A, metronidazole
B, fluconazole
C, doxycyline
D, Gentamicin
A 35 year- old pregnant woman presents with fever easily
fatigability and change in mental status. On physical
examination , BP=100/60mmhg, PR=108/min, RR=20/min.
To=37.5oc and has pale conjunctiva and confused. Laboratory
examination reveals hemoglobin=7g/dl, random blood
sugar=30mg/dl and plasmodium falciparum positive . which of
the following in the initial step in the management of this
patient ?
A, Artesunate IV
B, Artemether-lumefantrine orally
C, Blood transfusion
D, Glucose infusion
A 35 year- old woman presented with four episodes of
spasm. Generalized rigidity and trismus after she sustained a
puncture over the left foot two days ago. She is fully
conscious. Which of the following is the most appropriate