Urinary System-Hist
Urinary System-Hist
Urinary System-Hist
11x4.5-6x2.5-3 cm, bean –shaped, with hilum
facing medially.
The capsule, consists of dense connective
tissue, has an outer cartillagenous layer & an inner layer.
General structure: cortex, and medulla
Medulla contains 6-12 renal pyramids, which
stain pale. The base, of each pyramid is toward
the cortex, whereas the apex points toward the
hilum, and known the renal papilla, where the
ducts of Bellini (20 in number) are opened. The
apex of pyramid is bulging into a minor calyx.
Capsule of the Kidney
Pyramids are separated from each other by
tissue resembling cortical tissue, and known as
renal columns= cortical columns.
Minor calyces joined to form major calyces
In the cortex, there are longitudinal extensions
from the medullary bases, the medullary rays.
The cortex shows the presence of red, dot-like
granules, these are renal corpuscles.
A renal pyramid with associated cortical arch,
and cortical columns, represents a lobe of
kidney. The lobule is represented by medullary
ray and surrounding cortical tissue.
The Nephron
The functional unit of the kidney, is the
uriniferous tubule(conveying urine), which
consists of: the Nephron and a collecting
Nephron consists of renal corpuscle and
its tubules.
According to location, nephrons are either
cortical nephrons or juxta-medullary
Renal Corpuscle
Renal corpuscle, is a oval or round structure, and
composes of tuft of capillaries, called the glomerulus
which invaginates into Bowman’s capsule. The
Bowman’s capsule is a dilated pouch-like, proximal end
of the nephron.
Bowman’s capsule is made of a visceral layer, which
invests the capillaries of the glomerulus, in which the
cells are modified epithelial cells known as podocytes.
The outer layer of the capsule is parietal layer, and
formed by simple squamous epithelium, surrounded by
thin basal lamina.
The space between visceral layer and parietal layer is
termed the urinary space.
The region where the vessels enter and leave the
glomerulus is termed the vascular pore. The opposite
region where the Bowman’s capsule is opened into the
proximal tubule is termed the urinary pole
The vessels are: afferent arteriole, which has thicker wall
and breaks down into tuft of anastomosing capillaries;
and efferent arteriole, which drains the glomerulus
The capillaries are of fenestrated type with no
diaphragms covering the fenestra.
The capillaries are invested by a basal lamina that has
three layers, a lamina densa in the middle and lamina
rara interna and lamnia rara externa. it’s an important
structure of filtration barrier .
Podocytes are the epithelial cells of the visceral
layer of the Bowman’s capsule. They are
associated with glomerular capillaries.
The cell has numerous long cytoplasmic
extensions, called the primary processes. Each
primary process bears many secondary
processes known as pedicles.
Pedicles envelop most of glomerular capillaries,
resting on lamina rara externa. The daps
between the pedicles are called the filtration
slits. Adjacent pedicles may form thin slit
diaphragms. Filtration slits are very important to regulate filtration of
molecules . BM & slit diaphragms are the main barrier & it is composed of collagen.
Diaphragm of filtration slit: nephrins