PPT Maize
PPT Maize
PPT Maize
name-Zea mays
The primary centre of origin of maize is considered by most
authorities to be the Central America and Mexico, where
many diverse types of maize are found. The discovery of
fossil maize pollen with other archaeological evidence in
Mexico indicates Mexico to be the native of maize.
Maize is cultivated throughout the world. From 58°N latitude
to 40°S latitude, the crop spreads and cultivated over 139
million hac of area and around 600 million tonnes of maize is
produced. Crop occupies the third position next to rice and
wheat in area and production. USA,
China, Brazil, Mexico, India, Romania, Philippines, Indonesia
are some of important countries cultivate maize crop. In
India, Rajasthan, UP, MP, Bihar, Karnataka, Gujarat, AP, J&K,
HP and Maharashtra are important states produce maize.
It is staple human food, feed for livestock, for fermentation and many
industrial uses. It is having abundant starch (65%). There are two types
of milling. Wet milling produces industrial starch like sweeteners, also
produces various modified maize starch for paper lamination, textile
wrap, sizing and laundry finishing. Dry milled products are animal feed,
brewing, breakfast cereals, other food. In India, dry milling is the
predominant process for flour and animal feed, fermentation and
distilling industries and composite flours. In the new millennium, it is an
alternate crop to rice and wheat. About 35% production is consumed by
human, 25% poultry and cattle feed, 15% food processing.
Flint corn (Zea mays indurata)
Entire outer portion of kernel is hard starch. Flint comes in many colours such as white,
yellow, red-blue or their variable.
Dent corn (Zea mays indentata)
About 95% of production in USA is dent corn. Hard starch is confined to kernel only. The
amylose of soft starch in the core contracts when the grain is dried producing
characteristic dent in the top of the kernel. May be yellow, white and red colour of kernel.
Sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata)
Grown for food and harvested at 70% moisture content. It is good source of energy.
About 20% of dry matter is sugar compared to 3% in dent corn. It is also a good source
of vitamin C & A.
Flour corn (Zea mays amylacea)
Kernel is largely composed of soft starch with little or no hard starch. Kernels are easy to
grind. Primarily used by natives of Andean Highlands of South America.
Pop corn (Zea mays everta)
It’s kernel is small and extreme form of flint corn. When heated to 170°C, the grain
swells and burst and turning inside out. At this temperature, the water held in the starch
turns to steam and the pressure causes the explosion
Field preparation
Plough the field with disc plough once followed by cultivator ploughing twice, after
spreading FYM or compost till a fine tilth is obtained.
Spacing: Adopt a spacing of 25 cm between plants in the rows which are 60 cm apart.
Seed treatment
• Use pelleted seeds with insecticides (treat one kg of seeds with Chlorpyriphos 20EC or
Monocrotophos 36 WSC or Phosalone 35 EC @ 4 ml + 0.5 gram gum in 20 ml of water)
for the control of stem borer or seed treatment with Imidacloprid 70 WSC 10 g/kg of
• Seed treatment with Metalaxyl or Thiram @ 2 g/kg of seed for the control of downy
mildew and crazy top.
• Seeds treated with fungicides may be treated with three packets (600 g/ha) of
Azospirillum before sowing.
• Dibble the seeds at a depth of 4 cm along the furrow in which fertilizers are placed and
cover with soil.
• Put one seed per hole if the germination is assured otherwise put two seeds per hole.
Weed Management
• Apply the pre-emergence herbicide, Atrazine 50 WP @ 500 g/ha (900 lit of water) at 3
after sowing as spray on the soil surface followed by one hand weeding on 40-45 days
• Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
• Do not disturb the soil after herbicide application.
• Hoe and hand weed on the 17th or 18th day of sowing, if herbicide is not applied.
NOTE: If pulse crop is to be raised as intercrop, do not use Atrazine.
Thinning and gap filling
• If two seeds were sown, leave only one healthy and vigorous seedling per hole and
remove the other on the 12-15 days after sowing.
• Where seedlings have not germinated, dibble pre-soaked seeds at the rate of 2 seeds
per hole and immediately irrigate.
Hoeing, hand-weeding and earthing-up
• Hoe and hand-weed on the 30th day of sowing.
• Earth up and form new ridges so that the plants come directly on the top of the ridges.
This will provide additional anchorage to the plants.
Top dressing with N
• Place half of the dose of N on the 25th day of sowing along the furrows evenly
and cover it with soil.
• Place the remaining quarter of N on the 45th day of sowing.
Water management
Maize crop is sensitive to both moisture stress and excessive
moisture, hence regulate
irrigation according to the requirement. Ensure optimum moisture
availability during the most critical phase (45 to 65 days after
sowing); otherwise yield will be reduced by a considerable extent.
Regulate irrigation according to the following growth phase of the
crop. Critical stages are, 6th leaf, late knee high, taselling, 50%
silking and dough stages. Of which, tasseling and silking are most
critical stages and water stress during these stages reduces the
maize yields considerably. About 600-700 mm is needed for 100
days crop.
Stage of harvest: Observe the following symptoms, taking into consideration the
average duration of the crop. The sheath covering the cob will turn yellow and dry at
maturity. The seeds become fairly hard and dry. At this stage the crop is ready for
Harvesting: Tear-off the cob sheath by using the gunny needle and remove the
cobs from the plant.
Carry out harvest operations at a single stage for easy transportation.
Threshing cobs: Dry the cobs under the sun till the grains are dry. Use mechanical
threshers or by running the tractor over dried cobs to separate the grains from the
shank. Clean the seeds by winnowing. Collect and store the dry grains in gunnies.
Stalk for cattle feed: Maize straw can also be used as a good cattle feed when it is
green. Harvest the crop and cut the green straw into bits with a chaff cutter or chopping
knife and feed the cattle.
• 5 tonnes of grain yield and 10 tonnes/ha of straw yield can be obtained.
• In case of Baby corn, about 6 tonnes/ha of cob yield with 25 tonnes/ha of green fodder
yield is possible.