Chapter 05 - Ismat
Chapter 05 - Ismat
Chapter 05 - Ismat
University of Chittagong
A $40 150
B 50 145
C 35 140
D 45 140
E 50 135
F 40 130
G 60 130
H 25 128
I 65 125
a) Who are the winning bidders? Who are the
“Shut out” bidders?
b) How much of the security will be allocated to
each winning bidder?
c) If this auction is a single-price auction, at what
price will each winning bidder be awarded the
d) If this auction is a multiple-price auction, at
what price will each winning bidder be awarded
the security?
Preemptive Rights Offering
Investment Nominal/
Opportunity Normal Abnorm Abnorm Higher Higher
al al
Market structures (Cont…)
• From the view point of Financial Perspective:
A) Efficient Market: Market where all pertinent
information is available to all participants at the same
time, and where prices respond immediately to new
Features of Efficient Markets are :
1. Adequacy: There are large number of buyers, sellers
and products,
2. Sensitivity: Price is sensitive to the information
(Private and public)
3. Competition: Price is fixed by an interaction of
demand and supply.
4. Equilibrium : Investors can compare return with the
Market structures (Cont…)
• perceive risk.
5. Economy: Transaction is friction less (Free Flow of
6. Perfect market: The market is perfect.
• b) Inefficient Market: A market where parties do not
always reflect available information as accurately as
Basic Functions of Secondary Market
• E. Custodian’s function:
Keep all shares and securities under its custodian
Transfer shares from seller account to buyer
account through book keeping methods.
• Dealers : Dealers are people or firms who buy and
sell securities for their own account, whether
through a broker or otherwise. A dealer acts as a
principal in trading for its own account, as opposed
to a broker who acts as an agent who executes
orders on behalf of its clients.
• Dealers are important figures in the market. They
make markets in securities, underwrite securities,
and provide investment services to investors. That
means dealers are the market makers who provide
the bid and ask quotes you see when you look up
the price of a security in the over-the-counter
market. They also help create liquidity in the
markets and boost long-term growth.
• Characteristics of dealers:
• Dealers buy and sell securities for their own account.
• Dealers are important figures in the market because they
are market makers, create liquidity, and help promote
long-term growth in the market.
• Dealers must be registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) and must comply with all
state requirements before they can begin working.
• Dealers are different from traders and brokers—the
former buys and sells for one's own account, while the
latter does not trade for its portfolio.
• Dealers are regulated by the SEC.
Role /functions of Dealer in the real market
• Dealers performs three functions in the markets:
• 1. They provide the opportunity for investors to trade
immediately rather than waiting for arriving of sufficient
orders on the other side of the trade (immediacy), and they
do this while maintaining short run price stability
• 2. They offer price information to market participants.
• 3. In certain market securities, dealers serve as auctioneers
in bringing orders and fairness to a market. Dealers buy
for their own account and maintain inventories of assets,
and their profits come from selling assets at higher prices
than the prices at which they purchased them.
• A broker is an individual or firm that acts as an
intermediary between an investor and a securities
exchange. Because securities exchanges only accept
orders from individuals or firms who are members of that
exchange, individual traders and investors need the
services of exchange members.
• Brokers provide that service and are compensated in
various ways, either through commissions, fees, or
through being paid by the exchange itself. Investopedia
regularly reviews all of the top brokers and maintains a
list of the best online brokers and trading platforms to
help investors make the decision of what broker is best
for them.
Role/functions/services of broker in real markets
• Buying and Selling of Securities
• One of the primary functions of a stock broker is to buy
and sell securities on behalf of the clients based on the
order placed by them through the broker’s terminal.
• Advisory Services
• Stock brokers are well-versed with the working of the
stock market and possess expertise related to the
performance of stocks, market trends and so on.
Furthermore, they have access to valuable databases and
research findings. This helps them offer outstanding
investment advice to their clients.
Role/functions/services of broker in real markets
• Limited Banking Services
• Stock brokers also provide limited banking services
such as interest-bearing accounts, electronic deposits
and withdrawals, etc.
• Other Investments
• Apart from securities, stock brokers also offer
different investment products such as mutual funds,
exchange-traded funds, bonds, commodity trading,
futures, options, etc.
Market efficiency
• Efficient capital market can be described in two
distinct contexts:
i) Operationally (or internally) efficient market;
ii) Pricing (or externally) efficient capital market.
Operational efficiency:
• In an operationally efficient market, investors can
obtain transaction services as cheaply as possible,
given the costs associated with furnishing those
• In other word, a market is operationally efficient if it
offers investors reasonably priced services related to
buying and selling.
Market efficiency
Pricing efficiency:
• Pricing efficiency refers to a market where prices
at all times fully reflect all available information
that is relevant to the valuation of securities. That
is, investors quickly adjust the demand and
supply schedules for a security when new
information about it becomes available, and those
actions quickly impound the information into
prices of the security. In such a market, active
strategies pursued will not consistently produce
superior returns after adjusting for risk and
transaction costs.
Thank you