its
site. Currently, we are testing other tools and other social networks to determine if those social network-
ing sites are applying a similar data stripping mechanism to steganography files uploaded to their sites.
Although social networking sites are assisting forensic investigators in the fight against antiforensics,
several other antiforensic tools and methods are still being utilized. These tools can be used to modify
digital forensic tools, encrypt data, and shred files such as history files, content files, temporary internet
files, files contained in the recycle bin, cookies, and typed URLs. Additional research is needed to ad-
dress such tools and identify new techniques and tools that can assist investigators in the battle against
antiforensics tools, techniques, and methods.
[1] “Antiforensics – Subverting Justice with Exploitation,” Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 2007, no.2, Feb.
2007, pp. 16-18.
[2] H. Berghel, “Hiding Data, Forensics, and Anti-Forensics,” Communications of the ACM, vol. 50, no. 4, April
2007, pp. 15-20.
[3] Cybernescence, “QuickCrypto”, http://quickcrypto.com/.
[4] A. Distefano, G. Me, and F. Pace, “Android Anti-forensics through Local Paradigm,” Science Direct, August
2010, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1742287610000381.
[5] C. Easttom, System Forensics, Investigation, and Response, Second Edition, Jones and Bartlett Learning,
[6] Facebook, http://www.facebook.com.
[7] D. Forte and R. Power, “A Tour through the Realm of Anti-Forensics,” Computer Fraud & Security, vol.
2007, no. 6, Jun. 2007, pp.18-20.
[8] B. Sartin, “Anti-Forensics – Distorting the Evidence,” Computer Fraud & Security, vol. 2006, no.5, May
2006, pp.4-6.
[9] Slavasoft, HashCalc, http://www.slavasoft.com/hashcalc/.
[10] A. Tanner, A Concept Mapping Case Domain Modeling Approach for Digital Forensic Investigations, dis-
sertation, Mississippi State University, December 2010.
[11] A. Tanner,S. Jefferson, G. Skelton, “Revealing the Unseen in Social Networking Sites: Is Your Metadata
Protected?”International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security, vol. 2, no. 4,
August 2013, pp. 15-21.
Digital Forensics
by Alexander R. Tambascia, D.Sc.
What you will learn:
his paper is not intended to endorse, promote or support any nefarious,
• How implement target encryption
to maintain network management
criminal or prohibited activity that anti-forensics could be used promote
of critical systems while being able crime or hide from legal authorities. This paper is strictly provided as
to defeat digital forensic capabili- research and as a means to protect personal and intellectual property from
ties to retrieve private and trade unauthorized retrieval.
secret data from compromised
hard disk drives. Introduction
In an age where all critical information is stored in electronic format the ability
What you should know: to protect and store that information from unauthorized access is becoming
• Law enforcement are not the only critical. The increase in industrial espionage, the ability to steal intellectual
ones who use digital forensic tools
property, and the ability to steal personal identifiable information (PII) has
to retrieve data
become extremely easier as compared to when this information as stored in
physical secure locations under guard. Many data thieves will use digital fo-
rensics tools to acquire this information, it has naïve if not arrogant to believe
that only law enforce entities are using these tools in order to solve crimes.
These tools are used by industrial spies, criminals, and hackers to retrieve
this information as well. As such, counter measures need to be implemented
in order to preserve and protect this information from unauthorized access.
This paper will discuss some mechanisms that could be implemented to the
defeat most common digital forensics tools. This paper is focused on the ac-
tual implementation of anti-forensic mechanisms and is not an overview of
possible mechanisms that could be used to defeat a forensic investigator.
Historical Context
When looking at the events at history that would require the ability to defeat
digital forensics the following historical events occurred where hard drives
have been stolen containing personal data.
Circumventing Digital Forensics
05 FEB 2014: Hard drive with patient data was stolen from Dr. K. Min YI office in San Jose California [1]
20 DEC 2013: Legal firm’s backup data stored on a hard drive was stolen during a home burglary [1]
07 NOV 2013: Two hard drives from Washington State University containing student information [1]
04 NOV 2013: Contractor for University Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio misplaced a hard drive that was later
stolen that contained patient data [1]
03 OCT 2013: Hard drive was missing from Mercy Health System with health plan information includ-
ing names. Numbers and addresses [1]
05 SEPT 2013: Employee stole hard drive with patient information [1]
03 SEPT 2013: InterContinental Mark Hopkins San Francisco reported that a burglary on 04 JUL that re-
sulted in the exposure of guest information including names, addresses, and credit/debit card information. [1]
24 JUN 2013: A laptop and portable drive was stolen from an undercover officer for the King’s County Sher-
iff’s department, the drive was unencrypted and held names, addresses and social security numbers. [1]
There are an additional 50+ incidents of hard drives that were stolen from 2013-2010 that contained
either personal or corporate information [1]. Many of these cases there was no evidence that the data
that was stolen was used in any illegal activity; however, if any of the data thieves had EnCase, Back-
Track or any other forensic tool the data could easily be extracted form those stolen hard drives. Also
just because there may be no hard evidence that the data contained on those drives may not have been
compromised does not mean it has not been compromised and that data could be stored for use for a
later date and time.
Previous Literature/Works
In conducting research for this paper, there is very little research in the area of anti-forensics. Much of
the research that exists focuses more on the actual conduct of digital forensics on digital media. Out of
the limited research that has been done in the area of anti-forensics are the following:
www.eForensicsMag.com 59
baseline for all experimentation will be made against a whole disk encryption as the baseline to compare the
effectiveness of targeted encryption over whole disk encryption. The focus will be on preserving and protect-
ing intellectual property from industrial espionage and data thieves from using forensics to retrieve data from
stolen hard drives. The intent is not to hide nefarious activities from law enforcement. The Backtrack forensic
scan being conducted is not an in-depth deep drive scan, but merely a simple scan to see if secret files, and
internet history is still visible to a digital forensic tool after the targeted encrypted approach.
There are various methods and approaches that can be used to defeat digital forensic capabilities. This
paper will focus on one of the methods, that method being the use of encryption. Now it is well known that
full disk encryption can defeat any forensic tool because it renders the whole disk unreadable to the col-
lection tool(s) unless the forensic investigator knows the key/passphrase to unlock the disk. The whole
disk approach is very much like using a strategic nuclear warhead to take out a small tactical stronghold.
However, the problem with whole disk is that it makes network management of workstations extremely
difficult especially when normal patching is applied over the network that requires reboot of the worksta-
tion. As such, critical installs could be hung up because the workstation is a held state until the operator
inputs the passphrase to allow the workstation to continue with the boot process [8]. AS such whole disk
encryption although very good at protecting data is also a management nightmare for information tech-
nology departments to manage systems remotely.
The approach being that is being explored is a more tactical approach of targeting key areas of a Win-
dows 7 Operating system, encrypting key user data areas and testing If this approach will prevent the
ability of an individual to retrieve data even though they [the investigator] has full unencrypted access to
the rest of the hard drive. The hypothesis is by taking a more target approach that critical data can be
protected from forensic attempts should the workstation become physically compromised while main-
taining network manageability. The materials being used are:
After acquiring the tools needed to conduct the experimentation to test the hypothesis, several configura-
tion changes had to be made after installation of Windows 7 and TrueCrypt in order to encrypt key data/
user areas of operating systems. The Encrypted drive that created was given the Drive Letter and label
of “T:” and “EncryptedDrive” respectively. In referring to Figure 1, the first step was pointing all temp files
for user and system to the new T: drive. This was performed by going to my computer clicking properties;
then clicking Advance System Settings; Environment Variables:
Circumventing Digital Forensics
After pointing the temp settings to T: drive the next step was making some Windows registry edits to
further ensure that temporary and data files would be stored in the encrypted drive. Refer to Figure 2 on
the registry settings that needed to be changed to point to the T: drive. The registry key that is shown in
Figure2 is “HKEY_Current_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell
Folders” within Windows Registry Editor (opened in Administrator Mode).
a d v e r t i s e m e n t
To further ensure that no temp files would be stored on the unencrypted portion of the drive symbolic
links were created on the unencrypted drive that would point to the encrypted drive. The command set
used is shown in Figure3 & 4.
Figure 3. Hard Symbolic Link from unencrypted drive to encrypted drive T: for root temp folder
Figure 4. Hard Symbolic Link from unencrypted drive to encrypted drive T: for windows temp folder
After making the operating system changes, using Mozilla Profile Manager [10], figure 5, to create a
default Firefox profile that would be stored on the encrypted T: drive which would also include all the tem-
porary browsing files.
Circumventing Digital Forensics
The default Windows Internet Explorer temporary files was addressed when the registry edits where
made as shown in Figure 2. The final step two steps after making all these changes was to reboot the
Windows 7 machine. After rebooting the Windows 7 machine, then next step was to removed and erase
using the shredder tool that comes with the McAfee Total Protection Suite to secure erase files off a ma-
chine, after running the shredder tool, another reboot was performed and the system was verified that
all default temp folders and files were no longer existent in default locations and that all temp files were
being written to the encrypted drive T:.
In order to prepare the machine for experimentation, several experimental documents of both Microsoft
Word and Microsoft Excel format where created using the default application and default save locations
(which due the registry changes now point the T: drive) named WordDoc-Secret##.docx and ExcelDoc-
Secret##.xlsx format. Also using both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox went to several websites of
wide variety to generate a history, cookie files and image files in the browsing temp locations for both
software suites.
Experimentation Results
The system was fully able to be managed remotely the system. The targeted disk encryption did not in
any way interfere with updates and patches that require reboots. The system rebooted remotely and was
able to be access after each application of required updates. There were, however, two Microsoft up-
dates KB2719857 and KB2732487 updates that would not install even with the hard symbolic links that
pointed to the secure T: encrypted drive. Outside of those two outlier updates everything else worked
normally. When compared to the baseline several updates would hang due to the stall in the reboot pro-
cess that would require the passphrase to be entered at each boot up the workstation to allow the reboot
process to proceed. Also, both approaches are not transparent to the user in both cases of the baseline
whole disk encryption and targeted encryption the user must enter the passphrase to open the encrypted
area to the operating system and the user. After logging into the user profile, the passcode must be en-
tered in order to allow the operating system and applications to have access the encrypted t:\ drive oth-
erwise all critical windows functions would error out when attempted to be open if the T:\ was not made
accessible first. The drive was pulled from the workstation placed into external HDD Docking station [11]
and connected to a laptop running BackTrack [9] liveCD and was scanned to see what information could
be retrieved. The information collected was able to obtain what files were opened and was able to pull
the file names WordDoc-Secret01.docx, WordDoc-Secret02.docx, ExcelDoc-Secret01.xlsx, and Excel-
Doc-Secret02.xlsx however, those where only pointers/shortcut files the actual files could not be found
on the drive or accessed. No internet temporary files or browsing history was able to be found. The his-
tory that the applications Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Firefox and Internet Explore where opened
and accessed but no further information was obtained from the Backtrack scan when it completed. Table
1 shows the effectiveness of this approach as compared to the whole disk encryption baseline.
www.eForensicsMag.com 63
Table 1. Comparison of Targeted Encryption vs. Baseline
Whole Disk Encryption(Baseline) Targeted Encryption
Forensically Scan the Whole Disk O X
Maintain Network Management of Workstation O X
Protect Secret Files X X
Protect Temporary Files X X
Transparent to User O O
Greater Chance of Misconfiguration O X
X=Success or “Applies to” O=Not Successful or “Does not Apply”
In conclusion, the experiment did prove the hypothesis as a feasible approach to securing private data
while at the same time maintaining the ability to remotely manage the workstation over the network.
However, the results collect due indicate that using the target approach runs a significant risk of miscon-
figuration and not all of the critical data and temporary files being stored on the encrypted part of the hard
disk. Unlike the whole disk encryption that runs a very low risk of misconfiguration but sacrifices network
manageability. Neither approach provides an ease of use for the user/operator; both approaches require
some form of user input in order to access the critical data areas of the drive. The experiment conducted
did show that critical data and other private data can be protected without comprising security. It is im-
portant to note, that the experiment explored only one mechanism of anti-forensics, that being the use
of encryption. There are other mechanisms can that be used as anti-forensic mechanism that have not
been explored in this paper. As such, this paper should be used as a comprehensive anti-forensic pa-
per; but as academic research paper exploring one mechanism. This paper was written to provide some
hard data points on anti-forensic mechanism that could be implemented to defeat a forensic investigator
(lawful or otherwise). Current literature [2] [3] [4] [5] to this point merely pointed out the feasibility of anti-
forensic mechanisms but none of the previous literature to date ever conducted physical experimenta-
tion to test those mechanism against a forensic tool, in this case, BackTrack. The intent is that the data
collected and presented in this paper will provide academic information to researchers to broaden the
subject area for all.
[1] Privacy Rights Clearing House, “Chronology of Data Breaches,” Privacy Rights Clearing House, 2014.
[2] S. Garfinkel, “Anti-Forensics: Techniques, Detection and Countermeasures,” Naval Postgraduate School, Montery.
[3] G. C. Kesslar, “Anti-Forensics and the Digital Investigator,” in Australian Digital Forensics Conference, Peth, 2007.
[4] C. Valli and A. Jones, “A UK and Australian Study of Hard Disk Disposal,” in Computer, Network and Information Forensics Con-
ference, Perth, 2005.
[5] W. Al-Ahmad, “A Detailed Strategy for Managing Corporation Cyber War Security,” in International Journal of Cyber-Security
and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF), Kuwait, 2013.
[6] Microsoft Corporation, “Hardware requirements for BitLocker Drive Encryption,” Microsoft Corporation, [Online]. Available:
http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-vista/hardware-requirements-for-bitlocker-drive-encryption. [Accessed 01 Feb
[7] “TrueCrypt,” [Online]. Available: http://www.truecrypt.org/. [Accessed 01 FEB 2014].
[8] DESlock Limited, “DESLock+ USer Mannual,” Deslock Limited, Somerset, 2013.
[9] “BackTrack,” BackTrack, [Online]. Available: BackTrack. [Accessed 01 FEB 2014].
[10] Mozilla Support, “Use the Profile Manager to create and remove Firefox profiles,” Mozilla, [Online]. Available: https://support.
mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-firefox-profiles. [Accessed 01 Feb 2014].
[11] StarTech, “USB to SATA IDE Hard Drive Docking Station for 2.5in or 3.5in HDD Dock,” Startech, [Online]. Available: http://www.
startech.com/HDD/Docking/USB-to-SATA-IDE-Hard-Drive-Docking-Station-for-25in-or-35in-HDD~UNIDOCK2U. [Accessed 04 Feb
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