UTS - Lec 11 - Digital Self - Panganiban

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Lec – 11 - Romeo Noel

• the concept of digital self and
the importance of digital
technology in human activities.
It also presents the implications
Digital Self of, and the ethical issues
involved. in sharing personal
information especially in social
Digital Self

• Among the Filipino youth, the use of digital

technology has now become part of the self-the
digital self.
• The digital self is the aspect of the self that is
expressed or shared with others through online
interactions on the internet, specifically in social
networking sites.
• On such sites, users normally disclose personal
information, Some users also provide very personal
information about themselves such as their likes and
dislikes, hobbies,..etc
• This sharing of personal information on social
networking sites may be related to the strong desire
of adolescents for social approval and acceptance.
Similar can be said about adults.

Self-Presentation and Impression
• Interaction with significant others may be very
influential to how one presents himself or herself in a
virtual space.
• The views of others through online interactions (social
networking) are so important that they become part of
the self.
• Personal information that individuals disclose through
online interaction which others judge favorably through
"liking" and "reacting" contribute to positive. Self -
Self-Presentation and
Impression Management

• Self-presentation refers to an individual's attempts, both

conscious and unconscious, to control how he or she
projects himself or herself in social interactions. Some
forms self-presentation may be authentic, but some may
be tactical or selective.
• Most people strive to create images that are positive. The
desire to impress other people on social media may lead to
showing off one's work, achievements, and material
possessions in a virtual place.

• the desire to create positive impressions and to be "liked"

by others may lead to consequences that can be risky to
one's security and mental health, such as identity theft,
cyberbullying, gossiping as well as anxiety and depression
Expression of Gender and
Sexuality Online
• Individuals tend to be categorized based on their
gender identities and sexuality in different types of
situations that are visible in different forms of media,
especially social media.
• The internet and social networking sites provide
channels for the dissemination of information,
including information about gender identity and
sexuality. For this reason, better and accurate
information is now becoming available.
• With the increasing urgency to uphold human rights
and to protect the dignity and equality of all persons of
various sexual orientations, a measure prohibiting
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or
gender identity, or expression is developed.
The Importance of
Digital Technology
• the use of technology is essential for individual
survival and for communication with other people.
Just as the use of technology is becoming important
for individuals, it is also developing to be important
for the development of society.
• Digital technology includes the use of devices that
process and use digital information such as
computers and mobile phones.

• It has enabled volumes of information to be

compressed in compact storage devices, so as to be
easily contained and delivered, minimizing the time
it takes for data to be transmitted.
The Importance of Digital

• It has immensely changed the pattern of

working as well as the learning of new
concepts, including communication.
Impact of Online
Interactions on the Self
• Iqbal, Khan, & Malik (2017) suggest
that mobile phones are ever more
becoming a very valuable part of the
daily life of today's youth.
• However, the use of digital
technology and online interactions
limit face-to-face interaction with
others and has drawn people away
from meaningful and intimate
communication with families and
Data Privacy Act

• To protect the people from

invasion of privacy, Republic Act
10173, otherwise known as the
Data Privacy Act of 2012.
Thank you

• Reference
• Understanding the self by
Monilla & Ramirez (2018)

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