Off The Job Training
Off The Job Training
Off The Job Training
Off-the-job techniques include lectures, conferences or discussions, case studies, role playing, programmed instructions, and vestibule trainings.
Simple way of imparting technical or special information of complex nature. Used for very large groups
MERITS Analyses problems and issues DEMERITS Limited to a small group Too many cooks spoils the soup.
It is also called as learning by doing. Case is a set of data, written or oral description that present issues and problem calling for solution. Trainees are given cases to analyze, identify problems and provide tentative solutions. It is a valuable technique for supervisor as it develops decision making skills.
A method of human interaction which involves realistic behavior in the imaginary situations. Coined by Moreno, a venetian psychiatrist. Its also know as role reversal , socio drama, psychodrama, etc.
MERITS Learning by doing is emphasized. Human sensitivity and interactions are stressed. Trainee interest and involvement tend to be high. DEMERITS May not adhere to the training program .
Involves a sequence of steps which are often set up through the central panel of an electronic computer as guide in the performance of a desired operation or series of operations. Knowledge is imparted with either text book or teaching machine. Trainee receives feedback instantly.
Employees learn their jobs on the equipment that they will be using, but the training is conducted away from the actual work floor. Also known as vestibule training. MERITS Participants remain involved and enthusiastic. Practical gist of the work environment. Demerits acquisition cost of the additional equipment