Hypothesis Testing

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• A hypothesis is an educated guess about something and a

tentative solution to a research problem. It should be
testable, either by experiment or observation (Glen 2020).
For example, (a) a new medicine you think might work, and
(b) a way of teaching you think might be better.

• Hypothesis is a preconceived idea, assumed to be true,

and must be tested for its truth or falsity. To test the
hypothesis, inferential statistics are used.

• Hypothesis is used by the researchers to place a

temporary answer to their research questions aiming to fi nd
the diff erence between variables, a signifi cant relationship
between the variables, or interaction. Hypothesis has two
types namely: null hypothesis; and alternative hypothesis.
Types of Hypothesis

• Null hypothesis (Ho) is one that is always tested by the

researcher. It always indicates that there is no signifi cant
relationship or diff erence between the variables.

• Alternative hypothesis (Ha) indicates that there is a

true relationship or diff erence between the variables.

• Results will show that:

1. There is a meaningful relationship or diff erence

between two groups, thus reject the null hypothesis

2. The diff erence or relationship between the two groups

is not large enough to conclude that the groups are
diff erent or correlated, thus you fail to reject the null
Types of Hypothesis
Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a process in statistics by

testing an assumption regarding a population
parameter. It is the use of statistics to determine
the probability that a given hypothesis is true
(Majaski 2019). The goal of hypothesis testing is
whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis
that the researcher formulated in the study.

Inferential statistics requires that the sample be

drawn by random sampling because bias sampling
tends to give wrong inferences. Testing statistical
signifi cance is very important to determine if the
inference is valid.
Statistical Signifi cance

• Statistical Signifi cance refers to the

relationship of variables caused by something.

• Signifi cance means probably true (not due to


• Level of signifi cance means that there is a

chance that the fi nding is true.

• Statistical hypothesis testing is used to

determine whether the result of a data set is
statistically signifi cant.
Type I and Type II Errors

According to Prieto, Naval, and Carey (2017),

below are the types of errors that the
researcher could commit during hypothesis

• Type I error is committed when the researcher

rejected the null hypothesis when in fact it is

• Type II error is committed when the data

produce a result that fails to reject the null
hypothesis when in fact the null hypothesis is
false and needs to be rejected.
Steps in hypothesis testing

In illustrating the steps of hypothesis

testing, we are going to use the study of
Ballera et al. (2019) entitled “Enhancing
learning competency in Practical Research
2 through learners’ module” as an example.
In this study, the researchers had two
comparing groups (control and
experimental), and each group consisted of
less than 30 participants.
Steps in hypothesis testing

1. State the hypothesis.

• Null hypothesis (H0)

There is no signifi cant diff erence between

the posttest of the control group and the
experimental group.

• Alternative hypothesis (Ha)

There is a signifi cant diff erence between the

post-test of the control group and the
experimental group.
Steps in hypothesis testing

2. Choose the statistical test to be used.

The researchers used a T-test for

independent samples to statistically
analyze their data. T-test for independent
samples is the appropriate statistical
method to apply in the study since it aimed
to determine the signifi cant diff erence
between the means of two independent
Steps in hypothesis testing

3. State the level of signifi cance for the

statistical test.

Alpha (∝) is a symbol used to denote

signifi cance level. The most frequently used
level of signifi cance is .05, .01, and .001.

The researchers used the 5% or 0.05 level of

signifi cance in their study. It means that they
are 95% confi dent that the result of the
study from the sample refl ects the total
Steps in hypothesis testing

4. Do the computation using the chosen

statistical test.

There are a lot of statistical tools that the

researchers could use to save them from a
long and complicated computation for data
analysis. Some of these are SPSS
(Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences), Microsoft Excel, and some
available websites online that off er
computation for data analysis.
Steps in hypothesis testing

But if you wish to learn how to compute a t-test, then

you are referred to visit your Statistics and Probability

In our example, the researchers used SPSS in order to

compute the data they obtained from both groups of
their participants (posttest results).
Steps in hypothesis testing

5. Decide whether to reject or accept the null hypothesis.

For us to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis or not to

reject, we must understand fi rst the conditions set for our
chosen statistical method before making a decision.

Since the researcher used t-test for independent sample, the

condition set for this method is:

• Condition 1

If the computed p-value is less than the chosen level of

signifi cance, then reject the null hypothesis; or

• Condition 2

If the computed t-value is greater than the p-value, then reject

the null hypothesis.
Steps in hypothesis testing

In our example,

• Using the fi rst condition, the researchers computed p-

value of 0.001 is less than the level of signifi cance of
0.05, then the null hypothesis shall be rejected.

• Using the second condition, the researchers computed

t-value of 5.144 is greater than the p-value of 0.001,
then the null hypothesis shall be rejected.

Since the null hypothesis is rejected, then it means that

there is a signifi cant diff erence between the posttest of
both groups. It indicates that the learning module help
the students enhance their learning competency in
Practical Research 2.
Steps in hypothesis testing

Another example of hypothesis testing

Research Study:

The relationship of gender to the cookery performance

of Grade 12 Home Economics (HRS) students in Rizal
High School S.Y. 2019-2020

Step 1. State the Hypothesis

Ho: There is no signifi cant relationship between gender

and cookery performance of Grade 12 HRS students.
Steps in hypothesis testing

Step 4. Do the computation using the chosen statistical


Using the chi-square computation, the researchers come

up with the following value:

• Degree of freedom: 2 (computed by subtracting 1 to

the number of response categories.)

• Critical Value: 5.991 (from chi-square table of values)

• P-value: 0.95

• Computed Chi-square value (t-value): 1.07

Steps in hypothesis testing

S t e p 5 . D e c i d e wh e t he r t o re j e ct o r a cce p t t h e nu l l h yp o t he s i s .


• Condition 1

I f t he c o m p u t e d p -v a l u e i s l e s s t h a n t h e cho s e n l e ve l o f s i g n i fi c a n c e ,
t he n re j e c t t h e nu l l h yp o t he s i s ; o r

• Condition 2

I f t he c o m p u t e d t -va l ue i s g re a t e r t ha n t he co m p u t e d cr i t i c a l v a l u e ,
t he n re j e c t t h e nu l l h yp o t he s i s .

D e ci s i o n:

• U s i n g C o nd i t i o n 1 , t h e p -va l ue o f 0 . 9 5 i s g re a t e r t ha n t he l e v e l o f
s i g ni fi c a nc e o f 0 . 0 5 , t he n t he n ul l h yp o t he s i s i s a cce p t e d .

• O r u s i ng C o n d i t i o n 2 , t he co m p u t e d t -va l ue o f 5 . 9 9 1 i s l e s s t h a n
t he c r i t i c a l v a l u e , t h e n t h e nu l l hy p o t he s i s i s a cce p t e d .

Directions: Accomplish the following activities in your

research ½ cross-wise.

A. Answer the following questions based on the lesson


1. What is hypothesis testing?

2. Is hypothesis testing applicable to all kinds of

research? Briefl y explain your


3. Why do researchers need to test their research


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