Blockchain Technology Handbook
Blockchain Technology Handbook
Blockchain Technology Handbook
A Beginners Guide
Smart Contracts
Date: September 30, 2017
Authors: Shermin Voshmgir, Valentin Kalinov
Publisher: BlockchainHub Berlin,
Licence: Creative Commons - Attribution, Share Alike
This handbook will not be updated.
A more comprehensive follow up to this handbook has been developed into a textbook:
“Token Economy”, by Shermin Voshmgir, 312 pages, 2019
Please note:
Blockchain and other decentralized web technologies are still in their early stages of development. The underlying tech, as well as
use cases and players on the market are changing rapidly. While we tried to stay as neutral and general as possible, some information
in this document might be outdated shortly after publishing.
Table of Contents
Blockchain Basics
Removing the Middle Man
Smart Contracts
Web3 - The Decentralized Web
Killing the Server: Redesigning Data Structures
From Data Monarchy to Data Democracy
Web3 Technology Stack
Types of Blockchains
Public Blockchains
Federated Blockchains or Consortium Blockchains
Private Blockchains
Hybrid/Blockchainified Databases: Example BigchainDB
Different Classification Schemes
Machine Consensus in a P2P Network
Economic Consensus Rules
Upgrading/Changing Consensus Rules
Type of Tokens
Legal Status
Smart Contracts
Slashing Transactions Costs
Characteristics of a Smart Contract
Smart Contract Example
Types of Smart Contracts
Smart Contract Coding
Types of Oracles
Security Challenges
Decentralized Applications (dApp)
DApps vs Smart Contracts
dApps Requirements
dApp development process
Example: Ethereum dApps
dApp Licences
Decentralized Organizations (DO)
Disrupting Governance with DAOs
How DAOs work
DAOs as Crowdfunding Vehicles
Need for Legal Certainty
Initial Coin Offerings - ICOs
Crowd Funding or Crowd Investing?
Types of ICOs
History of ICOs
Practical Guides
I want to do a Blockchain Project - Where do I start?
How to find a Blockchain Developer
How to Buy Bitcoin
Investing in Bitcoin FAQ
How to participate in an ICO
Blockchain Glossary (link to website)
Blockchain Infographics (link to website)
Blockchain Basics
In this first part we cover the fundamentals of blockchains, smart contracts and the decentralized web.
The idea is to give you an overview of how the tech works and why blockchain can be a game changer. In
the second part we will focus on some practical “how to” guides.
Blockchain, the technology behind Bitcoin, seems to be the driving technology behind the next generation
Internet, also referred to the Decentralized Web, or the Web3. The blockchain is a novel solution to the
age-old human problem of trust. It provides an architecture for so-called trustless trust. It allows us to
trust the outputs of the system without trusting any actor within it.
Blockchain: Like a Spreadsheet in the Sky
Blockchain is a shared, trusted, public ledger of transactions, that everyone can inspect but which no
single user controls. It is a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of transaction
data records, cryptographically secured from tampering and revision.
Combination of 3 Technologies
A Blockchain protocol operates on top of the Internet, on a P2P Network of computers that all run the
protocol and hold an identical copy of the ledger of transactions, enabling P2P value transactions without
a middleman though machine consensus. Blockchain itself a file - a shared and public ledger of
transactions that records all transactions from the genesis block (first block) until today.
The ledger is built using a linked list, or chain of blocks, where each block contains a certain number of
transactions that were validated by the network in a given timespan. The crypto-economic rulesets of the
blockchain protocol (consensus layer) regulate the behavioral rulesets and incentive mechanism of all
stakeholders in the network.
Why is it called a Blockchain?
This ledger runs on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network of computers. Distributed consensus based on economic
incentive mechanisms (game theory) combined with cryptography allows for secure P2P validation of
transactions, thus bypassing the need for traditional trusted third parties.
It first came to fame in October 2008 as part of a proposal for Bitcoin, with the aim to create P2P money
without banks. All network transactions get stored in the blockchain: Imagine Google Docs: Each person
has the latest version of the document, and everybody can inspect it. In order to change the contents of
the doc, users need to reach a mutual agreement (consensus).
As opposed to Google Docs the file is not centrally stored, but each node of the network keeps a copy of
the blockchain - the distributed ledger recording all transaction history.
Why is a Blockchain Tamper Resistant?
In the case of Bitcoin, instead of a bank validating financial transactions - like sending money from A to B -
checking the digital ledger of who owns what stored on their server, a P2P network of computers running
the bitcoin protocol confirms transactions by majority consensus. The consensus rules of the Bitcoin
network govern how the participants in the network interact with each other. They define:
❏ Under which conditions a transaction - sending money from A to B - is valid.
❏ Transaction costs related to sending money from A to B.
❏ Game theoretic incentive mechanism for validating transactions with a cryptographic token.
❏ Rules of how to change current consensus rules.
Smart Contracts
Blockchain was initially designed for P2P money only. But it soon showed the potential to be used for any
kind of P2P value transaction on top of the Internet. The Ethereum project thus introduced the idea of
decoupling the contract layer from the blockchain layer, where the ledger itself is used by smart contracts
that trigger transactions automatically when certain pre-defined conditions are met. By decoupling the
smart contract layer from the blockchain layer, blockchains like Ethereum aim to provide a more flexible
development environment than the Bitcoin blockchain.
These smart contracts are a piece of code running on top of a blockchain network, where digital assets are
controlled by that piece of code implementing arbitrary rules. They have properties of contractual
agreements but should not be confused with legal contracts. (For more information on legal question
around blockchain visit our Blockchain & Law page).
If and when all parties to the smart contract fulfill the pre-defined arbitrary rules, the smart contract will
auto execute the transaction. These smart contracts aim to provide transaction security superior to
traditional contract law and reduce transaction costs of coordination and enforcement.
Smart contracts can be used for simple economic transactions like sending money from A to B. They can
also be used for registering any kind of ownership and property rights like land registries and intellectual
property, or managing smart access control for the sharing economy, just to name a few. Furthermore,
smart contracts can be used for more complex transactions like governing a group of people that share
the same interests and goals. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, DAOs, are such an example for
more complex smart contracts.
Blockchain Technology Stack: Ethereum & similar Blockchains
Inspired by Florian Glatz: Source
With blockchains and smart contracts we can now imagine a world in which contracts are embedded in
digital code and stored in transparent, shared databases, where they are protected from deletion,
tampering, and revision.
In this world every agreement, every process, task and payment would have a digital record and signature
that could be identified, validated, stored, and shared.
Intermediaries like lawyers, brokers, and bankers, and public administrators might no longer be necessary.
Individuals, organizations, machines, and algorithms would freely transact and interact with one another
with little friction and a fraction of current transaction costs.
Blockchains & smart contracts:
❏ Radically reduce transaction costs (bureaucracy) through machine consensus and auto-enforceable
❏ Bypass the traditional principal-agent dilemmas of organizations, thus providing an operating
system for what some refer to as "trustless trust". This means that you don't have to trust people
and organizations, you trust code, which is open source and provides transparent processes.
Web3 - The Decentralized Web
In the early 1990's the WWW revolutionized information. Ten years later, the Internet became more
mature & programmable. We saw the rise of the so-called Web2, which brought us social media and
e-commerce platforms. It revolutionized social interactions, bringing producers and consumers of
information, goods and services closer together, and allowed us to enjoy P2P interactions on a global
But always with a middleman: a platform acting as a trusted intermediary between A and B who did not
know or trust each other. While these platforms have done a fantastic job at creating a P2P economy, with
an ever more sophisticated content discovery layer, they also dictate all rules of the transactions, and
these platforms own all of our data.
In this context Blockchain seems to be a driving force of the next generation Internet, the Decentralized
Web, or Web3. Blockchain can bring us true P2P transactions without intermediaries, and Bitcoin is the
first use case. While Bitcoin is P2P money without banks and bank managers, the same technology that
brought us Bitcoin could now allow us to build ridesharing without Uber, apartment sharing without
Airbnb, and social media without Facebook and Twitter.
We first had the computer, and then we started connecting computers over the internet protocol. In the
early days of personal computers, we used to save data on a floppy disc, eject it, walk over to the
colleague that needed the file, insert the floppy disc into that person's computer, and copy the file onto
their computer so they could use it.
Data was centrally stored one physical device, in order to transfer data, copies needed to be made. The
internet made the transfer of these copies faster and massively reduced transaction costs.
The Internet Today: A Client - Server World
Source: Client-Server Model, David Vignoni (2011)
30 years into mass adoption of the internet, our data architectures are mostly still client server based.
Which means that our data is centrally stored on one computer, and retrieved via the Internet by another
computer over the Internet. Even though we live in an ever more connected world, where every device
whether toaster or fridge are also connected to the Internet, data is still centrally stored: on our devices,
on the USB stick or even in the cloud.
This raises issues of trust: Can I trust those people and institutions that store my data against any form of
corruption: internal or external, man made or machine failure, on purpose or by accident? Such centralized
data structures have a unique point of failure points of failure. It's as if we never invented the Internet.
Centralized vs Decentralized
Modified from: On Distributed Communications; Introduction to distributed communications networks
Paul Baran (1964)
In the Web3, we are redefining data structure, given that we live in a connected world. It is important to
note that Blockchain is only one of many technologies in this Decentralized Web Stack. While Blockchain is
a great P2P way to record who did what and when, it is not ideal for storing large amounts of data, for two
reasons: (1) scalability: blockchains are too slow, and (2) doesn't allow privacy by design: never store
private data on the Blockchain.
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Similar to building a standard web or mobile applications, creating a dApp commonly requires a few things:
computation, file storage, external data, monetization, and payments. The community has made a lot of
progress building the ecosystem in the past four years.
While it was borderline impossible to build a dApp in 2014, in 2017 it’s feasible to build a basic dApp that
requires minimal computation and file storage. The Web3 ecosystem has come a long way to develop a
technology stack that devs can build upon. Here a listing of a few selected graphics:
General Web3 Stack
Source: The Web 3.0 Abstracted Stack by Stephan Tual (2017)
The transition from client-server internet to the decentralized web will be gradual rather than radical. As
the decentralized web stack is still maturing, the transition seems to be shifting from centralized to
partially decentralized to fully decentralized. Furthermore, it is important to point out that while
decentralized architectures are more fault tolerant and attack resistant, they are also slower.
While it is likely that the future of the internet will be more decentralized, this does not mean that we will
get rid of centralized systems altogether. Centralized systems also have advantages and will likely prevail,
but only for specific use cases.
Decentralization of the Cloud
Source: Weaving the ILP Fabric into Bigchain DB, BigchainDB (2016)
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Types of Blockchains
The Bitcoin White Paper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008; the first Bitcoin block got mined in
2009. Since the Bitcoin protocol is open source, anyone could take the protocol, fork it (modify the code),
and start their own version of P2P money. Many so-called altcoins emerged and tried to be a better, faster
or more anonymous than Bitcoin. Soon the code was not only altered to create better cryptocurrencies,
but some projects also tried to alter the idea of blockchain beyond the use case of P2P money.
The idea emerged that the Bitcoin blockchain could be in fact used for any kind of value transaction or any
kind of agreement such as P2P insurance, P2P energy trading, P2P ride sharing, etc. Colored Coins and
Mastercoin tried to solve that problem based on the Bitcoin Blockchain Protocol. The Ethereum project
decided to create their own blockchain, with very different properties than Bitcoin, decoupling the smart
contract layer from the core blockchain protocol, offering a radical new way to create online markets and
programmable transactions known as Smart Contracts.
Private institutions like banks realized that they could use the core idea of blockchain as a distributed
ledger technology (DLT), and create a permissioned blockchain (private of federated), where the validator
is a member of a consortium or separate legal entities of the same organization. The term blockchain in
the context of permissioned private ledger is highly controversial and disputed. This is why the term
distributed ledger technologies emerged as a more general term.
Types of Blockchains
Private blockchains are valuable for solving efficiency, security and fraud problems within traditional
financial institutions, but only incrementally. It's not very likely that private blockchains will revolutionize
the financial system. Public blockchains, however, hold the potential to replace most functions of
traditional financial institutions with software, fundamentally reshaping the way the financial system
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Public Blockchains
State of the art public Blockchain protocols based on Proof of Work (PoW) consensus algorithms are open
source and not permissioned. Anyone can participate, without permission. (1) Anyone can download the
code and start running a public node on their local device, validating transactions in the network, thus
participating in the consensus process – the process for determining what blocks get added to the chain
and what the current state is. (2) Anyone in the world can send transactions through the network and
expect to see them included in the blockchain if they are valid. (3) Anyone can read transaction on the
public block explorer. Transactions are transparent, but anonymous/pseudonumous.
Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dash, Litecoin, Dodgecoin, etc.
Effects: (1) Potential to disrupt current business models through disintermediation. (2) No infrastructure costs: No need to
maintain servers or system admins radically reduces the costs of creating and running decentralized applications (dApps).
Federated Blockchains operate under the leadership of a group. As opposed to public Blockchains, they
don't allow any person with access to the Internet to participate in the process of verifying transactions.
Federated Blockchains are faster (higher scalability) and provide more transaction privacy. Consortium
blockchains are mostly used in the banking sector. The consensus process is controlled by a pre-selected
set of nodes; for example, one might imagine a consortium of 15 financial institutions, each of which
operates a node and of which 10 must sign every block in order for the block to be valid. The right to read
the blockchain may be public, or restricted to the participants.
Example: R3 (Banks), EWF (Energy), B3i (Insurance), Corda
Effects: (1) reduces transaction costs and data redundancies and replaces legacy systems, simplifying document handling and
getting rid of semi manual compliance mechanisms. (2) in that sense it can be seen as equivalent to SAP in the 1990's: reduces
costs, but not disruptive.
Note: Some would argue that such a system is not a blockchain. Also, Blockchain is still in it's early stages. It is unclear how the
technology will pan out and will be adopted. Many argue that private or federated Blockchains might suffer the fate of Intranets
in the 1990's, when private companies built their own private LANs or WANs instead of using the public Internet and all the
services, but has more or less become obsolete especially with the advent of SAAS in the Web2.
Private Blockchains
Write permissions are kept centralized to one organization. Read permissions may be public or restricted
to an arbitrary extent. Example applications include database management, auditing, etc. which are
internal to a single company, and so public readability may in many cases not be necessary at all. In other
cases public audit ability is desired. Private blockchains are a way of taking advantage of blockchain
technology by setting up groups and participants who can verify transactions internally. This puts you at
the risk of security breaches just like in a centralized system, as opposed to public blockchain secured by
game theoretic incentive mechanisms. However, private blockchains have their use case, especially when it
comes to scalability and state compliance of data privacy rules and other regulatory issues. They have
certain security advantages, and other security disadvantages (as stated before).
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State of the art public blockchains currently have a scalability issue, which means that the network can
only handle a few transactions per second, which makes them unfeasible for large scale applications with
high transaction volumes. Bitcoin and Ethereum can only handle less than a dozen transactions per
second, yet Visa alone would require 100k transactions per second at peak times. BigchainDB for example
combined the scalability power of distributed database with immutable elements of Blockchains to solve
this problem on the database side.
Some people would dispute that you can call BigchainDB a blockchain. However it is an important
technology in the technology stack of distributed computing and solves the big issue of scalability. We are
currently redesigning data structures for the Web3, moving away from centralized computing to
decentralized/distributed computing & the decentralized web. In this context, BigchainDB is an important
element in the Web3 technology stack (see images below).
Decentralized Stack Interoperability
Source: n.d., BigchainDB (2016)
Many people have tried to classifying blockchains, but there is no consensus on how to accurately
distinguish between different types of Blockchains. We have listed a selection of different classification
Public vs Private Blockchains
Source: Chris Skinner's Blog
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One way to distinguish is between public and private, or permissioned and permissionless. Sometimes
these terms are used synonymously, but they refer to different things.
Permissioned vs Permissionless Blockchains
Source: Gavin Wood (2016)
The Bitcoin Blockchain is a game changer, because it is public and permissionless. Anyone in the world can
download the open source code, and can start verifying transaction, being rewarded with bitcoin, through
a concept called mining.
All stakeholders in the bitcoin network, who do not know and trust each other, are coordinated through an
economical incentive framework pre-defined in the protocol and auto enforced by machine consensus of
the P2P Network. The smart contract in the blockchain protocol therefore provides an coordination
framework for all network participants, without the use of traditional legal contracts. In private and
permissioned blockchain, all network participants validating transactions are known. Bilateral or
multilateral legal agreements provide a framework for trust, not the code.
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Public Consortium Private
No centralized management Multiple Single
Organisations Organisation
Consensus Proof of Work, Proof of Voting or multi-party consensus Voting or multi-party consensus
Mechanisms Stake, etc.. algorithm algorithm
- Large energy consumption - Lighter - Lighter
- No finality - Faster - Faster
- 51% attack - Low energy consumption - Low energy consumption
- Enable finality - Enable finality
Adapted and modified from: Slideshare
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Crypto Economics
Cryptoeconomics refers to as the study of economic interaction in adversarial environments. The
underlying challenge is that in decentralized P2P systems, that do not give control to any centralized
party, one must assume that there will be bad actors looking to disrupt the system. Cryptoeconomic
approaches combine cryptography and economics to create robust decentralized P2P networks that thrive
over time despite adversaries attempting to disrupt them. The cryptography underlying these systems is
what makes the P2P communication within the networks secure, and the economics is what incentivizes all
actors to contribute to the network so that it continues to develop over time.
Before the advent of Bitcoin, it was commonly believed to be impossible to achieve fault tolerant and
attack resistant consensus among nodes in a P2P network (Byzantine General’s Problem). Satoshi
Nakamoto introduced economic incentives to a P2P Network and solved that problem in the Bitcoin White
Paper published in 2008. While decentralized P2P systems based on cryptography were nothing new – see
Kazaa and BitTorrent – what these P2P systems before Bitcoin lacked was economic incentive layer for
coordination of the network of participants. Satoshi’s implementation of a Proof of Work (POW)
consensus mechanism introduced a new field of economic coordination game, now referred to as
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❏ Proof of Work (PoW): The Bitcoin blockchain uses electricity to ensure the security of the system.
It creates an economic system where you can only participate by incurring costs – Proof of Work
(PoW). You do that for the possibility of reward – in this case, Bitcoin tokens. If you spend money,
and you play fair by the rules, you get money back. If you cheat, you lose money. The consensus
rules are designed in a way that it doesn’t pay to cheat. This simple game theoretical equilibrium is
the core of the Bitcoin consensus algorithm. Currently, the majority of Altcoins are software forks
of the Bitcoin protocol with usually minor changes to the proof of work (PoW) algorithm of the
Bitcoin blockchain. Some people argue that Bitcoin’s current consensus system is more a
Delegated PoW and not a pure PoW as designed by Satoshi, since most miners have formed cartels
in form of mining pools.
History: Proof of work is an economic measure to deter denial of service attacks and other service abuses
such as spam on a network by requiring some work from the service requester, usually meaning processing
time by a computer. The concept may have been first presented by Cynthia Dwork and Moni Naor in a
1993 journal. The term “Proof of Work” was first coined and formalized in a 1999 paper by Markus
Jakobsson and Ari Juels. A key feature of these schemes is their asymmetry: the work must be moderately
hard (but feasible) on the requester side but easy to check for the service provider. This idea is also known
as a CPU cost function, client puzzle, computational puzzle or CPU pricing function.
❏ Proof of Stake (PoS): is an alternative method by which a cryptocurrency blockchain network
aims to achieve distributed consensus. While the proof-of-work (PoW) method asks users to
repeatedly run hashing algorithms or other client puzzles, to validate electronic transactions,
proof-of-stake asks users to prove ownership of a certain amount of currency (their “stake” in the
currency). Peercoin was the first cryptocurrency to launch using Proof-of-Stake. Other prominent
implementations are found in BitShares, Nxt, BlackCoin, NuShares/NuBits and Qora. Ethereum has
planned a hard fork transition from PoW to PoS consensus. Decred hybridizes PoW with PoS and
combines elements of both in an attempt to garner the benefits of the two systems and create a
more robust notion of consensus. With Proof of Work, the probability of mining a block depends
on the work done by the miner (e.g. CPU/GPU cycles spent checking hashes). In the case of Bitcoin,
with Proof of Stake, the resource that’s compared is the amount of Bitcoin a miner holds –
someone holding 1% of the Bitcoin can mine 1% of the “Proof of Stake blocks”. Instead of
sacrificing energy to mine a block, a user must prove they own a certain amount of the
cryptocurrency to generate a block. The higher stake you have, the more likely you are to generate
a block. In theory, this should prevent users from creating forks because it will devalue their stake.
Proof of Stake sounds like a good idea, but ironically, there is the “Nothing at Stake” problem.
Since mining Bitcoins is costly, it is not smart to waste your energy on a fork that won’t earn you
any money, however with Proof of Stake, it is free to mine a fork.
❏ Delegated Proof of Stake: DPoS uses a reputation system and real-time voting to achieve
consensus. To be more specific, a panel of trusted parties has to be established, with all of its
members eligible to create blocks and prevent non-trusted parties from participating. Delegates,
the parties responsible for creating blocks, are unable to change transaction details. However,
they can prevent specific transactions from being included in the next network block. This
seemingly requires a fair bit of trust, which makes the concept look far less appealing. However,
there is a caveat. Any transaction not included in the next block – or a block failing to create – will
mean the next network block is twice the size. In a way, this prevents malicious intent to block
certain transactions or blocks being created in the allotted time period. All it does is perhaps
slightly delay said transaction or block, but it is seemingly impossible to prevent inclusion and
creation in the long run. Moreover, anyone who behaves in a nefarious way will have their behavior
exposed to the public. Community members of the DPoS-capable currencies can vote to have said
person removed as a delegate altogether. It appears as if cheating under DPoS rules is not only
impossible, but it is not in anybody’s best interest to do so either. It is equally possible to have
more or fewer delegates as part of the network, although that may not necessarily be beneficial
either. It is always possible to change the number of delegates, though, which is an important
factor to keep in mind.
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❏ Proof of Burn: “is a method for distributed consensus and an alternative to Proof of Work and
Proof of Stake. It can also be used for bootstrapping one cryptocurrency off of another. The idea is
that miners should show proof that they burned some coins – that is, sent them to a verifiably
unspendable address. This is expensive from their individual point of view, just like proof of work;
but it consumes no resources other than the burned underlying asset. To date, all proof of burn
cryptocurrencies work by burning proof-of-work-mined cryptocurrencies, so the ultimate source of
scarcity remains the proof-of-work-mined fuel” (Bitcoin Wiki).
❏ Proof of Authority (PoA): A Proof of authority is a consensus mechanism in a private blockchain
which essentially gives one client (or a specific number of clients) with one particular private key
the right to make all of the blocks in the blockchain.
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Native tokens of state of the art public & permissionless Blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum, are part of
the incentive scheme to encourage a disparate group of people who do not know or trust each other
organize themselves around the purpose of a specific blockchain. The native token of the Bitcoin Network
also referred to as Bitcoin, has token governance rulesets based on crypto economic incentive
mechanisms that determine under which circumstances Bitcoin transactions are validated and new blocks
are created.
These blockchain based cryptographic tokens enable "distributed Internet tribes" to emerge. As opposed
to traditional companies that are structured in a top manner with many layers of management
(bureaucratic coordination), blockchain disrupt classic top down governance structures with decentralized
autonomous organizations (DAOs), where a group of people bound together not by a legal entity and
formal contracts, but instead by cryptographic tokens (incentives) and fully transparent rules that are
written into the software.
Blockchain Tokens
The Bitcoin Network can be seen as the first true DAO that provides an infrastructure for money without
banks and bank managers and has stayed attack resistant as well as fault tolerant since the first block was
created in 2009. No central entity controls Bitcoin. In theory, only a worldwide power outage could shut
down Bitcoin.
With the advent of Ethereum however, tokens have moved up the technology stack and can now be issued
on the application layer as dApp tokens or DAO tokens. Smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain
enable the creation of tokens with complex behaviors attached to them. Today, the token concept is
central to most social and economic innovations developed with blockchain technology.
Only permissionless ledgers (public Blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum), need some sort of incentive
mechanism to guarantee that block validators do their job according to the predefined rules. In
permissioned (federated/consortium/private) distributed ledger systems, validators and block-creators
may be doing their job for different reasons: i.e., if they are contractually obligated to do so. In
permissioned environments, validators can only be members of the club and are manually and centrally
controlled. Permissioned ledgers, therefore, don’t need a token. Also, please note that the term
blockchain in the context of such ledgers is highly controversial.
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Level of Token
Type of Tokens
There are different ways to differentiate between tokens. Some of them are outlined below. Please note
that Crypto Economics is so new, that we are still in the early stages of exploring different roles and types
of tokens. With every new Blockchain and every new application layer we will collectively learn by trial and
error of what works and what not.
❏ Usage tokens: A token that is required to use a service. Bitcoin and Ether are the best examples of
usage tokens — token ownership does not give you any specialized rights within the network, but
it does give you access to the service (the Bitcoin payment network and the Ethereum Virtual
Machine in the case of BTC and ETH). Scarce tokens combined with a useful service can create
massive value for token holders and entrepreneurs.
❏ Work tokens: A token that gives users the right to contribute work to a decentralized network or
DAO (whether on blockchain level or smart contract level) and earn in exchange for their work.
That work can be serving as an oracle (in the case of Augur), being the backstop in a collateralized
debt system (in the case of Maker), or securing the network (in the case of Ethereum when it
switches to proof of stake).
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These two types of tokens are not mutually exclusive and some tokens serve as both: usage tokens and
work tokens. An example of a token with both characteristics will be ETH when Ethereum transitions from
proof of work to proof of stake. Another way to differentiate between tokens is:
❏ Intrinsic, Native or Built-in Tokens: of blockchains like Bitcoin, Ether, etc that serve as: (a) block
validation incentives (‘miner rewards’); and (b) transaction spam prevention. The logic behind this
is that if all transactions are paid, it limits the ability to spam.
❏ Application Tokens: With Ethereum, tokens can now easily be issued on the application layer
through smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain as so-called complex dApp tokens or
complex DAO tokens.
❏ Asset-backed tokens: that are issued by a party onto a blockchain for later redemption. They are
the digital equivalent to physical assets. They are claims on an underlying asset (like the gold), that
you need to claim from a specific issuer (the goldsmith). The transactions as tokens get passed
between people are recorded on the blockchain. To claim the underlying asset, you send your
token to the issuer, and the issuer sends you the underlying asset.
❏ An hours worth of rooftop solar ❏ Token of ownership
energy ❏ Vouchers
❏ A currency such as dollar, euro, ❏ Software license
rupee, or gbp ❏ Stock certificates
❏ A promise for a product in a ❏ Access rental cars or other vehicles
crowdfund ❏ Tickets, access rights
❏ A future download of a song ❏ Memberships, subscriptions
from your favorite artist ❏ Rewards program
❏ An insurance policy ❏ Financial Instruments
❏ A ticket to an event ❏ As a system of voting
Legal Status
Blockchain tokens embody the full potential of blockchain technology. In order for blockchains to unfold
their full potential with regard to reinventing ownership in the digital realm, the technology needs to be
recognized de lege ferenda as a system capable of creating an objectively new ontological category. A new
kind of thing, which deserves its own regulatory framework that reflects the unique affordances and
constraints of blockchain technology.
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Smart Contracts
A smart contract is a computer code running on top of a blockchain containing a set of rules under which
the parties to that smart contract agree to interact with each other. If and when the pre-defined rules are
met, the agreement is automatically enforced. The smart contract code facilitates, verifies, and enforces
the negotiation or performance of an agreement or transaction. It is the simplest form of decentralized
automation. It is a mechanism involving digital assets and two or more parties, where some or all of the
parties deposit assets into the smart contract and the assets automatically get redistributed among those
parties according to a formula based on certain data, which is not known at the time of contract initiation.
Smart Contract
The term smart contract is a bit unfortunate since a smart contract is neither smart nor are they to be
confused with a legal contract:
❏ A smart contract can only be as smart as the people coding taking into account all available
information at the time of coding.
❏ While smart contracts have the potential to become legal contracts if certain conditions are met,
they should not be confused with legal contracts accepted by courts and or law enforcement.
However, we will probably see a fusion of legal contracts and smart contracts emerge over the
next few years as the technology becomes more mature and widespread and legal standards are
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now be automatically executed by a computer or a network of computers as soon as the parties have
come to an agreement and met the conditions of the agreement (enforcement).
Although the concept of smart contracts is not new, blockchain technologies seem to be the catalyst for
smart contract implementation. The most primitive form of a smart contract is a vending machine. The
rules of a transaction are programmed into a machine. You select a product by pressing a number related
to that product, insert the coins, the machine acts as a smart contract checking whether you inserted
enough money. If yes, the machine is programmed to eject the product, and if you inserted too much
money, it will also eject the change. If you didn’t insert enough money, or if the machine ran out of the
money, you will get your change back. Automatic vending machines not only slashed transaction costs by
making human vendors obsolete, but they also expanded service, offering 24/7 availability instead of
limited opening hours of a kiosk.
Smart contracts are capable of tracking performance in real time and can bring tremendous cost savings.
Compliance and controlling happen on the fly. In order to get external information, a smart contract needs
information oracles, which feed the smart contract with external information that can trigger transactions.
Process of buying a car today
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On the Blockchain, once all involved authorities and companies are on a blockchain, a smart contract could
be used to define all the rules of a valid care sale. If Alice wanted to buy the car from Bob using a smart
contract on the blockchain, the transaction would be verified by each node in the Blockchain Network to
see if Bob is the owner of the car and if Alice has enough money to pay Bob.
Process of buying a car on the Blockchain
If the network agrees that both conditions are true, Alice automatically gets the access code to the smart
lock for the garage. The blockchain registers Alice as the new owner of the car. Bob has € 20,000 more on
his account, and Alice € 20,000 less. No middlemen required. On the Blockchain, who owns what is
transparent and at the same time anonymous or pseudonymous. This means that every computer running
the blockchain protocol could check whether a certain person is the rightful owner of the car or not.
Stealing cars won’t be as easy as today, especially once we have smart keys granting access control
verified on the blockchain, to unlock our future vehicles. As the owner of the car, you could authorize
other people to drive it (stating the public key of the respective individual). In such cases opening the car
would only be possible with a smart key on the Blockchain.
We we can trust the Blockchain
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An oracle, in the context of blockchains and smart contracts, is an agent that finds and verifies real-world
occurrences and submits this information to a blockchain to be used by smart contracts.
Smart contracts contain value and only unlock that value if certain pre-defined conditions are met. When a
particular value is reached, the smart contract changes its state and executes the programmatically
predefined algorithms, automatically triggering an event on the blockchain. The primary task of oracles is
to provide these values to the smart contract in a secure and trusted manner.
Blockchains cannot access data outside their network. An oracle is a data feed – provided by third party
service – designed for use in smart contracts on the blockchain. Oracles provide external data and trigger
smart contract executions when pre-defined conditions meet. Such condition could be any data like
weather temperature, successful payment, price fluctuations, etc.
Oracles are part of multi-signature contracts where for example the original trustees sign a contract for
future release of funds only if certain conditions are met. Before any funds get released an oracle has to
sign the smart contract as well.
Types of Oracles
There are different types of oracles based on the type of use. We differentiate between software oracles,
hardware oracles, consensus oracles and inbound and outbound oracles.
❏ Software Oracles
Software oracles handle information available online. An example could be the temperature,
prices of commodities and goods, flight or train delays, etc. The data originates from online
sources, like company websites. The software oracle extracts the needed information and pushes
it into the smart contract.
❏ Hardware Oracles
Some smart contracts need information directly from the physical world, for example, a car
crossing a barrier where movement sensors must detect the vehicle and send the data to a smart
contract. Another use case is RFID sensors in the supply chain industry. The biggest challenge for
hardware oracles is the ability to report readings without sacrificing data security. Oracalize
proposes a two-step solution to the risks, by providing cryptographic evidence of the sensor’s
readings and anti-tampering mechanisms rendering the device inoperable in the case of a breach.
❏ Inbound Oracles
These provide the smart contract with data from the external world. Example use case will be an
automatic buy order if the USD hits a certain price.
❏ Outbound Oracles
These provide smart contracts with the ability to send data to the outside world. An example
would be a smart lock in the physical world which receives a payment on its blockchain address
and needs to unlock automatically.
❏ Consensus Based Oracles
Prediction markets like Augur and Gnosis rely heavily on oracles to confirm future outcomes. Using
only one source of information could be risky and unreliable. To avoid market manipulation
prediction markets implement a rating system for oracles. For further security, a combination of
different oracles may be used, where for example 3 out of 5 oracles could determine the outcome
of an event.
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Security Challenges
Oracles are third party services which are not part of the blockchain consensus mechanism. The main
challenge with oracles is that people need to trust these sources of information. Whether a website or a
sensor, the source of information needs to be trustworthy. Different trusted computing techniques can be
used as a way of solving these issues. Companies like Oracalize,
for example, have been leveraging Amazon with the TLSNotary-based proofs. Town Crier, another
company, is focusing on the utilization of the Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). Providing smart
contracts with trusted information sources is crucial for the users because in case of mistakes there are no
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Decentralized Applications (dApp)
Decentralized applications (dApps) are applications that run on a P2P network of computers rather than a
single computer. dApps, have existed since the advent of P2P networks. They are a type of software
program designed to exist on the Internet in a way that is not controlled by any single entity.
❏ Decentralized applications don't necessarily need to run on top of a blockchain network.
BitTorrent, Popcorn Time, BitMessage, Tor, are all traditional dApps that run on a P2P network,
but not on a Blockchain (which is a specific kind of P2P network).
❏ As opposed to simple smart contracts, in the classic sense of Bitcoin, that sends money from A to
B, dApps have an unlimited number of participants on all sides of the market.
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dApps Requirements
For an application to be considered a dApp in the context of Blockchain, it must meet the following
❏ Application must be completely open-source
It must operate autonomously, and with no entity controlling the majority of its tokens. The
application may adapt its protocol in response to proposed improvements and market feedback,
but the consensus of its users must decide all changes.
❏ Application's data and records of operation
must be cryptographically stored in a public, decentralized blockchain in order to avoid any central
points of failure.
❏ Application must use a cryptographic token
(Bitcoin or a token native to its system) which is necessary for access to the application and any
contribution of value from (miners/farmers) should be rewarded with the application’s tokens.
❏ Application must generate tokens
according to a standard cryptographic algorithm acting as a proof of the value, nodes are
contributing to the application (Bitcoin uses the Proof of Work Algorithm).
❏ Token Sale
Initial tokens sale is set up
❏ Financial applications: providing users with more powerful ways of managing and entering into
contracts using their money.
❏ Semi-financial applications: where money is involved, but there is also a heavy non-monetary side
to what is being done.
❏ Governance Applications: such as online voting & decentralized governance that are not financial
at all.
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Examples for such dApps:
❏ Token Systems: On-blockchain token systems have many applications ranging from
sub-currencies representing assets such as USD or gold to company stocks, individual tokens
representing smart property, secure unforgeable coupons, and even token systems with no ties to
conventional value at all, used as point systems for incentivization.
❏ Financial derivatives and Stable-Value Currencies: For example, a very desirable application is a
smart contract that hedges against the volatility of ether with respect to the US dollar by using the
data feed from, e.g., NASDAQ.
❏ Identity & Reputation Systems: A contract stating the name of the owner of a land title can be
added to the Ethereum network but not modified or removed. Anyone can register a name with
some value, and that registration then sticks forever.
❏ Decentralized File Storage: A Dropbox-like dApp where a smart contract splits the desired data
up into blocks, encrypting each block for privacy, and builds a Merkle tree out of it, then the whole
data gets distributed across a peer to peer network of computers. However private data does not
get stored on the blockchain..
❏ Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs): A virtual entity that has a certain set of
members or shareholders who, perhaps with a 67% majority, have the right to spend the entity’s
funds and modify its code. The members would collectively decide on how the organization should
allocate its resources.
dApp Licences
Operating under open-source license allows dApps to be open for innovation without restrictions of
copyright or patent. Also, by being completely open-source, decentralized applications can operate under
the legal model of open-source software. Bitcoin, for example, uses the MIT open-source software license.
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A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) can be seen as the most complex form of a smart
contract, where the bylaws of the decentralized organization are embedded into the code of the smart
contract, using complex token governance rules.
Historically, the Bitcoin network was considered the first true autonomous corporation, that was
coordinated solely through a distributed consensus protocol, which anybody was free to adopt. Today,
DAOs moved up the technology stack, thereby becoming fully virtualized through software. In case of a
Bitcoin-style autonomous corporation, a complex stack of technologies and human-machine systems has
to be put in place in order to create a functioning autonomous infrastructure.
Blockchain Technology Stack Of Ethereum & similar Blockchains
Inspired by Florian Glatz: Link
At today’s evolutionary stage, a DAO materializes as a smart contract – a piece of code – executed on top
of an increasingly opaque stack of distributed networking and consensus technology like the Ethereum
blockchain or similar blockchains.
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property via the legal system, a decentralized organization involves a set of people interacting with each
other according to a protocol specified in code and enforced on the blockchain.
A Decentralized Organization (DO) may or may not make use of the legal system for some protection of its
physical property, but even this such usage is secondary. For example, one can take the
shareholder-owned corporation above, and transplant it entirely on the blockchain; a long-running
blockchain-based contract maintains a record of each individual’s holdings of their shares, and
on-blockchain voting would allow the shareholders to select the positions of the board of directors and
the employees.
Smart property systems can also be integrated into the blockchain directly, potentially allowing DOs to
control vehicles, safety deposit boxes and buildings. DAOs are the holy grail of DOs: it is an entity that
lives on the internet and exists autonomously, but also heavily relies on hiring individuals to perform
certain tasks that the automaton itself cannot do.
Governance is the way rules, norms and actions of how people interact with each other are structured,
sustained, regulated and held accountable. It regulates the process of decision-making among the actors
involved in a collective problem that leads to the creation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social norms
and institutions. The degree of formality depends on the internal rules of a given organization and,
externally, with its business partners. As such, governance may take many forms, driven by many different
motivations and with many different results.
Governance refers to all processes of governing, whether by a government, market or network, family,
tribe – formal or informal – through the laws, norms, power or language. Blockchain can disrupt traditional
governance structures of all kinds, and challenge the way we currently think about governance.
Disrupting Organizations with Blockchain Tokens
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With large parts of our society traditionally organized in top-down command and control ways, blockchain
promises for more decentralized and spontaneous coordination instead of rigid structures by addressing
two problems of traditional governance structures (1) Principal-Agent Dilemma, and high (2) transaction
costs of coordination.
Smart Contracts in a trustless trust environment – and DAOs are the most complex form of a smart
contract – tackle an age-old problem of governance, which in political science and economics is referred to
as the principal-agent problem. This dilemma occurs when the agent – a person or entity – is able to make
decisions on behalf of, or impacting, a so-called principal – another person or entity. In such setups, moral
hazard occurs when one person takes more risks because someone else bears the cost of those risks,
usually when there is an underlying information asymmetry in play. If the risk-taking party to a transaction
knows more about its intentions than the party paying the consequences of the risk, agents are motivated
to act in their own best interests, which are contrary to those of their principals.
Blockchain and smart contracts reduce transaction costs and levels of bureaucracy and introduce the
possibility of finding new ways of aligning interests and governing groups of people in a much more
decentral way than we know today.
Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) run through rules encoded as computer programs called
smart contracts. It is an entity that lives on the internet and exists autonomously, but also heavily relies on
hiring individuals to perform certain tasks that the automaton itself cannot do.
❏ Tokens of Transaction: In order to exist a DAO needs some kind of internal property that is
valuable in some way, and it has the ability to use that property as a mechanism for rewarding
certain activities. The funding takes place directly upon creation of the organization. DAOs do not
have a hierarchical structure, nor executives or management.
❏ Autonomous: Once deployed the entity is independent of its creators and cannot be influenced
by outside forces. DAOs are open source, thus transparent and incorruptible. A DAO’s financial
transaction record and program rules are maintained on a blockchain. This approach eliminates the
need to involve a bilaterally accepted trusted third party in a financial transaction.
❏ Consensus: In order to withdraw or move funds from a DAO, a majority of its stakeholders (this
percentage could be specified in the code of the DAO) must agree on the decision. Even if bugs
are found in the code, they could not be corrected until a voting procedure has taken place and
the majority of voters agreed on it, which could leave known security holes open to exploitation.
❏ Contractors: A DAO cannot build a product, write code or develop hardware. It needs a contractor
to accomplish its goals. Contractors get appointed via voting of token holders.
❏ Proposals: Proposals are the primary way for making decisions in a DAO. To avoid people
overloading the network with proposals, a DAO could require a monetary deposit to prevent
people from spamming the network.
❏ Voting: After submitting a proposal, voting takes place. DAOs allow people to exchange economic
value with anyone in the world, like investing, money raising, lending, borrowing, without the need
of an intermediary, just by trusting the code.
All cryptocurrencies which use public blockchains are DAOs (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Digix, etc.). Modern
DAOs are complex smart contracts on top of a blockchain. The DAO was an example of a DAO on top of
the Ethereum blockchain.
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Decentalized Autonomous Organizations
Since smart contracts run on top of public blockchain networks such as Ethereum, they can be
programmed to collect and manage real economic value in arbitrarily large amounts referred to as ICO.
The DAO was an example for such an ICO. Its aim was to be a decentralized autonomous investment fund
without fund managers. In the biggest ICO at its time, TheDAO ended up collecting an equivalent of 150m
USD in cryptocurrency. Everybody willing to invest was guaranteed a proportional share of the future
revenues of the company. Additionally, those shares could be traded for any other asset listed on
cryptocurrency exchanges, spanning across both fiat and cryptocurrencies.
Despite The DAO experiment ending prematurely with a spectacular and highly controversial “hack” and a
subsequent hardfork of the Ethereum Blockchain, the idea of a new kind of crowdfunding model, based on
blockchain token issuance as ownership shares in the funding target’s future success, ignited the minds of
entrepreneurs worldwide and has ever since sparked an ICO frenzy.
Voting Process of TheDAO
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A growing number of startups are beginning to raise risk capital to fund the development of individual
products, services or protocols, in a way that shares the future success of the company with its users and
investors. Instead of complex, uncertain and strictly-regulated legal contractual relationships between
investors and founders, those startups rely fully on DAO-type smart contracts to manage those
Circumventing legal systems and thereby legality itself, is, however, not the primary interest of most of
those startups. Instead, it is the much lower barrier to entry as well as the new untapped market potential
that motivates entrepreneurs to go down the route of token crowd sales. Ideals of a new kind of sharing
economy, where the users of a service are at the same time its owners, give those startups moral grounds
for venturing into legally gray areas.
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Initial Coin Offerings - ICOs
ICOs are a type of crowdfunding or crowd investing tool conducted entirely on the blockchain. Originally,
the main idea of an ICO was to fund new projects by pre-selling coins/tokens to investors interested in the
project. Entrepreneurs present a whitepaper describing the business model and the technical
specifications of a project before the ICO. They lay out a timeline for the project and set a target budget
where they describe the future funds spending (marketing, R&D, etc.) as well as coin distribution (how
many coins are they going to keep for themselves, token supply, etc.). During the crowdfunding campaign,
investors purchase tokens with already established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Initial Coin Offerings
As opposed to traditional crowdfunding where the investment is considered to be a donation or a pre-buy
of a product, ICOs give the supporters the possibility of a return of investment when selling their coin
later at a possibly higher price. ICOs are similar to IPOs only if the token represents a stake in the project.
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note that depending on the white paper, tokens can have very different properties and value propositions
and legal status!
Web2 vs Web3
Until recently, the way an ICO was set up depended entirely on the team behind the blockchain project.
Currently, ICOs still lack government regulation or community standards, and this can be regarded as
hazardous for uneducated investors.
In most cases, buying the new token does not give investors stake in the company but rather the hope that
if the project becomes successful, investors will be able to sell their coins at a much higher price. Critics
argue that many current ICOs are based more on FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) than on rational investor
decision giving an advantage to those who understand the system better than others with no kind of
investor protection.
The fact that most countries currently lack any type of government regulation for these blockchain based
token sales can produce a lot of risks for the stakeholders involved – for entrepreneurs and investors alike.
However, the situation is rapidly changing, and more and more governments are starting to regulate or at
least look into regulating ICOs. The recent SEC statement regarding The DAO and the fact that China and
Korea have recently banned ICOS might bring a different momentum into the current ecosystem.
Types of ICOs
Due to lack of regulation, developers have so far had total freedom on how to run an ICO. There have been
different approaches on how these campaigns are set up. Hardly any ICO has been conducted in the same
way as another and covering every possible ICO scenario is almost impossible.
However, the price of a token during ICO period often runs through different stages. In general, we can
distinguish between four different pricing mechanism:
❏ Price increases
ICO runs in stages where the team sets a fixed exchange rate for the tokens. The rate could
increase incrementally with time. This way early investors who take the biggest risk get the best
price per coin ratio. Backers send Bitcoins or Ethereum to the provided addresses and get the new
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❏ Price decreases
Another option would be a dutch auction as presented by the Gnosis team for the first time,
where the sale starts at the highest price per token proportionally decreases until the end of the
auction. Gnosis, for example, used a dutch auction mechanism to raise funds for their project.
❏ Price is fixed
If the exchange rate of the issued token is fixed, this gives investors the opportunity to get as
many tokens as they like at that fixed price. This mechanism is appealing to large investors
because they don’t have to worry about influencing the price by purchasing a big number of
tokens. After a token sale ends, there is a cool-off period where tokens might be frozen (investors
are not allowed to transfer their coins for a certain amount of time) or kept away from exchanges.
After the end of the cool-off period, exchanges can start listing the token thus allowing other
people to trade it at a market price.
❏ Price not determined
A developer might decide not to sell his tokens at a fixed exchange rate but rather let people
invest in his startup and then distribute the new tokens proportionally by giving each person a
percentage of the tokens corresponding to the portion of his investment which is part of total
investments. In the EOS token sale, the total money invested got divided by a number of available
tokens in order to determine the price. In this case, if a startup gets a single investor he/she will
get 100% of the tokens.
As you can see from the examples stated above most token sales so far, have been time capped. However,
some startups like Tau-Chain decided to leave their campaign running without a cap and an end date. So
before you invest into an ICO make sure you understand how much tokens will be in circulation and what
the pricing mechanism will be.
History of ICOs
It all started with the Mastercoin campaign where people could support the Mastercoin project by burning
Bitcoin and getting Mastercoin tokens in exchange. This was conducted entirely P2P and inspired other
projects that followed to use the Bitcoin blockchain for P2P crowdfunding purposes.
History of ICO
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The Ethereum project used the Bitcoin Blockchain in 2014, successfully raising 18 Mio USD in Bitcoin
within a four-week period and breaking all crowdfunding records to date, the Ethereum blockchain has
become the platform that simplified the process of issuing tokens, sparking a series of record-breaking
ICOs in 2016 and 2017.
Initial Coin Offerings are still a relatively new concept and still represent a small amount of the total
crowdfunding capital worldwide. Global crowdfunding volume in 2015 was around $34 Billion, whereas the
ICO volume was less than a percent of the total volume with $240m raised. The most notable ICO in the
blockchain space happened in 2016 where a project called The “DAO” managed to raise $150 Million.
ICO Resources
Coindesk's ICO Tracker
ICO Transparency Monitor
Smith and Crown
Crypto Currency Funds & Fund Management Platforms
Iconomi Melonport
Sources & Further Reading
How to Evaluate an ICO - Part1 by Shermin Voshmgir
How to Evaluate Initial Coin Offerings by William Mougayar
Cryptoassets: Evaluation & Due Diligence framework
10 Steps for Evaluating Digital Asset Crowdsales, Tokenmarket
Investment Guide To 'Crypto' Coin Offerings Rating Blockchain Startups, Forbes
WeTrust: Lending Circles Going Blockchain, Daniel Zakrisson, WeTrust
ICOs, Token Sales, Crowdfundings, Smith & Crown
What is an initial coin offering?, Blockgeeks
What is an Initial Coin Offering (ICO)?, Ben Dickson
Initial Coin Offering, Investopedia
An Introduction To Initial Coin Offerings (ICO's) - The Venture Capital Disrupters, Tim Lea
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Practical Guides
In the first part, we covered the fundamentals of Blockchain to give you an overview of how and why
Blockchain be a game changer. In this part, we would like to focus on some practical “How To” guides that
might be relevant for Blockchain newbies.
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I want to do a Blockchain Project - Where do I start?
There is a wide array of approaches to implementing Blockchain or other Distributed Ledger Technologies.
Diverse landscape of players has emerged, including software service providers that offer software
capabilities on higher stack levels than the blockchain protocols themselves. Each approach has its own
merits and challenges.
Special APIs & Overlays DIY building blocks Blockstack, Factom, Open Assets, Tierion
Blockchain Implementation Solutions
Blockchain First
In this case, you work directly with the given blockchain tools and stack. Assembly is required, so this isn't
for the faint of heart at this point, as many of the technologies are still developing and evolving. However,
working directly with the blockchain provides a good degree of innovation, for example in building
decentralized applications. This is where entrepreneurs are creating ambitious end-to-end, peer-to-peer
applications, such as OpenBazaar (on Bitcoin), or Ujo Music (on Ethereum).
Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.
Development Platforms
Here, you don't start with a preference for a blockchain. Rather, you start with a development approach
orientation, and you build an app that backs into a blockchain infrastructure that could be served in the
cloud. The goal here is rapid development, and you focus on the blockchain programmability.
Some Choices: BlockApps, Blockstream, Monax
Examples: Parity, Hyperledger, Tendermint.
Vertical Solutions
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This segment is where we have seen the most rapid metamorphosis in the past year, mostly in financial
services. These solutions are industry-specific and are based on private blockchain or ledger
infrastructures. A caveat here is that some of these are not full blockchains. Rather, they are distributed
ledgers, which are a subset of blockchain capabilities. And some don't even include a consensus element,
which takes the implementation another level down from distributed ledger tech.
Examples: Axoni, Chain, Clearmatics, Digital Asset Holdings, itBit, R3.
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How to find a Blockchain Developer
The shortage of talent in the blockchain space has become a concern for many companies. While this type
of shortage is typical in the early phases of every technology there are some differences in this case: many
seasoned developers in the crypto community also invested in cryptocurrencies early on and often don't
need your money. Furthermore, many of them might prefer to work on their own startup, raising funds
through an ICO, rather than working for someone else.
Be more specific!
Before you list your job offer, you need to understand what you are looking for exactly. What do you need
or want to build? Saying that you are looking for a blockchain developer is like saying that you are looking
for an internet developer.
❏ Do you want to build a new Blockchain?
Then you need a Blockchain full stack developer.
❏ Do you want to build an application running on top of a Blockchain?
Then you need dapp developers who understand solidity (Ethereum), sidechains (Bitcoin), etc.
❏ Understand the legal challenges that blockchain is facing
This will influence your infrastructural decision. Depending on the type of service you want to
build you might face more or less legal challenges since some industries are heavily regulated. If
your venture is in a highly regulated industry, you might want to consider building on a
permissioned blockchain. This might also influence your dev decision or limit/enhance talent you
can attract.
Before you hire a full stack blockchain developer consider using already existing blockchain infrastructure
like Ethereum. The whole point of a blockchain is that we are crowdsourcing infrastructure. Applications
get thinner, simpler and cheaper to code. Building entire blockchain from scratch is time-consuming.
Unless you want to invent a new type of Blockchain, which is unlikely if you are not a crypto god yourself
because you would not even understand how to build it, it is best to build on top of an existing blockchain.
In that case, it would make sense to have an idea about what type of blockchain you want to build on:
permissionless or permissioned blockchain, public or private blockchain.
Where to look?
Traditional job portals like LinkedIn might not be the best choice for hunting blockchain devs. Start looking
in the relevant crypto communities.
❏ Reddit
Note that many people in the cryptocurrency community take their privacy seriously and might not
be very active on traditional social media. However many of them are active on Reddit. Look at
relevant subgroups on Reddit - This is where many developers discuss their topics of interest and
innovation happens. If you approach devs smartly in a way that resonates with their field of
interest, you might be lucky to find someone.
❏ Gitter
Consider promoting your project on Gitter. Maybe people will come to you. Gitter is the preferred
chat app for developers.
❏ Slack/Discord
Each crypto project runs its own Slack/Discord channel. Some communities have more than 5000
people in their channels.
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❏ Ethlance
Gives freelancers, including blockchain devs, the opportunity to offer their services online with the
help of the blockchain. In order to access the application and view the listings one would need to
install a dApp browser like for example MetaMask.
❏ Bitcoin Talk forum
Bitcointalk forum is a place where new crypto projects get announced. This is also the first Bitcoin
forum and it still has a very big community.
❏ Meetups
Many developers go to local blockchain meetups. Join a local blockchain meetup and talk to the
people there.
❏ Start up Contents & Hackathons
Organize start-up contests in order to draw the attention of blockchain developers or join
conferences like the Ethereum Devcon.
Build in-house experience
The lack of blockchain developers could make it very difficult to find & fund talented people from outside,
so your best bet is to foster in-house talent. It will take some time but would benefit you most in the long
run. Get outside help to train your existing staff.
Understanding the culture around Blockchain & the Decentralized Web
Early blockchain developers are still part of the bitcoin community which leans towards strong
libertarianism. Personal freedom is one of the strongest claims. Traditional methods of hiring might not
work (i.e., LinkedIn, vacancy announcement on job portals, etc. ). Demanding fixed work schedule might
not be very tempting either. Blockchains are not only tools for storing value, but they also create a whole
economy around a new decentralized world order. If your cultures don't match with that new thinking, or
at least, if you don't acknowledge the fact that blockchain is a whole new way of approaching the
economy, and that business logic is changing, you might have problems attracting good talent.
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How to Buy Bitcoin
Disclaimer! Trading cryptocurrency involves high risks (price volatility), low usability (lacking user
experience of tools for non-developers) and bad actors (beware of fraud!). It is not advised for
inexperienced investors to invest large sums. Never invest more than you are willing to lose. Only highly
skilled people with experience should take such an opportunity. Speculating on the markets could lead to
a total loss of funds!
Cryptocurrency Exchanges
The best way to start buying coins is by opening a wallet with one of the large cryptocurrency exchange
websites. To open an account each user needs to provide an official document ID. At the exchange, you
can buy most of the popular coins and hold them in the same wallet. It is convenient and will save you a lot
of time. The type of wallet is called an online wallet, and people rely on the exchange to keep their funds
safe. After you bought your first bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, you should consider transferring the
funds to a more secure wallet, which is controlled only by you. There are different ways you can purchase
cryptocurrency. For the sake of simplicity let’s concentrate on Bitcoin.
❏ Coinbase is the most popular Bitcoin online exchange in the US. It operates in a number of
European countries as well and provides best in class user experience and usability. It should be
pointed out that Coinbase is one of the few exchanges which insures all the funds stored on its
platform. In the case of a security breach, the insurance policy should cover the losses. The
company offers a mobile app as well. You can purchase Bitcoin via bank wire or a credit card.
❏ Anycoindirect is a European cryptocurrency exchange. It does not provide a dedicated online
wallet. Customers use their bank account to send money to the provider. After the money is
received, users get the amount in Bitcoin transferred to the address they have provided.
❏ Cex allows for buying bitcoins with credit card or bank transfer. The exchange has worldwide
coverage and offers a trading* platform with the ability for margin trading as well.
❏ Shapeshift is a different type of exchange. The platform is aimed at users who hold a portfolio of
different cryptocurrencies. The idea behind the exchange is to swap easily coins for other coins,
without even needing to register an account. It offers a high degree of privacy. If you own already
bitcoin this is a great place to buy other cryptocurrencies.
❏ LocalBitcoins is a P2P(Peer-to-peer or Person-to-Person) Bitcoin exchange. Buyers and sellers
agree on trade terms. The exchange connects local people who want to trade bitcoins. Payment
methods are determined by the sellers, you can buy coins with Paypal, via bank wire or even with
cash. The platform can offer high degree of privacy.
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❏ Kraken is US based cryptocurrency exchange and trading* platform. It operates in Europe as well.
It offers bitcoin margin trading. Bank transfers are the only way to buy bitcoins from Kraken.
❏ Bitrush is a cryptocurrency exchange that currently operates in Europe. People can buy coins
instantly with credit card, iDEAL, Bancontact and MyBank.
❏ Bitstamp is the first regulated and licensed virtual currency exchange in the EU. Users can deposit
their funds via bank transfer and buy bitcoins. Bitstamp is also a trading* platform.
❏ Gemini is a cryptocurrency exchange and trading platform. Currently, it operates only in the US. It
allows both individual and institutional customers to buy, sell, and store digital assets.
Additionally, the platform FDIC-insurees up to $250,000 per beneficial owner(US dollars only). You
can buy bitcoins via bank deposit.
❏ OkCoin is one of the biggest Chinese exchanges and trading* platforms.
❏ Coinmama is a Bitcoin broker that specializes in letting you purchase bitcoin with a debit or credit
Bitcoin ATMs
ATMs at public places give people the opportunity to buy bitcoins with cash. You will need to install a
wallet first in order to transfer the coins to an address of your choice.
Bitcoin Voucher Cards /Gift Cards
Voucher cards could be bought at stores in your area. These look like every other gift card and can be
redeemed online. The cards are suitable for small purchases.
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because they require as little setup as possible. The downside is that the wallet owner is
dependent on a third party that could be a victim of theft or revoke access to the wallet. It is
recommended not to store large values in an online wallet. Enabling 2-factor authentication(2FA)
at login is strongly advised. There have been reports of stolen coins from users, despite having
2FA enabled. Hackers are using social engineering techniques to hijack the phone numbers of
victims from their carriers. These phone numbers were used as 2FA for their online wallets even
for their online banking. Apps like Google Authenticator offer greater security for 2FA and are the
preferred way by many people for securing their online profiles.
❏ Hardware Wallet are a special type of wallet which stores the user’s private keys in a secure
hardware device (e.g., USB stick). Hardware wallets work by installing a dedicated application on
the computer or mobile phone and connecting it with the physical device via USB. This way the
private keys are stored offline and are therefore not exposed to viruses or attacks from the
internet. The downside is that you have to buy the device first.
❏ Paper Wallets: In this case, people can generate their own private and public keys and print them
on a paper for offline storage. This method avoids storing digital data on any device, offering the
strongest security possible, but sacrificing usability. Once printed on paper, these wallets have to
be kept in a safe place. Losing the piece of paper renders the funds in the wallet unusable. Check:
Paper wallet example:
Left: public address for receiving funds
Right: private key for accessing the funds
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Then magic happens, and your wallet gets restored along with the funds in it. In the case of loss of the
12-word phrase, it is strongly advised to transfer your funds to a new wallet, which is properly backed up.
Storing the 12-word phrase on your computer is dangerous because there will always be the danger of a
security breach.
There are scenarios in which the 12-word phrase won’t be used for backup. The first scenario is online
hosted wallets. Users don’t own the private keys for these wallets. The exchange owner keeps them. If the
website goes down, the keys disappear with it, and access to the user funds wouldn’t be possible anymore.
The second scenario is paper wallets. The phrase is not needed because all of the information including
the private key is printed on paper.
Some wallets still don’t use the 12-word backup phrase for backup(example: full node wallets). These
wallets are called non-deterministic (Random) Wallets. Such wallet is the Bitcoin Core full node client.
These wallets require being backed up manually by the user. This works by copying the files which contain
the private keys to a separate storage device (e.g., USB-stick). It is recommended to make multiple copies
of these files.
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QR-code & string of user address
(mobile wallet)
For a transaction to be valid, it needs to get validated by the network. This process called a “confirmation.”
A confirmation could last from a couple of seconds to many minutes, depending on the load of the
network. For each transaction, users have to pay a small fee. The fee could range from under 1 cent up to a
couple of cents, sometimes even a dollar, and it gets automatically subtracted from your balance.
Many wallets offer the opportunity to see your Bitcoin balance as USD or EUR equivalent. This way you can
type the amount of USD or EUR you want to send to somebody, and the wallet will automatically calculate
the amount of Bitcoin needed for the transaction.
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Investing in Bitcoin FAQ
When it comes to investing in Bitcoin for the first time, many questions come up. We will try to address
the most common questions people ask in our Bitcoin Investment FAQ.
❏ Can I buy less than 1 Bitcoin?
Each Bitcoin is divisible to the 8th decimal place.
You could buy 0.00000001 bitcoins which is worth less than a cent.
❏ What is BTC?
BTC is the currency code for Bitcoin just like USD for US dollar.
❏ What is a Satoshi?
Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin 0.00000001.
10-8 100 millionth:
It is named after Satoshi Nakamoto - the inventor of Bitcoin.
❏ Is there a Bitcoin supply limit?
Bitcoins are created by the process called "mining."
Bitcoins are created/minded for a fixed rate every time a new block of transactions is created.
Blocks are created every 10 minutes.
The block reward started at 50 BTC in 2009, and it gets halved every four years.
Currently, the block reward is set at 12.5 BTC.
There mining of Bitcoin - the total supply of Bitcoin is limited to 21 Million.
This limit is hardcoded into the protocol and cannot be changed.
Changing the supply by your own is equal to attacking the Bitcoin network.
❏ Where can I buy Bitcoin?
The most common places where you can buy bitcoins are the online cryptocurrency exchanges.
You will need to register with the exchange by providing your government ID. After an approval,
you could load your account with fiat currency like USD, EUR, CNY, etc. using your bank account or
credit card. For a step-by-step guide on how to buy Bitcoin on an online exchange click here: Link
Other places where you could buy Bitcoin without registration:
❏ What is a Bitcoin wallet?
A Bitcoin wallet is a piece of software that stores the user's private keys.
Your bitcoin wallet allows you to access your Bitcoin.
These wallets communicate with the Bitcoin network every time you want to send or receive
Please note: Bitcoins are not stored in your wallet!
Only your private key is stored in your wallet.
If you lose the private key, you lose access to your Bitcoin, and will never be able to access it again,
and it will be lost forever.
❏ What is a private key?
Your wallet never stores any bitcoins.
The only purpose of a wallet is to keep your private key and communicate with the Bitcoin
network. The private key is a long string of random numbers and letters, and it is always paired
with a Bitcoin address. It creates signatures that are required to spend your funds by proving that
you are the owner of the funds used in the transaction.
Losing access to the private key is equal setting your cash on fire!
Back up your private key!
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❏ Which Bitcoin wallets are safe?
Different types of wallets offer a different level of security.
There is are tradeoffs between usability and accessibility.
The least secure wallets are the online wallets, and the most secure ones are the hardware
wallets, and paper wallets also called "cold storage."
More on the topic read here.
❏ Some Bitcoin exchanges trade BTC against USDT. What is USDT?
Online exchanges like Poloniex don't use real USD dollars for trading.
Instead of USD they use USDT - a USD token - easily exchangeable P2P just like Bitcoin.
USDT is an asset-backed token which means that every unit of USDT is backed by one real US
dollar. The units of USDT are called tethers. Each tether represents one real US dollar.
Some exchanges prefer using USDT because of the easier integration compared to real USD.
As opposed to international bank transfers, Tether tokens can also be transferred internationally
at almost no costs.
❏ How can I start trading Bitcoin?
Register on online exchanges dedicated to cryptocurrency trading.
Registration on such platforms requires users to send a copy of their government issued ID.
The validation process could take up to few weeks depending on the user influx.
Examples of Bitcoin exchanges: Bitstamp, Gdax, Kraken, Gemini, Bittrex.
❏ Is there a Bitcoin CEO?
Bitcoin is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and is governed by the community.
Bitcoin lacks traditional top down structure. Bitcoin is not a company registered in any country.
Bitcoin is a software protocol which lives on the internet.
❏ What are transaction fees?
Each time users send bitcoins a transaction fee has to be paid.
These fees are not fixed and depend on the network load.
If there is a huge transaction spike the transaction fees increase accordingly.
Currently, the Bitcoin network can process a handful of transactions, and any usage increase
reflects on the fee price.
The Bitcoin community is working towards solving the problem.
❏ Why are Bitcoin transaction fees so high?
Bitcoin fees are dynamically adjusted.
When there is a usage increase, the fees increase accordingly.
❏ What's margin trading?
Margin trading is essentially trading with borrowed funds instead of your own.
When you place a margin order, all of the money you are using is borrowed from other users
offering their funds as peer-to-peer loans.
The funds in your margin account are used only as collateral for these loans and to settle debts to
Source: Poloniex
❏ What how do I calculate the Bitcoin Market Cap?
The market capitalization of a cryptocurrency can give you a perspective on how big the markets
for that currency is.
Current Bitcoin market cap is around USD 41 billion.
In order to calculate it, you need to multiply the today's price by the total coin supply.
Market Cap = Price x Circulating Supply
$41 538 444 951 = $2526.85 x 16 438 825 BTC
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Check for currenty info]
❏ Where do I find BTC price charts?
❏ Is Bitcoin backed by anything?
Bitcoin is not backed by anything.
Its price gets determined by the market.
❏ Why does Bitcoin have value even though it is not backed by anything?
What makes Bitcoin valuable are its properties as a digital asset:
- Limited supply.
- Easy storage.
- Easy transfer.
- It is not controlled by a central bank.
- People accept it as a currency in exchange for goods.
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How to participate in an ICO
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or token sales are gaining a lot of attention, from institutional investors and
individuals alike. ICOs are referred to the new IPOs or next generation crowdfunding. But the blockchain
ecosystem is still young and lacks standards, thus making token sale participation a hurdle for the average
person. In this post, we explain how to participate in a token sale with an easy step by step guide.
Most ICOs today run on top of the Ethereum blockchain through a smart contract that collects Ethereum
tokens and automatically exchanges these for a new token presented by the start-up company. The entire
process happens entirely P2P without any exchanges or brokers as middlemen. Every ICO has a different
pricing mechanism (price decreases, increases, is fixed, non-existent)*. For more info on types of ICOs
follow our ICO introduction.
Step 1: Register with a Cryptocurrency Exchange
To participate in an ICO, you need cryptocurrencies, usually Ether or Bitcoin. You cannot participate in an
ICO with fiat currency. If you don’t own cryptocurrency, you will first need to buy some. The best way to
purchase significant amounts of Bitcoin is through online exchanges. Transfer money from your bank
account to your newly created account with a cryptocurrency exchange. Please note that the registration
process might need some days due to strict KYC and AML regulation. If you don’t have a bank account or
don’t want to give up your privacy by sending your ID to a third party like Coinbase, there are other
options like buying Bitcoin/Ether from an ATM or locally from other people. For more info read our
tutorial on How to buy Bitcoin & other Cryptocurrencies.
Step 2: Exchange Fiat for Bitcoin or Ether
Once you registered an account with an exchange and the money from your bank account has arrived, you
could exchange your EUR, USD, etc. for the cryptocurrency you want to buy. This process takes a few
seconds. Your cryptocurrencies will be sent to an online wallet offered by the exchange you registered
with. Keeping large amounts of coins online might be dangerous since online exchanges are vulnerable to
attacks. In the past money got stolen from online exchanges. Therefore it is highly advised that you send
your cryptocurrency to a wallet which is under your control. For more info on how to securely store your
coins read our tutorial on How to buy Bitcoin & other Cryptocurrencies.
Step 3: Transfer your Coins from the Exchange to a Blockchain Wallet you Control
Another reason for you to move your coins to a wallet which is under your control is the token sale
participation. Unless your exchange offers the explicit possibility to participate in a particular ICO with
your online wallet, the general rule is not to send funds from an exchange wallet since you won’t have
access to the new token. This means that if you use a random online wallet to participate in an ICO and
send money to the ICO address, you won’t receive the tokens you bought, which is the equal to losing your
investment. If this happens to you then you, contact tech support and try resolving the problem. Note that
most exchanges are currently overloaded with requests and mostly still have poor customer service.
Furthermore, exchanges might not be obliged to process your request depending on the conditions set in
their general “Terms of Use .”
Step 4: Set up your Wallet
Most token sales today happen on the Ethereum network. Therefore you will need an Ethereum wallet to
participate in the token sale. Not every wallet is suitable for ICOs. The most user-friendly and widely
accepted Ethereum wallets are MetaMask and MyEhterWallet. MetaMask is a plugin for the Google
Chrome browser. It is not only a wallet but also a lightweight Ethereum dApp browser. MyEtherWallet is a
client-side wallet and does not hold your private keys. It also connects with hardware wallets like the
Ledger Nano S or Trezor. Depending on the setup and the ICO one of these wallets might be
recommended for the participation. If the startup hasn’t defined a preferred wallet for the ICO, we
recommend using MetaMask.
MetaMask is a desktop type of wallet, and we do not recommend storing large values in it. Use it only for
the ICO and then move your funds to a more secure place like a hardware wallet or paper wallet. Don’t
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forget backing up your wallet. Store your 12-word seed in a safe place (not in the cloud). After your wallet
is properly setup & backed up send Ether from your online exchange account to your MetaMask wallet.
Step 5: Buy ICO Tokens
Before you proceed make sure to read the general terms of the ICO and the token purchase agreement.
Most start-ups provide step-by-step guides for the token sale participation including screenshots for each
step. Make sure you read these. You should also join the social media channels including Slack or Telegram
and follow the news around the ICO. Sometimes token sales experience technical problems and staying up
to date during the token sale is crucial. Read how the Status ICO managed to clog the Ethereum network.
All ICOs start either at a certain time or a previously specified block number. You can use an Ethereum
block explorer to check the block numbers. If there is a start time make sure you converted the values for
your time zone. Note that some ICOs end in a matter of minutes. Therefore using wallets like Parity that
allow for a more advanced setup options might be recommended if you expect the token sale to end
quickly. When the token sale starts, you will have to send ETH to the address specified by the team. You
will need to set a proper gas limit which is controlled by the MetaMask interface. After you send the
transaction there are a couple of scenarios:
❏ You receive your tokens right after the token sale ends
❏ You need to wait for couple of days for your tokens
❏ You will need to redeem your tokens manually (look at token sale)
Note! In some cases, hackers have manipulated ICO websites, by exchanging the real ETH address with
their own ETH address, which means that the address indicated on the ICO website to which investors sent
their money was corrupted and the hackers got all the money instead of the team behind the ICO.
Step 6: Secure your Tokens
After you receive your tokens in your MetaMask – or MyEtherWallet, or Parity – address make sure to
transfer these to a more secure wallet. You will need to have some extra ETH (small amount) stored in
your wallet to pay for transaction costs of sending money from wallet to wallet. Note that this will change
once Ethereum updates to Metropolis, but currently it is still something you will need to keep in mind.
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