Auditing-1-Chapter-12 (1)
Auditing-1-Chapter-12 (1)
Auditing-1-Chapter-12 (1)
Related Services
Gonzales, Hingpit and Monera
Topics to be discussed:
01 02
Review of Financial Agreed-upon
Statements Procedures
03 04
Compilation of Financial Assurance
Statements Engagements
Audit of Financial Statements
As discussed in the preceding chapters, an audit of financial statements
is conducted primarily to enable the auditor to express an opinion on the
entry's financial statements In this type of engagement, the auditor
provides the users with a high level of assurance (reasonable assurance)
that the financial statements are free from material misstatements.
If there has been a material scope limitation, the report should describe the
limitation and either:
• When the possible effect of the limitation is material and pervasive such
that the practitioner concludes that no level of assurance can be
provided, the practitioner should disclaim a conclusion on the financial
Compilation of financial statements
Not all entities can employ full time accountants to
prepare statements for them As a result, most of these entities
turn to professional accountants to assist them in the preparation
and presentation of their financial statements. This engagement
is as compilation engagement financial known
• Objective
The objective of a compilation engagement is for the CPA to use accounting
expertise, as opposed to auditing expertise, to collect classify and summarize
financial information. This ordinarily entails reducing detailed data to a manageable
and understandable form without a requirement to test the assertions underlying
that information a compilation engagement would ordinarily include the
preparation of financial statements (which may or may not be complete set of
financial statements) in accordance with the applicable financial reporting
• Level of Assurance
The procedures employed in a compilation engagement are not designed and do
not enable the CPA to express any assurance on the financial information However,
users of the complied financial information derive some benefit as a result of the
CPA's involvement because the service has been performed with professional
competence and due care
• Understanding the Entity
The CPA should obtain an understanding of the following
matters sufficient to be able to perform the compilation
[Practitioner's signature]
[Date of practitioner's report]
[Practitioner's address]
Modification to the compilation report
Material Misstatements
• If the CPA practitioner becomes aware during the course of the engagement
that the compiled financial statements are materially misstated or misleading,
the practitioner should propose the appropriate amendments to management.
Objective To express an opinion To enable the CPA to To carry out audit To assist the client in
on the fair report whether procedures agreed the preparation of
presentation of the anything has to on with the client the financial
financial statements come to his attention and any appropriate statements
that would indicate third parties
that the financial identified in the
statements are not report
presented fairly
Basic Procedures Risk assessment Inquiry and analytical As agreed Assemble FS based
procedures, test of procedures on the information
controls and provided by the
substantive tests management
Nature of AUDIT REVIEW Agreed-upon Compilation
Service Procedures
• A 3-party relationship;
• Suitable criteria;
2. Subject matter
The assertion about which the practitioner gathers sufficient appropriate evidence to provide a
reasonable basis for expressing a conclusion on the assurance report.
4. Evidence
The practitioner should plan and perform the engagement to
obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to determine whether
the assertions are free of material misstatement.
5. Assurance report
PSAE 3400
Auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate evidence that:
• Managements best-estimate assumptions are reasonable,
and in the case of hypothetical assumptions, such
assumptions are consistent with the purpose of the
• The prospective financial information is properly prepared on
the basis of the assumptions;
• The prospective financial information in it properly presented
and all material assumptions are adequately disclosed; and
• The prospective financial information is prepared on a
consistent basis with historical financial statements.
Based on our examination of evidence supporting the assumptions, nothing has come
to our attention which causes us to believe that these assumptions do not provide a
reasonable basis for the forecast. Father in our opinion, the forecast is properly prepared
on the basis of the assumptions and is presented in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles in the Philippines.
Actual results are likely to be different from forecast anticipated events frequently do
not occur as expected and they variation may be material.