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Chapter Four

Tools and Data Collection Techniques

Two types of data

1. primary data: which are collected a fresh and for the

first time, and thus happen to be original in character.

2. secondary data: which have already been collected by

someone else and which have already been passed
through the statistical process.
Methods of primary data collection

The most common and important ones are:

1. Observation method,
2. Interview method,
3. Focus Group Discussion( FGD)
4. Questionnaires (self administer questionnaire)
5. Schedules method
1. Observation Method of Data collection

 Under the observation method, the information is

sought by way of investigator’s own direct
observation without asking from the respondent.

While using the observation method, the researcher

should keep in mind:

What should be observed?

How the observations should be recorded?
 How the accuracy of observation can be ensured?
Types of observation
 structured observation: restricted observation of some
selected characters
 unstructured observation: observing all characters
without restriction.

 participant observation: If the observer observes by making

himself, more or less, a member of the group he is observing
 Non-participant observation: observation without involvement of the life of
the study community.

 Disguised observation: when the observer is observing in such a manner that

his presence or study may be unknown to the people he is observing,
 Non- disguised observation: if the researched conduct the observation with
the understanding of the study people.
2. An Interview Method of Data collection

 Personal interviews: the interviewer asking

questions generally in a face-to-face contact to
the other person or persons ( interviewee).

◦ Direct personal investigation: when the interviewer has to collect the

information personally from the sources concerned.

◦ Indirect oral examination: can be conducted under which the

interviewer has to cross-examine other persons who are supposed to
have knowledge about the problem
Interview Method………..

 structured interviews: such interviews involve the

use of a set of predetermined questions and of highly
standardized techniques of recording. It follows a
rigid procedure laid down, asking questions in a form
and order prescribed.

 unstructured interviews are characterized by a

flexibility of approach to questioning, may not be
predetermined questions.
Interview Method………..

 For successful implementation of the interview

method, interviewers should be carefully
◦ selected,
◦ trained and
◦ Briefed
3. Focus Group Discussion( FGD) Method of Data

 FGD is a qualitative data collection method in which one or

two researchers and several participants meet as a group
to discuss a given research topic.

 These sessions are usually tape-recorded, and sometimes

Members in FGD
 One researcher (the moderator) leads the
discussion by asking participants to respond to
open-ended questions – that is, questions that
require an in-depth response rather than a single
phrase or simple “yes” or “no” answer.

 A second researcher (the note-taker) takes

detailed notes on the discussion.

 Participants: a group holding 5 to 10 members

 Make heterogeneous group participants
Characteristics of a good moderator in FGD

Shows flexibility
 Shows sensitivity
 Has a sense of humor ( funny )
Links ideas together
 Encourages participation from everyone
4. Questionnaire Method of Data collection

 A questionnaire consists of a number of questions printed or

typed in a definite order on a form or set of forms.

 We call the method also self administer questionnaire

 The questionnaire is mailed or distributed to respondents who

are expected to read and understand the questions and write
down the reply in the space meant for the purpose in the
questionnaire itself.

 The respondents have to answer the questions on their own.

Main aspects of a questionnaire:

 Quite often questionnaire is considered as the heart of a

survey operation.

 Researcher should note the followings three main aspects of

A. General form
B. Question sequence:
C. Question formulation and wording
 General form: it can either be structured or unstructured

 . The form of the question may be either closed ended (i.e., of

the type ‘yes’ or ‘no’, alternative questions ) or open ended
 Question sequence: The question-sequence must be clear and
smoothly-moving, meaning thereby that the relation of one
question to another should be readily apparent to the
respondent, with questions that are easiest to answer being put
in the beginning.

 question-sequence should usually go from the

general to the more specific
 Question formulation and wording: the researcher
should note that each question must be very clear.
Because any sort of misunderstanding can do severe
harm to a survey.

a) Use simple and clear wordings in the questions

b) It should be easily understood able;
c) should be simple i.e., should convey only one thought at a
 Essentials of a good questionnaire:

a) Questionnaire should be comparatively short and simple

b) the size of the questionnaire should be kept to the minimum.
c) Questions should proceed in logical sequence moving from easy
to detail questions.
d) Technical terms and vague expressions capable of different
interpretations should be avoided in a questionnaire.

Questions may be:

 dichotomous (yes or no answers),
multiple choice (alternative answers listed) or
Schedules Method of Data collection

 This method of data collection is very much like or similar to

the collection of data through questionnaire, with little
difference which lies in the fact that schedules are being filled
in by the enumerators who are specially appointed for the

 These enumerators along with the question paper, go to

respondents, put to them the questions from the Performa in
the order the of the questions are listed and record the replies
in the space meant for the same in the Performa.
Thank You!

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