Keeping Quiet ... PPT Without Voiceover
Keeping Quiet ... PPT Without Voiceover
Keeping Quiet ... PPT Without Voiceover
Now we will count to twelve
and we will all keep still.
• If people take out time to introspect, then they will stop doing
mindless activities which may harm them or others.
• Fishermen will stop indiscriminate killing of whales. They will
realise that by doing so they are actually harming the nature.
• If the salt gatherer introspects, he will understand that by
doing so he is actually hurting himself
• We can say no person would be harming any other living being
either for food or to earn his livelihood.
Poetic device:
• cold sea - Transferred epithet
• his hurt hands - Alliteration
Those who prepare green wars,
wars with gas, wars with fire,
victory with no survivors,