RM L1_bd20dec2-b0e0-4b2e-b634-7563a9ef109b
RM L1_bd20dec2-b0e0-4b2e-b634-7563a9ef109b
RM L1_bd20dec2-b0e0-4b2e-b634-7563a9ef109b
Statistical Analysis
• Upon completion of this unit, the
student will be able to demonstrate
the research competence by
completing the independent research
using statistical analysis of the data
and writing research findings.
Course Information
Learning To understand some basic concepts
Outcomes of research and its methodology
Purpose of research
• To discover answers to questions through
the application of scientific procedure
Research Research
methods methodology
Research Methodology
onl • How to develop certain indices or tests
y • How to calculate the mean, the mode, the median, ….
nee • How to apply particular research techniques
d to
w • Which of these methods are relevant and which are not, What
would they mean and indicate and why
• To understand the assumptions underlying various techniques and
But also to know the criteria – to decide that certain techniques and
need to procedures will be applicable to certain problems and others will
know not