Lecture 3Q

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Project Integration


By Tushar B. Kher
Certified Trainer for PMP Certification Training
What is Project Integration
 Project Integration Management includes the processes and activities to
identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and
project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.
 In the project management context, integration includes characteristics of
unification, consolidation, communication, and interrelationship.
 Project Integration Management is specific to project managers
Initiate Plan Execute Monitor & Control Close

• Develop • Develop Project • Direct and Manage • Monitor and Control • Close
Project Management Plan Project Execution Project Work Project
Charter or Phase
• Manage Project • Perform Integrated
Knowledge Change Control
Develop Project Charter
• Develop Project Charter is the process of developing a Project Charter.
What is Project Charter

• An approved document that formally authorizes Project

• Provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational
resources to project activities.
• Provides a direct link between the project and the strategic objectives of the
organization, creates a formal record of the project, and shows the organizational
commitment to the project
• Project charter can be developed by the sponsor or the project manager in
collaboration with the initiating entity
What Project Charter should
• Project Purpose: Business needs, new product, services, or result
• Measurable project objectives and related success criteria
• High-Level Requirements of the customer, sponsor, stakeholder
• High-level project description, boundaries, and key deliverables
• Overall Project Risks, Assumptions and Constraints
• Summary milestone schedule
• Summary budget
• Key Stakeholder list
• Project approval requirements & Project exit criteria
• Assigned PM, responsibility, and authority level

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Develop Project Management Plan
• Develop Project Management Plan is the process of defining, preparing, and
coordinating all plan components and consolidating them into an integrated
project management plan
• The key benefit of this process is the production of a comprehensive document
that defines the basis of all project work and how the work will be performed
Project Management Plan
• Defines how the project will be executed, monitored, controlled, and closed
• It should be robust and agile enough to respond to an ever changing project
environment for more accurate information as the project progresses
• It is developed through a series of integrated processes extending through
project closure
• Project management plan should be baselined that is, define at least the project
references for scope, time, and cost, to measure and control project execution
with respect to those references and performance can be managed
• Once baselined it may only be changed through the Perform Integrated Change
Control process.
• Project management plan is progressively elaborated in controlled way.
What Project Management Plan should
• Subsidiary management plans: Baselines:
• Scope management plan. Scope baseline. The scope statement, WBS, &
• Requirements management plan. associated WBS dictionary,
Schedule baseline. The approved version of the
• Schedule management plan.
schedule model.
• Cost management plan. Cost baseline. The approved version of the
• Quality management plan. time-phased project budget
• Resource management plan.
• Communications management plan.
• Risk management plan.
• Procurement management plan.
• Stakeholder engagement plan
Direct and Manage Project Work
• It is the process of leading and performing the work defined in the project
management plan and implementing approved changes to achieve the project’s
• The key benefit of this process is that it provides overall management of the
project work and deliverables thus improving the probability of project success
Direct and Manage Project Work
• Available resources are allocated, their efficient use is managed and changes in
project plans stemming from analyzing work performance data and information
are carried out

• Review of the impact of all project changes and the implementation of approved
changes, corrective and preventive actions and/ or defect repair

• Work performance data is collected and communicated for analysis to provide

information about the completion status of deliverables as an input to the
Monitoring and Controlling Process Group and as feedback into lessons learned
to improve the performance of future work packages
Output of Direct and Manage Project
Deliverables: A deliverable is any unique and verifiable product result, or capability
to perform a service that is required to be produced

Work Performance Data: Work performance data are the raw observations and
measurements identified during activities being performed to carry out the project

Issue Logs: The issue log is a project document where all the issues are recorded
and tracked. The issue log will help the project manager effectively track and
manage issues, ensuring that they are investigated and resolved.

Change Requests: A change request is a formal proposal to modify any document,

deliverable, or baseline. Change requests are processed for review and disposition
through the Perform Integrated Change Control process
Manage Project Knowledge
• Manage Project Knowledge is the process of using existing knowledge and
creating new knowledge to achieve the project’s objectives and contribute to
organizational learning
• The key benefits of this process are that prior organizational knowledge is
leveraged to produce or improve the project outcomes, and knowledge created
by the project is available to support organizational operations and future
projects or phases
Knowledge Management
Knowledge is commonly split into “ explicit”(knowledge that can be readily codified
using words, pictures, and numbers) and “ tacit”(knowledge that is personal and
difficult to express, such as beliefs, insights, experience, and “know how”)

• Knowledge management is about making sure the skills, experience, and

expertise of the project team and other stakeholders are used before, during, and
after the project.

• The most important part of knowledge management is creating an atmosphere

of trust so that people are motivated to share their knowledge

• Knowledge Gained during the Project is recorded in document called Lessons

learned register for the Project. Knowledge Repository contains lessons learned
register of all the projects executed by organization.
KM Tools and IM Tools
KM Tools IM Tools
Knowledge management tools and Used to create and connect people to
techniques connect people so they can information. They are effective for
work together to create new knowledge, sharing simple, unambiguous, codified
share tacit knowledge, and integrate the explicit knowledge.
knowledge of diverse team member.
Examples are Information Gathering
Examples are Professional networking, tools, like internet and intranet, Method
seminar, conferences, Special interest for codifying explicit knowledge, Lessons
group, job shadowing and reverse learned register, Library service,
shadowing, discussion forums, etc. Document Management system, etc.
Monitor and Control Project Work
• It is the process of tracking, reviewing, and reporting the overall progress to meet
the performance objectives defined in the project management plan.
• The key benefits of this process are that it allows stakeholders to understand the
current state of the project for timely action, to recognize the actions taken to
address any performance issues and to have visibility into the future project
status with cost and schedule forecasts
Monitoring: Includes collecting, measuring, and distributing performance
Controlling: Includes determining corrective or preventive actions or re planning
and following up on action plans to determine whether the action taken resolved
the performance issue.
Monitor and Control Project Work is Concerned
• Comparing actual project performance against the plan
• Assessing performance periodically to determine whether any corrective or
preventive actions are indicated, and recommending them as necessary
• Checking the status of individual project risks
• Maintaining an accurate, timely information base concerning the project’s
product(s) and their associated documentation through project completion.
• Providing information to support status reporting, progress measurement, and
• Providing forecasts to update current cost and schedule information.
• Monitoring implementation of approved changes as they occur.
Monitor and Control Project Work
Important tools of Monitoring and
Data Analysis: Decision Making:
• Alternative analysis
• Cost-benefit analysis A decision-making technique that can be used
includes voting. Voting can include making
• Earned value analysis decisions based on
• Root cause analysis • unanimity,
• Trend analysis • majority, or
• Variance analysis • plurality.
Perform Integrated Change Control:
• It is the process of reviewing all change requests in an integrated manner,
approving changes and managing changes to deliverables, project documents,
and the project management plan, and communicating the decisions.
• The key benefit of this process is that it allows for document changes within the
project to be considered in an integrated manner while addressing overall project
• Any change in a configurable item should be formally controlled and will
require a change request.
• Once the project is baselined any change should go through this process
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Integrated Change Control ITTO
Close the Project:
• Close Project is the process of finalizing all activities for the project, phase, or
• The key benefits of this process are the project information is archived, the planned
work is completed, and organizational team resources are released to pursue new
The activities necessary for the administrative closure of the project include
• Actions and activities necessary to satisfy completion or exit criteria for the project
• Activities related to the completion of the contractual agreements applicable to the
• Activities needed to audit project success and failure and archive project information
for future use by the organization
• Actions and activities necessary to transfer the project’s products to the next phase
or to production and/or operations
• Collecting any suggestions for improving or updating the policies and procedures of
the organization, and sending them to the appropriate organizational unit
Close Project ITTO

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