Learning in The Workplace
Learning in The Workplace
Learning in The Workplace
In the United Kingdom, the National electronic Library for Health aims to
Too many questions, not enough time provide answers within 15 seconds that take only 15 seconds to read
Lack of clear questions
Main Reference:
Asking clear questions is not easy. Sometimes doctors feel
uncertain and fail to formalise a question, which makes it Adapted from a
page from the
harder to find the answer. Immediate identification of clinical Oxford Centre for
questions is important, and is easiest to do on ward rounds or R Y/N/? A % M
Evidence Based
when teaching students. When working alone, some clinicians Clinical bottom line: Medicine’s logbook
log their questions (for example, on BMJLearning), then look (R=randomised and
up the learning resources on the website (the “just in time A=ascertainment or
learning” package on childhood asthma) or other sources, or Notes: follow-up rate
they discuss the answer with peers later. Structuring clinical percentage,
questions using the problem, intervention, comparison and M=measures
unbiased, relevant
outcome (PICO) model makes them easier to focus, recall, and
Lack of answers
A source of answers needs to be available in the workplace. This
source should provide answers that are clinically relevant,
scientifically sound, and in a form that can influence decisions.
One solution is a library in the workplace that contains current
text and reference books, relevant reprints, and electronic
resources. The library must be close and organised for rapid
access. The material should be filtered for clinical relevance and
be evidence based, such as Clinical Evidence in book or CD-Rom
format or an indexed collection of systematic reviews.
These sources will not answer all questions. In Patrick
Murphy’s case (see scenario on p 1129) the treatment is not
indexed, and so online access to Medline will be needed,
preferably via the PubMed clinical queries search page that
provides answers useful to practicing doctors. Ideally, doctors
will then retrieve the full text of relevant articles because relying
on the abstract alone can be misleading. When Pitkin compared
the statements made in 264 structured abstracts in six medical
journals with the corresponding article, a fifth contained
statements that were not substantiated in the article and 28%
contained statements that disagreed with those in the article.
Clinical evidence is a useful resource in workplace learning
Thus, tempting though it may be to rely on abstracts
alone—especially because they are now so accessible through
PubMed—it can be dangerous.
If doctors only look up answers to questions arising in their
own practice, their knowledge will depend on the local case
mix. Most doctors broaden their knowledge by reading a
general medical journal or looking up points raised in replies to
referrals, inpatient summaries, clinic letters, or laboratory
reports. Some participate in multidisciplinary clinics or ward A PubMed search filters for clinical queries
rounds, or join colleagues in an email discussion group. To be
ready for rare, serious problems that need an instant response,
some clinicians use patient simulators to practice managing
cardiopulmonary arrest, anaesthetic accidents, or brittle
diabetes. Although time spent on simulators does not yet count
towards doctors’ continuing education, taking part in interactive
cases in some journals does.
Lack of incentives
To maintain the enthusiasm to keep looking up answers to
clinical questions, doctors can keep a log book of questions and
answers, or conduct clinical audits that compare practice and
outcomes with results a year ago. Such log books and audit
reports will become part of doctors’ folders for accreditation
and annual appraisal.
Sharing insights is an incentive to learn, and giving a
presentation often prompts discussion, especially if it is short,
and it defines and deals with a real clinical problem (along with
sources searched, the answers found, and actions taken). This
activity can be formalised as a single page, dated, critically
appraised topic (CAT), and stored in a loose leaf folder or a
practice intranet for others. The CATmaker tool is used to create critically appraised topics
Puzzling consultations are not unusual and help make medicine Image analysis and object recognition have advanced in recent
so fascinating. In this case, however, the clinical issues were years. Functional magnetic resonance imaging has recently been
resolved by simple investigation and reassurance. My puzzlement used to investigate regions of the brain involved in face
was from my certainty that I had met this patient previously, but recognition 2. A face-selective region of the inferior temporal lobe
my inquiries elicited a confident reply that we had not. I struggled seems to be involved in facial identity, while a separate
with this for, like most physicians, I have always enjoyed a facility face-selective region of the superior temporal lobe may be used
for recognising my patients. For several weeks, the question to identify facial expression. My failure to “recognise” my patient
recurred in my mind; how could I be so certain of recognising a may reflect an absence of any associated memories such as
patient whom I had never met before? The issue was resolved altered facial expression or personality attributes usually
when I did meet my patient again; this time while sitting on the associated with face identity. This suggests that both face-sensitive
train I took daily to and from work—not, however, as a fellow regions identified by Andrews and Ewbank are important for the
passenger but as a face in a drug advertisement in the medical wider process of person identity and recall. My experience shows
journal I was reading. the power of images in advertising, but also their limitations; I
Two recent reports relating to images and their interpretation remembered the face but had no recollection of its context or
brought this incident to mind after an interval of 10 years. Scott circumstances.
et al discuss the use of symbolism in images in drug advertising, Capturing the attention of readers is challenging for advertisers
suggesting that the use of mythology may be used to mislead
and writers alike. Scott et al argue that “in law and science, words
doctors about therapeutic efficacy.1 They suggest that doctors
are precise and accountable” and imply that writing occupies
need support to resist drug advertising, and they recommend
higher ethical ground; but it is evident that symbolism is
regulation of journals’ advertising to clinicians and lament the use
frequently used to reinforce messages, whether in linguistic or
of rhetorical rather than rational argument in scientific media.
image form, and not only in advertising. Let the reader beware.
However, it is evident that the authors use the very techniques
they warn about to persuade their readers. The article, entitled D J Sheridan professor of cardiology, Imperial College School of
“Killing me softly; myth in pharmaceutical advertising,” borrows Medicine, Academic Cardiology Unit, St Mary’s Hospital, London
from the title of Fox and Gimbel’s hit song recorded by Roberta ([email protected])
Flack in 1973 to capture the reader’s attention. Juxtaposing the
word “Killing” with “pharmaceutical advertising” conveys an
1 Scott T, Stanford N, Thompson DR. Killing me softly: myth in
unhealthy and negative sense and transforms the metaphor from pharmaceutical advertising. BMJ 2004;329:1484-7.
a romantic to an aggressive one. The word “myth” in this context 2 Andrews TJ, Ewbank MP. Distinct representations for facial identity and
is also ambiguous, carrying a sense of deception as well as the changeable aspects of faces in the human temporal lobe. Neuro Image
classical meaning. 2004;23:905-13.