Urinary System-Hist

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Urinary System:

 11x4.5-6x2.5-3 cm, bean –shaped, with hilum
facing medially.
 The capsule, consists of dense connective
tissue, has an outer cartillagenous layer & an inner layer.
 General structure: cortex, and medulla
 Medulla contains 6-12 renal pyramids, which
stain pale. The base, of each pyramid is toward
the cortex, whereas the apex points toward the
hilum, and known the renal papilla, where the
ducts of Bellini (20 in number) are opened. The
apex of pyramid is bulging into a minor calyx.
Capsule of the Kidney
 Pyramids are separated from each other by
tissue resembling cortical tissue, and known as
renal columns= cortical columns.
 Minor calyces joined to form major calyces
 In the cortex, there are longitudinal extensions
from the medullary bases, the medullary rays.
The cortex shows the presence of red, dot-like
granules, these are renal corpuscles.
 A renal pyramid with associated cortical arch,
and cortical columns, represents a lobe of
kidney. The lobule is represented by medullary
ray and surrounding cortical tissue.
The Nephron
 The functional unit of the kidney, is the
uriniferous tubule(conveying urine), which
consists of: the Nephron and a collecting
 Nephron consists of renal corpuscle and
its tubules.
 According to location, nephrons are either
cortical nephrons or juxta-medullary
Renal Corpuscle
 Renal corpuscle, is a oval or round structure, and
composes of tuft of capillaries, called the glomerulus
which invaginates into Bowman’s capsule. The
Bowman’s capsule is a dilated pouch-like, proximal end
of the nephron.
 Bowman’s capsule is made of a visceral layer, which
invests the capillaries of the glomerulus, in which the
cells are modified epithelial cells known as podocytes.
 The outer layer of the capsule is parietal layer, and
formed by simple squamous epithelium, surrounded by
thin basal lamina.
 The space between visceral layer and parietal layer is
termed the urinary space.
 The region where the vessels enter and leave the
glomerulus is termed the vascular pore. The opposite
region where the Bowman’s capsule is opened into the
proximal tubule is termed the urinary pole
 The vessels are: afferent arteriole, which has thicker wall
and breaks down into tuft of anastomosing capillaries;
and efferent arteriole, which drains the glomerulus
 The capillaries are of fenestrated type with no
diaphragms covering the fenestra.
 The capillaries are invested by a basal lamina that has
three layers, a lamina densa in the middle and lamina
rara interna and lamnia rara externa. it’s an important
structure of filtration barrier .
 Podocytes are the epithelial cells of the visceral
layer of the Bowman’s capsule. They are
associated with glomerular capillaries.
 The cell has numerous long cytoplasmic
extensions, called the primary processes. Each
primary process bears many secondary
processes known as pedicles.
 Pedicles envelop most of glomerular capillaries,
resting on lamina rara externa. The daps
between the pedicles are called the filtration
slits. Adjacent pedicles may form thin slit
diaphragms. Filtration slits are very important to regulate filtration of
molecules . BM & slit diaphragms are the main barrier & it is composed of collagen.
Diaphragm of filtration slit: nephrins

 Adjacent pedicles form diaphragm, it’s main component is nephrin,

connected by alpha-actinin & actin to pedicles.
Mesangial Cells
 There is no connective tissue within the
Glomerulus, but special cells in between
the capillaries, these are called mesangial
 Mesangial cells are phagocytic and have
contractile abilities, and regulate the blood
 They are present also out side kidney(extramesangial cells)
Proximal Tubule
 Proximal tubule is at junction with Bowman’s
capsule, and consists of highly tortuous region,
the pars convoluta (proximal convoluted tubule);
and a straight portion, the recta (descending
thick limb of Henle).
 The convoluted part is composed of simple
cuboidal epithelium, with striated (brush) border,
and eosinophilic cytoplasm, and indistinct lateral
cell membrane.
 The basement membrane, is well developed.
Thin Limb of Henle’s Loop
 Very thin, and is lined by simple squamous
 In cortical nephrons the thin segment is
only 1-2 mm. In juxtamedullary nephrons it
is much longer, 9-10 mm in length,
extending into the medulla
Distal tubule
 Distal tubule consists of; Ascending thick limb of loop of
Henle, or pars recta, and pars convoluta (distal
convoluted tubule) , and an interposed portion between
these which is the macula densa.
 The ascending tubule epithelial cells are low cuboidal
and have central nuclei with few short microvilli. The
cells have extensive basal interdigitations and large
number of mitochondria. The cells have active Cl, and
Na pump
 Macula densa is located near its renal corpuscle,
between afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles.
 Distal convoluted tubule cells are low cuboidal with pale
cytoplasm, few microvilli, and rounded nuclei apically
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
 It consists of: macula densa of distal tubule,
juxtaglomerular cells of adjacent afferent arteriole, and
juxtaglomerular mesangial cells ( also known polkissen
cells, Lacis cells, or polar cushions)
 Macula densa: the cells are tall, narrow, pale with
centrally placed nuclei
 Juxtaglomerular cells: are modified smooth muscle cells
of tunica media of afferent arterioles. The cells contain
specific granules of renin.
 Juxtaglomerular mesangial cells occupy the space
btween afferent and efferent arterioles, macula densa,
and the vascular pole of renal corpuscle
Collecting Tubules
 Distal convoluted tubules of several nephrons
join to form a short connecting tubules that leads
into collecting tubule.
 Cortical collecting tubules are lined by cuboidal
cells, which are classified as principal and
intercalated cells
 Medullary collecting tubules are of wide diameter
 Papillary collecting tubules or duct of Bellini,
formed by confluence of several medullary
tubules. These are of large diameter, and lined
by tall principal cells
Renal Interstitium
 This is the connective tissue inside the
kidney. In the cortex there is only delicate
c.t., investing the uriniferous tubules,
consisting of fibroblast and dendritic cells
 Medullary interstitial c.t., is more extensive
and consists of fibroblast, macrophages
and interstitial cells, between collecting
 Interstitial cells produce medullipin I ?
Arterial supply
 Renal artery segmental arteries  lobar artery
interlobar arteries, travel between the
pyramids, arcuate arteries interlobular
arteries afferent glomerular arterioles
efferent arteries: efferent arteriole from cortical
nephrons peritubular capillary network.
Efferent arterioles from juxtamedullary
nephrons arteriolae rectae, and their
ascending limb is called venae rectae, and vasa
recta, which are drained to arcuate vein.
The Ureter
 The ureter, is a muscular tube, and its
wall consists of three layers:
1. Mucosa: lined by transitional epithelium,
resting on a thin basement membrane
2. Musculosa: consists of smooth muscle
layers, the inner layer of longitudinal ,
and outer circular.
3. Adventitia; formed of a layer of elastic
connective tissue
The Urinary Bladder
 The wall of the urinary bladder is thicker than the
ureter, and consists of:
1. Mucosa, which is formed of transitional epithelium
and lamina propria of c.t., with elastic and reticular
fibers.Large cuboidal cells on the surface, have
special features in the plasmalemma.
2. Musculosa: thick and well developed, formed of
smooth muscle cells, and arranged in: inner
longitudinal, middle circular, and an outer
3. Adventitia: formed by connective tissue.
 Female urethra: 4-5 cm long
 Mucosa: near the bladder transitional
epithelium; then lined by str aquamous
epithelium, with patches of Peudostratified
colmunar epithelium. Lamina propria:
glands of Littre – mucous secreting.
 Vascular c t
 Musculosa: inner longitudinal, outer
Male urethra
 15-20 cm
 A-Prostatic urethra 3-4 cm, lined by transitional
epithelium, with special features. It receives openings of
Prostatic ducts and 2 ejaculatory ducts
 Membranous urethra: 2 cm, lined by str columnar
 C- spongy urethra: 15 cm, lined by str columnar
epithelium with patches of pseudostratified columnar
 Navicular fossa is lined by str squamous epithelium
 Lamina propria contains glands of Littre

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