Smart Contract BC
Smart Contract BC
Smart Contract BC
Blockchain Technology
Smart Contracts
Blockchain Technology 3
The smart contract code can represent a multi-party transaction, typically in the
context of a business process.
In a multi-party scenario, the benefit is that this can provide attestable data and
transparency that can foster trust, provide insight that can enable better business
decisions, reduce costs from reconciliation that exists in traditional business to
business applications, and reduce the time to complete a transaction.
Smart contracts must be deterministic, in that given an input they will always
produce the same output based on that input.
Additionally, all the nodes executing the smart contract must agree on the new state
that is obtained after the execution.
To achieve this, smart contracts cannot operate on data outside of what is directly
passed into it (e.g., smart contracts cannot obtain web services data from within the
smart contract – it would need to be passed in as a parameter).
Any smart contract which uses data from outside the context of its own system is
said to use an ‘Oracle’
Blockchain Technology 4
For smart contract enabled permissionless blockchain networks (such
as Ethereum) the user issuing a transaction to a smart contract will
have to pay for the cost of the code execution. There is a limit on how
much execution time can be consumed by a call to a smart contract,
based on the complexity of the code.
If this limit is exceeded, execution stops,and the transaction is
discarded. This mechanism not only rewards the publishers for
executing the smart contract code, but also prevents malicious users
from deploying and then accessing smart contracts that will perform
a denial of service on the publishing nodes by consuming all
resources (e.g., using infinite loops)
Blockchain Technology 5
Smart Contract Concept
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Types of Smart Contracts
Smart Legal Autonomous
Contracts Organizations
Distributed Smart
Applications Contracting
(Combination of
smart contract (Combined
codes) with IoT)
Blockchain Technology 7
DApp web DApp web
browser browser
1 2 3 4 a)
Pre-defined Execute and
Events Settlement
contract value transfer
b) (Digital)
Terms are estimated a) For digital asset
by all counterparties, on the chain, such
such as o Event triggers Event triggers as a cryptocurrency,
contract execution contract and accounts are
Variable interest dictates automatically
rate (e.g., UBOR) o Event can refer to movement of settled
Currency of value based on b) For assets
payments Transaction conditions met. represented off the
Currency rate initiated chain such as stock
Information and fiat, changes to
Conditions rate at received accounts on the
given value
Blockchain for
Technology ledger will match
execution (e.g., time off-chain settlement
and date, LIBOR ) instructions
Software Oracle and Hardware
Blockchain Technology 10
Blockchain Technology 11
Characteristics of Autonomous
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